Photoshop :: How To Duplicate A Layer Into A Pattern?

Jun 15, 2006

to duplicate 1 little circle into a ring of circles easily?

i dont want the old fashion duplicate one by one and adjust. is there anyway to do it?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Duplicate Picture Layer And Then Add Layer Mask

Dec 28, 2012

I am using PSE 11 and need a hint as to how to duplicate the picture layer and then add a layer mask. Still trying to figure this thing out. 

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Photoshop :: Duplicate Layer In CC?

Jul 3, 2013

What happened with duplicate layer in Photoshop CC? In Photoshop CS6 was:

- if select a number of any raster or shape layers and press Cmd-J - those layers are copied and placed on top on layer palette. In history added "Duplicate Layer". It's perfect.
In Photoshop CC is:

- if select a number of any raster  layers and press Cmd-J - those layers are copied and placed on top on layer palette. In history added "Duplicate Layer". It's perfect. BUT!

- if select a number of any shape  layers and press Cmd-J - those layers are COMBINED INTO ONE and placed on top on layer palette as ONE layer. In history added "Shape Layer via Copy". It's bad.
I don't want to get one combined shape layer. I still want to get that number of shape layer copies. Why it combines? Is there any settings to turn this combine off?

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Photoshop :: How Do I Duplicate Something Into The Same Layer That It Is In?

May 21, 2004

1) How do I duplicate something into the same layer that it is in? Everytime I try to duplicate or copy and paste, a new layer is made for it.

2) How do I merge layers?

3) Is there some sort of outlining tool? Kind of like the ink bottle in Macromedia Flash?

4) Is there a configuration control for Wacom tablets built into Photoshop?

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Photoshop :: Duplicate Layer Mystery?

Apr 13, 2012

When I duplicate a layer, sometimes the layer will automatically duplicate as a copy within the same document, and sometimes it will open the dialog box that allows duplicating to another document.

It seems to happen randomly, on both iMacs I use, as far back as I can remember (using CS4 now).

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Photoshop :: Bug - When Duplicate Shape Layer?

Aug 21, 2013

I've brought this up before and didn't get an answer but now that my project is hundreds of layers big and using 12 layer comps, this is becoming increasingly annoying and affecting my project flow:
When will the issue be resolved where when you duplicate a shape layer that has previously had specific anchor points selected (but that none are currently selected since the entire layer is selected in the layers pallete and I am using the move tool, not direct select tool), it duplicates only the previously selected points.
It's a huge waste of precious time to have to:duplicate a layer. realize that only a portion of the layer got duplicated.delete that new layer select the original layer choose the direct select tool click on shape to show the anchor pointshit escape so all points are deselected then try again

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Photoshop :: CS5 - Dialog Comes Up For Duplicate Layer

Oct 27, 2012

I've been working with Mac CS5 since it came out. And Mac Photo Shop in general since the early 90's. That said. This just started today right in the middle of a project:
Normally I hold down my Option Key and drag a layer down to the New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers pane. Now I get a dialog popping up asking me if to give the duplicate a name (if it's multiple layers), or to ask if the default name is OK.
This wasn't happening earlier in the day. Why has this all of a sudden started happening? How can I turn the pop-up off? I've tried resetting the prefs with Cmd-Opt-Shift on reopening PS5.
Yes, I know I can do this with Cmd-J, but I've doing the Opt-Drag methods for many years, and that's now how I'm used to working. Running i Mac with 8 GB RAM, OSX 10.8.2. RAM usage set to 70% default. Photo Shop CS5 10.0.4 x32.

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Photoshop :: Alternative To Duplicate Layer?

Sep 14, 2012

When using floating windows for images it is very straightforward to copy content from one image to the other.With docked windows in cs6 there's of course the duplicate layer-feature but there's certainly also a drag and drop method. But how to get this to work? I tried dragging Layers and Ctrl-tabbed, I dragged the Layers onto the tab of another image and tried so by holding all sorts of modifier-key.combinations.No avail. So what was the correct way to copy from one image to another by using Drag and Drop?

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Photoshop :: CS5 / Dialog Comes Up For Duplicate Layer?

Oct 27, 2012

I've been working with CS5 since it came out.This just started today right in the middle of a project:

I hold down my Option Key and drag a layer down to the New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers pane.I then get a dialog popping up asking me if to give the duplicate a name (if it's multiple layers), or to ask if the default name is OK.

This wasn't happening earlier in the day.Why has this all of a sudden started happening?

How can I turn the pop-up off?

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Photoshop :: Duplicate Layer Many Times

Dec 17, 2004

way to make more than one copy of a layer at a time? You can right-click on a layer and duplicate it once, but often I'd like to make several copies on different layers.

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Photoshop :: How To Make Duplicate Layer Go Below...

