Illustrator :: Greyscale Even Though Color Is Selected?
Jun 30, 2012
Sometimes when I have an object selected and I go to select a fill color for it, the object turns a corresponding shade of grey, even though I'm selecting a color from the color picker.
Other objects on the artboard have color, so it doesn't seem to be a global setting....
I'm trying to print colour to my epsom inkjet but for some reason Illustrator keeps converting my colour image to greyscale.
Now I've been using Illustrator for years and this is a new problem I've not come across before. Is there something I can do to stop it doing it - maybe there's a setting that has accidentally switched on that converts all to greyscale.
If not then I suppose I'll have to revert to "turning it on and off again"!
Is there a way to export a document @ a different resolution than 72DPI? I know I can set the horizontal/vertical scale to save it at a larger dimension at 72DPI, but I need the file to be actual size and 300DPI.
This is part of a larger process, and I'd prefer to do the entire process from Illustrator, and not have to open the files in Photoshop to change the size/resolution.
Also, is it possible to change the color mode to CMYK or Greyscale for the exported Jpeg?
So... what I want to do is give every player a yellow-red shirt. What I did with the palyer on the right: I just re-brushed the red and yellow on a new layer above the shirt and set the layer-style on "color" and the opacity around 80%. So far so good...
Then I wanted to do the same for the other players... But I just can't get it right. Ofcourse the problem is that the greyscale-values behind the color-layer are different every time.
I am currently working on a project which requires me to run a script several times, probably over 200 times. Ive been racking my brain serveral times over and cannot figure out how to have the selected layer be renamed by its color information. Ive also tried to maybe build a new layer command into the current action I am using, but i keep having a dialog box pop up which interrupts the rest of the action.
Also, is there a way to automate an action according to a swatch. Meaning if I select a swatch can i have it perform the action and then move on to the next swatch in the list, or until the swatch list has been completed.
When using the gradient mesh tool or paintbrush in Illustrator - the technique is not reflected ACCURATELY on the screen. For example when painting with a red brush - the screen shows a different color. Sometimes a different magnification will resolve the issue other times it will not.
Running MAC OS6 10.7.5 This is currently happening in Illustrator CS6 Illustrator 5.5 is also on the machine too.
When I run the script for an object selection, I want each object to have its color set to the underlying color as if I had used the eyedropper tool. Is this something that can be scripted?
I create gradients all the time and i'm wondering if there's a quick way to create a gradient based on the current selected object's fill color. For example: I have selected a box with a fill color of BLUE. I go to the gradient panel and see that what the gradient will be if I click on it (that is usally based on a default gradient WHITE to BLACK, or it comes from the most recent gradiented object I touched). So I click on it and the gradient is activated with the stops being not BLUE. What i want is... if i select a box with a BLUE fill and click on gradient - it will create a gradient with both stops being the same BLUE as the fill color. This would be very convenient because instead of clicking on each stop, shift-eyedropping the the blue color from a duplicated box, it would instantly start with the blue-blue gradient for me to tweak (in the case below for a button i would make the higher stop lighter and lower stop darker).
It's somewhat useful to select an object with a gradient to "copy" that gradient, select a new object, click on the gradient panel and have this new object take on that exact gradient. But most of the time i'm not copying gradients but i'm creating new ones, and it makes more sense for me to create a gradient derived from the fill color.
When I select the Document Library option when making a color image trace, the colors shift in the image but do not match the selected color group. I've tried multiple color groups, and the colors always change, but never match the selected swatches.
I'm trying to create a script in CS5 mac os10.6.8 that will change the fill color of selected pathItems. I need a simple script that will change a selected pathItem to cmyk values 2,3,15,0. I will then select this script and implement the action in a batch of 600 files.
I wish this process could be recorded as an action but when I record the action "add new swatch" I have to manually input the cmyk values, which will take forever for a batch of over 600 files.
Is there a way to apply a color to selected objects without having to search for the color in the color palette. So say if I am working with an image that has multiple colors but want to use only one of the colors in that image, is there a way to apply it without having to create or add it to the palette.
I own a textile screen printing business. Sometimes I vectorise photos or images into greyscale. This gives nice halftone images, once I output to my printer through my RIP, (I use Accurip). This allows us to reproduce some great images with 1 ink colour. The great thing is that we can output the greyscale image, then use any ink colour we choose on the printing press to actually print the image. If we output greyscale, we can use scarlet ink to give us all shades of scarlets and pinks if we print onto a white shirt, for example. No problem there.
However, greyscale is essentially based on a black ink, with variable transparency. When I want to do a mockup for the customer of what the image would look like with a different base/ink colour other than black, (and the variable opacities of black that form the swatch pallette), I'd like to show the image using the actual base pantone spot colour we will use. That way, the customer can see how the variences in ink transparency will look on any shirt base colour that we choose to put in a layer behind the image. Right now, we can only show what it looks like if we choose black ink.
So..... once I have a vector in greyscale, how can I recolourise all the various opacities (of black), to various opacities of...say, Red?
