I have been using PSE 11 for about 6 months with no problems, however, yesterday the prog froze and I had to switch off and re-boot. Now all new uploads are displayed in the organiser as egg timer icons. These will open, but only one at a time when double clicked on. I am on Windows 7. I have uninstalled PSE 11 and re-installed but the problem persists. I have uploaded a very small jpeg and got the same resuilts, which seems to rule out a RAW problem.
After opening Bridge CS6 (and using mini Bridge), there are no thumbnails showing. I've pointed Bridge to just one folder with less than 5 photos in it and it cannot even display them. I'm running a recent Mac Pro with 16GB RAM and kick graphics card.
I needed to use a Jpeg camera original image (created in May 2008) in CS4 and viewed it with Bridge then tried Crtl-R to open it in Camera Raw. The image opened, all the control were there, I brightebed it up a bit and hit OPEN and ... hey - presto the image was corruprted. Tried the same thing on the next image in the folder and got the same results.
We had backed up the folder on DVD so I've lost some time but not the two images.
I shoot on a Canon 600D in colour JPG mode. The camera is tethered to a laptop that runs some photo booth software. The software takes the images and makes a black and white image from them. After I have finished, I copy the individual (black and white) photos from one computer to another to work on them
My question is this:
When I open up the folder of JPG images or load them into Lightroom (library multi view) on the second computer. The thumbnails appear in colour and then after about 1 second, flick to black and white. When I open up the file in full/single view/windows viewer, the large image is in black and white.
Now given that the colour information is clearly embedded in the file somewhere - is there any way to get the full version in colour?
It's similar to if I shot RAW and it was showing me the embedded JPG preview - but as I say, at no point are the photos shot in RAW.
At some time in the past when I saved a psd file I would have an icon or thumbnail in explorer. No it doesn't save those thumbs. Actually it saves them but they appear to be corrupt.
I'm running win7 and I have a dll (don't remember which one) that allows for the preview thumb in explorer so I know it's an issue with cs5.
I'm running CS2 and Camera Raw v3.6 which supports my Nikon D2Xs. When I load the CFcard into my reader the JPEG files show fine in Adobe Bridge but the RAW files on the same card only show as a NEF file name (no thumbnail). How do I get the thumbnails for these RAW images to show in Bridge?
When I open a Canon image file folder containing cr2 raw and jpeg images from my canon 40D In Bridge CS3, at first the thubmnail images show up with the beautiful color that I shot. Then, one by one, *poof*, *poof*, poof*, bridge cs3 turns the thumbnails into garbage by darkening and desaturating each and every one of them. What the hay? The images are shot using the adobe rgb color space in the 40D.
What is Bridge cs3 doing to my image thumbnails? Why is Bridge cs3 doing this to my image thumbnails? How can I stop Bridge cs3 from doing this to my image thumbnails?
When I use the Canon program DPP to open the images, the thumbnails look great (jpg or raw), and the images look great when I open them. But I don't want to use DPP. I want to use Adobe Bridge & CS3.
I recently upgraded from cs5 to cs6, I have downloaded upgrades for photoshop, bridge, camera raw, and adobe dng converter.
My problem is that the raw dng, and raf raw files from my fuji x-e1 camera are showing up in bridge as icons only, and not as thumbnails. How do I get the files to show as thumbnails. if I double click they will open in camera raw and i can see the pic there.
converting grey thumbnails in mini bridge (Phostoshop CS6). For some reason, my preview is all grey. I looked under preference and couldn't find anything there.
I'm having a display bug with the menu toolbar icons in Photoshop CS4 Extended. The icons don't show when mouse hovers over them and they don't show at all for the drop down menus. Can this be fixed?
I'm on WinXP, Athlon 64 4000+, 3GB ram, GeForce 6800 GT video card [driver 181.20]. I'm not sure if this is a video driver bug or CS4 bug.
In PSE12 how does one display the icons under the event tab in a categorized tree structure?
In my PSE10 catalog, I have a highly structured event tag tree for 30,000 pictures and videos covering 15 years. This tree has annual main categories and then numerous events in 2nd level subcategories under each year. Below that are tags for which camera/person took the picture as well as other tags for videos, panorama-segments etc. Altogether there are probably several hundred or more subcategories. After importing the catalog into PSE 12 all of these subcategories show up in the top level display causing massive duplication that scrolls for 12 or more screens.
The PSE12 event tab is useless if it can only display every subcategory all at once in a flattened format. I also do not see any way to move these subcategories out of the events tag area and into the keyword tag area to eliminate clutter.
