So... what I want to do is give every player a yellow-red shirt. What I did with the palyer on the right: I just re-brushed the red and yellow on a new layer above the shirt and set the layer-style on "color" and the opacity around 80%. So far so good...
Then I wanted to do the same for the other players... But I just can't get it right. Ofcourse the problem is that the greyscale-values behind the color-layer are different every time.
I'm trying to print colour to my epsom inkjet but for some reason Illustrator keeps converting my colour image to greyscale.
Now I've been using Illustrator for years and this is a new problem I've not come across before. Is there something I can do to stop it doing it - maybe there's a setting that has accidentally switched on that converts all to greyscale.
If not then I suppose I'll have to revert to "turning it on and off again"!
I had edited an image in a layer. It is a full color image. When I dragged & droped it into a totally different photo, suddenly it appeared in greyscale. The original image in its original layer is still full color. This has never happened to me before.
Sometimes when I have an object selected and I go to select a fill color for it, the object turns a corresponding shade of grey, even though I'm selecting a color from the color picker.
Other objects on the artboard have color, so it doesn't seem to be a global setting....
I am having trouble colorizing a greyscale image. I actually did manage to do it earlier but can't remember how I did it. See attached the greyscale original image and the colorized pink image that I had created earlier. I tried inverting and colorizing but I can't seem to find the right setting. I also tried to create a pink layer and change the blend mode to color.
Is there a way to export a document @ a different resolution than 72DPI? I know I can set the horizontal/vertical scale to save it at a larger dimension at 72DPI, but I need the file to be actual size and 300DPI.
This is part of a larger process, and I'd prefer to do the entire process from Illustrator, and not have to open the files in Photoshop to change the size/resolution.
Also, is it possible to change the color mode to CMYK or Greyscale for the exported Jpeg?
I would like to design the table from the image. I am having some problems giving thickness to the snail shell. I extruded it (wasn't that pleased with the result but... it was better than nothing) and tried to smooth it. The result was a horror because there were to many edges and maya took them as a height difference.
My question is: 1. How can i make the thickness better, without all the holes? (can i create edges between vertices) 2. How can i smooth the poly without making it look like a shell covered inside with spikes.
I want to select a specific color from within the image, and change all similar colors within that image to a different color. In other words, after using the Color Picker Tool to select a color from the image, I want to take the selected color (and everything in the image that is equal to or similar in color), and change them all to a different color.
I tried using the Path's Tool to create an outline in the image, and changing colors that way, but it changes all the other colors in the selection I don't want to change. I just want to change all colors in the image/selection that are equal to or similar to the selected color. How do I do this?
For some reason when I hover over all of the icons of the various tools, it does not give me a description of what they are. How can I turn this on/activate it?
I am converting a photoshop doc to greyscale and saving it as an eps. when I place that eps into illustrator and try to print separation the eps is coming out in 4 color instead of just black. if I save that same file as a tiff and place it in illustrator it prints in just black. if someone else in my office opens the eps in photoshop and saves it again then it will print in only black. is there a setting somewhere in photoshop that i am missing that will fix this and allow me to save the greyscale eps correctly.
I have several greyscale masks that I've downloaded. The only way I know to get the greyscale mask into a photoshop document is a method I found on
1. Open mask, select all, copy
2. Activate Photoshop document, Q for quick mask mode, paste from step 1, Q to exit quick mask mode, then click the layer mask mode icon in the layers palette.
This works fine, but is there ANY other way to get a save greyscale mask into a Photoshop document?
I convert a color jpg to Greyscale in Photoshop CS2 and it looks great on the monitor. Yet when I print it I get a lot of green tinting. I am using Windows XP service pack 2 and an Epson Photo Stylus 260 printer.
Adobe Inspiration Browser is giving me a download error, no matter how many times i click on try again. the update instructions had me remove the program via the control panel so now i no longer have this on my system. i had no issues removing and reinstalling adobe air (thinking this may have cause an issue) but the Adobe Inspiration Browser still gave the same download error whether adobe air was installed already or not.
Every time I convert an image/psd/tif to greyscale inside photoshop or in ACR my levels sliders and curves are inverted such that whites are on the left and blacks are on the right and everything is upside down (raising the curve on the black side lowers the blacks, lowering curve on white side raises the whites etc). This never happened to me before but happens every time now, I'm not sure what button I've hit to make photoshop do this.
I have got a picture of beautiful woman. And? How to make a part of picture in greyscale? For exemple - arm. I selected this part and clicked on greyscale. And? The whole picture is in greyscale. Wh? I tried make a quickmask but the greyscale mode is not active.
Newbie question but couldn't seem to find the answer using the search fxn.
With the pic below, I want to have a greyscale background but have a colourful blue colour for the bunch of grapes. I am able to create the greyscale background by using:
Image > Mode > Greyscale
but I don't know how to add realistic colour to the grapes. The colour I add seem to look cartoon-like.
I am working with 16bit (Tiff) greyscale Heightmaps, images that displace geometry to create terrains.When I want to adjust the images I do it in one of several applications that return the Heightmaps with an altogether different range of levels (value of blacks and whites). However I have no way of matching the levels of the updated image to the original except to eyeball it using Levels. This is time consuming and hard to get right.
I tried changing the images to RGB and color matching them, which is kind of what I want to do, but it leaves me with stepping (similar to an 8bit image) because the range it is trying to match is so subtle I think. how to better use Levels to perfectly match (greyscale) images?
All other controls work fine until i use the grey scale tool. All other options/controls become inactive including close and minimize. I have to use ctrl+alt+delete to exit.
The main reason I use grey scale is to be able to use the arbitrary rotation tool. Is there away to use arbitrary without using grey scale?