If I try any kind of overlay or hue / saturation changes in photoshop, the base black colour is still present, and doesn't accurately represent what would print on a white shirt.
Is it possible to set the grayslide color picking slider to go to full black? The reason I would like to do this is because:
1. The slider (or another workflow) should offer a fast way to select a grayscale color.
2. In CS6 there is no other fast way to select an arbitrary grayscale color. The other other way to select an arbitrary desaturated color is to create a color swatch by selecting it through the Photoshop-style color picking dialog accessible by double clicking the color display in the Tools window.
3. It is not possible to slide across a selection of gray scale values in the RGB color picker in the Color Window. Which would be preferable in general as this would unify and retain the workflow of selecting an arbitrary grayscale value within the RGB selection of the Color Window.
I'm trying to apply an along stroke gradient to a stroke made with an artistic watercolor brush that comes with the program. Whenever I try to do this the gradient comes out greyscale. In the gradient window it will show as the colors I've chosen (ex. white -> orange), but when I draw the stroke it comes out greyscale regardless. If I draw the stroke with a different brush, like a regular round brush, it works perfectly fine. It seems to be doing this with all "artistic" brushes.
Is there a link there between artistic brushes and greyscale? Am I just doing something very wrong?
I'm running the trail version, does it have something to do with that?
I have a complex vector object, containing of forms of all kinds and what not. They have two colours: black and red. To use this logo in a background area, I need to make it all grey. Everything which is black or red shall then be light grey or so. But the appearance panel can't do a single thing. It just says "this is a group, I can't handle that". So I ungrouped the entire object, then there were other sub-groups. I could go on ungrouping everything forever, but that can't be the solution. When I just click on a colour in that colour panel instead, it sets the outline colour of every single element. It hasn't always done that, there were times when it would set the fill colour of all elements. But there's no switch to tell it what exactly to set. Should I way until an even or odd day so that it would set the fill colour again?
Any Illustrator equivalent to Photoshop’s Displacement Map?
I need to be able to horizontally displace an area of vertical stripes using a specific greyscale displacement map. It’s fairly simple in Photoshop but I would much prefer vector output.
O.k., I could do it in Photoshop and then vectorize the result with Live Trace, but is there a less roundabout method?
For family history purposes, wish to improve the legibility of some hand written 1930 telegrams; the ink has faded with time so I want to change its colour to black. The form printing has not faded.
The user guide draws attention to the fact that the color selected for replacement must be in the image. Using the Dropper tool with sample size 1 pixel I position the dropper where I want it, see the color in the preview window, then right-click and the selected color appears in the background window on the Materials panel. So far, so good. I then place the Dropper tool over black in the swatch on the Materials panel, click and black appears in the Foreground window of the Materials panel. I think I'm set.
When I select the Color Replacer tool the background window immediately reverts to another color, usually white.Incidentally, the user guide suggests you read up on selecting colors with the Dropper; when you do this you learn that its OK to pick colors from the Materials panel.
I have try Coreldraw X6 64bit in Windows 7, After use Color Harmony, I have a question about it, How to change color for selected object only, because color harmony change all color in object even it in different page ?
Love the CS5's 3d painting features but I'm running into a really frustrating issue:
When I select a value from the 3d object and try to paint with that value, it's showing up as a different value altogether (the image hopefully illustrates this much better than words).
Not sure if it's got something to do the the lights setup or something else.
How do I select all the text and change the same letters to a selected color at once, I know how to change the color for a letter one by one, but it is too tedious.
I have been looking for a command to define a shortcut for the spot color to the selected element. But i could not figure out. How to covert the selected element into spot color here in x6.
how to change the colour of the selected layer in the layers pallete? It's quite annoying the way it is (Dull grey/blue) and sometimes hard to see what layer's selected?
I am used to "Option" clicking on a color, while using the Brush tool, to set the foreground color. In CS6, it is updating the background color instead, even though the "Info" panel clearly says "Click to choose new foreground color" when I hold down the Option key. What setting am I missing?
The foreground color is the active color in the color swatches.Manually selecting the Eyedropper tool and option-clicking, updates the foreground color. Simply clicking, updates the background color.
1. Take a screenshot of something in your web browser (macintosh CMD+SHIFT+4) to the clipboard. 2. Select File > New from the menu. Clipboard should be the selected Preset. 3. Notice how in CS6 the color profile under "Advanced" is "Display" and NOT "sRGB" — in CS5 it is sRGB. 4. Paste from the clipboard into your new document and get the color profile mis-match warning if you are in CS6.
It is either not picking the color space of the clipboard properly like it will in CS5, or I am missing something somewhere.
Nothing I do in an attempt to fix this is working. I have sRGB set as my default profile in color settings, and nothing I do changes this setting for the "Clipboard" preset.
I am getting sick of forgetting to manually select "sRGB" every time, opening up a new document sized to my clipboard and then getting the color profile mismatch warning when I paste in the clipboard contents!
I take so many screenshots as I develop websites this is a CONSTANT problem as I am constantly creating new documents from the clipboard to check alignments, zoom in to get color samples, and many other reasons.