Photoshop :: Embeded Colour Profile

Apr 18, 2008

I import a lot of digital images from a Pentax ist-ds, K10d, and a Kodak coolscan. They all have different colour profiles that are not in agreement with my cs3 colour profile so when I import, I have to answer a question for every pic..this is there anyway i can import a colour profile into cs3 (like noise ninja) or just have cs3 import the accept the profile that is in the image automatically ?

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Photoshop Elements :: Print And Preview With Colour Profile In 11?

Nov 7, 2012

How can I print & preview with a colour profile in Photoshop Elemnets 11?
Only showing print in " File "

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Photoshop :: Automatically Convert Images To RGB Colour Profile When Opened In CS6?

Dec 2, 2012

I have just moved over to Photoshop CS6 from Elements 10. One thing I can't work out how to do is to have PS automatically convert opened files to RGB, exactly like PSE does.

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GIMP :: What Colour Profile Does Use By Default

Jun 28, 2013

My printer company is insisting that I convert my image to a CMYK profile.

After a bit of googeling it seems that a good generic CMYK profile might be ISOcoated_v2_300_eci.icc

And I found a utility to to do the conversion (URL]. However this utility wants to know what the source colour profile is. So, what does the GIMP use? I.e. if I create a new .XCF and paste in some images and do a bit of painting etc, and then save it as a .JPG, what profile will it be in?

Is the answer none? But I still need something for this utility. Or is it sRGB? There seems to be several variations.

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GIMP :: ICC Convert To Colour Profile Impossible

Nov 23, 2012

I can't find a way to import an .icc into my GIMP work.

I want to do this so that the pictures on my computer monitor match as closely as possible to the prints from my local (high-end) print shop. My screen is Spyder calibrated.

I'm trying;

Image >>> Mode >>> Convert To Colour Profile >>> (and then from the pop-up box) >>> Convert to ... (and then from the pop-up box) >>> Select Colour Profile From Disk

... and then I select the new .icc (provided to customers on the print shop's website) from a Downloads folder on my local drive.

That all sounds right doesn't it?

It stubbornly remains on sRGB.icc

I've also tried the process in;

Edit >>> Preferences >>> Colour Management

Same result - ignores the selection of a new .icc and remains stuck on sRGB.icc.

I'm desperately trying to colour correct for printing today.

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Illustrator :: Change Colour Profile Of Embedded Objects?

Mar 7, 2013

One of my Illustrator CS6 documents was intially created some time ago without paying much attention to colour management issues. I am now trying to put that right and have assigned the document a profile of Adobe RGB (i998). However, each time I open it I am warned that 'The document has an embedded color profile that does not match the current RGB working space'. It also says that the embedded profile is sRGB, while my working space is Adobe RGB. I get this message three times and am assuming that it refers to embedded objects.
Do I have to reimport all items that may have a colour profile, having first ensured that they are tagged as AdobeRGB?

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Lightroom :: How To View Files Embedded Colour Profile

Mar 12, 2012

I retouch all my images in photoshop from lightroom so they appear next to the raw file in lightroom when I come back.  Depending on where the images will be printed they can have a different embedded profiles.  without having to include the profile used in the naming of the file my question is:
Is there a way of viewing the file's embedded profile from within lightroom without having to re-open in photoshop to see?

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Lightroom :: Which ICC Colour Profile Should Use With Epson PX720WD Printer

Jan 29, 2014

how to print A3 size borderless portriat using Epson R1500W. I've got this printer 2 days ago and still can not figure aout how to do it. I've got few mm  blank in either side of lenght wise.

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Lightroom :: Convert Colour Profile Of Custom Printing Package From Pro Photo To SRGB Before Printing

Oct 30, 2012

How do I convert the colour profile of a Lightroom custom printing package from Adobe Prophoto to sRGB before printing? For that matter, how do I save the thing? I have no interest in saving the template, or the collection separately, since neither has any use without the other. And without saving them as one finished item, I have no way to convert the colour profile of that item. I can see clearly from the appearance of the print preview that the above mentioned colour profile conversion is required.

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Photoshop Elements :: Why Won't Colour Swatches Created Stay In Colour Swatch Palette

Jun 18, 2013

Whenever I create a new colour in the colour swatches it only stays there for a couple of actions while working on a project.  I understand from others that once they create a colour it stays there.  Why can't I get that to happen?

