AutoCad :: Copy To Clipboard Dropped Element In New File
Aug 11, 2011
I am having a strange issue with a specific file. If I copy to clipboard any element in this file it locks up. If I wblock the drawing, it locks up. If I open a blank file and select an element and drag and drop it in to the new blank file, it works fine.
If I copy to clipboard the droped element in the new file it works fine. It is local to this one file. This one file is most probably a 2008 file originaly, opened and saved to 2012.
What gremlins should I look for from older verstion to newer version that would cause this issue?
This drawing file doesnt allow copy to clipboard or even binding on to other drawing. It was originally sent to us from another company, I have deleted all the objects and layers, purged it. If I create a new line or other object, Ctrl+C doesnt work.
When using the Clipboard to move entities from one drawing to another I need to open the window Tools; Options; and that's it for the Paste as Block and Paste Options to be available. What I mean is do I need to do this with each new session of LT? That I will need to check out. I tried my Template and it allowed Paste without going to the Options Dialog in the same session.
Object selection limit for display of grips is set to 32,000
I am working on a project which up until recently used Excel VBA and AutoCAD. To the point, one of the important things this process did was grab a range of cells in the Excel file and copy them to the clipboard. This range of cells was a nicely formatted table with borders, cell filled colors, etc... and the VBA code would copy it to the clipboard before laumching AutoCAD. Once AutoCAD was opened a LISP program would automatically paste this into the model space. It made a lovely OLE object in AutoCAD with crisp, clear appearance.
We are now trying to do away with the VBA part in favor of .NET. I am really at a loss to explain why the code I used before will not work, nor will anything else I try:
Whenever I select some objects in an AUTOCAD drawing and Press Ctrl+C to copy them for taking it to any other file, it gives error "COPY TO CLIPBOARD FAILED."
However, this error is not for all the files but in some of the files. After much tweaking and researching on my own, I found out that this happens in files in which I have set viewports in LAYOUT. When i delete the entire LAYOUT by right Click + Delete, and then go to MODEL and do Ctrl+C, the copy to clipboard happens in normal way.
Why do I get the error when I have set viewports in LAYOUT ?
I am having an issue while trying to copy/paste via clipboard. I copy (with or without basepoint) on one drawing then try to paste to another drawing using ctrl v. the first two times, the object pastes. On the third attempt my cursor looks like it is trying to paste something and if I move near an object on the drawing it snaps to points, but no object pastes. After doing so I check my layer manager and the layers involved with this action do paste. After a few attempts with no luck, a weird object I have never seen before appears.
I have tried to purge and audit as well as copying the whole drawing to a new drawing but have had no luck.
Side note, after ctrl v is pressed (or ctrl shift v) the command line says something about duplication of some block name ignored.
I am using AutoCAD Architecture 2011 and am trying to export a file to a previous version (after i bind xrefs) so I can play with it in Sketchup. When I go through and have it export and chose the file name and location, nothing happens. I don't even get an error message and no file was created. To work around this, I was hoping to copy/paste the drawing into a new file to export from there but when I copy I get an error message that says "Copy to clipboard failed".
I audited, purged, audited, purged, restarted my computer and CAD. All this works fine on other files in the project so I'm guessing the problem lies within this particular file.
You can copy both the surface and the original (in this case contour polylines) data or only the surface. In both cases paste operation results into a copy of both data and surface.
Ok, But when paste and rebuild, the distance from original base point and destination point is applied in turn to the surface itself. Maybe it is a BUG ?
You'd think that being able to copy and paste would be a fairly straightforward task in any piece of software. Not in AutoCAD 2013. The Help file says the commands are located on the 'Clipboard' panel, under the 'Home' tab. I've spent a lot of time searching and can't find them, nor can I find any information about how to turn such a panel on.
This is the sort of thing that shouldn't be a problem in a well-designed piece of software. We're finding AutoCAD 2013 to be almost unusable out of the box, and have to spend ages fiddling with the (clunky) Custom User Interface commands to make it work. Every time AutoDesk bring out a new version of AutoCAD it seems to get even worse. I could resort to keyboard commands, but shouldn't have to. I'm starting to think the best solution would be to invest in a copy of Vectorworks instead.
I have had this problem many times with both CS6 and CS5. I'm not sure if this is a Photoshop question or a Windows OS 8 question but anyways it seems to only happen with Photoshop.
I copy an image offline to edit in photoshop. After I'm finished I save it and delete the image layer from the workspace to get ready for the next image. I grab another image that I want to paste in the same photshop workspace. When I paste, it pastes the same image I copied first. It even does this when I restart Photoshop, so that's why I think it may have to do with Windows Clipboard.
