Photoshop Elements :: Viewing Pages In 9?

Nov 25, 2012

I downloaded a 90 page Owners Manual to PSE 9. How do I go from one page to the next without having to close PSE 9 and re-open it to view a different page?

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Illustrator :: CS5 - Viewing Multiple Pages In PDF Form?

Dec 13, 2012

Every time I open a multi-page pdf in illustrator, it only opens the first page..  Why is this, and is there an option to change it? CS5

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Photoshop Elements :: Viewing Photos Taken In Raw Format?

Mar 15, 2014

I have just bought a digital SLR camera and I am taking photos in RAW format.  The problem is I can't view the photos in elements 10 How do I upgrade

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Photoshop Elements :: Viewing All Thumbnails In Folder?

Sep 25, 2013

I want to be able to look at all the thumbnails of images in a folder which in itself contains several sub-folders, rather than having to go into each subfolder to view the images. Elements 11.

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Photoshop Elements :: Viewing Filenames UNDER Each Thumbnail Photo?

Feb 19, 2014

how do display the filename UNDER each thumbnail in the Elements 12 Organizer and NOT just on the right side of the screen? I see the date and rating under each thumbnail, but not the filename.

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Photoshop Elements :: Resizing Organizer Viewing Space?

May 28, 2013

I have been using Photoshop Elements since around 4.  I just started using Elements 11 and have somehow made my organizer so large I can't see the whole photo on my screen.  How can I get back to the usual look?

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Photoshop Elements :: Viewing Thumbnails In Catalog Organizer

Mar 8, 2013

My Elements 8 has suddenly stopped generating thumbnails in the Catelog Organiser when more than 4 photos are viewed - how do I cure this?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Use Device Profiles And Viewing Conditions Profile

Mar 24, 2014

In trying to get to grips with the Color management aspects of PSE11, I have encountered the following problems: Having selected "Display" a sequence of clicks (Change display settings -> Advanced settings -> Colour Management -> Colour Management tab -> Colour Management) gives a screen which includes the headings:Device Profile  and Viewing Conditions Profile.

1. Device Profile. Besides sRGB and ARGB, the profile list includes the profiles for all of the Epson papers.I changed the Profile to an Epson Grayscale, this was accepted within the menu, but there are no changes from normal when I viewed the image on the Windows screen or within PSE11. ("normal" is sRGB or ARGB). I thought it worth a try to test that, if I wanted the display image to closely represent what I would get on a particular Epson paper, this may be a way to do it.So what is the purpose of all of the paper Profiles appearing in the Display listing?

2. The Viewing Conditions Profile has also several options. I have tried to find the criteria for choosing one rather than the other, but failed to find any information. I seek general guidance rather than the details of the Profiles.
Selecting Image on the PSE11 menu across the top of the displayed image, and then Convert Colour Profile, I tried this process on an image, converting tiff to sRGB. When saved there was an extra asterisk in the saved title but in this case, the file was still labelled tiff and there was no change in the number of Mbs. If a conversion has taken place, how is one to know?  Does saving a tiff file as jpeg change its colour profile? When is it useful to use this feature?

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Photoshop Elements :: Viewing Edited Pictures Without Having To Open Each One Individually

May 12, 2013

Adobe Photo shop elements is not user friendly. It is in fact the most difficult programme I have ever used.
I finally managed to watermark my files they have been saved but when I want to view them on my laptop in the normal windows view the thumbnail just shows the photo shop elements logo and I have to double click each file separately and they open in the edit programme. I want to open them and flick through my edited pictures without having to enter adobe photo shop elements and without having to open each one individually.

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Photoshop Elements :: File Name To Show When Viewing Thumbnails And Not Just Dates

Aug 8, 2013

In Photoshop Elements 8 i want to see the file names under the pictures when viewing thumbnails not just the date. Is this possible?

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Photoshop Elements :: Viewing Edited Photos On Sony Digital Frame?

Feb 10, 2013

I recently started having problems with jpeg photos edited on either Elements 10 or 11. I save to a USB port and then insert into frame for viewing but i get a ? error. However, when i open the photos on the USB i can see them fine.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Add Blank Pages And Save As PDF

Sep 28, 2012

In previous versions of PSE, I was able to add blank pages and then save as a PDF. I don't seem to be able to add additional pages, much less save to PDF.

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Photoshop Elements :: Why Do Organizer And Editor Pages Look Different

Mar 21, 2013

Why do my Organizer and Editor screens look different from the ones in books and in the brochure that came with installation cd?

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Photoshop Elements :: Printing Across Multi Pages

Feb 21, 2014

I have Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 - and an A4 I can print out a photo - and have the photo printed across 4 pages of A4 (ie so that about a quarter of the photo appears on each sheet of A4 paper, so that I can stick the 4 bits of A4 paper to have a bigger output photo.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Export Multiples Pages In One PDF File

Sep 13, 2012

I understand i can export image to a PDF file format. Is there a way to export a few pages in a single PDF file?

