Photoshop Elements :: Changing Original Date Of Image On Loading File To Editor?
May 28, 2013
There seem to be a problem with PSE10 and PSE11 on my computer when loading image files digitized on my film scanner. When loaded into the editor the image file immediate takes today’s date and time, and thus changes place on the timeline. However, sometimes the original image file date remains intact, for no obvious reason. I find this very frustrating.
My setup is an HP computer running Windows7 Ultimate 64 bit, with i7 processor and 12GB memory. My film scanner is a Minolta Dimage Elite II working with a Windows XP-based computer, and data are transferred using memory stick.
It might be mentioned that I have made tests with a fixed set of image files on several computers running WindowsXP 32 bit, and several versions of PSE , including PSE10, without seeing this problem.
I am using PSE 11 on a MacBook Pro, OS X (10.3). I have a lot of old pictures to edit, and they are in date order, which is how I want them.
However, when I edit a picture and save it, it moves it to the bottom, with today's date instead of the original date. I have them set to save with the original as a version set.
Is there any way to retain the orignal dates, short of having to go in and reset the date on every picture after I save it? I really want them to be in date order under their original dates.
BTW, I used earlier versions that were Windows-based, and this didn't happen. When I saved them, the version sets stayed where they were.
After installing Adobe Photoshop Elements 11, I imported all my photos from my files on my computer. Many of the photos were upside down and needed to be rotated. When I rotated them, they were moved to the current date (when edited). How can I keep them in their original sequence (date)?
When I installed Adobe Photoshop Elements 11, I imported all my photes from files and folders. Many of the photos were upsided down. When I rotated them, they moved to the curent date. How can I keep them in the original dated sequence?
I am using PSE10 and I have just upgraded from lion to mountain lion 10.8.2. Previously when I clicked "write keyword tag and properties info to photo" it seemed to just do that. Since the upgrade to mountain lion when I click 'write keyword tag and properties info to photo" it also changes the date the photo was created to the date the info was written to the photo .
How I can get it to write the keyword info *without* changing the date the photo was created?
How do I get my thumbnails in Media to show the file name of each photo and also the date taken? Right clicking on the thumbnail reflects that the "show file info" box is checked. I have Elements 11 (was using Elements 6) and the operating system in Windows 7 and the photos are in jpeg format.
PSE 11 Organizer does not show the correct dates for video files (MJPEG) taken using my still camera. As you can see from the following image, the files have a date for "media created" (this is the date the video was taken) , "date created" and "date modified". Obviously I want the files sorted by the "media created" date. Windows Live Photo gallery does this perfectly. However, PSE 11 Organizer doesn't seem to see the "media created" date and just goes by the "date created" / "date modified" date which is no good.
I have included both a text and a date as part of the photo caption on each of my photos. When I have attempted to search for a specific date or year, however, nothing comes up. For example, if I search for my photo on "Fido 1985", I can find Fido, but if I simply enter "1985", I get nothing.
I've got some 500 photos in a folder which were imported on two different dates. I've created a new album on the right hand side under "Organize" and just the photos I want are in there. When I look at the folder on the right, all the pictures are there. But I can't call up just that folder; instead what I get on my screen is all 2500 photos in all my photo albums! Not what I want! What I want to get is all the photos in the order in which they were taken on the actual day as all 500 photos were taken at the same day. And I want to be able to view just the 500 photos in that folder by the time those pictures were taken. But, when I imported the second batch of photos it showed the date the file was created rather than the date the photo was taken so, basically, I've got one batch of photos showing the date they were taken (which I downloaded via a link a few days later), and one showing the date they were copied!
I recently set up Elements 12. Prior to this I used elements 11. In that catalog I have more photos that I don't want. So I decided to export the ones I want then import into PSE 12. As I do this many of the dates on the pictures change from the date taken to the current date. I have tried several different ways and can't stop the dates changing. I am putting them into mobile albums in PSE 12 if that makes a difference.
how the whole connection between everybody with Smart Objects is supposed to work... Is this a Photoshop thing, a Bridge thing, or a Lightroom thing?I have a RAW image in Lightrom... I make adjustments. I open it in Photoshop as a Smart Object. Add layers, fiddle, do normal Photoshop stuff. Then I realize I goofed on the original RAW in Lightroom and had sharpened it BEFORE I went into Photoshop.
So, I open the RAW back up from Photoshop, which of course, opens in Bridge, NOT Lightroom, and fix the sharpening. Then back to Photoshop where I finish fiddling and save the .psd file.EXCEPT, as near as I can tell, I now have a RAW file in Lightroom that doesn't know changes have been made.
And, since I haven't written the metadata to the RAW file on disk, I have a file in Lightroom that doesn't match what's on disk, a .psd file that doesn't match the RAW file that's in Lightroom,and changes made in Bridge that don't seem to be anywhere...
How do I make sure the RAW file in Lightroom stays up-to-date with what's being used as the starting image in Photoshop? And how do I get Lightroom updated with whatever changes got made in Bridge?
