Photoshop :: CS6 / Incorrect Rendering Of Pasted Adobe Illustrator Vector Objects?

Sep 23, 2012

Ps CS6 v13.0.1
OS X 10.6.8
Problem: Ps CS6 incorrectly renders vector objects pasted from Adobe Illustrator. CS5.1 does not exhibit the problem.
Below is screenshot of artwork in Illustrator and which is copied to clipboard, followed by screenshot of "Paste as Smart Object" in Ps CS5.1 then screenshot of same paste in CS6. "Paste as Pixels" gives identical good rendering in CS5.1 and poor rendering (gray pixels which should be pure white in this example) in CS6. This is repeatable with other artwork.
Several weeks ago there was a complaint in this forum that Photoshop CS6 poorly renders vector artwork that is pixel-aligned in Illustrator. The Adobe response was that Photoshop is correct. Strange that CS5.1 can render pasted vector artwork perfectly and only CS6 makes a mess.

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Illustrator :: Vector Image Distortion Upon Resize In Adobe CS6

Dec 18, 2012

I am experiencing image distortion with vector shapes or outlined letters with scale down. Shift + Alt + Click locks in the proportions of the image as a whole but what happens is individual letters/shapes become distorted resulting in a completely different look.

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Photoshop :: Can't Warp Pasted AI Vector Smart Object Using Free Transform In CS6

Sep 5, 2012

I pasted a vector object into PS CS6 (13.0.1 x32) today directly from Illustrator CS6 (16.0.1 x32), and selected "Paste as Smart Object" (Windows XP Pro SP3).
I then tried to warp the pasted object using the Free Transform tool by dragging one of the corner handles with CTRL held down (Windows).
This usually warpsdistorts the object, but instead, this launched a skew operation.
If I paste as Shape Layer or as Pixels then apply Free Transform, <Ctrl + corner handle drag> performs a warpdistort operation. Also, if I rasterise the pasted AI object, and then convert to a Smart Object I can warpdistort.
Is it not possible to paste an Illustrator vector in as a Smart Object, and then warpdistort it directly using this technique?

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Photoshop :: Vector Smart Objects Still Looking For Older Version Of Illustrator

Jun 24, 2013

When we try to open smart objects from within Photoshop CC, they're looking for Illustrator CS6. On machines where Illustrator CS6 is uninstalled we get errors. All the file associations in Bridge are correctly set. Is there a way to change the file associations for smart objects?

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Illustrator :: How To Make Objects To Vector - CS6

Dec 29, 2013

the printing press for signboard is looking for an vector of my design there are waiting for me right now. I send them the .eps format. I use pen tool for making different curves and shapes. How can I make it to a vector?
Here is the .eps file

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VideoStudio :: Pro X5 Rendering To WMV 1080p / Getting Incorrect Aspect Ratio?

May 13, 2012

When I render 18 minute ProX5 project to movie file WMV at 1080p it comes out with incorrect aspect ratio, everything is elongated vertically.

I am using a Canon Vix HFS20 camera.

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Photoshop :: Pasted Smart Objects Are Distorted In CS6

Nov 21, 2012

Any time I paste an object from AI into PS, it's getting horizontally squashed. Here's an example:
1. 12x12 pixel circle in Illustrator, aligned to pixel grid.

 2. Pasted into Photoshop as a Smart Object, it's visibly distorted (12x11), but the W/H is inaccurately labeled 100%.

 3. After pasted, if I select Edit > Transform > Scale, now the starting W/H are shown with the accurate distorted values.

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Illustrator :: Select All Vector Or All Raster Objects?

Apr 2, 2013

Is there a way select all the vector objects in a document, or conversely, to select all the raster objects in a document?

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Illustrator :: Possible To Create Vector Objects As Compound Shapes

Mar 19, 2014

I'd like to start utilizing Illustrator more frequently for web and user interface design projects, but I still like taking everything into Photoshop for final rendering and compositing (and the simple fact that most developers want psds, not ai files). However, I find that the only way to successfully transfer all of the vector artwork from Illustrator and preserve it as vector objects in Photoshop (when exporting) is to manually convert every individual vector object in Illustrator to a Compound Shape (by selecting the shape and clicking Make Compound Shape from the Pathfinder palette menu). This can be very tedious if it has to be done after the design is complete, and very inefficient if you convert every object as you draw it.
Is there a way to set Illustrator to automatically create every vector object drawn as a Compound Shape without having to manually convert it?
Adobe Illustrator allows you to export your Illustrator document as a Photoshop document. However, Compound Paths (not Compound Shapes - see this article for not-so-great explanations comparing the two) – which is the default attribute applied to all of Illustrator's basic vector objects – do not convert into vector objects when the exported document is opened in Photoshop. Rather, the vector objects drawn in Illustrator get flattened into raster layers in Photoshop, making them poor candidates for refining the design in Photoshop.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Text Color In Pasted OLE Objects

