AutoCad 3D :: How To Slope Curved Element
Sep 8, 2012I have an attached picture of a design i am working on, I was wondering how to slope the curved element so that i meets the lower curved element.
View 3 RepliesI have an attached picture of a design i am working on, I was wondering how to slope the curved element so that i meets the lower curved element.
View 3 RepliesBelow is my test procedure for "Create Curve Mesh Element" by Inventor simulation 2012.
1. I made a box 100(W)X100(D)X20(H) with 2xR20 (mm) fillets at the opposite edges.
2. I copied a box I made for making 2 type mesh.
3. I made mesh on the box without "Create Curved Mesh Elements" option.
Node number: 2374
Element number: 1365
4. I made mesh another model with "Create Curved Mesh Elements" option.
Node number: 2374 (same number, not increase)
Element number: 1365
Mesh shape is different(please refere attachiment jpeg file).
I think that "Create Curved Mesh Element option" is not for making second tetrahedron elements.But I cnanot the true porpose of "Create Curved Mesh Elements" option.For only P method, not H method?
I'm working on a blueprint and trying to get my roof to do something besides a straight slope, but it isn't going well. I need the roof to curve from the corners inward to the point, like the top of a Japanese pagoda.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan you not perform a slope-slope intercept to place a PVI? Essentially holding the sta and elev of the PVI's directly before and after the PVI of interest and changing the grade in and out so that the sta and elev of the PVI of interest are changed.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan't figure out how to match gutter slope to outside lane super subassembly slope. Have super eop targeting a feature line with elevations, but when i check section editor gutter slope doesn't match pavement slope.
Civil3D 2013
Windows 7, 64 bit
Intel i7 2600 @ 3.40Ghz
Nvidia Quadro 600
i need a shoulder subassembly that varies slope in relation to the lane superelevation slope. i know that i can get a subassembly for the shoulder that will follow the alignment superelevation xml data but in my case i can't use it because we are just adding a shoulder to an existing road. we're not changing the superelevation of the existing road, just milling and overlaying and widening. right now i've created a profile of the outside edge of the shoulder that gives me the correct shoulder slope but whenever i change my centerline profile i have to redo the shoulder profiles which is a real time suck.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am in the process of transitioning from land desktop to Civil 3D. I design roads in steep terrain and sometimes need to have my catch (daylight) slopes change. So my question is, how do I change a daylight slope at a specified depth? For example, from the shoulder of the road I want a 3:1 fill slope to a depth of 10 feet than change to a 2:1 slope until it catches the existing surface. Can this be built into a subassembly such that if the fill is less than 10 feet it will daylight correctly at a 3:1 and if the depth is greater than 10 feet then it carries the 3:1 for 10 vertical feet and then changes to the 2:1 until it daylights?
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow to create a flow arrow label for a feature line that parallels the curve?
I've a vague notion that this could be done with a dynamic block and a few fancy expressions. I'm comfortable with expressions, but I've never used dynamic blocks at all, so I wouldn't know where to start.
To be clear, I know curved text is possible, but I'm looking for a curved line (ie an arc) that would look 'parallel' to the arc of the feature line (ie have the same centre point). This would have to be dynamic to allow for different radii and for flipping to the left and right side of the feature line.
I want to extrude a big number of pillars to a rather complicated surface and that works out fine. But each end of the pillars warps around the surface and I want them just to go up to it and stop with a resulting horizontal face.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHaving a time getting ribs to align 2m below top of ridge beam, and connect to curved wall below. I created one, then arrayed, but the radius changes at each 2.5 degree interval. I don't think I should have to calculate the % radius change to get the beams to do this. Some constraint button maybe?
Not sure if editing a wall profile is the best way to model this, but it's working.
I am currently working in a facade that has a stylized gondola on it. The gondola has curved walls for the sides, and I need to have the curved cut to give it the shape. The tools I know are for straight walls, not curved. and the Opening/wall makes a squared opening, not curved.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've just made the dramatic leap from AutoCAD LT 2005 to AutoCAD LT 2013. By far and away the environment in 'Classic" mode is very familiar and there are some new features. However, one item really getting under my skin is the hatch feature. In LT 2005 one could pick the points to hatch, if the item is closed or not, by individual mouse click points similar to how you can still check an area now. Is this hatch feature still available and I just don't have the new program configured properly or will I be forced to draw each item I want to hatch as a 'closed' element?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI cannot draw any elements from design pallet. Happens suddenly. Probably I accidentally switch something. In command line show command like:WallAdd and right away show another command line. Cannot add any doors or windows - same problem.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to select an entity by command prompt (without using mouse) so that it can be modified. Actually I need to do some modification to some entities using script and hence I need a way to access the drawing elements by command or kind of way without using mouse.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIf I only have sketchup terrain model which I could export to DWG.Am I able to bring that DWG into Autocad MAP 3D to do slope analysis?If not, how should I do? What kind of file type I need? Or I need more information other than a model to do slope analysis in Autocad MAP 3D?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an error that started appearing in my VBA programs since we upgraded to AutoCAD 2012. This problem never occured in our previous releases. The program is supposed to loop through all entities in paperspace and check for entities that are a acBlockReference object.
