1. Radial Gradient on the BG layer > Duplicated the layer then Transformed it down for a "Floor" effect
2. Added a Mask then painted to fade the duplicated layer into the BG layer
3. Opened the Paths panel > Clicked the New Path icon > Pen tool (set to shape as I assumed it should be because I tried it set to Path and down the line it didn't pan out) I drew the basic shape for my project (which is to be a camera)
4. Copied a Leather Texture from a different document and Pasted it on to the Same Layer (ie: I didn't create a NL)
5. Added an Adjustment layer > set the HSL's
6. Copied the basic (camera) path and placed it on top of the leather texture (layer)
7. Selected the Texture and the Adjustment layers > Ctrl+G > Layer > Vector Mask > Current Path
Below is where I am stuck
8. I am suppose to Duplicate the Path of the Camera ... but ... when I drag the Path down to the Create New Path Icon ... or attempt to Duplicate the Path by Any means and then perform the next step which is:
9. go to Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Color ... either the color will fill just the shape of the camera or it fills the entire layerwhen the camera does fill with a color I cannot get the next step to work which is:
10. Add a Rectangle Shape and Modify its shape > set the Rectangle to Subtract ... Well, the Rectangle is NOT Subtracting
I know this because the leather is not showing through the color So, all in all I suppose I am asking how I should Best go about DUPLICATING a PATH ... ??? I mean, do I ... need to copy the path into an other component? An other layer? Should I be using NL where I am not using NL's?
For some reason when using the path option in inventor studio for camera animation the camera rolls for no reason?? I have created two helical curve sketches around my product, the outer curve is the path for the camera and the inner curve is the path for the target. Both curves are the same height and have 1 revolution. When i play the camera it works out fine untill it hits 1/4 of the way through and suddenly flips 180 degrees so now the camera is upside down, once it hits 3/4 of the way it flips back again to the correct rotation. If i dont create an inner curve for the target and place the target directly in the centre of my product with no path to follow the camera spins all over the place when it follows the curve.
Is there any way in photoshop or with a 3rd party plug-in to duplicate an object on a layer along a path so that it conforms to the orientation and possibly deforms accordingly? I'm working on a fish scale texture that has scales of varying size that flow in different directions depending on the location on the body. As of right now I've crudely grid warped a tiling fish scale matte I made to define how I want the scales to flow. I'm using this as a guide as I individually place each scale.
I downloaded some camera profiles from the net, I placed the .dcp files in the right place and now I can use them, except for the following problem: TWO of these profiles having a (of course) different file name, share the same internal name ("Standard").I'd like to give credit to the original author and (say) rename it to "Standard made by XYZ". Is there a way to edit it? (Hex-editing the binary file is ok, but I'm not sure it will work... do profiles have an internal checksum?)
I down loaded a movie from a COOLPIX AW100 camera to PRO X4, it is a *.mov file, in AVC, MPG4, 29.97 frames/sec format.
When I ran it, it appeared to be jumpy, so I when went frame by frame, I noticed there were duplicate frames at the points were the hesitation occurred.
I have no problems with my FZ100 clips in H246/MPG4 .
A strange thing happens when I view it in WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER, it has NO duplicate frames, and appears smooth.
So, I use many of the same brushes. If I copy a path from a file that uses a certian brush to another file that uses the same brush, I get a duplicate of the brush in the brush panel.
I readily admit that I have another thread open where I mention this issue. However, that thread mainly addresses another issue. The problem that I address, here, is holding up progress on the other and I believe it to be unique enough to warrant an independent thread.Here's what is going on:
-I am attempting to have text travel along a path. -I am using the proper procedure to save the background frame as _000001. and duplicating way more frames than I am using path points. -I am using the proper procedure to create my text letters in a separate source image.xcf file. -My RGB settings match up. -I am activating the background layer in _00001. -I am using the proper move path procedures and operator settings. -My From and To frame assignments are less than the number of frames. -Whenever I Refresh, or OK, the move path function, I get a Move Path Message stating the selected path points are different than the number of frames and I either need to adjust the number of path points I am using, or change the number of frames.
I have spent hours researching this. The only two issues I see mentioned are to make sure that the RGB's match up and that I am using the background layer of the _00001 file.I see that there was a patch for this condition on early versions of Gimp/Gap. I wonder if it could be reoccurring.
I've attached a file with a camera and a path. The camera is a little jerky at around about frame 778. I have tried to make the path smooth but I have only a basic knowledge of Max.
I'm doing an animation with simple camera moves. One of them is a camera moving slightly around an object. I want to make a "look at" or similar, so that the object is always in center no mater where i move the camera. This works untill i connect the camera to a 3D path - then the aim follows the path - not the camera :-|
How can i animate a camera on a path and make the aim stick to a certain location in my scene?An extra question: How can i make an object move at a steady speed on a path no matter how i drew my path (hope this makes sense)?
I have problem with animating camera along a spline using path constraint. The spline has been spline normalized before added to the path constraint. Then I add besier floating to be able to slow down the camera.
The final camera seems to move not smoothly. This can notice especially when the camera are further away from the origin (0,0).
Some says it's because of Max's coordinates is not fine enough which can clearly proved when import autocad file which located very far from the origin into max and most vertex will be shifted from where it should be in Autocad.
