Photoshop :: Can't Select An Area Outlined With Pen
Aug 17, 2005
I'm extracting an image in PS 5.5 using the pen tool. I've got all the anchor points down, but I don't know how to now select my outlined area. If I try to fill in the background of the mask with black, the entire mask becomes filled in.
When I have a masked layer and try to drag-select other items on other layers outside of it, it still gets selected if the image area happens to be located within the selection range. Or in other words: why would anything outside of the masked area get selected at all, when the point of a mask in not just to hide what's outside, but also to 'deactivate' it,so that the masked area is all we are working with. This didn't happen before, may be those were older versions of photoshop.
In previous versions of PS you used to be able to press CMD (i'm mac based) and drag the mouse to select all the layers that are within the area you drag to.
This is great for sorting out files, grouping layers etc as you can lock/hide layers as you go. Problem now is that in Photoshop CC it also selects locked and invisible layers - which didn't use to happen so actually its completely ruined this method.
I need to place a circle selection around a ring shape in a gif graphic and then delete the background outside of the ring shape. The gif I am working with is a square shape with a green background and on that is a white circle shape with lettering going around it and a small pic inside the circle shape. I want to only use the white circle shape with the text going around it and the pic inside and discard the green square background appearing outside the ring.
I want to select an area of video and use a filter on it but maintain that filter all through the video. Currently when I try to use a selection and a filter (blur filter) it will only let me effect one frame at a time. The one frame is under the affected video area. How do I extend that one selection and frame all through the video clip?
I have used the marquee tool to select an area and moved it using the cursor keys. Now I want to drop it/commit it even when I hit enter I can't seem to get rid of the marquee flashing surround.
Been working with PSE11 for a few months. Yesterday it developed a problem. I can no longer click on the layer in the main work area but have to go to the layer panel to select it. What do I need to do to change this back to where it works like it should??
I have an image with just one color, black. But it has a shadow which is partially opaque. I want to select the shadow, so I can delete it. But when I use "select by color" it selects the whole image including the shadow. How do I just select the shadow? Or conversely, how do I just select the image?
A year ago I used Paint.Net for a map. I remember that I could select a freeform area by just clicking several dotted/dashed flickering points around the border so the lines were straight afterwards, when the dots were connected again. After that I could fill this area up with a transparant coulour. Now, off course, I can't seem to find how I did it.
I am trying to use the rectangle tool to select a rather specific area. I am trying to make a 50x50 square in the bottom left corner, but I don't know how I would accomplish this.
I've tried using GIMP many times, yet I've accomplished very little, given all of GIMP's functionality. For example:
If I want to select part of an image and copy it to another area or to a new image/layer, and also FEATHER the edges, here's how I'd do it in an old graphics app I often used years ago:
1. Select the area.2. Hold Ctrl while moving selection with Move tool.3. Use the slider to soften the edges to my liking.4. Press Enter to anchor selection. Done.
And there were sliders also for opacity and other things. So very SIMPLE because the prog. was designed very intuitively. How would I accomplish the same in GIMP? Well, most of the time, I WOULD ACCOMPLISH NOTHING! At best, I'd enter values into the box, not like the result, enter new values, repeat. And that's on a good day.
Somebody write a SCRIPT/PLUGIN that allows the use of sliders exactly as described above! I desperately want to be a HAPPY GIMP user, but I'm growing ever more hopeless. I don't want to turn on my older PC just to use a graphics app that actually lets me get things done.
When a check area and I start selecting and the "green window " appears it won't let me select more than 3 points I was able to select multiple points. How can I fix this ?
When I select the text tool and click in the layout area, I type "i" and upon clicking off it auto changes to a capital "I". It's never done this before. If I do i space i space i space, it keeps changing, it won't allow me to have lower case letters.
I cant seem to find filter select or a list view for the record area. Both of these functions come in handy on feature films and episodic television especially vfx heavy shows.
I need help on how to outline my words in white with a 2px outline ... I don't want the full words to be outlined in white just the top sides and bottom to be outlined in white.. for example look at the Right Guard Xtreme sport deoderant, it's outlined in black but not around the individual words. How can I do but just in white?
I was experimenting with applying filters to text. I managed to make the background black and the text converted to a white outline. I believe I did it using artistic/watercolor. I made a series of five images using this process and now I can't recreate the effect. I definitely did not use strokes or any of the other common ways of creating outline text: It was really quite accidental and done entirely with filters.
When I try to use the brush tool when in Actions, an outlined version of my watermark shows up on my image instead of the brush applying the Action. I do not know what I did but it is super frustrating... how do I remove?
regularly, when i produce a file contains some outlined elements as PDF, these elements are not appropriately look fine, in case of circle shape, its border doesn't have a smooth circled path (it rather looks like shattered or broken lines), unless when zooming in for 3 times, it actually depends on the file depth, however, Illustrator doesn't have this problem, and people ask me why? so what went wrong?.
I've attached an example (Graphic1.pdf) to have a look at the problem closer and in case you didn't get my problem!
I created this simple graphic with a mix of the straight line tool and the shape tool. Any color I drag on to any panel of this hat only changes the background color. I've made sure that all these lines have snapped to the appropriate edges and have tried many combinations of joining shapes and converting to shapes, etc...
I have noticed the vectors don't seem to work the same so I'm not sure this is even possible.
i drew this picture waaaay back but i never found a solution. the outline i did always looks like this no matter what size i outline it at. is there a solution to this?