Jan 31, 2013

One of our standard practices is to copy/ paste schedules from EXCEL into CAD. The OLE objects paste with the text color set to whatever was set up in EXCEL. But for one user , his text always changes to blue in the copy paste process. We cannot figure out how to change it to match everyone elses. Is this a CAD setting or EXCEL setting.

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Photoshop :: Vector Smart Object Is Rendering Poorly

Sep 24, 2013

issue when pasting complex Vector Smart Objects into Photoshop CC?
I created a shape in Illustrator CC, added an Extrude and Bevel effect to it, and then pasted it as a smart object in Photoshop CC. The first example what it looks like in Illustrator CC, the second is what it pastes as in Photoshop CC. As you can see, it is rendering it very poorly and totally unusable as a Smart Object.
I've recently updated to CC, and this never happened in CS5. Is there a new preference in CC that works to render vector objects? maybe something I turned off by accident?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Vector Objects Behind Transparent Objects Turns Into Bitmaps When Exported

Aug 18, 2011

I often produce graphics in CorelDRAW, export it as en eps file and insert it inside a MS Word document as an image and finally convert it to pdf. This way my vector graphics (often linedrawings with or without fill) usually is preserved in the final pdf document. I can zoom in and the lines keep on displaying perfectly sharp. This is important, since it easily looks bad when thin lines are turned into bitmaps, even when watched from a distance.

Now, in some graphics I created today, I had a circle with fountain fill and outline (symbolizing a sphere) put behind a filled rectangle, which had a uniform transparency applied to it. In the resulting pdf file, the 'sphere' was turned into bitmap. Inside CorelDRAW everything was vector graphics, but something was loast in the process. what happens with the graphics in the different steps in the process and eventually could explain a workaround to make everything look as vector in the final pdf file.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Incorrect Scaling On Objects With PDF Import

Feb 28, 2013

CorelDrawX6 user reporting that she imports a PDF file into CorelDrawX6 (Windows 7 pro, 64-bit system, version is X6 with update 2 and Hot patch applied, Windows OS is fully updated).  Taking a pdf file scaling up to full scale, she is not getting the correct measurements. She tested it to see if the same thing happened on another user's computer that is XP Pro XP3 with CorelDraw X5 and it does not have the same issue.

So it may be in CorelDraw X6 (she moved to X6 recently).  Also, she said it does not happen consistently.  Yesterday this was a problem, today with the same file it appears to be OK. 

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After Effects :: Rendering Animated Vector Graphics?

Dec 18, 2013

i did an animated vector graphics - i prepared all vectors iamges in illustrator and animated them in after effects afterwards. i am now about to export and i wonder what are the best settings. for video i normally use quick time with animation codec and it seems just fine to me. but i am not sure if it is ok for the cartoon. what codec to use for storing and publishing on the internet (youtube, vimeo)? what about swf? I red it is used to deliver animated vector graphics (such as cartoons) over the Internet

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Rendering Drawings To Vector Images

Dec 12, 2011

Any way to render my 3d parts into a vector image format? I do not have access to Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop.

We are a software company that uses these models in our applications. Originally we just used .bmp rendered images. If there is no way to do this, any way I can turn .bmp into a vector image format like .ai or .eps?

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After Effects :: Does Adobe Dynamic Links Slow Down The Rendering Process

Feb 9, 2013

I have a question concerning Adobe Dynamic Links.
This is my problem : I work on After Effects. I have a composition that is rendered quite fast. (almost in real time...)
But when I open the linked comp in Premiere Pro, it lags as hell. Maybe 2x, 3x slower.
So I'd like to know why Adobe Premiere Pro is slow, while After Effects is fast ?

