Illustrator :: Possible To Create Vector Objects As Compound Shapes
Mar 19, 2014
I'd like to start utilizing Illustrator more frequently for web and user interface design projects, but I still like taking everything into Photoshop for final rendering and compositing (and the simple fact that most developers want psds, not ai files). However, I find that the only way to successfully transfer all of the vector artwork from Illustrator and preserve it as vector objects in Photoshop (when exporting) is to manually convert every individual vector object in Illustrator to a Compound Shape (by selecting the shape and clicking Make Compound Shape from the Pathfinder palette menu). This can be very tedious if it has to be done after the design is complete, and very inefficient if you convert every object as you draw it.
Is there a way to set Illustrator to automatically create every vector object drawn as a Compound Shape without having to manually convert it?
Adobe Illustrator allows you to export your Illustrator document as a Photoshop document. However, Compound Paths (not Compound Shapes - see this article for not-so-great explanations comparing the two) – which is the default attribute applied to all of Illustrator's basic vector objects – do not convert into vector objects when the exported document is opened in Photoshop. Rather, the vector objects drawn in Illustrator get flattened into raster layers in Photoshop, making them poor candidates for refining the design in Photoshop.
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Feb 22, 2013
I need to convert an autotrace shape into a pattern i can use in cad. The problem is part of it is a compound path which will not work.
In cs3 i would have just used pathfinder used minus front expanded and had a final path, but now i just get another compound path. Saw the tip on pressing the alt key but still get a compound path.
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May 18, 2012
I'd like to be able to make Clipping Paths out of (unexpanded) Compound Shapes. We can't do that already.I'd also like the Expand button to work like it did in CS4 again.
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Jul 24, 2013
I'm trying to set up a script that will grab a group of objects and turn them into a compound path, then apply a clipping mask to the compound path and the next group in the layer.
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Feb 25, 2014
Like in a Circle I need to make the compound path the inner area or negative space of my objects. I have expanded letters and joined their paths so that there are negative space, I was wondering if it were possible to fill in the negative space with a clipping mask? (like one would with an object like a circle or rectangle) The letter that I am using is an A and I have connected two A's together like a diamond reflecting each other... Is it possible to create a clipping mask to cover the negative space of the inside of the letters...?
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Nov 1, 2011
I'm trying to create a compound path in AI CS4 for Mac, but I have not been successful. What is best way to create a compound path using the SDK? I just need to make a compound path out of two non-overlapping rectangles so that I can create a clipping mask. Nothing tricky.
The SDK is not clear about the best way to go about creating a compound path, but I figured that programmitically selecting the two rectanlges and then using the built in "adobe_makeCompound" action would work, but it doesn't.
err = sAIActionManager->PlayActionEvent("adobe_makeCompound", kDialogNone, NULL);
When the above code is called while I'm debugging, I get a dialog box that reads: The object "Make Compound Path" is not currently available.
If I click the "Stop" button while debugging, the value of err is 1346458189 which is 'PARM'. So, maybe I need to set a parameter? The crazy thing is that there appears to be no parameters needed for the "adobe_makeCompound" action event. When I created the action manually, the resulting .aia file (see its contents below) has a parameterCount == 0. I've tried passing a parameter block without adding any parameters to it (instead of NULL), but still no joy.
/version 2
/name [ 5
/isOpen 1
/actionCount 1
/action-1 {
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Dec 13, 2013
I've used Photoshop 5 for 14+ years now and was forced to switch to Photoshop Elements 11 when we installed new computers at work recently. It seems to be missing an important tool (for me) that I can't seem to find. I don't know the official name but I called it a "vector" tool. You could draw custom curved and straight lines between set points to create a unique shape. Does it exist or is there a newer way to do the same task?
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Nov 9, 2012
I've created a logo with a grunge texture over the font in Illustrator CS5. When I try and create a compound path with the grunge texture I lose the detail. Here's one of the letter to show what it looks like before and after creating the compound path using the minus front pathfinder option. On the left is how I'd like it to look.
Although it doesn't look like much of a difference when printed it flattens out even more. I've tried every grouping option I could think of, used the pathfinder options and used this thread: [URL].... to try creating it using a transparency. Nothing gets the detail I need.
Is this something I can achieve?
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Jan 9, 2014
Win7 Enterprise 64 bit
Illustrator CC 17.0.1 64 bit
After placing an image into a new document within Illustrator. I trace the image and expand it. from there I attempt to Alt-click on the unite shape mode to create a compound shape.