Previous versions of PSE have displayed the date/time info for each image in the organiser. PSE 11 doesn't do this. Where I can change settings so that it does - this info is very usefu to me.
I'm trying to create my own set of Patterns in a .pat file.It doesn't work as the instructions say.But with an immense amount of effort, going about it in a roundabout way to get past security nonsense and locked files that weren't locked, I managed to create a .pat file with my Patterns in the proper folder. I couldn't do this directly. Instead I added my Patterns to an existing .pat file with the idea of later deleting those that aren't mine and restoring the original .pat file to its original state.However, I can't load my .pat file or any other .pat file. That is, the Load function doesn't work, so I can't have my own Patterns in a .pat file that I can access.I've tried to load the ,.pat file using the Preset Manager, using Layer > New Fill Layer > Pattern, and using the Paint Bucket tool, but the selected .pat file doesn't get added to the list of .pat files that can be used. What is the Magic Word to get a .pat file to Load?
I have taken some photos today but in the file information the date is shown as '2012' but it should be '2014'. Is there a way to ensure the correct current date is entered automatically?
Any solution to the endless pinwheel in 11 Editor (updates installed)? I load a previously created PSD file, move a few layers around and the endless pinwheel appears. Have to Force Quit.
If I select Edit Content on a Smart Object layer, and then select Duplicate Layer, will that put two copies of the original image in the file?
I used the Place command to bring high resolution images into a canvas of a much lower resolution. I've already spent a lot of time scaling and positioning the images on the canvas. But it turns out, I would now like to do certain editing on the original pixels of the images because of their greater resolution. Of course, that defeats the purpose of Smart Objects for non-destructive editing.
But there's no reason I can't keep two copies of an original image in a file, and destructively edit only one copy, right?
All of a sudden I notice that when I open a file in Autocad Architecture, it shows the file creation date and not the actual last save date. Only thing I can think of is I reinstalled 3dsmax Design and I wonder if that changed something. I attached a screenshot for reference.
Building Suite Premium Win 7, ultimate i7 1.86ghz, 4meg ram ATI 5730
I have recently bought a Canon 650D and I am now unable to load CR2 Raw files in to Elements 10 for editing-it is coming up with a message "Cannot open ....... CR2 because it is the wrong type of file. I have not had this problem before.
I seem to have a big (and very weird) problem with dates in Lightroom. This relates - for the moment at least - to images dating back ten years, to when I had my first digital camera, a Nikon D100.
My belief is that the photo in question, one of many, was taken at around 2pm on the afternoon of 17th April 2004. Note the following from the image (EXIF data):
- The "date/time original" shows 17/04/2002 13:58:48 - The "date/time digitized" shows 17/04/2004 23:15:29 - The "date/time" shows 17/04/2004 23:24:17
The same image in Windows explorer (see second image) shows: > Date 17/04/2004 23:15 > Date Taken 17/04/2004 23:15 > Date Imported 17/04/2004 22:24
Given the subject matter of the image, it is 100% certain this image was in fact taken in April 2004.
How can it be, then, that the "original" shows a date two years earlier? Why would Lightroom use this field (the ONLY one showing 2002 when every other shows 2004)? And why does Explorer correctly show the date but Lightroom does not - surely if anything one might expect the opposite?
This is urgently needed to be resolved as I am making a photo book for my wife's 40th and, as it turns out, I am putting all the photos in all the wrong years!
I've been using LR3 for a year or so and have an imported folder with over 7000 images in it all from 2009. The set was originally created in Elements organsier 8.0 probably in 2009?
I have noticed that somewhere along the line 658 of them have had the original capture time overwritten to a single point in time 15th Nov.
They are all JPEG (before I had a RAW camera) and the changes are embedded in the jpg.
This folder has been processed with a few tags and some editing and filtered out rejects.
I would like to get the original time stamp back as the images do not flow with the other 2000+ from the same couple of months.
I do have copies of the originals with correct time stamps - but no tags etc as they were created at time of import.
I have tried copying one of the originals from backup and overwriting the 'wrong date' file using windows and then importing the metadata from file and this rectifies the date - but loses keywords etc
If I use LR to import from back up - firstly it does not see the backup as a duplicate - despite file name being the same - I guess date throws it?? so I end up with duplicates - one on each date ; correct + incorrect
My question is: Is there a way to re-read the original time metadata back into the file/catalog and retain the keyword tags (like a selective merge)?
It would be great to have a solution rather than manually having to identify the incorrect files and copying, Or doing a mass read of original metadata and losing any keywords.
I am editing .CR2 files using camera raw, and when I save the edited version as a .tiff, my changes are being applied to my original .CR2 as well. I am losing the original .CR2 files.
When transforming I am unable to increase size from original .image is stretched outside box but parts of image is outwith original size and is unseen.
I have downloaded PE 12 & for some reason its Editor is not saving any changes I made despite ticking all relevant save boxes. It behaves very strangely - it does save 1 photo & then it stops saving . I was thinking it might be an interference with a previous PE11 versio - so I have deleted it from my PC - but it did not work. As a result it is useless for me - as I can process photos in my editor but as it does not save any changes