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Illustrator :: Getting Vector Halftone From Grey Vector Elements

Jul 18, 2012

I'll omit the long background --- suffice it to say I did this once and need to do it again, but can't recall the toolchain / workflow I used.
I _think_ it was Macromedia FreeHand 8, and that I used a plug-in w/in that program, but I can't recall. Any way other than rendering the drawing as a half-toned bitmap and then tracing it? Or re-drawing the image on top of such a bitmap?

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Illustrator :: Exported JPEGs Can't Be Copied / Pasted?

Feb 26, 2014

I'm working on CS6, OSX, I exported a logo to jpeg form Illustrator, when I open it on the default image preview app and try to copy (cmd+V) it won't let me, the copy option under edit isn't gereyed out but when I use it or press cmd+v a sound tells me the action can't be completed and it obviously doesn't copy to th clipboard, When saving it from the "save for web" option it works properly and I can copy and paste without problems, all of this also happens if I do it in Photoshop, this has never happened to me until now.

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Illustrator :: Editing Image Copied / Pasted Into AI

Mar 7, 2014

I wanted to edit an image that I copied and pasted into Ai, but it will not let me.

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Photoshop :: Why Do Vector Objects Use Different GUI To Set Colors

Aug 8, 2013

While teaching Photoshop in a class of mine, I noticed that in CS6 vector object's colors remain unaffected by the main color controls, and we have to switch to the object selection tool to display the color controls in the properties bar.
Now, this feels very, very disjointed - why would one introduce such a disconnect in the overall user interface? Why not just use the ordinary color controls? I mean, trying to pick up the color from a bitmap layer for a vector object takes five steps now: select object with object selection tool, click on the fill button in the properties bar, click on the color picker, then we can pick up a color from the image, and finally click to confirm. And the color change only gets applied after clicking "okay". No realtime feedback. Have to repeat the last three steps again and again to test for different colors.
The Color swatch palette does not work either with vector objects. Nor the eye dropper tool! Quite a bad workflow, or am I missing something here?
I compare this to Photoline, where the overall color controls govern all types of objects, including vector layers and bitmap layers the same way, and with instant feedback. Photoshop CS6's color picking workflow for vector objects looks extremely convoluted compared.
Has this workflow been improved at all in Photoshop CC?

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Photoshop :: Does 3D Feature Work With Vector Objects

Jun 8, 2012

I am running Photoshop CS6 and cannot get the 3D elements to work? I have followed the available tutorial on the Adobe site on how to make 3D type and it doesn't work. It just isn't highlighted as a feature. Does the 3D feature work with vector objects (elements)?

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Illustrator :: Layered Vector AI File With Raster (Photoshop) Layers Included As Vector Layers?

Apr 20, 2013

I've been using Illustrator since the late 80's but this request just now came up for the first time, twice in one day: the clients each want me to send them layered files (OK-no problem) wherein all the layers, even the raster layers, register as vector layers. Or at least all the layers, regardless of file-type (vector or raster) are contained within an unflattened Illustrator file. One of the clients specifically asked that the Type layer (No problem-all the type is on one layer) be  "vector mapped", whatever that means, while all the other layers can be Photoshop layers, if necessary.  So how do I hand them an open, unflattened Illustrator file containing both vector art and raster art? Can it be done in Acrobat, as a PDF? I'm working in AI and PS CS5, but I can and will upgrade if I have to.

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Illustrator :: Why Do Graphs Pasted From Excel Lose Their Line Formatting

Mar 11, 2013

I have a detailed graph that is created in Excel that I want to paste into Illustrator so that I can save it as a high resolution TIFF file for submission to a journal.
In Excel the graph looks like this:
But when I select it (using Select Objects and then Copy OR Copy as picture) and paste it into Illustrator, it looks like this:
I have used different line formats in Excel for the different curves that are plotted and these obviously don't come through correctly when pasting into Illustrator.  The lines are there but the scaling for the dashes or dots seems to be changed (increased).  I'm good with Excel but a bit of an Illustrator newbie, why this is happening and can it be corrected.
I am on Win 7 64 bit system using Office 2010 and AI CS6

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3ds Max :: Objects Not Rendering Correctly Through Backburner

Nov 12, 2012

I've rendered a prepass for the IR and sent the job to BB like normal. The issue is with one piece of geometry. It's rendering it out of place when rendered through bb. If I render the frames directly in Max it renders correctly. This would be fine but I'm trying to render a 300+ frame batch to fix this area and I'd really like to be able to use the farm.

