Photoshop Elements :: Resizing Organizer Viewing Space?
May 28, 2013
I have been using Photoshop Elements since around 4. I just started using Elements 11 and have somehow made my organizer so large I can't see the whole photo on my screen. How can I get back to the usual look?
I am using Photoshop Elements 9. I have filled up my available space for photos and can't upload any more. I have copied some albums to USBs and CDs, but can't work out how to remove them from my Organizer.
I have PSE 10 on my MAC. I normally download my photos onto iPhoto (and a while ago, onto Bridge CS3 which came with an earlier version of PSE) but more recently have become interested in using the PSE Organizer for my photo library. I have started to transfer/copy the photos from iPhoto but, having read various topics on organizing photos, am a little worried that by having the photos in 2/3 places on the MAC I will use much more hard-disk space. I know that the original files for iPhoto are in the 'Library' so that I just see thumbnails on iPhoto ( I may be wrong here?), but will the photos I now have on Organizer be working off those same 'Library' originals or am I doubling up on the space required to store these photos?
After reading many webpages and watching many tutorial videos about which color space to use, I get odd results. I understand that sRGB is more for web applications, and that Adobe RGB 1998 has a wider gamut, and that ProPhoto has the widest gamut of colors, particularly useful with printing.
However, in LR 4, when I export to jpeg as sRGB, Adobe RGB, and ProPhoto, the differences are very noticeable. sRGB looks the most vibrant, Adobe RGB looks flat, and ProPhoto looks dark with a greenish cast. I expected ProPhoto to look best, or is that only for printing, and I have to process differently?
How do I transfer the entire organizer of Elements 9 to the empty organizer in Elements 12? By the way, Elements 9 is so defective, it will not even let me back up my organizer in 9. The 9 organizer would let me select a photo, bring it into the editor, print it and then it would crash... then I had to start all over again... the darn thing crashes as it was prone to problems that adobe ignored. Is it better to just re-load all the photos from a fresh folder that is on my desktop? There are 5,000 !
I'm using PE9. Every time I go to the Organizer (even after switching to another program briefly) the Update box appears, searching Watched Folders for new pics. It always finds them, frequently the same, imports them and then tells me they're already in the Organizer. During this process, which may last 5-15 minutes, I can't use the program.
I've attached an image of my problem for reference. I've had this problem in other versions of CAD so it's likely a user error that I'm not clear on how to fix.
I have several dimensions which I'm trying to place on my drawing through VPMAX in my viewport, but the text keeps showing up upside down. When I manually tell it to rotate 90 degrees, the text remains upside-down but the landing becomes vertical. When I rotate 180 degrees, the text becomes vertical which isn't really useful. Rotating 270 degrees almost solves my problem, but the landing is once again vertical.
If it matters, the UCS coordinates have been rotated 90 degrees for ease of viewing in paper space.
I've just scanned many hundreds of photos into several files, but I see no rhyme or reason to the order in which Photoshop displays them. Is there some way for me to rearrange the order of the photos in the Organizer space, without first assembling a slide show?
I downloaded a 90 page Owners Manual to PSE 9. How do I go from one page to the next without having to close PSE 9 and re-open it to view a different page?
I want to be able to look at all the thumbnails of images in a folder which in itself contains several sub-folders, rather than having to go into each subfolder to view the images. Elements 11.
how do display the filename UNDER each thumbnail in the Elements 12 Organizer and NOT just on the right side of the screen? I see the date and rating under each thumbnail, but not the filename.
In trying to get to grips with the Color management aspects of PSE11, I have encountered the following problems: Having selected "Display" a sequence of clicks (Change display settings -> Advanced settings -> Colour Management -> Colour Management tab -> Colour Management) gives a screen which includes the headings:Device Profile and Viewing Conditions Profile.
1. Device Profile. Besides sRGB and ARGB, the profile list includes the profiles for all of the Epson papers.I changed the Profile to an Epson Grayscale, this was accepted within the menu, but there are no changes from normal when I viewed the image on the Windows screen or within PSE11. ("normal" is sRGB or ARGB). I thought it worth a try to test that, if I wanted the display image to closely represent what I would get on a particular Epson paper, this may be a way to do it.So what is the purpose of all of the paper Profiles appearing in the Display listing?
2. The Viewing Conditions Profile has also several options. I have tried to find the criteria for choosing one rather than the other, but failed to find any information. I seek general guidance rather than the details of the Profiles.
Selecting Image on the PSE11 menu across the top of the displayed image, and then Convert Colour Profile, I tried this process on an image, converting tiff to sRGB. When saved there was an extra asterisk in the saved title but in this case, the file was still labelled tiff and there was no change in the number of Mbs. If a conversion has taken place, how is one to know? Does saving a tiff file as jpeg change its colour profile? When is it useful to use this feature?
Adobe Photo shop elements is not user friendly. It is in fact the most difficult programme I have ever used.
I finally managed to watermark my files they have been saved but when I want to view them on my laptop in the normal windows view the thumbnail just shows the photo shop elements logo and I have to double click each file separately and they open in the edit programme. I want to open them and flick through my edited pictures without having to enter adobe photo shop elements and without having to open each one individually.
I'm working on a plan that contains an xref with some elements that are not visible in paper space at my chosen scale. The xref is an annotated structural grid. It is entirely visible in model space, but in paper space only the grid is visible, annotations such as dimensions and section cut indicators are not. Strangely, or maybe not, when I change the scale in paper space, these elements appear.
Other presentation tabs exist, created by other people, that use a different scale and those presentations properly display. The annotations are blocks in the xref document, and I wonder if those blocks could somehow be set to only display at a certain scale. I don't see any such options in the block editor. Although, I have added to this document, I did not create it, nor the xref or the blocks.
I recently started having problems with jpeg photos edited on either Elements 10 or 11. I save to a USB port and then insert into frame for viewing but i get a ? error. However, when i open the photos on the USB i can see them fine.
how to convert photo to 650 X 650 pixels AND no more than 250 KB. Am submitting photos of paintings for an exhibition and need the quality to be there.
I am attempting to resize a photo for the web. Our web site designer has told us that the photos must be 960x297 pixels prior to upload. Each time I "resize" the photo's they appear "stretched out" and out of proportion.
Have been using an old version of Photoshop but am now using Photoshop Elements 8 and I need to 'resize' images so I can save them for website but can't seem to do so. The old system was so easy - you just clicked 'resize image' and altered the pixel width or height and it just did it!
how to crop or resize a 4x6 photo so that the entire photo can be viewed thru the opening of a hallmark picture Christmas card that is 3x5. I want to keep the entire picture. I have tried to add a border - but i am not having any success. I am new to photoshop and have elements 12.
Whenever I type in small font sizes in Elements, such as 8-9pt font and lower, it comes up as GIGANTIC when it shouldn't be. I've tried restarting the program and checked the scale of my image, but neither proved to be successful.