When I open an image, sometimes one or more of the "panes" or "panels" does not display, i.e. there is the blank checkered screen in that section of the image. If I zoom in or out, all the image will display, until I get back to that magnification and again there are one or more blank spaces. If I close and re-open the image, it usually, but not always, displays fine.
Sometimes I need to close and open twice. I would say this has happened about one out of ten times I opened an image so far in the two days I have been using the program.My first thought was to update my video display driver, but I already have the latest one (using Nvidia Geforce GT220).
We have imported a .dwg file from our engineer into CorelDraw 5 under Windows Vista (64-bit). The file appears to import all elements since the layers and objects all appear in the 'Object Manager' docker. We can also select ALL objects and a rectangular marquee or extent shows up on the screen, which is presumably the bounding box for the imported drawing. Unfortunately, there is nothing displayed there (no topo, no streets, no buildings, not anything). We even tried selecting all objects and changing the color to black, but there are so many elements it appears the system will never stop processing or is locked up.
Why our imported .DWG file appears to be there, but displays nothing?
There was a small dot on our screen near the side of the page, just a small spec on the monitor. When we selected the dot and resized it to a full page, there was our complete drawing. However, we do not know why the drawing was imported as just a spec, nor why we had a larger edit marquee that appeared as wide as the page, yet appeared blank.
On the average 1 out of 10 drawings will open up with a blank display. By clicking randomley on the screen until a line is high lighted and using the re command the drawing will appear. This has started happening after switching to Win 7pro 64 bit and Autocad 64 bit. This happens on various machines in the office, and on differant files made by differant computers.
Display is set to black. Layout is set to white.
I have tried various display drivers, the ones from the mfg, and the ones that have been tuned for S W. no effect same problem.
When I use the Smart Photo Fix command, and check Advanced Settings I see the black & white correction options, BUT I do NOT see the before & after left & right preview panes that are necessary to let me choose black & white & grey points on my image.
There seems to be another post/thread on this topic BUT unfortunately I cannot open that post: when I try I see the message: No post matches the time frame selected even though I have set this to ALL POSTS.
I am currently writing a book that will initially be sold as a PDF but may later go on the i Book store, however I don't have a Retina display myself and what is the best practice for making screenshots from a normal display look acceptably sharp on a Retina display?
I have Photoshop along with the iOS simulator that shows how the iPad or iPhone will look if they can be used in some way but I mainly need to get menu items and dialogue boxes from various applications in OS X and Windows looking good on Retina screens. I really don't want to pay out for a Retina display purely for this task that would only take a few hours of work at most.
After closing and reopening my command prompt, I find that it is now at the bottom left of the screen and no longer part of the main graphics window. How can I get it to display at the bottom of the main display?
Everytime i press the shift key and quotation mark key for the double quotation mark to display on my text on PS cs5 doesn't work. It display a double arrow instead.
New to this video editing game, just have a question regarding 4.3 and 16.9. i have a Canon XM2 which has a setting in the menu for 16.9 wide screen format. When this is selected on the camera the view finder shows a distored image (squshed). I have also found a setting that when 16.9 is turned off you can display 2 horizontal lines on the display. my question is am i better off shooting footage with the 16.9 turned off on the camera and then using Videostudio pro x4 to create the 16.9 format(if this can be done).
For example, Stairs have a stringer componet in plan display configuration but does not have a stringer componet in the Low Detail configuration. I need the stringer to show when I go to low detail how can I add a stringer componet in low detail.
I'm sure it's something basic but whenever I close a PS file, I end up with an empty frame. Tools and menu bars are there. When I close the file, I want to see my desktop, not a blank PS window. How do you get rid of that blank frame?
For some reason the upper left pane in my PS 7 browser is blank. How do I show the tree view as shown in the picture of the browser window in the help section of the program?
When the mouse/pen is held following a crop the image and pallette windows go blank, and when the pointing device is released the image and pallettes are restored. Again, problem is not easy to replicate, but can happen with the marquee and ruler tools as well - was this issue ever resolved ?
I received a PSD file from a client that I want to pull an image from. When I open the file there is a background layer and Layer 1, but in the layer window they're both blank. However, on the screen is the image I need.
I try to select the image, or use lasso or wand but it treats the image as a blank image (no matter what layer I'm on). Even when I drag and drop the image to another file, it comes up blank. The only time I do see it is in the original file, but I can't seem to do anything with it.
Every new file in Photoshop CS5 is suddenly too large. For example, an 8 1/2 x 11 document at 300dpi (created simply with the Photoshop preset), is now 80MB on the disk drive after saving. In the past, it would be only 1MB.
Recently my Photoshop has decided that it no longer likes Background Layers so every time I open a jpg file in Photoshop CS6 it opens the file as a layer instead of a bakcground layer.
It's a small issue but when you are working with 100+ photos that need a quick edit and save it becomes incredibly annoying to have to reset the file type I want to save to or adjust the layer back to a background layer with each photo. When I'm doing it once or twice it's no big deal but those extra few steps become time consuming when I work in bulk and I work on a tight deadline.
It's only doing it with some files. Mostly the newer ones. Any older jpgs I open are fine but anything new is opened as a regular layer.
Is there some sort of setting I accidentally clicked without realising it? Because I have looked everywhere I can think of and fiddled with settings all over the place but something missing.
Everything I try to print from Photoshop to my Epson Stylus Pro 3880 just prints a blank page.
It sounds like it's printing, i.e. the printer head moves up and down across the paper, however no ink is depositied on to the page. Ink levels are fine.
I can print fine from other applications; it's only Photoshop that's causing a problem.
This is on a Mac running OS X 10.6.8, Photoshop 12.0 x64. I have tried upgrading the printer driver to the latest version: 9.04.
I have also tried totally removing the driver and reinstalling it, and have tried reinstalling Photoshop.
I want to know that we can't put out any object from new blank sheet? like illustrator and coral draw..
we are running a advertising company Buzzooka Infomedia and we often use photoshop for make designs and website templetes so we face inconvenience without this feature in photoshop
Started suddenly, no issues previously. Installed on an iMac running 10.5.8. Blank welcome screen and nothing else. Tried reinstalling... nothing is working.
I can open GeoPdf files in Cs2 but when I upgraded to Cs5 I only get a blank image when I open up the geopdf files. Is there a certain setting I'm missing?
I am having this issue with the new PS CC. It happens whenever I try to add/edit a text. Pick the text tool, click onto the work and -- bang! -- the whole work screen gets blank. Depending on the project size it may get stable at a certain ammount of zoom and keep blinking (or go completely blank) at other zoom factors. If I finish text editing the screen gets back to normal. Funny is that if I type something, it will be there, so the problem seems to be with the viewport.
PS: Currently I am going to download and install back the CS6 version as the issue reported above does not happen with it.
I am using the final released Photoshop CS6 software, not beta, and am having the same issue with the Patch tool. I start to drag around an area to make a selecton, and the screen goes blank so that I can't see where I'm making the selection. When I release the mouse, the image appears again. Another problem which may be related is that sometimes when I zoom in, the screen goes blank. Closing Photoshop and re-launching it usually fixes the problem, but is an annoying time-waster. I have the most current update from the Cloud for Photoshop CS6, 13.1.2.X64.