Photoshop Elements :: New Catalog Version Sets Not Together?
Apr 20, 2013
I had a problem with some folders in my original catalog in PSE 11 so I created a new catalog that seems to be fine. However, I have quite a few edited raw files that I had saved in the version set with the original raw file using the old catalog. In the new catalog, the edited jpgs are not in with the original raw version. Is there something I could do to fix this? Also, I have not deleted the original catalog that I used.
Do other people have an issue in Photoshop Elements 12 with it not consistently saving photos in version sets? someties it works correctly and somethimes it doesn't and it also bumps me out stating it is a new photo. i do have it configured to always save in version sets and to not notify me with new photos?
One thing I don't like when you do a search and some results are included in stacks of version sets, it that you are shown the best matches with the non matches indicated by a special icon. Then you can't have the option to 'select only best matches'.
An example : Suppose you usually shoot raw and keep only the best edited jpeg in a version set together with the original raw. You want to delete the original raws when there is an edited jpeg in the version set. You can perfectly use the search by details for files in a version set and filename with the raw suffix.
How can you select only the 'best matches' in the result of the search ? Unless there is a way to do that easily, I would like to introduce a feature request to add 'show only best matches in stacks/version sets' in the option menu of the result of the search.
You could : - select all the results and expand all stacks and version sets - assign a temporary keyword like 'IsInVersionSet' to all - do a new search by detail for 'IsInVersionSet' and filename ends with raw suffix - Select all and delete - remove the temporary keyword.
That would work for version sets with only one original and one edited jpeg, not for multiple files in a stack or version sets, the info about stacks or sets would be lost.The only method I have found to do the selection and deletion with keeping stacks and version sets is:
- create a catalog copy (copy of the whole catalog folder) - in the new catalog, use the above procedure to delete the raws - in the old catalog, find missing files and delete them from catalog.
I found that all of the Version Sets in my Catalog of 50,000 photos became expanded when I restored my Catalog onto a new computer (with an empty catalog). Is there a global command in the PSE9 system to collapse all of the Version Sets throughout the Catalog, not just a particular set of selected photos?
Just installed version 11 of PhotoShop Elements. In trying to convert the Version 10 Catalog to Version 11, the conversion fails. I have repaired and optimized the Catalog with Version 10, but still no luck with the conversion. A
I am attempting to convert an Elements Organizer version 11 catalog to version 12 running on OS-X Lion. It has been running for two days stuck at 37% and appears to be cycling through files with the name breeze-xxx.XML files in the BreezeData folder. It appears to be running since the breeze file names change about every 30-60 seconds. Is this normal or should I cancel and try a different approach? I checked the BreezeData folder and there are approximately 57K breeze-xxx.XML files and my catalog has approximately 56K images.
I am upgrading to PSE 12 from V9. Version 12 does not locate/recognize my catalog from version 9. In version 9, it states that it is using catalog 3 (current). How to I get V12 to locate and import my version 9 catalog.
I have a problem to restore a catalog from a previous version of photoshop. But I have a catalog only under a .buc extension instead of a .tly extension I should have.
Can I upgrade my PSE 5.0 Catalog directly to version 12.0 without loss of data (i.e. using backup-move-restore method)? the transition to 6.0 and also to 9.0 resulted in a different data format in the catalog file.
Having just upgraded from PSE 7 to Photoshop CS4 I am fuming about the apparent lack of Organizer's version sets in Bridge - unbelievable! Then I discovered Version Cue in the documentation and I thought, OK - this looks heavy handed but it should do the job of keeping track of my saved files as I develop an image, but when I tried to activate Version Cue - huh! it's not there! Seems it's not provided with the basic version of CS4. How is it that Elements (the "stripped down" version of CS4) can be so much better than CS4 in this regard? Can I buy Version Cue somewhere or can I somehow integrate Organizer with CS4?
After the installation of Photoshop Elements 11 and Premiere Elements 11 on my new system, the catalogs of version 10 do not appear for the conversion to version 11; my 2 catalogs are installed on a LACIE-2BIG NAS system.
Elements Organizer Version principale : 11.0 (20120830.r.32025)
We have 11000+ plus photos all carefully cataloged in Photoshop Album 1.0 on my old Windows XP PC. Our new PC is Windows 7 Home Premium with Photoshop Elements 9. How do I import our existing catalog and continue sorting our new photos into our old catalog?
My latest battle with PSE11 is trying to access my catalog in PSE11 via the Catalog Manager but it doesn't show up in the list.
