Photoshop :: Cursor Disappears In CS5 After OS10.8 Upgrade?

Sep 12, 2012

I have a problem in Photoshop CS5 (v. 12.0.2) after ugrading my Mac system to Mountain Lion 10.8.1. I use a mouse (not wireless, also tried changing mouse).
When I work with a picture using the brush tool and move the cursor to a palette or menu, the layers palette for example, the cursor disappers. Sometimes you can see that the palettes gets "marked" when you move the mouse around (I mean the "buttons" that changes when you move the cursor over them).

But the cursor is gone and I can't see where to click. If I just click around and eventually hit the right spot, a layer for example, the cursor usually comes back. But the problem happens again as soon as I move the cursor from my picture to a palette or menu.
I don't use that many different tools in Photoshop, usually just the brush tool. But the same thing happens with the doodge tool (or any other tool I think)}.

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Photoshop :: CS4 Upgrade Just Unpacks And Disappears

Oct 15, 2008

I downloaded InDesign (a .7z file and an .exe) and starting the exe which successfully installed InDesign.

Same type of download for PS CS4 and started the .exe file which unpacks all the files and then the window disappears and there is no further activity.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Cursor Disappears Under 20 Pixels

Jan 29, 2013

CS6 Photoshop. Why does brush cursor disappear under 20 pixels?

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3ds Max :: Cursor Disappears After Using Sliders

Apr 27, 2013

When I use various sliders to adjust values of modifiers, I will sometimes push the mouse up or down until the cursor wraps around the screen, sometimes multiple times, depending on how much the values are being adjusted.

After adjusting the value, when the cursor has gone off the view of the monitor, it will not return for a minute or longer.

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AutoCad :: Cursor Disappears After Selection

Jul 23, 2009

I have several drawings that some times, after selecting several objects to move, and pressing space-bar to end selection, the cursor disappears. If I click for a base-point the cursor comes back but it is not where I need it for accurate placement.

I have developed a work around - I cancel command after blind pick, restart command, type P to select previous, then space-bar, then I can place accurately with cursor visible for both placement picks.

Autocad 2009, XP

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Freeze And Cursor Disappears?

Mar 13, 2013

This has been occurring numerous time more than it should. While in a drawing mid command, panning, typing anything pretty much my cad freezes. The rest of my computer is fine everything works properly but CAD is frozen and when i bring my pointer into the program it disappears. I can even open cad up again and the old CAD will stay open. It shows the drawings i have open on the tab bar and i can’t close out of them. I have a computer that’s more than capable to work properly.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: 2012 MEP Cursor Disappears

Oct 3, 2012

At no specific time when using ACAD 2012 MEP the cursor disappears.  cross hairs and all.  the only way to get them back is to close ACAD and open it back up.  

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Illustrator :: CS3 - Cursor Disappears When Writing Text?

Dec 3, 2008

I have a frustrating problem in CS3 that when writing a block of text, either with text tool or area text tool, that the cursor disappears. I need to see its new position after using the space bar or tab: ready to input the next piece of text.
It seems to be flashing some of the time if I click into the middle of the text block, but disappears where I want to continue it at the bottom of the text block?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Cursor Disappears Only On Drawing Window

May 3, 2012

All of a sudden my cursor will become invisible. This happens only with AutoCAD. and if I switch between drawing windows it will appear on another drawing file. I have to close the drawing and open it again and then the cursor will be back only to disappear again. The cursor is visible if I move it back to the ribbon or bottom controls. It seems to happen only when it becomes the cross-hair cursor. I can still make selection windows and right click.

Mouse is working fine with all other programs and drivers are up-to-date.

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Lightroom :: Get Cursor Back When It Disappears While In The Develop Module?

Feb 7, 2014

When I am working on an image, for some reason SOMETIMES, the cursor vanishes and all I will see is different elements momentarily highlighting but not enough to do anything in LR. pressing ESC gets me out of the module and somehow I have to exit the program...restart to get it back to normal again...

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Lightroom :: Get Cursor Back When It Disappears While In The Develop Module

Sep 16, 2013

When I am working on an image, for some reason SOMETIMES, the cursor vanishes and all I will see is different elements momentarily highlighting but not enough to do anything in LR. pressing ESC gets me out of the module and somehow I have to exit the program...restart to get it back to normal again...

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Photoshop :: In CS5 Bridge With Mac OS10.8.2 JPEGs Thumbnails Now Only Display As Icons

Sep 30, 2012

When I open bridge CS5 i see my jpegs thumnails for a second, then they all convert to the jpeg icon and I get this message.

"Could not complete your request because a SOFn, DQT, or DHT JPEG marker is missing before a JPEG SOS marker". 

