Photoshop Elements :: How To Change Drive On Which PSE 10 Stores Preferences
Sep 10, 2012
My Learning Center uses a program to throw away all changes made to the drive where PSE 10 is installed (system drive) every night. Is there a way to change the drive on which the preferences are stored so they don't get thrown away every night?
I have in excess of 64,000 photos catalogued in Photoshop Elements 11 stored on a NAS drive in various folders such as: \10..253.20.37photo2013USA, \ . The problem is that I have recently changed ISP & the internal IP address of the NAS drive has changed to \ consequently the ‘location’ of files stored in the catalogue is now incorrect. I wondered whether I could do some form of update on the catalogue database file to replace with
Using Elements 11 - My photos are taking over my hard-drive and I want to safely transfer all my photos and videos to an external hard-drive. How do I do it without loosing info and/or later having to re-connect thousands of pictures?
I have photos stored on a external hard drive, over time the computer changes the drive letter ie from "G" to "I" Lightroom there for is unable to see all the photos in drive G which is in fact the same drive.
I used up the free trial on my PC a while ago, so I don't know since I haven't searched. The reason I ask is because I guess there are few different preference options for a PC and a Mac. I have Illustrator on my PC and I had the option to change the key command for undoing. When I use the program at school in the Mac computer lab, I do not have that option.
I'm interested in buying Photoshop, so I just want to know if the way to add multiple undos can be adjusted on a PC. I know it can't be on a Mac.
For example: when you use a brush set to 40% opacity on a new layer or when you apply a mask to a layer you get semi transparent pixels. However PS doesn't show a channel that represents that transparency but I know it has to do this somehow internally. That layer isn't just RGB: it's RGB plus something that stores the transparency.Is there any way to make this transparency channel visible/editable?
I upgraded to a new MB & CPU. The CPU is 3.20 gigahertz AMD Phenom II X4 955 quad core. Do I need to to anything in the preferences to get full use of the new setup?
I recently had to delete my preferences file and I had forgotten how much I had customized my Photoshop (CS5).Now, however, I can't remember how I changed some of the default settings, such as the location of brushes, gradients, patterns and shapes, that I keep in a central location. Used to be, that if I wanted to replace the brushes, It would open to this location where I actually store all my brushes, not the default location on the C drive.
I am not changing anything in my system. I am using windows 7 and will continue to. No change in elements version (10). how to move my pictures from my computer hard drive to an external hard drive (this will NOT be a back up) but the primary locaton for my pictures. I will keep elements program on my computer and when I want to work on my pictures or download more pictures from my camera I will connect to the external hard drive.
How do I reset Photoshop 10 Peferences? I read that may correct my Group Shot problem. However, when starting PSE and I press Ctrl+Shift+Alt I do not receive the questiion about resetting my preferences.
I made some presets to effects, toolbar customization (including creating my own), create picture frame and so on. I would like to backup these information considering the case of reinstall PSP and recovery my settings.
a) which are the folders that stores presets, customization and my settings?
b) If I install PSP in other computer, could I just replace these folders in order to recovery my presets, customizations and settings?
c) Recently I reset (shift + F8) the PSP to its factory setting and I lost all these stuffs ! Were the customizations deleted or there is any way to recovery them?
I have looked everywhere around the net to find some info about the Camera Raw preferences dialogue box in Elements 11 and what the settings mean/change. All I can find is 'Preferences - allows you to change the Camera Raw preferences'. There must be a reason for having a preferences dialogue icon/window in Camera Raw, the button is right up there next to the rotate buttons.
I have Elements 9, running on a Windows 7 64 bit PC.
In organiser if I select Preferences from the Edit menu or by pressing Ctrl-K a small window comes up saying loading, but the preferences window never shows. Windows Task Manager shows that Elements is still running and the processor load is about 15-25% and so it would seem it is trying to do something. So far I've left the machine for over an hour and the loading window never goes. The only way to close Elements is to use End Task in Windows Task Manager.
I've tried deleting the preferences file in /Users/User name/roaming/Adobe/Elements Organiser/9.0/Organiser/. I've also tried uninstalling, deleting all of the Adobe Elements files within the roaming profile and reinstalling. Neither of which has worked. Apart from this Elements works OK and I can access the Preferences in the Elements Edit programme.
I have just installed the latest update and this made no difference.
I could definitely access the preferences window when the software was first installed. The only thing I can think of that has changed (apart from the usual Windows updates) was the installation of a trial copy of Lightroom 3, which I've now uninstalled.