No results...the compound shape is not created.
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Sep 14, 2013
I've been having an issue with Adobe CC Fireworks. Every time I try to copy a vector shape or an image from illustrator and paste it to fireworks, I get this error: "Alert can't open the illustration". I am running OS 10.8.4 and I've tried installing it on a newly purchsed MacBookPro and on an iMac but I still get the same error.
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Dec 19, 2012
I used to be able to copy a shape in Illustrator, paste it in Photoshop, and then duplicate the shape layer, removing what I wanted from each layer.
Now that doesn't seem to work, and what's worse, strokes are all messed up - if I apply a stroke to the whole layer, it isn't all visible. If I delete parts of the layer that are unwanted, certain pieces remain invisible, even if I apply a stroke (and fill, for that matter).
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Jan 25, 2014
I am working on a corporate logo consisting of two different shapes, and I want to combine them into one. The end result has to be a vector image.
One of the shapes is slightly bigger than the other one, and I want to remove the parts that are at the outside of the other shape. It's a little tricky to explain, but what I want to do, is equal to the "Paste into"-option in Photoshop where an inserted object is placed within the borders of another.
Is this possible in Illustrator?
I'm not that familiar with paths, so I don't know what to do...
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Feb 6, 2014
I am interested in setting up a plugin that is able to read the greyscale values of a defined number of pixels throughout an image, average them, and then generate shapes based on the value output.
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Jun 24, 2013
I placed text on a shape and outlined it. As soon as I create a compound path, the result appears lighter than the originally outlined text (on screen and printed), although the paths seem to be identical when I overlay them. Same happens when I divide the paths.
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May 11, 2012
I have some negative space I created(black area, see first image) that I want to fill with type, not just a simple fill.
Basically I want to create the negative space from a bunch of small minus signs(-) that need to line up as they go across. If I type on each path one at a time as the text doesn't line up that way. This needs to be one continuous path. (see second image)
Unfortunately if I add them together, it creates a compound path, which you cannot type on, unless I am mistaken? So I need them to be a path, not a compound object.
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Dec 29, 2013
the printing press for signboard is looking for an vector of my design there are waiting for me right now. I send them the .eps format. I use pen tool for making different curves and shapes. How can I make it to a vector?
Here is the .eps file
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Oct 3, 2012
I have a logo where I'm having trouble erasing some overlapping shapes? I'm using Illustrator CS5.
This is part of the logo: [URL]. I need to erase the white part of the hexagon that's showing through the cog and circle shapes, and I need to erase the part of the green cog that's showing through the circle. The problem is that the cog and hexagon have been made using strokes, so every time I try and use the pathfinder tool the cog inverts itself and I get odd results like this: [URL].
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Apr 2, 2013
Is there a way select all the vector objects in a document, or conversely, to select all the raster objects in a document?
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Feb 6, 2013
I want unite two shapes and create a perfect smooth curve between then.
I know how to do that using Pen Tool and/or plugins (Xtream Path).
But I would like to know how to achieve this result in other ways, using only Illustrator.
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Jun 24, 2013
When we try to open smart objects from within Photoshop CC, they're looking for Illustrator CS6. On machines where Illustrator CS6 is uninstalled we get errors. All the file associations in Bridge are correctly set. Is there a way to change the file associations for smart objects?
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Aug 14, 2012
What I'm trying to do is give the blue box a transparent stroke that will "cut through" the red boxes and show the background underneath, whatever that may be ...white, another color, or a photo.
I can easily achieve this when I give it a white stroke. It'll look like this:
When I change to a background color other than white or even a photo however, I end up with this problem:
How do I make it so that I have a transparent border (not white) around the blue box? Which effectively cuts a "transparent stroke" (space) between the parts where the blue and red boxes intersect?
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Sep 23, 2012
Ps CS6 v13.0.1
OS X 10.6.8
Problem: Ps CS6 incorrectly renders vector objects pasted from Adobe Illustrator. CS5.1 does not exhibit the problem.
Below is screenshot of artwork in Illustrator and which is copied to clipboard, followed by screenshot of "Paste as Smart Object" in Ps CS5.1 then screenshot of same paste in CS6. "Paste as Pixels" gives identical good rendering in CS5.1 and poor rendering (gray pixels which should be pure white in this example) in CS6. This is repeatable with other artwork.