I try rebuildign the cache then they all conver to the icon. I have thousands of jpegs. How do I corect this?
They do open in the mac preview, but that is useless for lage folder previews.

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Photoshop :: 13.0.4 / Mac OS10.7.5 Save For Web Fails Due To (unknown Operating System Error)?

Jan 22, 2013

Now no save for web operation completes due to an error "Could not complete this operation. An unknown operating system error has occured."NOTHING has changed on the system.
I've trashed Photoshop pref... all of them.I've reinstalled the Mac OS 10.7.5 combo update.I've rebooted to a different drive and repaired disk and permissions (no issues found).I've Safe Booted.I've disabled ALL plug ins.
Uninstalling and will reinstall/update to see if that works.
Photoshop Extended 13.0.4, Mac OS 10.7.5, 8-Core 2012 MacPro 32GB RAM, SSD boot drive, separate internal dedicated scratch drive, nVida 5870 driving 3 monitors, Wacom Intuos 5

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GIMP :: Flashing Cursor / No Movement Of Cursor

Dec 14, 2012

My cursor appears and disappears while in GIMP as I move the cursor over the canvas. I can make the cursor appear but only if there is no movement of the cursor. It makes no difference which tool I select, the size of the canvas, or the level of zoom.

Please note that this only occurs in Gimp, and none of my other applications. It started when I upgraded from openSUSE 12.1 to 12.2. I'm assuming that it has something to do with my input device configuration, but I could be totally wrong.

I have a total of 3 input devices - Core Pointer, Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse, and Virtual Core XTEST Pointer. Both the Optical Mouse and XTEST Pointer are DISABLED. Core Pointer is the only one enabled. Enabling Optical Mouse and XTEST Pointer give me other problems in Gimp and need to remain disabled.

For the Core Pointer, Mode is set to SCREEN, a message says that 'The axis X has no curve', and the following Axis Settings:
X 1
Y 2
Pressure none
xtilt none
ytilt none
wheel none

In Gimp Preferences->Input Controllers, there are three active controllers - Mouse Buttons, Main Mouse Wheel, and Main Keyboard.

OS: Linux 3.4.11-2.16-desktop i686
System: openSUSE 12.2 (i586)
KDE: 4.8.5 (4.8.5) "release 2"

Display Info:
Vendor: Intel Corporation
Model: G33
2D driver: intel
3D driver: Unknown Gallium (9.0.1)

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Illustrator SDK :: How To Convert CUR Cursor To Mac Cursor

Feb 27, 2014

In Xcode, we have to define cursor as:
resource 'CURS' (16001) {
    $"00 00 00 00"
    $"18 00 3C 00"
    $"1E 00 0F 00"
    $"07 80 03 C8"
    $"01 E8 00 FC"

In Windows we use .cur file, simpler.
I want to convert .cur file to the mac format above, how?

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Photoshop :: Disappears

Jan 8, 2007

I have tried everything that i can think of. I use a mac and when i try to load photoshop everything appears to be working normally. I see the box come up and the tools loading and then nothing! Gone! I did a search and deleted any adobe items including the program and tried reinstalling and it still happens. I have tried installing DIFFERENT versions of PS and it still happens. What should I do? Reinstall my operating system? I'm using 10.4.8 and have plenty of memory left as well ...

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Photoshop :: Image Disappears In CS6

Oct 19, 2013

I have had CS6 for about a month.  The past few days when I click to use crop, magic wand etc my photo disappears from the screen.  The screen is black. 

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Photoshop :: The Underline Disappears

Feb 19, 2007

Definitely one of the most bizarre things in my 5 years in PS.

I have image with some text. I forgot to do underline, so go back and underline some text. which I need as link indicator for web page link.

I save for web, jpeg looks great, but when copy that jpeg anywhere, to website folder, or evern desktop, the underlined word is no longer underlined.

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Photoshop :: Rectangles Disappears

Jun 17, 2008

I use the rectangle tool to draw two rectangles where I use blending options to set opacity to 0 (no fill). But when I draw the second rectangle the first one disappears. How do I see both rectangles at the same time?

Another thing. How do I change linesize for the borders for the rectangle?

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Photoshop :: Configurator Panel Disappears

Sep 14, 2012

why the content of a Configurator panel dissapears when I leave Photoshop and return? The panel loads fine at startup but when I go to another app and return, the panel is empty. The name of the panel is there, just no contents.