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Photoshop :: Replace Colour Tool Not Allowing Multiple Colour Replacement

May 21, 2013

I am using CS6 and the Replace Colour Tool no longer allows me to replace multiple colours when I select the + . So when I have the panel open and I highlight the +, I used to then be able to click on several spots in my image and all of the colours that are in those spots are added to the selected colours that will be changed by using the sliders.
But now, when I use the + it has exactly the same effect as not using it - I can only choose one colour or an other, I can't add.....I want to reset this to the original way that this works.
Currently I have to open the panel, change one variation of a colour, save it, then re-open the panel and do it again (and again and again) until all the colour variations I am trying to remove are are changed.  I know I also have the 'fuzziness' slider, but it does not give enough control.

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Photoshop :: 3 Colour T-Shirt Design From Full Colour Image?

Aug 19, 2013

I am designing a T Shirt for my ski club.I have taken an image from a banner (made in illustrator, full colour image attached) and I want to devide into a 3 colour image for the t shirt (I am only allowed 3 colours for printing).The colours I want to use are black, white and purple. The colour of the t shirt is a light blue.I want to then put the purple logo on top of the white and black too.So I'm after a black and white grunge background with a punchy purple logo on the top.All of this should be on a tranparent or, for design purposes, light bue (same as T Shirt colour) background.
how to split a full colour image into using only 3 (4 including transparent/light blue background) exact colours.
If I were going to black and white I might convert to grey scale and then paint areas to fully white or fully black using an overlay brush I don't think this works for me for more than just black and white though.
I have attached two of my attempts where I used the colour range selection and level adjustments. Niether was really successful though (one does not use the right colours or number of colours but looks quite cool).

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Photoshop :: Colour Code For Background Colour On Particular Web Address?

Aug 10, 2013

I will like to find out the colour code for the background colour on a particular web address. Unfortunately I am new here so not allowed to post links so will say this as creatively as possible. the address is theregentlagos (with the usual prefix beginning with w and suffix beginning with c for all websites). I am referring to the colour where the menu items like logo, home, brands etc are on.

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Photoshop :: Converting Full Colour Image To 2-colour?

Feb 25, 2004

I've been asked to convert an image to 2 colour for printing. I have the image as a full colour CMYK layout (with layers), but the whole thing needs to be converted to 2 colour. I have the pantone reference numbers for the 2 colours it is to be converted to. I am familiar with the hue/saturation tool, but this just seems to convert it to one colour, and you have no fine control over the exact colour you want.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Colour Negatives - Removing Orange Base Colour Of Film?

Dec 19, 2011

I have copied some colour negatives using my digital camera. What is the best procedure for removing the orange base colour of the film prior to converting them to positives?

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Illustrator :: How To See Object Selected Change Colour Dynamically As Adjust Colour Sliders

Aug 11, 2013

How do I see the object selected change colour dynamically as I adjust the colour sliders?
It seems the object only changes colour when I release the slider.  But I want to see it dynamically change, so I can find the colour that works best without "hit or miss" - "trial and error" behaviour.
Yes... I'm aware some of you spend hours in colour programs creating a palette to work with.  Good for you.
I'm just wanting to do it LIVE.  Dynamically.  In 2013.  In Illustrator.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Replacing Colour Of Faces With Another Colour In One Hit (Parasolid File)

Aug 17, 2012

I'm just started using inventor 2013 (from 2010) & the way colours/materials are applied has completely changed so I'm learning again from scratch.

Here's my issue: A customer has sent a casting to me in Parasolid format. When I open it, all the unmachined surface are blue & look a bit garish. However, the colours of the machined faces are ok & I wish to keep them.

So, I want to chage all the surfaces that are blue - I can use the picker & select all the blue faces seperately (by holding CTRL down & select each face one be one) but this is a pain & takes ages (there are over 200 faces)

I can see & edit the blue color in the manager but how do I tell Inventor to replace all - can it be done?

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Paint.NET :: Colour Tint Tool - Specific Colour Scheme For Image?

Jul 16, 2013

I use EdHarvey's colour tint tool and it changes colour of the whole image, I'm looking for something similar but it only changes selected colour, so that the image is left with mutiple colour scheme rather than just one, any addon that can do this?
From this example, you can see the figure on the right is in a brownish colour scheme, what tool can I use in order to make it's colour scheme blue like the figure on the left?

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Illustrator :: (gradient Tool) Double-clicked Colour Stop But Colour Swatch Doesn't Come Out

Jun 11, 2012

[gradient tool] I double-clicked the colour stop , but the colour swatch doesn't come outI hv tried a couple of times in CS 5 and also CS 6.

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Photoshop :: Adobe Colour Management Print Defaults Assigning RGB To B&W Pages And Incurring Colour Print Charges

May 23, 2013

Adobe Colour Management Print defaults seems to be assigning RGB meta to B&W pages and incurring Colour Print charges for B&W prints.I can manually change the print colour management to Printer managed on a per print basis instead of the default adobe colour managed which "cures" the issue but I do not seem to be able to save that setting as the default.

