Lightroom :: Date Time Original Has Been Overwritten?
Jan 26, 2012
I've been using LR3 for a year or so and have an imported folder with over 7000 images in it all from 2009. The set was originally created in Elements organsier 8.0 probably in 2009?
I have noticed that somewhere along the line 658 of them have had the original capture time overwritten to a single point in time 15th Nov.
They are all JPEG (before I had a RAW camera) and the changes are embedded in the jpg.
This folder has been processed with a few tags and some editing and filtered out rejects.
I would like to get the original time stamp back as the images do not flow with the other 2000+ from the same couple of months.
I do have copies of the originals with correct time stamps - but no tags etc as they were created at time of import.
I have tried copying one of the originals from backup and overwriting the 'wrong date' file using windows and then importing the metadata from file and this rectifies the date - but loses keywords etc
If I use LR to import from back up - firstly it does not see the backup as a duplicate - despite file name being the same - I guess date throws it?? so I end up with duplicates - one on each date ; correct + incorrect
My question is: Is there a way to re-read the original time metadata back into the file/catalog and retain the keyword tags (like a selective merge)?
It would be great to have a solution rather than manually having to identify the incorrect files and copying, Or doing a mass read of original metadata and losing any keywords.
I am updating capture time based on GPS Time (a bit OCD, I know) but when I change Capture Time the Date Time Digitized value does not change. This in in LR 4.3 and is not affected by whether on not the Catalog is set to 'Write date or time changes into proprietary raw files'.
I seem to have a big (and very weird) problem with dates in Lightroom. This relates - for the moment at least - to images dating back ten years, to when I had my first digital camera, a Nikon D100.
My belief is that the photo in question, one of many, was taken at around 2pm on the afternoon of 17th April 2004. Note the following from the image (EXIF data):
- The "date/time original" shows 17/04/2002 13:58:48 - The "date/time digitized" shows 17/04/2004 23:15:29 - The "date/time" shows 17/04/2004 23:24:17
The same image in Windows explorer (see second image) shows: > Date 17/04/2004 23:15 > Date Taken 17/04/2004 23:15 > Date Imported 17/04/2004 22:24
Given the subject matter of the image, it is 100% certain this image was in fact taken in April 2004.
How can it be, then, that the "original" shows a date two years earlier? Why would Lightroom use this field (the ONLY one showing 2002 when every other shows 2004)? And why does Explorer correctly show the date but Lightroom does not - surely if anything one might expect the opposite?
This is urgently needed to be resolved as I am making a photo book for my wife's 40th and, as it turns out, I am putting all the photos in all the wrong years!
When i import photos (using data data cable) into lightroom (4.1) from my Nikon D7000 (with latest firmware), the capture date/time appears in lightroom +3 hours as compare to original shot.
I usually organize photos date-wise in light room, so pic taken on 26-Jun @ 10pm will be shown under 27-Jun (with time 1am) in light room.
Computer date/time is +3 and accurate (OS: Win 7). Nikon D7000 also configured as +3 and date/time is accurate.
- I am in Kuwait which is +3 - When i do the transfer by taking out memory card from camera and inserting it into the camera, it works as expected and i get the exact date/time in lightroom.
Upon uploading the pictures into the Lightroom 'library' none of them appeared to have the date stamp that they did in camera. After a few minutes, the date stamp for each started to appear. Seeing that they first loaded without the date stamp leads me to believe that I should be able to remove it easily. How can I do this without the hassle of cloning/cropping/editing. Is there a way to remove it from the metadata perhaps?
I have shots from a trip done with two different cameras, however the time stamps are different by one day and one hour. I would like to globally change the creation date and time on one of the cameras in the Metadata, or perhaps change one and sync with the others.