The catalog is named My Catalog 2 is located at C:ProgramDataAdobeElements OrganizerCatalogsMy Catalog 2. It is the only catalog I use and is the one that opens up when I launch Organizer. But, for the life of me, I can't get it to show up in the Catalog Manager. The only catalog that shows up is the original catalog which is at a different location and was created when I installed PSE11 on my new computer (Thinkpad W530, Windows 8). I've tried the Custom Location option and browsing to the location, but still no dice. This catalog has thousands of pictures and was converted from my previous PSE6 catalog. How do I get the Catalog Manager to find my current active catalog?
I've just had to re-install Lr4 - with serial numbers etc - because of a switch to Windows 8. It has however created a new (empty) catalog, whereas I still want to use the existing one with all of my edits on it. Do I now have to work with two separate catalog, or can I somehow move everything to this one? Obviously I don't work with catalog much.
I upgraded to LR3 but notice that in the window title bar in the LR window, it says Lightroom 2 Catalog-2-2.lrcat. I a wondering if I did something wrong during installation. The programme seems to be working fine but my LR book indicates that when installing an upgrade, the catalog will be upgraded too.
so im painting cars for nr2003 and i got a base scheme with layer sets that i cant open. i can simplify it, but it only flattens the contained layers. im pretty sure it has multiple layers in it. i will leave when i get an answer on how to open them in photoshop elements 2.0.
My external hard drive recently crashed and now I am trying to restore my Lightroom catalogs. When I try to open the most recent back-up, I keep getting a message stating the catalog is too new for the current version of Lightroom. I have not done anything to my most recent version of LR.
We've started using State Sets to manage the output of render elements from our scenes and all was looking great UNTIL we noticed a rather nasty bug.
I hope I can describe this clearly. Here goes:
I have created 3 State Sets as follows:
Beauty Outputting/saving a bitmap to ".eautyFrame_Beauty_.jpg" from the Render Output 'Save File' section. No Render Elements enabled.
Reflection No Ouput/file saved from the Render Output 'Save File' section. Reflection Render Element enabled and outputting a bitmap to ".RefFrame_Ref_.jpg"
AO Outputting/saving a bitmap to ".AOFrame_AO_.jpg" AO material in Material Override section enabled. Exposure Control deactivated.
Now when I switch between these state sets by clicking on the green arrows in the State Sets dialogue the 'output path' from the Beauty or AO state set gets transposed onto the output path in the Reflection Render Element in the Reflection state set.
It seems that Max 'recreates' the Render element each time the green arrow for that state set is clicked and any active Render Element inherits the output path from the previously active state set.
This effectively renders them unworkable for managing Render Elements.
What are the rules for how elements (specifically, collections and other collection sets) are ordered within a collection set?
I was trying to get a collection to appear at the top of the list of items in a collection set, but it seems to get stuffed below all the other collection sets regardless of the name given to the collection.
Just upgraded from 9 to 12. When I edit a photo, it will not save into a version set, even to the save to version set box is check. Nor can I find the edited version anywhere.
I have Adobe elements version 8 and considering moving to version 12 can I transfer the catalog from version 8 to 12 and will all my Creations be saved in the transfer?
I used Photoshop Album and Photoshop Elements then to place thousands of tags on nearly 15,000 digital photos. I bought Photoshop CS5 few months ago and I find no way to use my information without going through my catalogs Photoshop Elements. Does that mean that thousands of my information will be useless if, in addition to Photoshop, I do not buy Photoshop Elements? I'd be willing to update my Albums Elements but why buy when I have the full version?
I've just upgraded from Elements 4 to 11 using Mac OS 10.6 Previously, when I wanted to import an image from my Canon 8600F Scanner I went to File,Import,Canoscan 8600 and the Twain driver window appeared. No problem.Now with 11 this doesn't happen. It doesn't happen with either Editor or Organizer. A search on these pages shows a similar problem with Elements 10. I've carried out this procedure but it doesn't work. Why not? What is the point of this programme if it won't import from a scanner or am I missing something?
For two days when I try to sign in within Elements 10, it freezes up showing the Signing In dialog. The only way out is using the Task Manager. I'm running Vista. I can sign in using my browser so my ID and pswd are OK.
I have upgraded from Win XP to 8.1 by buying a new machine. I have a valid copy of elements 11 on DVD. This was upgraded from elements 8 which was downloaded and those files have been lost. Windows 8.1 will not read the DVD.