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GIMP :: Transform Similar Colour In Specific Colour?

Jan 28, 2012

Any method to transform all the pixel of a colour similar to X(in RGB values) to X ?

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GIMP :: Apply Colour Filter To Transform One Colour To Another

Jun 24, 2011

I am working on a website that has existing template images. One of these in particular has a predominate blue background colour, specifically #0a2a35 (195 81 21 [HSV], 10 42 53 [RGB], 81 21 0 79 [CMYK]). I want to transform this colour to an orange colour, #be5d27 (21 79 75 [HSV], 190 93 39 [RGB], 0 51 79 25 [CMYK]). At the same time, I want to change the lighter and darker blue accent colours of the image to become variations of the orange colour.

I have tried several things already, and one method that almost worked for me was using the "Colorize" tool to match the HSV values of the blue colour to orange colour. It almost works except the RGB values don't quite match up.

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Illustrator :: Copy Fill Colour To Stroke Colour?

Jul 28, 2012

copy specific fill colour so that it can be filled in as stroke colour in other compound path. I attached 2 screen shots as below. I want to copy the blue olour to replace he red stroke.colour.

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Lightroom :: How To Convert Colour Negative To Colour Positive

Sep 12, 2013

I have photographed some colour negatives in RAW. Any outline of a process as to how to convert these to positives using Lightroom v5.  I have tried and failed!

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Photoshop :: Use Protanopia (Color Blind) Profile As Regular Profile That Can Be Converted?

Sep 30, 2013

I've been trying to reproduce this color blind conditionfor a long time now and I still didn't figure out how I can do this. I've searched for cluts but didn't find any, only this, which has some previews of them, but no any files I can load into Photoshop's Color Lookup adjustment. I've looked into Pixel Bender plugin, but I'm using CC so that doesn't work either... I've also tried it with the Index Color mode, but that really messes up my image as it has a really low color range (256). I've even tried reproducing the same effect with adjustments, channels, etc, but didn't figure it out.
Since there's a way to perfectly color proof images with this condition, I'm guessing this has to be some kind of ICC profile or something similar. Is there a way I can use it as a color profile?

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Photoshop :: How To Add Custom Working Space Profile To Profile List In CS6

Jan 28, 2013

How do you add a custom working space profile to the profile list in CS6.

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Photoshop :: C2 Profile Slipping Through Profile Mismatch Warning?

Jan 16, 2013

this file is tagged "c2" -- it doesn't trigger a profile mismatch warning -- why my working RGB is sRGB

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Photoshop :: Combine ICC Profile With Correction Curve Into New ICC Profile

Dec 21, 2012

For a monthly magazine on uncoated paper, our workflow is as follows:

- convert every photo to uncoated cmyk (PSO Uncoated) + apply some corrections to look nice in this profile
- apply a fixed correction curve to the photo's
- (resize images + apply proper sharpening for print)
- export pdf: convert colors to destination, preserve numbers
The correction curve step is critical. Without it, everything is printed much too dark.Unfortunately our printer can't provide us with a correct profile for the paper that is used. That's why the correction curve in photoshop is needed.The profile + the correction curve give a good, predictable result.
However i don't like the workflow with the correction curve, because only photoshop links can be corrected.We would also like to put a digital version of the magazine online, so i have to replace all links if i won't to have them displayed correctly.
Can i somehow combine the icc profile with the correction curve into a new icc profile?I did some research and found about "Custom CMYK" in photoshop (see screenshot), but i think an existing profile (PSO Uncoated) can't be edited or replicated in this dialog box.

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GIMP :: Colour To Alpha Colour Picker

Jul 26, 2013

Windows 7 and Gimp 2.8.2 in single window mode.

I am trying to to use Colour to Alpha by picking a specific colour from an image. But I can't get the colour picker to work.

The image has an alpha channel.

I choose Colour to Alpha, then click on the From swatch. The Colour to Alpha Colour Picker window appears. I click on the eyedropper. But when I move the eyedropper over the image, the cursor changes to the previous tool that was used. For example, if I used the zoom tool, the eyedropper changes to zoom as the cursor leaves the Colour to Alpha Colour Picker window, and zoom becomes active.

How do I pick a colour from the image?

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Illustrator :: Select A Colour From Colour Wheel

Jun 4, 2013

I would like to be able to select a colour like you can in photoshop. The swatches are very limited. I would like to select it from the colour 'wheel', where you can move up and down the slider to select the value and then move over the circle to select your colour? Or where can I find a huge swatch of colours?

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Photoshop :: Assign Profile And Convert To Profile...

Aug 28, 2008

Assign Profile and Convert to Profile does not shows in Edit menu for PS CS3. How do I get those options displayed on the Edit Tab?

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