Photoshop :: Cut One Element From PSD File?
Jun 4, 2012
I have a very basic question, a lot of time when I'm searching photoshop art works on the web I see psd files that contains more then one element (for example a grid of icons where every icon is a separate layer or a group of layers)
But usually I need only one element... So how do I create a png from the one that I need? How can I isolate it from the rest of the elements?
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Jun 29, 2013
(Can't edit the element until 'A' resaves the element to central and relinquishes it and you Reload Latest.).this note come when i try to modify or erase any element in revit file and i want to know why does this proplem occur ? and how can i resolve this proplem becouse ineed this file.
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Mar 14, 2008
how to achieve Isolating a single element and Export the element alone as SAT File?
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Aug 11, 2011
I am having a strange issue with a specific file. If I copy to clipboard any element in this file it locks up. If I wblock the drawing, it locks up. If I open a blank file and select an element and drag and drop it in to the new blank file, it works fine.
If I copy to clipboard the droped element in the new file it works fine. It is local to this one file. This one file is most probably a 2008 file originaly, opened and saved to 2012.
What gremlins should I look for from older verstion to newer version that would cause this issue?
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Jan 9, 2013
It occurs to me often that I use the same element in different photoshop files, a header or footer shown in the example below. So when the footer changes in one document, I need to change this footer in every other single document.
Is there a possibility to use some kind of template, one single document, that can be placed in different files , which is still editable afterwards?
I'm using Photoshop CS6
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Nov 10, 2013
How do I add a psd element to a pdf file? I'm trying to add a logo in psd to a pdf document.
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Oct 28, 2007
I simply want to import a piece of scanned line art from Photoshop 7 into a
document in Freehand 9.
The line art, which is black lines, needs to be white inside of the boundary
of those lines against the solid color background of the Freehand doc. For
simplicity, lets say a ball, drawn with a black line, which is white inside,
sitting on a blue background. (Yes, I know I can draw a ball in Freehand,
it's just for the example.)
What I have tried:
In Photoshop, I select the white space around the ball with the Magic Wand
then chose Select > Inverse to get the ball selected. Then I go, Layer > New >
Layer via Copy, which creates a new layer with just the ball, white inside
and no white background around it. I see the gray checkerboard pattern where
the ball isn't.
But when I go to my Freehand doc and choose File > Import and bring in this
Photoshop element it appears on the solid color background as a white rectangle (the PS canvas, I guess) with the ball in it. I don't want the stupid white rectangle, just the ball.
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Jun 30, 2012
I have accumulated about 3000 family photos by scanning old printed and accumulating new digital photos. The problem is that they are spread into 2 desktops and 2 laptops, and I also have pictures still into 3 digitals cameras.Now before I organize those photos with Photoshop Element Organizer, I am in search of the best way to merge all those pictures into my new laptop which has C and D drive. I was planning to put my programs on C: and my data on D: to latter ease my backup task.I want to build the right structure right now and not to regret anything done wrong latter.
1) Should I proceed with a transfer using a USB key drive for my scanned photos and for those received by email? They are already in the form of yyyy-mm-dd
2) Should I use the software from my first CANON 3 MEG camera, and the software of my 2nd CANON 5 MEG, and then the 3rd software of my SAMSUNG 12 MEG to transfer the photo to my new folder?
3) Should I put them all in the same folder?
4) Am I right that any duplication will be found by the ORGANIZER and this will be solved easily?
5) My guess is that they will all end up being in date order like yyyy-mm-dd.
In the videos on line, they don’t talk much about that special case of organizing a big data bank into one single new computer
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Feb 28, 2013
How I can take all the custom shapes that I have in elements and move them to Photoshop cs6 so I can use them there?
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Jul 9, 2013
PHOTOSHOP CS6 V.13.0.1 x64
MAC OSX 10.8.4
I’m Photoshop self-taught. Most of the work I do on Photoshop involves placing elements (objects, people, animals, etc.) into regular and stock photos. Down below is a list of the tools and filters I use to adjust the element(s) so they look like they are a real part of the picture.I can get real close. Real close. But I can’t quite bring it home. I feel there’s some tool(s) or trick(s) or filter(s) I’m not using. I can’t find anything online or in Photoshop books or manuals.