I converted my catalog from PSE7 to the latest version of Lightroom and it appears that many bad things happened with the dates that I had set on my pictures in PSE7. In some cases, I can see that the Date Time Original and Date Created fields have transferred over but in most cases I cannot see anything other than the original date that I created the picture or brought it into PSE. Since many of my pictures were scans of 100+ years old pictures, I've now lost some important information that I added by using the Adjust Date and Time feature in PSE7. Is there any way to recover this?
I'm using Lightroom 5.2RC. My camera is Sony RX100M2.
Everything was working fine until a few hours ago. Then I noticed that a few shots I took late this evening were being imported into yesterday's folder. So I carefully checked what was going on, and noticed that LR import was seeing an incorrect date and time for the file! For example, below you see the date/time it sees for the first image -- that date/time is wrong.
: LR sees the wrong date/time whether I try to import from camera, from SD card in card slot, or WiFi.
Windows Explorer reads the correct date/time of the files, as does the camera, Playmemories etc. Only Lightroom is seeing a wrong date/time. I even uninstalled LR and reinstalled it, and it's still seeing the wrong date/time in import. I have also formatted my card and took new photos, but same behavior.
I have a file on my computer that contains photos from two cameras that took photos over the same three week timespan. I have sorted them by date and time. When I import the file the photos from one camera show first followed by the photos from the other camera. How can I import or resort in LR3 to have photos in date/time sequence?
I do not have ANY page options checked in the print module and yet it continues to print a date/time stamp in the margins of my photo. I want to display this photo in a clip frame so there is no mat and I chose 8.5x11 so I wouldn't have to do any cutting. I don't mind the white border.
How can I get rid of this extremely annoying feature?
When I import photos and video using lightroom, I rename all my files based on date and time using a YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS format. For example:
This works perfectly for photos. That is, the (LR renamed) filename reflects the time the photos was taken (I suppose this is the "capture time"). However, the video time is totally wrong. For example, a video taken at 7PM gets renamed to something corresponding to 1AM.
I notice the following:
- Date/time based renaming of this particular iPhone 4S video works properly in other applications (e.g. Dropbox and PhotoMechanic)
- The resultant filename in LR4 appears to correlate to "Date Time Digitized", which in my case does not reflect when the video was actually taken (I'm not sure if it should or not, I'm only saying that it does not).
Is this expected behavior from LR4?
The behavior I'm seeing means that I have to use yet another application (e.g. PhotoMechanic or other) on the front-end of my workflow (before LR) in order to ensure video files are named "correctly". This is obviously not the desired solution, I'd prefer to do the renaming inside LR at the time of import since it provides a function for precisely this purpose.
LR 4.6 shows wrong Date (1988-02-07) and time after importing. Explorer shows the exact date and time of craeting the file. File type is MOV, camera Leica M (240).
I must have done this when I was trying to do some other keyboard shortcut and got the wrong one - and now I can't figure out how to get rid of it. But a few weeks ago, I did something and now the file name, date/time and image size appear in white text over the top-left of any photo I have in the Develop or Library screens:
So you can see "_MG_0955.CR2" and the other details in the clouds there. How to get rid of that? I can't find anything in any of the menus. I'm on Lightroom 4.3 for Mac OSX Mountain Lion.
I have a number of older pictures in my library that don't have Capture Date in the metadata. Windows Explorer Propoerties typically shows info like this, for these files:
Created: Tues, Mar 11, 2009 <time> Modified: Wed, June 12, 2002 <time> Accessed: Thu, Sept, 13, 2006 < time>
In my experience, PSE assumes the "Modified" date as capture date with files like this. (A good assumption, for these pics Im looking at now.)
From what I can tell, LR also uses the "modified" date when sorting these pictures' thumbnails. And when I do Metadata > Edit Capture Date, it shows the Modified date as the Original (all good so far).
BUT, in Grid View of the Library module, I have View Options set to show capture date in the Bottom Labal, and here it shows the "Created" date. (So it like 2009 pictures are getting placed next to 2002 pics, in what's supposed to be a chronoligical sort.)