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Photoshop Elements :: Programs Will Open HTML Pages

Jul 26, 2013

I made a web site with PShop and GOLive back in 2002-2005, I do not have PShop or GOLive anymore, but i wish to edit the path adress of those html pages generated by PShop and GOLive in 2002-2005, all i have is PS Elements10 and it does not recognize them, and none of my other programs will open the HTML pages so that I can edit them,

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Photoshop Elements :: Resize And Work Screenplay Pages

Dec 4, 2012

I'm doing a book on screenwriting and am including an entire screenplay from one of my movies as an example. I will be marking the screenplay up with Sharpie fine point pen. I need to resize it to fit 6x9 book format and to add some contrast so whites come out great and blacks also. I'm pretty new at Elements, know photo well but this text thing is a little confusing.

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Photoshop Elements :: Display Button That Loads Full File For Viewing (not Enlarged Thumbnail)

Dec 6, 2013

Just downloaded Elements 12 (and uninstalled Elements 7), so just starting to figure it out. Main interface is a bit different. Got 2 issues:

Where is the 'Display' button that loads the full file for viewing (not an enlarged thumbnail)? Used to be at top right in version 7.

When I try to run a slide show the program shuts down; pretty serious issue.

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Photoshop Elements :: Creating Multi-page Doc / Add Blank Pages In 11?

Nov 19, 2012

I am creating printable PDF files and up to yesterday I was using a free trial of PSE 10. To create a multi page document I first saved it as a PSE project file, then added blank pages, then when I was done I saved it as a PDF and voila - done!
Now my trial has run out I have bought the paid version (which is now version 11) and I seem to have lost that option entirely. The product is useless to me without a way to create multi page PDFs
Alternatively can I downgrade back to PSE10 which was fine for me!

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Photoshop Elements :: Change Background Colour To Viewing Screen When Reduce Image Below Full Size

Mar 14, 2013

Currently the screen has a black border when I scroll to reduce the image size. Originally it may have been white.

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Photoshop Elements :: Viewing Images Side By Side

Feb 15, 2013

How do I view images side by side in Elements 11 Organizer.  In Elements 9 it was easy but I can't find it in Elements 11 or am I being stupid?

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Photoshop :: Viewing PSD Thumbnails

Mar 19, 2013

So sick of not being able to view PSD thumbnails, not even from the regular "OPEN FILE" dialog in Photoshop CS6.

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Photoshop :: Export To Web Viewing

Apr 4, 2012

I produce a simple piece of HTML mailing for my clients to send as an e-mail blast. I typically create these, and they contain graphics and some direct hyperlinks with URL information embedded within a slice. I Export to Web and place the produced files on my FTP, get the link and I send out a blast e-mail. When I test this on my Mac (Mail) the piece looks perfect.
Some of my clients have replied that the output is desheveled. Indeed it does look that way. It looks as there are shifted or missing slices. I started to send out a blast test to all of my personal e-mai accounts, and I did get questionable results through G-mail and my web hosts own client. But the art looks great following the link to the FTP. All of th eembeded links work. I'm sure most of my clients are on Outlook and WIndows, so I don't know how to correct this.

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Photoshop :: Viewing Raw Files

Jul 26, 2011

Microsoft Camera Codec Pack (16.0.0652.0621)

Download Details - Microsoft Download Center - Microsoft Camera Codec Pack

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Photoshop :: Viewing Images In CS3

Mar 22, 2012

I had to have my hard drive replaced and Photoshop CS3 installed on the new drive. I am having a problem with viewing photos in Photoshop. When I click "Fit Screen" the photo is distorted with the top horizontal ruler being longer than the vertical. I thought that before when I clicked "Fit Screen" the proper and accurate proportion of length to width was maintained on the screen instead of having the entire screen filled.

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Photoshop :: Viewing PSD Thumbnails

Jul 11, 2006

I can see the thumbnails of most pictures in my folders but I can't see my PSD thumbnails. What can I do to change this?

I'm running Windows XP and Photoshop CS2.

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Photoshop :: Viewing In Browser

Jul 22, 2004

I just played around with a new sig and I want to upload and put it in my profile. I save it as a .jpg and then upload. I update my profile and the dreaded box with the red x comes up... Ive spent my entire night trying to see what is wrong and I give up. My previous images Ive done are fine, but not anything I make now. Anyone have an answer as to why I can't view my images online? I have windows XP and I can view them fine through the windows viewer...

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Photoshop :: Image Viewing

Aug 2, 2009

When I open an image I can see it in the navigator pane but it doesn't display in the main pane where I can edit it.

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Photoshop :: Viewing Brushes Outside PS?

Nov 16, 2006

I have built up quite a collection of brushes over the years, and I was wondering if theres any way of viewing them without loading each one into Photoshop looking at them then having to delete them if they arn't the ones I want

(I allready have loads loaded which are a pain to scroll through looking for the right one)

Is there a brush viewer or something around?

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Photoshop :: Transfer / Viewing PSD On Different Computer

Apr 19, 2012

I have to bring a project from Photoshop to school to present.
- you can NOT nstall fonts, brushes, etc. on the school computers
- I have used custom brushes and fonts that do not come with Photoshop
- project need to be a .psd
So what would be the best way to view/transfer the project to the school computer?

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Photoshop :: Best Android App For Viewing PSD Files

Oct 4, 2012

Other than the Adobe Photoshop apps what is the best Android App for viewing .psd files?  All the Adobe ones lock you into using the Creative Cloud which I don't want to use as I have my files on Google Drive.

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