Below is a simplified version of my program. I get an Element Not Found error on the line noted. Again, this has never happened in any of our previous versions of AutoCAD. Just started with 2012.
Sub Test
Dim blkref As AcadBlockReference
Dim entry As Variant
For Each entry In ThisDrawing.PaperSpace
If entry.EntityType = acBlockReference Then ' <-This is where the Element Not Found error occurs
end sub
how to achieve Isolating a single element and Export the element alone as SAT File?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI’ve got a student version (AutoCAD for Mac 2013) , which I got from official website. There starting to appear few problems after a few months of my work.
1. when I’m doing a rectangle, lines that intersect or just lines that contact, in the point of connection appear small blue rectangles and windows of mistakes. If I trying to move only one element of this object, all others elements start to deform in chaotic way.
2. when I’m coping any object on the same page in one file, program start to buzz and I need to close the program despotic.
I'm having problems creating the element in DBTEXT BackgroundWorker in VB! Develop a function to create the element dbtext in the current document, when I use this function within <Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.CommandMethod("")> it works perfectly, but when it is used within BackgroundWorker raises the point of different alignment indicated. And the problem is solved when you run the AUDIT command in the project, then the alignment points are corrected. The same problem is occurring for the blocks that have attributes, in this case the alignment points are also displaced the attributes of the standard indicated.
Public Function NewDBText(ByVal InsertPoint As Point3d, ByVal Rotation As Double, ByVal LayerName As String, ByVal ForceColor As String, ByVal AttacPoint As AttachmentPoint, ByVal TextValue As String, ByVal Height As Double) As ObjectId Try Dim DBTextBase As New DBText DBTextBase.Rotation = Rotation DBTextBase.Layer = LayerName
Possible to move or copy an element e.g. viewport boundary from paperspace to modelspace and vice versa?
View 9 Replies View Relatedthe difference between a '3d solid' and a 'mass element' - or point me to a reference?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a problem that when I add elements to a layout view. These elements contain parts of my drawing and have an outline to them in the layout view. This is handy when working in the layou view, but they are also being plotted when I export to PDF. How can I make these borders disappear in the plots?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow can I alternate the element selection if both elements are on top of each other? I tried to mouse click on the lement with alt or control keys but nothing worked.
Example. I drew a construction line then I drew the line I want to keep on top of it. Now I am trying to delete the construction line but the new line keeps highligting.
I have not come to a solution for creating DBTEXT elements within a BackgroundWorker, this element has problem with the alignment point. So there is an example ZIP, just run the command and check the elements created, you will see that I'm creating the element with the point in alinahmento MIDLECENTER but the result is not correct.
I am creating other elements in the same way and they had no problems (MTEXT, POLYLINE, CIRCLE, SPLINE, LINE, etc. ..), they are correct, but the element and the element DBTEXT block that contains attributes present problems in the alignment points.
The undefined areas of a slope map now have a hatch to them and are plotting black. This map was created a month ago in 2012 without issues, upgraded to 2014 and now the undefined range has hatch!
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhat I have is a bracket that sits on a pitched roof (ipt attached). The part was set up to reflect the positioning. On the lower side of the pitch, the easiest thing was to scuplt the flanges to the slope. Although the flat pattern results in some edges not being perpendicular to the face (See image). These show on the drawing. I realize you can remove these in the drawing but it would be nice to not worry about it.
What would be a better way of handling this situation?
2010 Suite-SP4 64bit
I have a TIN Surface, and I want to get the slope at a point (know X and Y).
Working Civil 3d 2010 and API.NET
I have a simple driveway corridor along a steep hillside. For cut, I would like to have a negative slope away from the shoulder edge. I have tried numerous approaches and all 'cut' reverts to positive. I searched and found no clear answer. It's such a short driveway, I can 'fake' it in, but I would like to calculate quantities.
Using 2012 sp1, 64bit, windows 7
It's almost 2 days I cant imagine to distribute my boxes in a slope area.
see pix attached:
yellow is the slope just see .
I know that I can assign transparency to an element (even to an entire layer). But is it possible to apply transparency to an element on a GRADIENT basis? In the following image, I'd like to have the portion between the outer boundary of the gray shape and the red shape become more and more transparent. So that at the outer edge, you'd see NOTHING below the gray shape--but the closer you get to the red shape, the more you'd see through the gray shape.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI need to convert a polyline to a structural element and put it on a tool palatte. I'm pretty sure I got it into the Design Manager, now I need to make it a structural element. I used to know how to do it in Acad 9, but now in Acad 12 I forgot,
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