Several weeks ago there was a complaint in this forum that Photoshop CS6 poorly renders vector artwork that is pixel-aligned in Illustrator. The Adobe response was that Photoshop is correct. Strange that CS5.1 can render pasted vector artwork perfectly and only CS6 makes a mess.
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Mar 30, 2013
I am using Illustrator CS3 on a Mac 10.5.8.
I am trying to create a compound shape from a compound shape I have prepared.
The first part works okay. I can combine the hexagon-compound-shape I have created from multiple hexagon shapes.
I then want to cut away the edges on a part of the compound shape (using a box of 4 rectangles), which is supposed to give me a rectangle with only the lines from the compund-shape inside this rectangle (image 1).
But when I cut away the box around my hexagon-compound-shape (using the Pathfinder window), the hexagon-compound shape inside behaves strangely, with only some of the lines showing and other lines missing (image 2).
I would like the rectangles to simply just cut away the lines that the rectangles are covering, and leave behind the lines in my hexagon-compound-shape, as they appeared in image 1, and not having hexagon-compound-shape changing which lines appear and disappear.
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Jun 11, 2013
I am new to Illustrator and am currently attempting to learn it. I am creating a logo that has text and has a shape that goes through the text to make the text appear as if it has claw marks in it.
I have two layers. The layer with the shape "claw" marks, and a layer with the text. The shape layer is currently above and the text layer is currently below. If I select both layers and click on Make Clipping Mask it has the text displayed within the little claw marks, how do I reverse that? Because when I try to change the order of the layers it doesn't clip anything?
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Jul 21, 2013
Is there a way to make a kidney bean shape in illustrator? There must be an easier way then the way i'm trying to do it. can you not just create a hot dog shape and some how move a point in the middle to make it go kidney?
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Feb 21, 2013
I've been creating them in black and white in CS6, then converting to vector via image trace since that's the only way to make them a perfect circular vector that I've found, but how do you convert it to a color afterward? It won't let me simply change the fill color, nor will it let me select the black dots with the white arrow. I had also selected "ignore white" while image tracing so it had a transparent background. ! I'd really like an orange halftone vector, and when I make it a color from the start it creates it out of multiple colors. I want it to be a solid color without any circles overlapping.
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Sep 9, 2013
I am using Windows Vista and Illustrator CS4.
I would like to trace this image and I was wondering what the best way is to do that. As you can see I made a small start and not sure if that's the right way to go.
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Nov 9, 2013
I'm trying to create a star icon with lines through it. I used the star shape builder tool and then the line segment tool, but the lines are not being recognised as part of the star shape. For example, when I try to turn the star, the lines remain in the same place. This is pretty much exactly what I am trying to make, but I can't form the segments into one cohesive, editable shape.
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Aug 20, 2013
Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000105 EndHTML:0000004414 StartFragment:0000002524 EndFragment:0000004378
What I bring to the software is my background in studio arts 2D and 3D. Photography is a tool to support both of these activities. Over the years that skill has developed and I have many great photos. The photos make me a little nuts now that I focus on digital. In digitals photos I easily have over 60,000 photos. I have some experience with Photoshop. I won’t say I am a proficient but will say I have good skills in it. I created my first logo in Photoshop. Of course it is not vector and I know it should be vector. I did it at no charge for a nonprofit. I would still like to create a vector form of the logo. Awhile back I purchased a book titled “Illustrator CS5 on demand”. It breaks it down in a way that Illustrator is less intimidating. It has renewed my interest in Illustrator. How do I more effectively merge all of these tools and skills? How do I bring what I know to Illustrator’s table? I know there are great possibilities here if I can learn to build vector graphics.
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Aug 22, 2013
Here I have a vector image. The pink stroke is a cut path that the software I use at work recognises and cuts. (Used for vinyl decals/stickers etc). All the lines highlighted in pink is useless to me, as it would cut out each individual line.
All I need is the outer edge of the entire graphic.
Note my crudely drawn red lines that border the image, that is exactly what I need. As you can see, the paths run through the image. BUT...When I try to erase the paths using add anchor point then cut path at selected anchor points so I can remove that particular segment, the colour essentially "leaks" as it isn't a closed area anymore. Rasterizing the image destroys the quality and I would like to be able to perform this task without loss of quality.
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Jul 3, 2012
I have a vector drawing. I want to capture the extents of the drawing to create a boundary.
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