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Feb 16, 2014
how to move an element of one picture to another. PSE10, Win. 7.
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Apr 22, 2013
I cannot access the various option like "open as layers", "merge to HDR", " merge to panorama" from the Lightroom 4 dialogue box. All 4 of the options are not available, being greyed out. I would like to use these options.
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Jun 15, 2012
I made a document with four layers:
background - parting linies - head lines - information
Each layer has many many elements (like parting lines: parting line 1, parting line 2, parting line 3 > each transformed 50 pixels).
The final result is a list that looks like this:
Head Line
- info
- info
Head Line
- info
- info
Now I want to resize the distances between each list element to 60 pixels. And it's a list that consists out of about 200 boxes. Is it possible to transform all elements the same way? Or do I have to mark each element on each layer that I want to transform? And which tool do I have to use? I have three columns and it would really take a long time to do this for each box and each element of the box.
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Mar 15, 2005
Is there an easier way to create gridlines as a design element? I know you can set/adjust the grid in the preferences, but I would like to be able to have the gridlines as something editable (changing colors/scale, etc.) and as an element in the piece (as opposed to just a guide overlay that's not integrated).
Up til now I've been doing this the hard way, using guides and the line tool to create/copy/move each line, etc. building it piece by piece...while this works,
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Aug 1, 2013
The only way I know to create a new character style is to create one, set the parameters, and then use it and apply it to text elements.
Is there a way to create a character style FROM existing characteristics of existing text?
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Aug 23, 2011
I'm having real troubles exporting a button which has drop shadow applied to it. The vector shape has Gradient Overlay, Inner Shadow and Drop Shadow applied to it as layer effects.
When I export it with transparency, PNG-24 and then open and place it over the same background, the drop shadow looks quite different.
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Oct 28, 2012
I've been using PS and PSE since 2003 so I'm not what you'd call a new PSE user. I upgraded to PSE9 a few years ago but now I can't get the clone stamp to work correctly. I keep getting black spots on the distracting elements that I want to remove. I've gone through Scott Kelby's PSE9 book a million times but still can't get the tool to work correctly.All I get are the black spots. I'm working on photo submissions and time is running out. Here's what I'm doing.
1) First I select the Clone Stamp tool and then the brush size I want to use (usually around size 45)
2) Then, I sample the area just to the left of the distracting element that I want to remove. (I use Alt + left click)
3) Then I run the tool over the distracting element and left click. But instead of getting my sampled area clone, I get a black spot.
I thought that maybe I was using too big of a brush but that's not the case. So, what the heck am I doing wrong or is there some kind of an update or tool that will allow me to remove distracting elements more easily?
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Sep 12, 2012
Copying a CMYK Indesign CS3 photo element (photo silo) into a Photoshop CS3 RGB document - color retbtion issues in a Smart Object?
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Apr 13, 2009
With a RGB or CYMK no problem for me to have certain element in the picture distinguishing from the rest. But now I have to do the same building up in duotone (2 PMS colours). It looks like Photoshop doesn't allow to put a black&white layer into a duotone document (it automatically turns into the 2 duotone colours).
So how can i make a duotone image (source = FC) in which a part looks "black and white" (1 colour=black) and a part "lights up" in the second colour (2 colour= yellow)?
- so I know how to make a duotone image, that's not the problem
- i know how to work with layers and masks
(i try to upload the image.. but server seems very busy...)
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Dec 4, 2012
I am used to searching for Elements by using their IDs, however in editing a door family I have been stumped by a dialogue, herewith:
The unusual thing with this is that this dialogue is always followed by another stating that 'No good view could be found', whatever view I try to look for them in! Having opened every view in the family and done a search I am wondering what next to do?
