Photoshop Elements :: Camera Raw Preferences Dialogue?
Jun 1, 2013
I have looked everywhere around the net to find some info about the Camera Raw preferences dialogue box in Elements 11 and what the settings mean/change. All I can find is 'Preferences - allows you to change the Camera Raw preferences'. There must be a reason for having a preferences dialogue icon/window in Camera Raw, the button is right up there next to the rotate buttons.
When I click on the button, the dialogue box does not appear and the program is locked up until I hit escape. Before I do that it "pings" when I click elsewhere.
Where to set this preference in Camera RAW? This note is from the Lightroom 4 ReadMe. I can't seem to fine prefs for "Camera RAW."
Viewing Lightroom settings in Camera Raw
Before working in conjunction with Lightroom and Camera Raw please set the Camera Raw preference to: Save image settings in: Sidecar ".xmp" files. By default Camera Raw will display the image adjustments exactly as performed in Lightroom‟s develop module.
I am using Photoshop Elements 11, using WIndows 7 Operating System. I have a new camera Canon Rebel T5i, and having problem viewing images in raw format (cr2).Message in PE11, states, "Camera model not supported by installed version of Camera raw."
Canon software views images. Suspect my minimum camera raw plug in version does not support this new camera..I am unable to locate in the software any menu item that allows me to view the camera raw plug in version.
my PSE11 was working fine until i bought a new camera and tried to upload photos from my RAW files. It gave me this message
"Could not complete your request because the file appears to be from a camera model which is not supported by the installed version of Camera Raw.Please visit the Camera Raw documentation for additional information."
so i tried to install the update.... installed it fine, kept getting the same message when i would try to open the photo. after researching online i found the suggestion of uninstalling and reinstalling photoshop elements. i did that once, tried the update again...same results. uninstalled again. tried the update again and still getting the same message. ive checked the adobe website and everywhere i look says the version of the camera raw DOES support my camera (nikon D7100).
After an, automatic, update to camera raw 7.3 in Photoshop Elements 11 all Camera Profiles are gone. All that is left is "Matrix". I use Elements 11, windows Vista on a 64-bit machine, my camera is a Nikon D7000.
I'm running PSE 8 on an iMac. Is there a way to change the default dialogue / value windows to white or transparent? I'm also seeking a plug in to enable Channel manipulation in PSE. Many degraded graphics arise from problems in the green or blue channel which compromises the final RGB image.
How do I reset Photoshop 10 Peferences? I read that may correct my Group Shot problem. However, when starting PSE and I press Ctrl+Shift+Alt I do not receive the questiion about resetting my preferences.
I have Elements 9, running on a Windows 7 64 bit PC.
In organiser if I select Preferences from the Edit menu or by pressing Ctrl-K a small window comes up saying loading, but the preferences window never shows. Windows Task Manager shows that Elements is still running and the processor load is about 15-25% and so it would seem it is trying to do something. So far I've left the machine for over an hour and the loading window never goes. The only way to close Elements is to use End Task in Windows Task Manager.
I've tried deleting the preferences file in /Users/User name/roaming/Adobe/Elements Organiser/9.0/Organiser/. I've also tried uninstalling, deleting all of the Adobe Elements files within the roaming profile and reinstalling. Neither of which has worked. Apart from this Elements works OK and I can access the Preferences in the Elements Edit programme.
I have just installed the latest update and this made no difference.
I could definitely access the preferences window when the software was first installed. The only thing I can think of that has changed (apart from the usual Windows updates) was the installation of a trial copy of Lightroom 3, which I've now uninstalled.
I just bought elements11, installed it and imported photos from folders, when i wanted to check/change preferences the program hung up 'loading' . my computer meets system requirments according to the box.
I am unable to choose anything in Preferences in Adobe Elements 9 Organizer in Elements 9.0.3. Every time I try the program crashes. I have checked for updates and cannot find any and have even gone so far as to uninstall and re-install the software - no luck.I am using OSX 10.9.2. Preferences works fine in Photoshop Elements just not in Organizer?
My Learning Center uses a program to throw away all changes made to the drive where PSE 10 is installed (system drive) every night. Is there a way to change the drive on which the preferences are stored so they don't get thrown away every night?