May 4, 2009

a way to duplicate a layer behind a layer, rahter than in front of a layer?  Maybe through an action script?  I have tried a few times without luck. ...basically, I do a lot of architectural photo composites.  When I am placing trees, I often duplicate layers, and scale, and tint to fill in area.  But when I duplicate the layer allways goes in front, rather than behind.  Since I can only scale down to keep my resolution crisp, I then have to manually drag that layer down the list, so it is behind the layer that was duplicated.

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Photoshop :: Duplicate A Layer To Another Open Document?

Jan 16, 2012

I am trying to duplicate a layer to another open document.

The problem is that it is not visible at all at the new document once the duplication procedure is complete.
Although the layers panel depicts the duplicated layer plus the usual backg. layer, in the document/canvas itself i do not see the layer which by the way is an icon.

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Photoshop :: CC Crashes Every Time Duplicate A Layer

Aug 19, 2013

Whether I drag the layer to duplicate it or right click to duplicate a layer, Photoshop CC crashes. It's very disruptive and I lose a lot work each time it crashes.

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Paint.NET :: Drop Shadow - Add New / Duplicate Layer

Jul 15, 2012

drop shadow plug-in?I know how to create drop shadow effects without the plug-in, but I'm trying to use the plug-in and am having no success.

1. I open 3.5.10 and click the NEW button, then click OK in the New dialog box.

2. I create some plain text. I am using Arial 26 font and solid black color. The Layers window has one layer named Background.

3. I open up the Drop Shadow plug-in and just mess around with it, but nothing happens.

I have a feeling I'm missing a step in between steps 2 and 3. Do I need to duplicate the layer, or add a new layer? If I do, what do I have to do once the second layer is created?

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Illustrator :: Duplicate Type Layer With Transparency?

Dec 26, 2012

I'm looking to create (for lack of a better term) partial duplicate layers of text, offset from the main layer with transparency in between.
A common effect in vintage typography, as seen here:
I imagine it will take some customization of the paths, particularly in the case of how the word "Seattle" appears here.  But I basically need to figure out the best way to duplicate the layer and keep only the parts of it I want to keep as an accent "shadow"

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Paint.NET :: Create Duplicate Layer Of Image To Darken

Nov 18, 2011

An image of a tree with fine branches in winter against a sky I want to darken. My goal is to create a duplicate layer of the image to darken but where the tree is transparent so I can put the darkened layer on top of the orignal image with an undarkened tree. Before my computer crashed, I used a plugin for this called, I thought, Alpha Mask. In this example, by selecting a spot on the tree I could make either everything the color of the tree or everything not disappear into transparency. But I can't seem to find the plugin now. I did look at the index of plugins and found some listings under Alpha, but none are described as the tool I need here (best I can tell).

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Photoshop :: Layer With Different Transparency Pattern?

Oct 5, 2012

I'm working with Photoshop CS6 Extended and in the last two days have started to have problems with some files.One of the main layers gets a strange pattern over the top of it and at closer inspection relised that the pattern was infact transparent, allowing you to see through to the background layer.
This is my current set up:

Processor  2 x 2.4 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon

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Photoshop :: Centering A Pattern In Layer Effects CS5

Jun 4, 2012

is there a way to center a pattern sample in Photoshop in layer effects? If I scale the pattern it doesn't seem to allow me to center it, it just grows it left to write and as a top to bottom expansion.
Same issue with making a selection and filling it with a pattern. The only way to get a single copy of the pattern is to use EDIT/FILL, then crop it via selection. But I want to get a single sample of the pattern block via a layer effect fill.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Extended - Pull White Background From Pattern For Layer

Aug 1, 2012

I have a simple clothing pattern I want to make a 3d Texture from which I can do however what I would like to do is make a layer out of the white background around the template with the marked pattern areas as transparent so after I paint the main template clothing ares, I can place the white background with transparent areas back in as a layer to cover where I paint or fill over the marked template area. Is this possible, if so, how?
I am working in CS5 Extended.

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Photoshop :: Move A Pattern Layer Independent Of Its Vector Mask?

Oct 17, 2013

I've created a pattern fill layer and assigned a vector mask to it. How do I move the pattern around without affecting the mask? I realize if I want to rotate the pattern I'd need to convert it to a smart object, but if I only need to adjust the pattern location there must be some way to do that without moving the vector mask along with it. A traditional layer shows the vector and raster mask layer with a lock icon, but fill pattern layers are different for some reason.

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Place A Swatch Pattern On A Layer

Jan 1, 2014

I recently created a script that reads the layer names of an Illustrator file, and uses the name to identify a swatch to use to pattern all elements on that specified layer. The script works well, and is a real time saver for our mapping staff, but it requires duplicate swatches to exist, where the only difference is their colour.