I wish to create DNG files for my existing Lightroom catalogue, but also wishe to retain the original camera RAW images. If this can be done, how I go about it as I seem only to be able to find an option for conversion to DNG only.
I have a problem where LR4 on import seems to rewrite the xmp-files, and in that process data is lost, notably GPS-data, is lost.
My workflow:
Create xmp-file with Exiftool from CR2-files (sets copyright etc) Geocode with Geosetter Color labels with Photo Mechanic Import to LR4
After import geo data is gone for around 30% of the files. It seems like files that have received a color label by PM is not affected, and many files without color label are correctly imported.I never loose any data before importing to LR4.
I use a Canon 7D, Exiftool and Geosetter are updated to latest versions, LR version is 4.3. I couldn't find how to attach files, but how the xmp looks before and after LR4 import, I could copy-paste the code in an answer.
I am using PSE 11 on a MacBook Pro, OS X (10.3). I have a lot of old pictures to edit, and they are in date order, which is how I want them.
However, when I edit a picture and save it, it moves it to the bottom, with today's date instead of the original date. I have them set to save with the original as a version set.
Is there any way to retain the orignal dates, short of having to go in and reset the date on every picture after I save it? I really want them to be in date order under their original dates.
BTW, I used earlier versions that were Windows-based, and this didn't happen. When I saved them, the version sets stayed where they were.
After installing Adobe Photoshop Elements 11, I imported all my photos from my files on my computer. Many of the photos were upside down and needed to be rotated. When I rotated them, they were moved to the current date (when edited). How can I keep them in their original sequence (date)?
When I installed Adobe Photoshop Elements 11, I imported all my photes from files and folders. Many of the photos were upsided down. When I rotated them, they moved to the curent date. How can I keep them in the original dated sequence?
Has it become a possible option to automatically grab the Date-of-shoot (instead of the DAYToday) when renaming files (that should show shooting- date) in LR5?
we have on company drawing title block the date created field. . . . but when the file is being transfered and "save" it shows the present day of saving. . . is there any lisp that when used, it will show the original date its created. .?
I've replaced Windows 8 and then when I enter my Autodesk360 I encounter the following warning.I changed the date and time, but this warning is displayed.
There seem to be a problem with PSE10 and PSE11 on my computer when loading image files digitized on my film scanner. When loaded into the editor the image file immediate takes today’s date and time, and thus changes place on the timeline. However, sometimes the original image file date remains intact, for no obvious reason. I find this very frustrating.
My setup is an HP computer running Windows7 Ultimate 64 bit, with i7 processor and 12GB memory. My film scanner is a Minolta Dimage Elite II working with a Windows XP-based computer, and data are transferred using memory stick.
It might be mentioned that I have made tests with a fixed set of image files on several computers running WindowsXP 32 bit, and several versions of PSE , including PSE10, without seeing this problem.
I print most of my photos as 4x6 snapshots and keep them in folders for easy viewing. I'd like to be able to print the date in the lower, right corner similar to a photo that's been taken with a camera with a date back. I know this is sacreligious to some, but it's very convenient to have the date where it's readily visible.
In the drawing title block I would like to place a text reading the print, date and time. This should reflect the current system date and time. I would have this done on the template file so that all new drawings will have this feature builtin.
Is there a property that i can have the text to link to?
Is there any third party program for this?
C1C1 Inventor Professional 2013 Vault Collaboration 2013
Dim AcadApp As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.AcadApplication Dim acaddoc As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.AcadDocument AcadApp = GetObject(, "Autocad.Application") acaddoc = AcadApp.ActiveDocument Dim DD As Double DD = acaddoc.GetVariable("tdcreate")
I have done one job with new camcorder and the time and date stamp is on the video. I have looked all through the manual and I cannot find out how to turn off the time and date stamp. Do I turn off at camcorder or with Premiere Pro? I don't want it on my videos.