Photoshop Elements :: 9.03 With Windows XP - Only Audio Portion Of Video Files Playing Back
Jan 22, 2013
I'm using Elements 9.03 with Windows XP. When I download videos from my Sony HandyCam, the video portion of the file does not play back, only audio. Is there a setting I can adjust or do I need to use a more recent version of Windows?
I started a Premiere Pro CS5 project on my PC at work. Video files played both audio and video, life was good. Unfortunately my PC at work is slow, so I want to continue working on the project on my home PC. Uploaded the needed files with Sugarsync, went home, but when I open the project here all the video files only play audio.
So I know the files CAN display video, so it must be something to do with my home computer and CS5 install? I tried reinstalling PP CS5, no change. Is there a setting I may have accidentally disabled at home to force audio only?
When playing vlideo from a either a DSLR or my Canon XL-1 hear no audio from Photoshop CC.When I first opened the file had audio, but have hot heard a sound since then. Audio is fine using other software
I'm using Corel VideoStudio X4. I'm facing problem that there is no any audio for any type of video playing. AVI, MP4.. any type of file I play, no audio plays.. All files are checked & plays correctly in any video player, GOM, VLC player etc...
No problem with video files. there is no audio for sample files provided by corel itself. When I play mp3 like audio files, sound plays perfectly. But some problem with video files only... I edited one file but no audio for that file also when I play edited clip in video player like VLC.
PC Configuration: Windows 7 Ultimate. HP DV6 laptop. 1GB graphic card, i5 2nd Gen.
After importing my mp4 video into Premiere Pro, the audio plays perfectly, but the video is out of sync and plays as if though it's in slow motion.I've been using this software for about 4 months and have encountered this problem within the last few weeks.
Since there's no built-in VS5 provision for audio editing (specifically a sound equalizer), what's the easiest way to edit the audio portion of the video? Sony Movie Studio 12 Platinum has built-in Sound Force and the capability of using Audacity as a plug-in.
I have at least 100 3-4 minute clips that require audio EQ.
I transferred all my photo files from my Old XP PC where i used PSE 5.0 to my New Windows 8 computer and then loaded my new PSE 11 program in...All my JPEG files work but all my sony home video files that used to work on PSE 5.0 no longer have their pictures with their sound..And some off them even have music files running in behind the video sound files.
I am using Elements 10 for the first time and am a true beginner at this. I am trying to add multiple effect onto the beginning of a video. Do I have to render the whole video every time I want to watch what I added to the video? The video is 45 minutes long and I am only working with the first 5 minutes of the video. I am guessing if I cut and remove the 40 other minutes rendering with not take so long but, how do I save the other 40 minutes so I can re-attach it when I am ready to work on it?
Photoshop CS6 Extened won't play or process Dolby Digital (AC-3) Audio Files from my AVCHD video files.The video plays fine just no sound at all. When processed still no sound. Are there any (AC-3) audio codecs I can download and install. How would I install them. Do I need to convert audio files to another format & if so how & what format.
the audio does not work on any of my video files, now that i have upgraded to LR4; the audio for these files works fine in LR3; audio is working with slideshows in LR4.
I am working on creating a project and it all goes well when I have it in the edit tab. I am able to listen to the audio and watch the video.
When I hit the Share Tab and watch it the audio disappears and I can't hear anything anymore but can still see the picture.
I have split the audio from the video to see if this corrects the problem and it doesn't. I know my microphone is picking up the audio or I wouldn't be able to hear it in the edit tab. I have made several videos before using the program and have never encountered this before.
I have a video file, I have an audio file. Video is loaded in the video track, audio in the Voice track.
HOW in the ... do I sync them? I have the mixer on, I can see the wav graphics, I can see where I want them to line up but either the Video track must slide forward ( and it won't, it's locked on 0 ) or the audio track must slide backward (but it won't slide below 0 start) I've tried splitting, clipping... I can't get it cut just right. All I want is time frame 0 for the video to start at positive time frame within the audio.
For some reason today it just stopped paying the audio from my Nikon D300S video files. I tried importing a new file but that won't play either and I reloaded the program and that won't work either. I know the audio is that as it will play in Windows.
I have few avi video clips which I believe I imported from camcorder using windows moviemaker. When I play those clips in any media player they play fine.
I have latest Corel Video Studio Pro X3. When I import this videos into timeline and play clips sound plays fine but when I play the project there is no audio. Even if I render it there is no sound.
I am using VS Pro X2 - I have 3 small MP4 files in my project timeline (filmed on my mobile phone) and for some reason although they play fine on the clip, the audio doesn't come out on the Project, or on the finished DVD, which is a real pain...I have 94 minutes of good quality DVD and 45 seconds of silence! If there was no audio at all I could understand it, but the MP4 clips all play fine on the "clip"''s just that when I play them under the 'Project', there is no audio.