To improve the script I want to duplicate a swatch and modify its' colour before applying it to a specific layer. I think the only way this can be done is via the "placedItems" command. So the code I'm trying to write looks likke this:
for(var s=0; s<slib.length; s++){                                // search swatch library
    var pat=slib[s].name;                                             // get swatch name

However I'm struggling to find the correct syntax to make this work.

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Photoshop :: Pattern Stamp Is Not Loading Correct Pattern In CS6

Sep 3, 2013

The pattern stamp is not loading the correct pattern in Photoshop CS6.  Although it shows the correct image when I go to Edit - Define Pattern, once I start painting I see that is not correct.I tried resetting my preferences.

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Photoshop :: Use Pattern Maker To Create A Tiled Pattern

Sep 18, 2012

I have a pretty basic knowledge of Photoshop and I am trying to change fabrics on curtains I have managed to do this but now I am trying to use pattern maker to create a tiled pattern with a fabric so it repeats correctly I have worked out how to start this off but every time I generate a pattern and tile it it becomes distorted I have tried increasing the sample detail but this just seems to distort it more.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Find Pattern Overlay / Pattern Of Holes For Metal Floor?

May 25, 2012

where could i find a pattern overlay/pattern of holes for a metal floor.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Circular Pattern Of Single Occurrence Of Rectangular Pattern

Mar 27, 2012

How can I make a circular pattern of a single occurence of a rectangular pattern?

A shaft has a rectangular pattern of holes (along its axis) on its surface. I want to pattern the 4th occurence of this hole pattern as a circular pattern? Can I do it in Autodesk. I can not select the a specific occurance of a patterned feature to pattern it again.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Circular Pattern / Rectangular Pattern Features

Jul 25, 2012

As you see in the template photo (the photo was scanned by Microsoft Security Essentials, healthy) I wanted to extrude my circle, and I made 28 pieces with circular pattern feature; now, do I have to choose all the pieces by one by to be able to choose all?

The sum of the problem: while using the Circular Pattern feature or rectangular pattern feature in Inventor, sometimes I want to extrude (join) or cut the drawings that I made (augmented) with using circular pattern feature, rectangular pattern feature. in this case do I have to choose all the augmented members one by one (for instance I make 42 augmented members), it can take a lot of time.?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Use Feature Pattern Select While Creating Pattern

Jun 29, 2013

How is it possible to use "Feature Pattern Select'' to make the Pattern a want in an assembly?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create A Pattern Off A Feature In Another Pattern / 2013

May 31, 2013

Is it possible to take a feature created by a pattern and reuse it to create another pattern?  I have a circular part on which I have created a linear pattern (using the rectangular pattern feature) of holes, 6 in total listed as 3 ccurrences.  if we number the holes 1-6, I would like to make a circular pattern based off holes 2 and 5.  I have been unable to figure out how to select the individual "occurrence" related to the hole once in the pattern feature.  If I create the circular pattern first and then the linear and try to suppress the others it supresses both holes in the occurrence.

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Illustrator :: Create Seamless Pattern Bigger Than 9x9 With New Pattern Tool In AI6?

May 26, 2012

I played with the feature a bit and understand how to create the patterns. Problem is when I go to fill in my 12x12 space there are seams. I have chosen different sizes in the pattern window but all show up with seams when I fill the larger space. Am I doing something wrong or is the largest size you can create with this tool seamlessly only 9x9?

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Photoshop :: How To Add New Pattern To Preexisting Pattern Set

Jun 12, 2013

Well, the title pretty much says it all... if you have a pattern set that you've already created, how do you continue to add new patterns to it while keeping those already there? I'm going to end up with a few gazillion of them because I do texture maps in Poser. So I HAVE to be able to keep adding new patterns to the Plaid Set, the Polka Dot Set, the Purple Monkey set... But I can't find this info anywhere.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Pattern Component - Associated Feature Pattern

Jul 31, 2012

I am creating an assembly with my base part being a weldment. I've added other components that mount to my base part. Now I need to add fasteners to the mating components. I have added my first fastener and now want to pattern the said fastener using the "Pattern Component" and by using the "Feature Pattern Select" option and selecting "Associated Feature Pattern". At this point I have already selected the component that I want to pattern and selected the "Associated Feature Pattern" to select my base pattern. The only problem is that I am unable to select the pattern desired.

A note on how my Weldment was constructed -The holes were created in the "machining" step of the weldment, not in the individual part before it was placed in the weldment assembly.

If I move the hole feature and its pattern to the individual part and then place it in the weldment assembly, I can then create an "Associated Feature Pattern" in my assembly file.Why can I NOT create the associated pattern when my hole features are created in the weldment assembly? Or am I missing something?

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