I'm also really interested in details about how 'Copy/Paste" and the "Clipboard" work with different programs so I can best understand how to utilize it with what seems to be a simple tool, yet I still find myslef with questions because I don't filly undertsnad it.
I purchased and installed PSP X4 ultimate (, having first removed all traces of previous versions.
Install went fine and everything I've tried so far works as expected but I found one minor, if irritating bug:
I had retained in My PSP files a number of picture tubes, some of which, it turned out, were duplicates of those provided in PSP X4 and the Ultimate contents pack. So when I first checked the picture tubes, the usual window popped up listing the duplicates it had found, with the button to copy the list to the clipboard. However clicking on that button, the only thing that was copied to the clipboard was the first letter of the first entry in the list, not the whole list, as worked properly in X3 and earlier.
I then manually searched for and deleted the duplicates (which a copy of the list would have made much less time consuming, of course). To test that this was a reproducible bug, I then deliberately crated a new set of duplicates (simply by copying one of the subfolders in C:Program FilesCorelCorel PaintShop Pro X4Corel_10 to a subfolder in My PSP files picture tubes folder). Again the list of new duplicates showed up, but clicking copy to clipboard again only the first letter in the first item on the list was copied.
I just got Gimp 2.8 for Mac. I can open a picture, do a blur and export. The copy paste is giving me problems. It worked once. I make a selection with the rectangle and do a control c. I also tried the menu. The selection doesn't go to the clipboard. After 6 tries, the same original copy was the only one in there.
Is there a plugin in existance, that I can make a selection in Photoshop and then copy the coordinates of that selection to the clipboard?
I am a texture artist and frequently lay a number of graphics out in one file, before typing out the coordinates for each element. Currently this is slow manual task, but could be made so much faster if I didn't have to type everything out.
how the Photoshop DOM works with this snippet but I can't get it to select a pathItem correctly. When testing in ESTK I sometime have to run a line to that sets the path Item selected property to true several times before the path is selected in the GUI.Here is the script I am working on.
copyPathsToPhotoshop() function copyPathsToPhotoshop(){ var currentLayer = app.activeDocument.activeLayer; var count = currentLayer.pathItems.length; var shapeNumber = 105 for( var p=1;p<count;p++){ [code]....
I sometimes use a trick of creating a virtual copy to get a text element of a NxN image. For example, I might use 8 images for a 3x3 and need a fourth "image" (i.e., column 1, row 2) for text. I like to take image 3 and make a virtual copy, then get that looking the way I want as my text box. When I print, I don't have to create a collection to order my images as long as the sequence-taken, along with the text box in position 4, is okay. I guess in LR 3, the virtual copy sorted after the original.
Well, I just tried the trick and the virtual copy comes before the original. I still wanted to shy away from creating a collection, so played another trick - I used the option to change the capture time under the Library module's Metadata menu, and bumped the text box up 1 second later. But the sort hasn't changed! I even forced a reconsideration of the sort by changing from capture time sort to added time sort, then back again.
Though I'm being "devious" here, it does seem to not be working correctly. Maybe sorting ignores metadata of virtual copy images?
when I open an image in Photoshop I get this error "could not import the clip board because of an unexpected end-of-file was encountered" how do I fix this?
I cannot open photoshop files anymore in photoshop CS3. i get the 'could not import clipboard because an unexpected end-of-file occurred' I have purged the clipboard but no joy. I have an Acer Aspire 5750. Can't even open a New file let alone existing ones.
I have a very basic question, a lot of time when I'm searching photoshop art works on the web I see psd files that contains more then one element (for example a grid of icons where every icon is a separate layer or a group of layers)
But usually I need only one element... So how do I create a png from the one that I need? How can I isolate it from the rest of the elements?
(Can't edit the element until 'A' resaves the element to central and relinquishes it and you Reload Latest.).this note come when i try to modify or erase any element in revit file and i want to know why does this proplem occur ? and how can i resolve this proplem becouse ineed this file.
would it be possible sometime in Paint.Net to save/export to the clipboard the history box as a text list of what we did ?
since I use many effects and settings in a given PDN, I sometime wants to write me some notes about how i did something and the steps i used to do it, before my old memory lets me down.
I know that the PDN it self has the history, but now I need to go over all the list and manually write/type down in notepad the list , which most of the time is very long.
Having the ability to save/export the history box text to a file or to the clipboard, make it easy to edit the list and keep track/notes of steps and ways to do something.
I don't need the settings used in the effect/adjustments , but just the TEXT names of the steps taken as shown in the history box.
I have created simple dynamic block for plan section call outs. If I use comment INSET to put this block in my file ever thing looks ok but if I dropped from tool palette block is srewed up. See attached CAD file.