My original DV files (which are all ok) are MPEG Audio Layer 2 files - 48000Hz, 16 Bit Stereo - bitrate 224kbps
The MP4 clips are MPEG AAC Audio files - 48000Hz, 16 Bit Stereo - bitrate 113kbps
var a = new Audio(); a.src = "xxx.mp3"; //.ogg if IE;
It works on different browsers including IE, firefox and chrome, but have no sound on Safari. I tried Safari 5.1 on PC and on iPod 4.3.3. I tried .wav, .ogg, .mp3.
I have a short 5min film for a student film fest, all the audio and visual plays perfectly in the timeline. However, when exported, the last audio clip (which is a 'button' and comes after two soundless title slides) does not play at all. Again, it works perfectly in timeline. All audio files are .WAV and I've tried exporting it in several different fashions, none of which have made a difference.
For the film fest I need to export in 16:9, Apple ProRes 422 (HQ). I tried this, among regular Quick Time export, Vimeo export, and others...every single export the audio on the 'button' didn't play at all but the clip is there.
Side Note: I tried adding low volume audio to bridge the last clip to the button to see if that made a difference so there would be no gaps in the audio timeline, but it did nothing.
I'm having trouble with AE CC playing a RAM preview at a realtime framerate - it's lagging behind at random speeds. This is a short image sequence (of many more to come) My iMac just seems to struggle with this, I can't figure out why. Is this a Graphics card issue?? We have an older mac here which has an older card with more ram (1024 MB) on the card, which takes longer to render the preview (is that due to less system RAM?) But, plays back with a solid 30fps framerate no worries..Is this a problem with the particular Graphics Card on this iMac? There seems to be little info about this card that I can find with After Effects.
Project task:
- I am only previewing a short (15 sec) 1920 X 1080 image sequence (either TIFF or EXR) at 30 FPS. Ram preview going at around 20-28 fps: 'fps: 20.271 / 30.00 NOT realtime' - RAM Preview set to Full Res, 30 fps Frame Rate, Composition settings 30fps, footage 30fps - tried lower quality settings, tried cropping video - same jerky framerate - Even when video is rendered to a .Mov Lossless file the video is still juddery and appears to be dropping frames when played in Quick Time - VLC is better slightly.
System / Memory Preferences:
Ram shared by other apps: 4GB Ram reserved for AE: 28GB..After Effects Multiprocessing: ON Installed CPUs: 4 CPUs reserved for other apps: 2 RAM allocated per bg CPU: 6GB actual CPUs used: 2
Extra notes:
- Have tried with using less memory on the system, no diffeence - not a problem with the RAM in the iMac (which is above the recommended standard, I know, but works fine with everything) - Running After Effects CC - no other programs running - Works fine with other Mac we have - which is OSX Lion & After Effects 5.0 with ATI Radeon 5750 HD 1024MB Graphics Card. - Had the same issues with After Effects 5.5 - Tried with After Effects 5.5 with Apple RAM 12GB no difference on this machine - Monitored System CPU & GPU - no problem running at CPU 25% & GPU 40-50%
I am having a very difficult time trying to figure out what is wrong with my audio in VSPx4.
When I put a video in the timeline and click on it so it is on the "clip" the video plays fine but the minute I switch it to "project" the audio dissappears. If I render it in any format, the audio doesn't return. Also, if I multi-trimm a video I am no longer able to get audio either.
Lastly, if I split the audio from the video I cannot play the project at all. It just gives me a frozen screen...
I have re-installed VSPx4 and have all the patches updated.
I came across this one tutorial that I'm liking, but in many parts he doesn't explain enough. He just kind of says "Click this, press that. Toward the beginning of the video when he is playing with the rust picture to get just the rust to show, break that down for me so that I can understand the actual princibles behind that so I can apply it elsewhere.[URL]...
Any solution regarding why video is not playing LR 5.2? In the past video worked fine until this update. I have looked thru the threads and see that other people have had a similar problem. One person said she reinstalled numerous times and then suddenly it began working?!?! I have downloaded all updates and it does not work. Yet I have confirmed that i can go to the files directly and open/play them using other programs.
I have recently upgraded my old VideoStudio 12.00 to VideoStudio Pro X4 and have only just started using the program again after a couple of years of absence so I am still on a learning curve.
Can I extract the audio from a video clip and if so how and how can I convert it, if necessary into an Audio Interchange File Format, so that I can export it to a program such as Audacity for removing background wind noise before importing the Audio back into the videoStudio project.
I have tried using all the audio filter functions in VS to remove the background noise, to no avail.
Video will not play properly [audio plays well video hangs ] in Adobe Photoshop CS6 running on a Win7-64 machine equipment with a quad-core processor. Video plays properly in Lightroom 4 and Bridge CS6.
After rendering a few clips in my timeline for playback, my video tracks are no longer playing back. The timeline time marker plays, the time counts, and the audio playback is working correctly, but the video stays on the frame in which playback started, and does not move change until pausing playback.