When I try to save my work in PSE 9 it crashes every time. I've removed preferences by pressing shift, control, option after launching the program. The window came up if I wanted to remove preference I clicked yes. Restarted my computer and relaunched PSE9 still crashes.
I've also removed the twain plug in this way: Program FilesAdobePhotoshop Elements 9Locales<locale>Plug-InsImport-Exportand you will find twain plug-in. Remove that plug-in from that location and copy it somewhere else.
I dragged it twice to my desktop but the file still seemed to remain in place (even though I had 2 new copies on my desk top), so the third time I did it, I clicked it and moved it to trash. Again, I restarted my computer and relaunched PSE9 and it still crashes when trying to save.
Reinstalled PSE 5.0 on new computer running Windows 7. Downloaded the service pack for PSE 5.0.2. Read that I needed to adjust the compatibility to Windows XP (service pack 3) PSE opens, but only as far as "Reading Preferences," then never goes farther.
I just downloaded the trial version of PE 11. I love the organizer and the editor but can't email my pictures!! It says to go through preferences but EVERY time I try to click preferences it says it's loading but ALWAYS freezes. I have updated all of my Windows and Adobe Updates.
--Toolbox: The 2 columns of Tools on the left side of the Editor screen.
--Foreground Color & Background Color: The color filled squares at the bottom of the Toolbox.
--Color dialogue box: This is the pop-up that is labeled at the top with "Color". It shows 48 different color squares (6 rows by 8 columns); they are labeled "Basic colors:". Right below the "Basic colors:" array is another 16 empty squares (2 rows by 8 columns) to be filled with colors to be defined. There is a "Define Custom Colors>>" button when clicked opens up a color picker with HSB RGB stacked below the color field screen. See this link to the Microsoft "Color Dialogue Box", [URL]
--Adobe Color Picker: The interactive dialogue box with the color field screen to the left and the HSB RGB numbers stacked on the right side.
The problem:In PSE 10, when using the Eyedropper Tool or clicking on the Foreground Color or the Background Color, the Microsoft Microsoft "Color Dialogue Box" pops up instead of the "Adobe Color Picker" dialogue box. This started about a month ago. I use Windows 7.
I want the "Adobe Color Picker" to pop up (like it used to) inside PSE 10.
It said there were updates in PSE 10 (help/updates) for Application Manager and Camera Raw. I let it install both, I rebooted, and the ACR says 6.7 and not 7.3. It will not read my Canon 6D RAW files. When I check help/updates again, it says everything is up to date.
what do I need to do to have my camera recognized to download photos? Yes, I have refreshed the list about 10 times, restarted my computer and all drivers are loaded.
I purchased PSE 11 which is what I needed for it to work with my Nikon D7100, also less than a year old. I have just purchased a Nikon D610 and it seems I need to downlaod Camera Raw 8.3 but it doesn't seem to work with PSE 11. When I check the adobe site it appears that I need PSE 12! How can this be when my software is less than one year old!! Is it adobe money grabbing again? Are there any plans to add support for RAW photos taken on the Nikon D610, which after all is only a very minor change to the Nikon D600, to PSE 11?
Trying to start with Camera Raw but cannot find the plug in. If I open any of my images with open command all are JPEG. My Camera is Canon powerShot s110.
Every time I try to install the Camera Raw update 6.5 into Elements 9 Editor, I get the messages "Some updates failed to install." and "Update is not applicable." The version of the Camera Raw Plug-in I have is "" and will not work with my Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ150.
I have recently upgraded to Elements 11, but Camera raw does not seem to work. Have downloaded DNG 7.2 but that doesn't seem to make any difference. Would like to process NEF files from my Nikon D300
In Camera Raw7.3 there is (at the bottom) a switch depth 8/16 bit. Which one should I choose when working with Raw images? I have Canon powershot s110 at the moment.
I just installed photoshop elements and I require the Camera raw plug-in; However, I have been looking for the download for two days now. Where I can download Camera raw for Elements 11?
Apologies if this has been dealt with before but a quick search hasn't revealed anything. Downloaded Elements 10 Editor from the Apple App Store and have been using it without problems.
Have just updated my EOS5 to an EOS5D Mk.III, downloaded the latest RAW Plug-in but I keep getting an error message saying this update is "not for me". The work around is to covert files to dng and then open but this creates lots more files. So in a nutshell how do I update the RAW converter?