Some of the thumbnails do not display a picture in Organizer but only in Editor which makes it very difficult to organize and choose which to work with.
I have just installed Photoshop Elements 11 and the new photos which I have taken are displaying as hourglasses in the organizer. When I click on the photos they display as a photo. How can I get then to display as thumbnails in the organizer. I have windows 7
I use PSP X3 for web image editing and am sometimes sent jpeg files which are in CMYK format. Unfortunately PSP does not display the colours in these files correctly. Yellow will display as brown, pale blue as turquoise and pink as purple for example.
If I open the same file in almost any other programme, including the humble "Paint", the colours display fine and my workaround up until now has been to open in another programme, copy the picture to the clip board and then paste it into PSP as a new image. The colours are then fine but it greatly increases my work time, especially when I have many images to process.
Surely there must be a way to get these images to display correctly. It has nothing to do with monitor or gamma adjustment otherwise they would display incorrectly in all other programmes also.
Maybe it is a bug or just something that Corel have overlooked. RGB jpegs display fine, the problem only occurs with CMYK images.
I'm running PS CS6 on a new 27"imac. When saving documents in CS6, the majority of times no icon is saved only the file name when viewed from the finder. Around 10% of the documents saved will have an icon, the remainder will not. This is across the board with all file types. If I open up a document through CS6 I can see the file icon in the CS6 as I search, it's just through the finder that I can't.
I have used Photoshop Elements 3, 5, 7 and 8. In each one I could see the thumbnails of multiple files in the "Folder Location" display in Organiser. Now in PE10 I can only see the thumbnails for one file at a time. Why and how I can display the thumbnails of all files in "folder locations?
I am having a problem with tif and psd, (& I see now it’s on some jpg) images displaying properly on my XP SP3 desktop. The thumbnail looks ok, but the preview image appeared rippled,and none of the original image is discernable.I’m using PSCS4 Extended. I’ve looked on my Vista Ultimate SP2 laptop and for the same program the images are displaying fine.The Adobe programs on the desktop are up to date .The images in question on the desktop appear fine in Photoshop or IrfanViewer. I have copied on of them to the laptop and in Bridge on the laptop it appears fine.I’m assuming that somehow, Adobe Bridge has got corrupted on the desktop.Is there any way to cleanly reinstall just bridge?
would like to have Gimp open a specific folder (in my camera's SD card) and display thumbnails of the JPGs in that folder, so that I can click on the one I want to work on and have it open full size.
I have a problem in Photoshop CS5 (v. 12.0.2) after ugrading my Mac system to Mountain Lion 10.8.1. I use a mouse (not wireless, also tried changing mouse).
When I work with a picture using the brush tool and move the cursor to a palette or menu, the layers palette for example, the cursor disappers. Sometimes you can see that the palettes gets "marked" when you move the mouse around (I mean the "buttons" that changes when you move the cursor over them).
But the cursor is gone and I can't see where to click. If I just click around and eventually hit the right spot, a layer for example, the cursor usually comes back. But the problem happens again as soon as I move the cursor from my picture to a palette or menu.
I don't use that many different tools in Photoshop, usually just the brush tool. But the same thing happens with the doodge tool (or any other tool I think)}.
I have recently upgraded from PS CS3 direct to PS CS6. I have an issue with the display of raw images taken by my Canon PowerShot S70 camera (.CRW format). Many of the portrait-style images are displayed as landscape. This appears to be random as not all portrait images are affected.
I did not have this problem with CS3. I have discussed the matter with the Adobe helpdesk which suggested various remedies (purging cache, resetting preferences) to no avail. They came to the conclusion that PS CS6 does not fully support the file structure generated by this camera in that it cannot detect from the file data that it should be displayed as a portrait image rather than as a landscape image.
I have two issues with this. Firstly, if true, it means that PS CS6 has taken a slightly backward step as far as I'm concerned and secondly, it does not answer the random nature of the incorrect display.Obviously I want these images to be displayed correctly. I can rotate them in Bridge/PS manually, but I have a lot of them scattered over many folders and it is a task I would rather be automated.
This issue also occurs in Windows 7 Home Premium, but as I was using Win 7 HP with CS3 without this display issue, it appears to be an Adobe problem as it only occurred after the upgrade to CS6.
I am unable to display raw files automatically when downloaded into CS3 bridge from a D300 camera. My working system consists of : Windows XP, PSCS3 with camera raw_5_3, dng converter 5_2. Interestingly, similar raw files from a D70 camera display as expected without any problems. Is this a problem with the D300 camera?