My tools suddenly stopped displaying the relevant symbol (circle for the brush, etc.) whenever I move it to cover the photo I want to manipulate. Photoshop 8 used to do the same thing.
I am tryng to create a nautical letter Y symbol. It is a yellow square with red diagonal lines inside it.
I have started with a yellow square then created red lines above and then tried every permutation of the Shape tool, but I cannot crop the red lines to fit inside the boundaries of the yellow square. I have tried with the yellow square on top and under the red lines, but every one of the shape tools seems to either cut a shape out of the yellow square or cut the middle out of the red lines instead of cutting the red lines off around the inner edge of the yellow square. (I hope I am making myself understood). I don't want to have to shape each line individually to fit within the boundaries of the yellow square.
(I tried to upload the cdr file for someone to try but it was 393kb and this forum would not let me upload more than 256kb.)
Is there a way to make the Breakline symbol (found in Expresstools) annotative? So it scales according to the Annotation Scale on the lower status bar, and in paperspace.
edit: I just noticed that Leaders don't work in Paperspace either. Linear Dimensions, however, do.
In PSE 9 when I "sometimes" save a picture, I get a broken picture symbol. I have gone to file/reconnect and this does not work. I can't figure out what I'm doing different when this happens, as it only happens now and then.
I want to put a watermark along with a copyright symbol on some of the photos that I took ( the letter C inside of a circle). I have no problem getting a watermark on the photos, But I can't seem to find out how to find the symbol. At the present time I have Photoshop Elements 11 on my computer.
I'm using PSE 11. When I select the Crop tool, the crop symbol is a dot with cross hairs on the outside. How do I change the crop symbol to the traditional crop symbol?
When I try and use a round brush with 100% hardness, there is still significant dropoff in density from the center to the outside of the brush. Both the brush and layer are on "normal" mode. I've reset the brush tools. I've deleted the preference files for PSE10. What other settings should I be checking? I know that "brush flow" doesn't show up as a menu item in PSE10, but you can change it with keystrokes. I've messed with that and you can see the darkness of the brush change in the dropdown - I've set that to the "00" setting [shift-apple, ##], which I believe puts it to 100.
i have photoshop elements 9. none of the tools across the top will come up all i have is my pictures in organize. i can't print, transfer, download, import, export. nothing
I am new to pse8. I am opening pictures I have on my computer and for some reason its not allowing me to edit them. I just have the hand icon. I can click on any of the tools on the left tool bar and they do not work. I open several different images and it wont let me crop or use any of the edit tools.
I've used Elements for years and just got 11. There are only 8 tools shown on the tool bar (and not move tool). How to I see all the tools on the left side of the screen? Resolution is better than recommended.
I have been using elements 11 for months with no problems. Yesterday, out of the blue, I started to be unable to go back and edit anything I did when working in the program. I cannot deselect an image or text unless I change the tool I am using. I cannot then reselect something I have moved on from to edit it. I am very, very confused as to why I cannot use basic functions anymore in this program and it is making it impossible to use.
Just started up Elements 11 and the same issue as one month ago happened. All tools show up as a pencil, wether I want to select, clone, resize, doesn't matter, I only can draw a line. Last time I spend a whole night online with support and I had to de-install Elements and re-install.
But I really do not feel like this is how a system should work that every month I have to reinstall the program.
I just bought a seconf monitor to move all tools and windows to the seconf screen. I want my picture alone on the main screen. It seems that PSE 11 won't allow me to do that.
Perhaps the page is too large and the tools are above my screen. I can't access them, can't "Import" any of my pictures. I've been in "Edit" and done work there.But this is the first time I've tried to use the Organizer.