AutoCad :: Move Element From Paper To Modelspace
Oct 9, 2013Possible to move or copy an element e.g. viewport boundary from paperspace to modelspace and vice versa?
View 9 RepliesPossible to move or copy an element e.g. viewport boundary from paperspace to modelspace and vice versa?
View 9 RepliesI’ve got a student version (AutoCAD for Mac 2013) , which I got from official website. There starting to appear few problems after a few months of my work.
1. when I’m doing a rectangle, lines that intersect or just lines that contact, in the point of connection appear small blue rectangles and windows of mistakes. If I trying to move only one element of this object, all others elements start to deform in chaotic way.
2. when I’m coping any object on the same page in one file, program start to buzz and I need to close the program despotic.
how to move an element of one picture to another. PSE10, Win. 7.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow do i, by animation of function move an elements arrange, like : on click arrange element to front
View 7 Replies View RelatedCAD-Newbie working in paper space zoomed in close. I want to return to page extents but am zoomed in so close I can't click outside paper space to move view control toolbar to model space. is there a simple key command to perform this function?
View 9 Replies View RelatedSince I'm a little new to this CAD Stuff, I'm having a bit of trouble working out the text size for a viewport.
I've drawn something at a scale of 1:1 in ModelSpace (As per the senior designers instructions) and I've got it zoomed in at a scale of 1:250 in paperspace. According to the text size settings I've been given (they were in place before i joined the company), the text in modelspace should be set to 625; now, when i go into paperspace and print the drawing out, the text looks much too big.
What size should I have the text set to so it doesnt look so big in paperspace??
Is it possible to lock the ucs in modelspace? I want to use it in a lisp!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to find the ploylines in my autocad modelspace. It does not matter what layer they are on, I just need to find all of them as to find their coordinates. I can find the coordinates of a recently created polyline with the vba help but now I'm stuck with just finding a polyline in the modelspace.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhenever I'm in model or paper space, damn thing disappears.
Reboot is always an option, but it's the last thing I want to do at this point.
I am using AutoCAD LT 2004 and I have two separate xrefs and the orientation is different in each. How do I get each one to be similar in model space without having to to into the original files? Is there a way besides just rotating (RO) each file?
View 2 Replies View RelatedFor some reason, I have 1 drawing that will let me select and modify some dimensions in a Paperspace viewport, but others are nonselectable. I can go to the Model Tab and select any dimensions I want.
If I select the dimension in Model Tab, I can go back to Paperspace Viewport and select that dimension, but now dimensions that were selectable before are nonselectable. unsure:
I am thinking it may be graphics card issue or some sort of limit.
is there a command that snaps your dimensioning to changes in model space. having a hard time with this, dimisioned in paper space but to many changes and found i wasn't changing the paper space dims and decided to move all dims to model space.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI received a drawing this morning, and it's paperspace looks great. However when I tried to view the drawings in modelspace it was empty. All the layers are on, when I click into the viewport (in paperspace) I can draw a line on the same layer as the block and that will show up in modelspace, yet no block.
Is this a feature of CAD, never experienced this before.
P.s. The blocks are available to insert in modelspace , however I'm just curious as to why I can not see the blocks that quite clearly exist in modelspace already.
I have a drawing for which i am doing a vehicle swept path analysis on via autoturn in autocad 2012.
I have been sent the drawing, however when i open it the drawing only appears in paperspace and modelspace is blank........
performance differences between:
1) Using a selction filter to get the objectIDs of a particular type, then iterating them, or
2) Iterating all modelspace objects, checking ObjectID.ObjectClass.Name for the desired type.
I am encountering a problem using AutoCAD Civil 3d 2012. When finishing a certain command and going back to the ribbon, my cursor does not want to go out of the modelspace. So i can't click any command in the ribbon, or in any other program outside of AutoCAD.
Even when pressing escape to stop a command, nothing changes. Using the viewcube solves this problem for one time. But every time I draw a line or even zooming, the problem comes back again.
When I use Zoom Extents, my map becomes a tiny dot near the edge of model space. This happens will all of my drawings and they are not "zooming" to the same area in model space. One might be a tiny dot hidden in the left corner under the geomarker and the next might be in the upper right corner 1/4" in size.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a co-worker that wants to rotate the UCS ICON and the CROSSHAIRS in model space but not the actual view on the screen. On my machine this is what it does when I use the UCS command. On their machine it rotates everything. Is there a "variable" that controls this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy drawings are setup with these settings:
When I draw a line with linetype GAS then it is NON-READABLE in the modelspace, or I have to zoom in very deep. In a viewport, no matter what scale, it is exactly as I want it. Also if the VP is 1:100 or 1:50, the lines look the same in the layouts VP.
The results (what is printed on paper) are good, so that should remain as is.
How should I use / modify these settings (or my way of working) so that the lines are drawn READABLE in modelspace without having to zoom, and that the lines in the viewports (thus on paper) remain readable also.
I have a project where 60 drawings will be duplicated for each of a dozen sites. Each site has a four digit prefix (i.e. 800X) that is added to the drawing number, equipment callouts, leaders and various notes throughout the sheets. Even using Find/Replace, this is a lot of work to revise every time I copy them, so I’m thinking that this is a job for fields, no?
Well, I had no problem making a “global” field called SiteNo and inserting it into the title block. Then I inserted the same field into a couple of references in the general notes as well, where it works fine. But when I put it into several leaders sprinkled throughout the drawing I found a problem: regen or regen all will update the title block and note references (all in paperspace, of course), but not the ones in model space. I’ve tried putting the field in both mtext and dtext, and I’ve checked to be sure FIELDEVAL is set to 31. Nothing makes fields in modelspace update.