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Mar 31, 2013
I recently purchased Video Co-Pilot's plugin for Adobe After Effects, Element 3D, but much to my amiss, it does not work. The first time I tried to open the scene setup, it said, "Element 3D has encountered an unrecoverable error." I closed After Effects, and opened it back in hopes of trying again. But this time, when I apply Element 3D to a solid, it tells me "After Effects has stopped working" and I am forced to close the program.Nothing has changed yet, every time I try to add Element 3D to a solid it crashes After Effects. I updated my graphics driver, re-installed Element 3D, everything I can think of, but to no avail.
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Jun 1, 2012
I've just made the dramatic leap from AutoCAD LT 2005 to AutoCAD LT 2013. By far and away the environment in 'Classic" mode is very familiar and there are some new features. However, one item really getting under my skin is the hatch feature. In LT 2005 one could pick the points to hatch, if the item is closed or not, by individual mouse click points similar to how you can still check an area now. Is this hatch feature still available and I just don't have the new program configured properly or will I be forced to draw each item I want to hatch as a 'closed' element?
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Feb 6, 2013
I am exporting gbXML file from Revit Architecture 2013. And I am looking at the format of the name of the surface element. According to the Autodesk wikihelp, I understand that it is composed in a form as : orientation-space-(other space)-exposure-type-sequence number-(opening type)
It means if the surface is an interior wall surface, there will be two adjacent space names recored here. such as N-101-102-E-W-D-84
But I notice that in my gbXML file, I have some terms like : B-2-2-I-F-10, B-2-2-I-F-16, X-1-1-I-O-6, and X-1-1-I-O-15, I notice that when the orientation is "Bottom" or it is a type of "air", the space names will repeated twice.
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Jan 6, 2012
I trying to make DOF outputing Mental Ray z-depth render element but I get a lot of defects around objects and between objects. I use AE and FrischLuft to comp the two images, and how to optimize the anti aliason to get rid of the ghost effect and the smearing (see image).
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Jun 15, 2011
I cannot draw any elements from design pallet. Happens suddenly. Probably I accidentally switch something. In command line show command like:WallAdd and right away show another command line. Cannot add any doors or windows - same problem.
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Oct 24, 2011
Is there any way to select an entity by command prompt (without using mouse) so that it can be modified. Actually I need to do some modification to some entities using script and hence I need a way to access the drawing elements by command or kind of way without using mouse.
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Feb 7, 2014
How to change an element from 1 image and switch it with another from the other image.
Also is it possible to change only a part of the element like the dots on the first left up border to put it on the not the black the other one? or change elements btw those 2 to mix and make a unique one?
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Sep 8, 2012
I have an attached picture of a design i am working on, I was wondering how to slope the curved element so that i meets the lower curved element.
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Mar 17, 2010
how you could select only one element from within an AI document and be able to export just that element out. For example, I'm making a letterhead and I want to select just a logo element from my page and export just that to an eps so that it could be imported into something else.
Back when I was using Corel Draw I could simply select anything and as long as it was the only thing selected I could export it to a new eps file, or whatever kind of file I wanted. If I did it with an image, the image would be cropped to just the bounds of the image.
So far it seems the only way to do this in AI is to export the entire artboard. I'm sure this can't be because that would be ludicrous, right?
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Apr 7, 2013
i gotta problem wit 'Element 3D v1.6'window version. when im animated E3D and then trynna 'Ram preview' in that case.i gotta error message like below,'element has encountered an unrecoverable error' 'after effect warning: a frame failed to render while using render multiple frames simultaneously. allocating more memory to the background processes in Memory & Multiprocessing preferences may fix this problem.'
but im did it everythin in M&M preference and this error only Rampreviewing wit E3D, anything is cool. My issue is Few days ago Upgrade VGA card n Driver and Element3D v1.6 update.
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Dec 28, 2013
I have a 3D Text using VideoCopilot's Element 3D effect on a 2D Solid Layer. With a camera, I can orbit it around in 3D space with other 3D layers. But when I pre-compose all of it and orbit the camera, the 3D Text doesn't move, only the other 3D layers. How can I move everything together? I've tried all of the combinations of Collapse Transformations/3D switches...
The project file (CS6): https:[url].....
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