I created a work in PSP using raster + vector. The image is configured to A3 paper dimensions.
I want to send it to be printed in an external store. With CorelDraw, it is just sending the CDR file (with vector in curves) and the file by itself shows A3 paper dimensions when opened. So, the guy who will print just make the job, without any question!
It seems to me that files like PNG or JPG can’t be handled as CDR file by the person who will receive the file. So, what should be the better PaintShop file format to send to external store to be printed in the way I mentioned?
I'd like to change what the right mouse button does. I went to EDIT > PREFERENCES > INPUT CONTROLLERS and tried to see where to change this (and I did successfully for the mouse wheel last week) but I couldn't find under MOUSE BUTTONS what would control what command is accessed via the right mouse wheel.
how to make a change in the preferences to what the right mouse wheel does? I know where's the most likely place to go to find the command; it's just where to access the right mouse wheel that has me stumped.
I just bought elements11, installed it and imported photos from folders, when i wanted to check/change preferences the program hung up 'loading' . my computer meets system requirments according to the box.
I am unable to choose anything in Preferences in Adobe Elements 9 Organizer in Elements 9.0.3. Every time I try the program crashes. I have checked for updates and cannot find any and have even gone so far as to uninstall and re-install the software - no luck.I am using OSX 10.9.2. Preferences works fine in Photoshop Elements just not in Organizer?
When I try to save my work in PSE 9 it crashes every time. I've removed preferences by pressing shift, control, option after launching the program. The window came up if I wanted to remove preference I clicked yes. Restarted my computer and relaunched PSE9 still crashes.
I've also removed the twain plug in this way: Program FilesAdobePhotoshop Elements 9Locales<locale>Plug-InsImport-Exportand you will find twain plug-in. Remove that plug-in from that location and copy it somewhere else.
I dragged it twice to my desktop but the file still seemed to remain in place (even though I had 2 new copies on my desk top), so the third time I did it, I clicked it and moved it to trash. Again, I restarted my computer and relaunched PSE9 and it still crashes when trying to save.
Reinstalled PSE 5.0 on new computer running Windows 7. Downloaded the service pack for PSE 5.0.2. Read that I needed to adjust the compatibility to Windows XP (service pack 3) PSE opens, but only as far as "Reading Preferences," then never goes farther.
where the preferences are saved for items like in the postscript tab. Automatically increase Flatness
Auto increase Fountain fill steps. Optimize Fountain Fills
Confirm to DSC
As far as I can see the default behavior for these should be ON, it used to be this could be saved as the Defaults until after version 9, now they turn off. However is there any reason to ever have them off? I think not but just in case there is I will allow as to leave them there for people to turn off.
Yes I am aware I can save those settings as Print styles and have in fact got 2, one with crop marks enabled and because crop marks are 100 % CMYK unless greyscale is chosen I have one with no cropmarks so Xerox doesn't charge me color clicks on mixed black and color prints. Of course one has only to forget to use one of these 2 preferences to have all the problems associated with not having those items checked such as dropped out complex items.
While I am at it another default should be NOT to treat all objects as filled - the first thing needed to be changed during a install. I can however live with it as is as it is not a item that needs to be changed with every job.
As I see it the most common reason for Adobe users to complain about Coreldraw is the problems that come by not having Auto Increase Flatness as a default postscript behavior and their not knowing to turn it on.
And while I am at it an addition for creating PDF's would be the option of creating as a Bitmap, this being the preferred proofing method so providing a proof doesn't provide the artwork to the client, it could also be a useful method of supplying Web artwork.
PC, Windows 7, AI CC..I have a document that displays units in points, and when I change the unit type to inches in the preferences panel and the Document Setup panel, the change won't apply.
I've tried saving as a new document, restarting, etc. I even tried setting the units to other units... doesn't matter what I have the units set to in preferences, it's always displaying points.
I just downloaded the trial version of PE 11. I love the organizer and the editor but can't email my pictures!! It says to go through preferences but EVERY time I try to click preferences it says it's loading but ALWAYS freezes. I have updated all of my Windows and Adobe Updates.
Can the location of the temp files be changed in Photoshop CS5? NOT scratch disc assignment, that's assigned correctly. I have a storage issue in my recovery folder and there are photoshop temp files clogging that up.
I have elements 7 and want to do a backup for a spare, but also use the backup to move to a new computer I just purchased. When I do the backup (full), it runs (I give it about 3 hrs). When I open the task manager is says not responding. Is there another way to move the pictures and captions to a backup and to put on the new computer. Were talking 42 gb of pictures.