I'm new to Maya 2011 and simply put, I need to know the basics of animating a camera around a scene, along a path, slowing down and speeding up, how to move the point of interest, that type of thing.
a few things involving cameras. My assignment was to use our plane that we modeled with poly's and animate it on a motion path(used cv curve tool) and have a camera above it follow it. Now I got that down perfect.
But what I don't have a clue on, is how do I attach a camera on the same motion path as the plane and have a camera angle right behind the spinning propeller? Like a cockpit view.
Can't open file from Nikon D7100 in Camera RAW Plug-In,i have Photoshop CS5 and plugin is upgraded.Format NEF from Nikon D 7100 is not in this plug-in photoshop.
I am using Photoshop Elements 11, using WIndows 7 Operating System. I have a new camera Canon Rebel T5i, and having problem viewing images in raw format (cr2).Message in PE11, states, "Camera model not supported by installed version of Camera raw."
Canon software views images. Suspect my minimum camera raw plug in version does not support this new camera..I am unable to locate in the software any menu item that allows me to view the camera raw plug in version.
Have no choices in the camera calibration tab inside camera raw plugin. Use CS3 and Raw 4.6. Are choices only available in later version or PS? Also in Raw preferences choice for camera serial number and also setting as defaults. Where to enter serial number etc.
my PSE11 was working fine until i bought a new camera and tried to upload photos from my RAW files. It gave me this message
"Could not complete your request because the file appears to be from a camera model which is not supported by the installed version of Camera Raw.Please visit the Camera Raw documentation for additional information."
so i tried to install the update.... installed it fine, kept getting the same message when i would try to open the photo. after researching online i found the suggestion of uninstalling and reinstalling photoshop elements. i did that once, tried the update again...same results. uninstalled again. tried the update again and still getting the same message. ive checked the adobe website and everywhere i look says the version of the camera raw DOES support my camera (nikon D7100).
After an, automatic, update to camera raw 7.3 in Photoshop Elements 11 all Camera Profiles are gone. All that is left is "Matrix". I use Elements 11, windows Vista on a 64-bit machine, my camera is a Nikon D7000.
When creating a work path on a new layer, the path is a grayish black color is there a way to create that path to be a different color, yellow for instance? Using CS6, I don't see it in preferences anywhere
I'm trying to stroke my work path with a brush I tailored myself. now, when I create a workpath from my text layer and switch to my top layer to try and choose 'stroke path' the option is shaded out.
I own a GoPro Hero 3 Black camera. I saw the Russell Brown demonstration of Camera RAW to correct lens distortion (
In this instruction, he takes images into Camera RAW and selects a tab called Profile, and it automatically detected the camera from metadata and made corrections.
I was sold, subscribed to Adobe Cloud, downloaded Photoshop and started following his tutorial. When I got to the lens correction part, my Camera RAW has no Profiles tab. Brown does say that you need the latest version, but I have assumed that since I just subscribed and downloaded, that I have that.
I'm trying about 8 hours to convert a Photoshop shape in to a working path in order to put a brush border around it. I don't understand why the "stroke path with brush" is grayed out and not usable directly on the shape path itself.
"Load path from selection" is not an option because it deforms my path.
I want to be able to transpose the perspective of the existing image to my new 3D prism shape.Why can't I create a path.. and then drag nodes on that path.. and warp the pixels at the same time???
It shouldn't apply to just 3d.. because I should be able to draw a rigid path around anything and warp / stretch the image from those points.
Having made a (ex circular) closed path within a (ex square) path, I want to turn this into a selection in which the inner circle is omitted from the selection. But when choosing "Make Selection", only the first option,"New Selection" is available, the other three are grey (Add to, Subtract from and Intersect).
I'm wasting time having to place my image in Illustrator then manually line up the clipping path. You used to be able to save a file with a clipping path as an EPS in photoshop, select "retain vector data", place in illustrator and hit cmd Y to see the clipping path. I need the image and the clipping path in Illustrator and the image is too complex to create a mask in Illustrator. I tried to save it as an EPS but "retain vector data" is grayed out.
I don't know how to phrase it correctly but the 3d camera tracker inside of After Effects will only apply key frames to the null object. This causes the footage to rotate around itself.
I shoot photos with a Nikon D2X and my wife uses a Nikon D70. If I open a D70 raw file, and then go to camera calibration, the profiles available are for various standard profiles and D2X profiles. The D70 profiles do not show in the drop down list. All of the profiles have been downloaded, from Adobe, and installed.
If I open a D2X raw file, the standard and D2X profiles are shown in the dropdown box.
Have I missed something in the installation? Do the profiles have to be loaded somehow?
I'm an amateur moving up to LR 3 and have been trying to learn this program by reading the LR3 book by Scott Kelby. He shows that the Camera Calibration feature has some settings for specific cameras yet the drop down menu has none listed. I've upgraded to 3.6 and the images were copied from raw to DNG.
I am relatively new to Lightroom. I have imported Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ200 raw (.RW2) files into Lightroom 5.3. When I go into the Develop module under the Camera Calibration the only profile that shows up is Adobe Standard. My camera is supported according to the Adobe web site.