But I know that the field is set up correctly. If I doubleclick any modelspace occurance (text or mleader), then right click and choose “update field”, it fills in the right value. This however negates my goal. If I have to select each one, I might as well put it in as text and use FIND/REPLACE on each individual drawing.
I was REALLY hoping that I could go to the properties of the sheet set, change one box, and see all occurrences in all drawings for that site update, which is my understanding of the purpose and power of fields. I've spent a lot of time searching the web, seen a lot of issues and solutions, but nothing that quite hits my problem.
The AutoCAD deadline-sensor is working well this week as this Project near completion.
The closer we get to the deadline, the more AutoCAD slows down.
My UCS Icon has disappeared from Modelspace.
It's were it belongs in Paperspace.
The USC Icon is set to "Noorigin" and the color is set to RED for Modelspace.
I need it to orient the many angled spaces we have in this Plan.
In the plot dialog box the options Plot paperspace last and Hide paperspace objects are only supposed to be available in Paperspace however they show up as checked in some of our drawings when plotting from Modelspace. They should be greyed out then. (see attached) If I copy/paste all objects into a new drawing everything is fine. If I delete all layout tabs the options are still checked when plotting in model space.
The only thing I can figure is there are paperspace entities in my model space or that somehow paperspace is leaking through into modelspace.
I'm having a little problem with the modelspace in a vport disappearing on me.
I am trying to do some B.O.M. work, and sometimes I can't snap to a particular point/object, so I turn osnap off and zoom in to identify the correct object. After a certain point in the zoom the drawing regens and then the modelspace disappears completely.
I tried a regenall, closing the drawing and starting it up again, but it's still not there. I checked the properties and it still says it's a vport. When I double click it to enter modelspace from the vport it doesn't take me into modelspace.
I've checked my maxactvp, that's maxed out at 64. I've run an audit and that didn't work.
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011 32-bit
Win XP Pro SP3
Dual Core, 4 GB of RAM
NVIDIA Quadro FX3700
I have a program where I am inserting blocks at specific points in model space. I have successfully been able to create a subroutine that will accept a block name, a point3D Location and a layer name and and insert the specified block at the specified location on the specified layer. What I need to do now is to cycle through model space and find all of the pipe objects in model space. I then find the endpoint of each pipe and insert a block at that location. The problem that I am having is that the program crashes when I try to find the objectid of modelspace. I am using the technique discussed in this thread by Jeffrey_H.
VB.NET Access to Styles
Below is the code that I am trying to get to work.
'Test Command to insert the some blocks into the drawing <CommandMethod("TrimbleTestBlocks")> _ Public Sub TrimbleTestBlocks() 'Get the editor object Dim doc = AcApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim db =
This is the line that crashes on me
'Get Model Space Block Table Record Dim mdlspace As BlockTableRecord = SymbolUtilityServices.GetBlockModelSpaceId(db).GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead)
why this is crashing the program? I just started programming dotnet this weekend and my head is starting to explode.
My end goal is to cycle through every pipe in model space. If the pipe belongs to a specified system definition then find the pipe size and insert a corresponding block on the endpoint of the pipe. I then want to export the blocks to a new drawing to be imported into a trimble unit for locating inserts on a deck.
I have a drawing I'm working from where everything was drawn in model space including the drawing titleblock and the grips for an archD plot. A single viewport is used in paper space that encompasses the entire drawing - titleblock and all. My problem is that I want to use a different scale in the paperspace layout but keep the titleblock (and archD plot grips). Adding another paperspace viewport in the centre of the original does not seem to work as when I adjust the viewport scale it zooms in far too much. Is there a simple solution that I am missing?
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to have text that is in paperspace print under objects that are in model space? like a watermark .
View 2 Replies View Relatedi'm trying to create a routine, where i can select multiple windows in modelspace, and the plot a multisheet pdf.but I'm having trouble to create multiple pages, it only generates 1 page
I have modified sourcecode from Kean Walmsley:
- this routine creates a single-page pdf with only the last selected window.
- the pc3-file I use is able to create multisheets because the original routine with paperspace works fine
- I think it has maybe something to do with the pi.Layout = lo.Id ?
<CommandMethod("mplot2")> Public Sub MultiSheetPlot2() Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim ed As Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput.Editor = doc.Editor Dim db As Database = doc.Database Dim tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() Using tr Dim bt As BlockTable = DirectCast(tr.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead), BlockTable) Dim pi As New PlotInfo() Dim piv As New PlotInfoValidator() piv.MediaMatchingPolicy = MatchingPolicy.MatchEnabled ' A PlotEngine does the actual plotting ' (can also create one for Preview) If PlotFactory.ProcessPlotState = Autodesk.AutoCAD.PlottingServices.ProcessPlotState.NotPlotting Then Dim pe As PlotEngine = PlotFactory.CreatePublishEngine() Using pe ' Create a Progress
I need to find the center point of a viewport in modelspace. I am looking for a vb.Net example but I can't seem to locate one.
View 4 Replies View RelatedExample for creating layouts for the zoomed portion in the model space.. Im able to zoom the drawing sheet but im not able to create layout for that sheet..See my attachment ..i created layouts manually(layout1,layout2,layout3)....But i dont know how to do this in .net API.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI asked this a long time ago but I'm hoping something has changed. If I have 2 Modelspace viewports is there any way to switch their contents? Right now I create 2 views and restore them in alternate viewports.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have received a drawing from a consultant that appears to be locked to a plan view. How this has been done and I would like to switch it off.
Just to be clear it is locked in the modelspace tab not a viewport.