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Photoshop :: One Plugin Installs - Another Disappears

Feb 26, 2013

I've recently installed CS6 on a new Win 7 64 bit machine.
I'm beginning to install various plugins (Topaz, Nik, etc.).
I think this is the correct procedure, but let me know if it's wrong:  I open Photoshop, go to Edit, Preferences, Plugins, then check the "additional plug-ins folder" and choose browse.  I navigate to the main folder for the product I'm looking for.  For example, Topaz... I'm using 3 plug-ins:  Detail, Remask, Adjust.  I highlight the folder, click OK, close PS, then reopen it.  I open an image, then go to Filter, and find that all three plug-ins are there.  I open each one, make sure that they are activated with my activation key, then close each application.
I then went back to Edit, Preferences, Plugins and browsed for the next plugin folder.  In this specific case, it was Portraiture, by Imagenomic.  I highlight the folder, click OK, close PS, re-open, and when I look for this plugin under Filter, I see it.  But, now, one of the Topaz plug-ins are gone.  It always seems to be the Topaz Adjust.  If I navigate back to it, re-do the plug-in from PS, then the Imagenomic plug-in disappears next time I open PS.
In each case, I just highlight the main folder (Topaz, or Imagenomic), not the Topaz Adjust folder (though I did try this, and it made no difference).

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Photoshop :: Image Disappears When Cropping

Nov 29, 2013

When using the crop tool, and I expand the cropped area outside the original image, the image disappears and the area turns white.  How do I turn what ever "feature" this is off?

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Photoshop :: Drop Shadow Disappears?

Nov 19, 2012

I created the text with a drop shadow.

But as soon as I flatten the image or merge visable the drop shadows disappear.I had to actually take a screen shot in order to show what I'm talking about.

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Photoshop :: Mouse Pointer Disappears In CS5?

Oct 5, 2012

I am on a Mac Pro with Magic Trackpad. Using Photoshop CS5, the cursor/pointer disappears after a while, and I have to switch to another application, then back to Photoshop to bring it back. The pointer does not disappear over the image window, just over the tool palettes, toolbar, menus, etc. This is a recent development, and I've only ever seen it in Mountain Lion. None of my previous systems exhibited this behavior.

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Photoshop :: Save As Window Disappears

May 12, 2008

all of a sudden everytime i try to "save as" a file the save as window pops up for a second then simply disappears and i cant click anything. the only thing i can do is shut down photoshop in the process list.

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Photoshop :: Save As Window Disappears

May 12, 2008

saving files.

i try to "save as" a file the save as window pops up for a second then simply disappears and i cant click anything.
the only thing i can do is shut down photoshop in the process list.

i already tried removing and reinstaling but it didnt work

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Photoshop :: Oil Paint Filter Opens And Disappears

Jun 4, 2012

When I click on the oil paint filter it barely opens and the disappears.

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Photoshop :: Image For Puppet Warping Disappears

Oct 14, 2013

Today I went to puppet warp a layer, and as soon as I placed the first pin, the image part of the puppet warp disappeared - only the mesh was visible.  I can't figure out where to put pins or adjust my layer if I can't see the actual image! 
Have been using puppet warp with my current system config for a long time with no issues, and had, in fact, puppet warped several things just a few minutes prior with no issues.  I have tried after restarting, using hardly any system resources, and with all other layers visible, and hidden.  No matter what I try, as soon as I place the first pin, only the mesh remains and I can't see what I'm trying to warp at all.  !

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Photoshop :: Lighting Effects Previews OK But Disappears?

Apr 7, 2013

I am working in Photoshop CS6. I am putting a light effect over a layer and the lighting effect using the alpha channel.Everything is fine in the preview stage, however when I go back to the main part of my document the effect appears for a little while then disappears. I save it before it disappears as a JPEG and as a psd to input into indesign but when saved the lighting effect does not show up on either file. 

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Photoshop :: Text Randomly Disappears Without Warning?

Aug 25, 2013

Whenever I edit any text - be it editing an existing text layer, or with a new one, whatever text is there just randomly and without warning disappears.  Doesn't matter wether I'm changing the color, font, font size or any other type settings.  Sometimes I just move the mouse while in editing mode and the text just vanishes.
Made a video of the bug in action.  Virtual keyboard on screen so you can see that I'm not hitting any keys to make the text disappears. Latest version of Photoshop, CC, OS X etc.


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Photoshop :: Edge Of Brush Disappears As It Gets Larger

Oct 29, 2012

I noticed this was a question when CS4 came out; I've just upgraded from CS3 to CS6 so am experiencing the problem decribed in an earlier thread here:

I have an Nvidia Geforce 7900GS card with an old 2006 driver,   I tried updating to driver 306.81 from earlier this month and whilst this solved the brush issue, it caused the PC's cooling fans to operate much more frequently (and noisily) than before so I concluded it was not so suitable for my card.
In view of this, should I be trying an older driver, say from 2009 as the earlier post suggests "because that bug was fixed by Nvidia back in the Spring of 2009"
If so, which one?
I'm running XP, SP3  PC has dual core Pentium CPU 3.4GHz, 4GB RAM (3.25 useable with XP) CS6 updated with all available updates.

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