I tried copying the transform keys from the object, deleting it and replacing it with a fresh copy of the geometry made in a fresh/empty file and then pasting the keys back on. Then rendered out the prepass in Vray and I'm still getting the problem. It's obviously not with Vray because when I render directly through max it renders correctly. It's got to be BB but I'm completely stumped as to why or how to fix it. It's as if BB is getting incorrect geometry information from the max file.

The object renders through bb transformed in the x axis. In other words, the object is rendered about 3 feet off to the right of where it actually is.

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Illustrator :: Force Graphic Styles To Override All Attributes Of Pasted Elements?

Sep 18, 2013

I'm working on a collaborative process that involves taking a .dxf from autocad and editing it graphically in illustrator. The .dxf file needs to be updated periodically and we have a system where we update the .dxf, open it in illustrator (CS6) and then copy/paste the updated elements into the graphic document in progress. When pasted, the new paths sometimes retain attributes (like stroke color) from the .dxf file, beneath the graphic style attributes of the layer the new work was pasted into.
Is there a way to force the graphic style of the layer being pasted into to override any original attributes from the copied file?

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3ds Max Modeling :: Combining Two Objects That Looks Smooth In Rendering?

Nov 9, 2011

I'm trying to make lego arms currently. I'm using two capsules to make the arms. But you can obviously see two capsules were put together. Is there a way to mush the two objects together to make it look like one? I tried connect and Turbosmooth but it's still noticeable.

3DS Max 2012
Windows 7 - 64 bit
AMD Radeon HD 6570M
Intel Core i7-2630QM CPU 2.00GHz, 6Gb Ram

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AutoCad 3D :: Rounded Objects Aren't Rendering Smooth

Dec 29, 2012

My issue is that all my rounded objects aren´t rendering smooth. And what is up with all these lines?

Am i missing something when i render rounded objects? I already tried the this tip but nothing changed.

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Illustrator :: Century Gothic Incorrect Display

Apr 21, 2013

Not sure if this is an Illustrator or Acrobat question!? I created a document in Illustrator CS6 using the font Century Gothic. I converted the text to outlines then saved the document as a PDF. When the document is viewed in Acrobat Pro or Reader, the lowercase letter "L" does not display properly. It's as if the pixel depth is not granular enough, so it increases the width of the letter. If I zoom in past 200% the letter seems to display properly, but anything below that it displays oddly. I sent the exact same file to my DropBox account, downloaded it onto my iPad (retina) and the letters look just fine; same with my iPhone.
Screenshot: [URL]
Note: This happens whether I create/view on my Mac or my PC. Additionally, if I do not convert to outlines, the font displays just fine. Regardless of the display, the document always prints correctly. I've experienced this since CS3, but never cared too much since most of my documents were for print only. Now many of my docs will be viewed rather than printed, therefor proper display rendering is a much bigger issue.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Tips For Rendering / Ray Tracing Dark Objects

Oct 10, 2011

My goal is to get it so that I can just turn on realistic visual style and ray tracing and be able to get usable screen shots for product datasheets/ marketing material without having to resort to rendering in studio. (If possible and I think it should be) All my products feature a black powder coated enclosure (think DVD player shape/size). When I enable ray tracing all I basically see is a black blob with no good definition between surfaces,etc.I'm assuming now that I need to do 2 things #1 increase/modify lighting and #2 modify the colors in the style library to work better. For that black color in the style editor I basically have all 4 colors (ambient/diffuse/specular/emissive) set to black. Is there something I should do to allow "more realistic" colors instead of just all color options set as black? I've gotten very decent renders from studio that worked just fine in the past but I've got roughly 400+ screenshots that are needed now for new products. I can play around with settings till I'm blue in the face but I was just looking for tips to have a decent baseline to start with.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Fill Effect In Vector Objects?

May 15, 2012

In all my previous programs I have managed to change the default to no fill effect in a vector shape, the default in X6 is a fill effect even though there is no colour so as long as the shape is on top you can click anywhere and it is picked. I can't find where to change this to empty space.

I am sure it must be in front of me but I just can't find it!

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Xara :: Simulate With Vector Tools The Objects Which Are Far?

Apr 27, 2013

how to simulate with vector tools the objects which are far?

In the attached file I tried to reproduce a photo, the right one is the result but the hills are not finished. It is a general perspective principle that the farer objects are more blurred, but I am not sure how to draw that. As a first solution sure could be adding feather them, the most to the farest, but somehow does not like that. T


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