Photoshop :: How To Properly Import Vector Shapes From Illustrator

Dec 19, 2012

I used to be able to copy a shape in Illustrator, paste it in Photoshop, and then duplicate the shape layer, removing what I wanted from each layer.

Now that doesn't seem to work, and what's worse, strokes are all messed up - if I apply a stroke to the whole layer, it isn't all visible. If I delete parts of the layer that are unwanted, certain pieces remain invisible, even if I apply a stroke (and fill, for that matter).

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Photoshop :: How To Import Eps Files As VECTOR Shapes?

Dec 12, 2005

Ok I know CS2 can import eps files however it converts them to raster images at import.

I also know it can deal with Vector files - as in the 'shape' tool (.CSH format)

How can I easily get my catalogue into the shape tool? ie convert .eps to .csh?

The import is far to unwieldy as I can't even browse my library of eps files...

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Illustrator :: Copying Vector Shapes To Fireworks?

Sep 14, 2013

I've been having an issue with Adobe CC Fireworks. Every time I try to copy a vector shape or an image from illustrator and paste it to fireworks, I get this error: "Alert can't open the illustration". I am running OS 10.8.4 and I've tried installing it on a newly purchsed MacBookPro and on an iMac but I still get the same error.

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Illustrator :: Corporate Logo - Combining To Vector Shapes

Jan 25, 2014

I am working on a corporate logo consisting of two different shapes, and I want to combine them into one. The end result has to be a vector image.
One of the shapes is slightly bigger than the other one, and I want to remove the parts that are at the outside of the other shape. It's a little tricky to explain, but what I want to do, is equal to the "Paste into"-option in Photoshop where an inserted object is placed within the borders of another.
Is this possible in Illustrator?
I'm not that familiar with paths, so I don't know what to do...

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Illustrator SDK :: Convert Pixel Values To Vector Shapes

Feb 6, 2014

I am interested in setting up a plugin that is able to read the greyscale values of a defined number of pixels throughout an image, average them, and then generate shapes based on the value output.

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Illustrator :: Possible To Create Vector Objects As Compound Shapes

Mar 19, 2014

I'd like to start utilizing Illustrator more frequently for web and user interface design projects, but I still like taking everything into Photoshop for final rendering and compositing (and the simple fact that most developers want psds, not ai files). However, I find that the only way to successfully transfer all of the vector artwork from Illustrator and preserve it as vector objects in Photoshop (when exporting) is to manually convert every individual vector object in Illustrator to a Compound Shape (by selecting the shape and clicking Make Compound Shape from the Pathfinder palette menu). This can be very tedious if it has to be done after the design is complete, and very inefficient if you convert every object as you draw it.
Is there a way to set Illustrator to automatically create every vector object drawn as a Compound Shape without having to manually convert it?
Adobe Illustrator allows you to export your Illustrator document as a Photoshop document. However, Compound Paths (not Compound Shapes - see this article for not-so-great explanations comparing the two) – which is the default attribute applied to all of Illustrator's basic vector objects – do not convert into vector objects when the exported document is opened in Photoshop. Rather, the vector objects drawn in Illustrator get flattened into raster layers in Photoshop, making them poor candidates for refining the design in Photoshop.

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Illustrator :: Import Vector Shape Layers To Photoshop?

Nov 19, 2013

I'm on this project that i need to digitize an old artwork. It requires vector (AI) & shading (PS).
I have all line art done in AI. There's like 50 layers on it. The original artwork has "shading" and "highlight" on it used by Air brush.
I just want to import all the layers in photoshop at once. It will be time consuming if i do it one by one SO is there any way that I can transfer all the vector path from AI to PS?
I tried Meshtool and its hard to control. Unlike in Brush tool in PS, I got the freedom to adjust the opacity, softness, etc.

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Illustrator :: Import Drawings And Photos To Create Vector Image?

Aug 20, 2013

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What I bring to the software is my background in studio arts 2D and 3D.  Photography is a tool to support both of these activities.  Over the years that skill has developed and I have many great photos.  The photos make me a little nuts now that I focus on digital.  In digitals photos I easily have over 60,000 photos.  I have some experience with Photoshop.  I won’t say I am a proficient but will say I have good skills in it.   I created my first logo in Photoshop.  Of course it is not vector and I know it should be vector.  I did it at no charge for a nonprofit.  I would still like to create a vector form of the logo.  Awhile back I purchased a book titled “Illustrator CS5 on demand”.  It breaks it down in a way that Illustrator is less intimidating.  It has renewed my interest in Illustrator.  How do I more effectively merge all of these tools and skills?  How do I bring what I know to Illustrator’s table? I know there are great possibilities here if I can learn to build vector graphics.  

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Illustrator :: Why Does Excel Pie Chart Fail To Import As Vector Elements

Nov 6, 2013

I' m importing Excel 2008 excel pie charts to illustrator CS5. I am cutting and pasting content between the applications to import. When importing a pie chart - the chart imports OK, but the pie elements import as low resiolution non-vector elements. Is there a way to import as 100% vector elements? Note - all other chart types - bar graphs etc import fine!.

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Photoshop :: Vector Shapes

Aug 31, 2013

I have created a shape with the pen tool in CS6, I have multiple shapes that I have built into what should be a single shape. Although when the path tool is not on I can see the single shape I can't seem to set a stroke to it which is an important part of the image design.

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Photoshop :: Combining Vector Shapes

Oct 16, 2012

Vector shapes, very cool! However, when I create the first shape, then choose a different shape, select Subtract Front, and create, it works fine—reverses out the fill, no problem. But if I have to redo the shape, still making sure Subtract Shape is selected, the second time, it doesn't reverse out. I've tried everything I can think of to inverse it... No luck! The only way I can get it to work on a redo, is by relaunching PS and deleting my settings. What am I missing?

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Photoshop :: Exporting Vector Shapes

Apr 15, 2013

The thing is, i made several vector shapes in Illustrator, of course forgot to save the .ai and then my mac went out of power and lost the document.
BUT, before the mac went out of power i imported the shapes into Photoshop, and now their laying there as vector shape layers. Is there any way for me to export the vector shape layers back into illustrator, and still maintain vector edit ability?

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Photoshop :: Vector Shapes Rasterized?

Aug 24, 2012

I am using Photoshop CS6
I'm in the process of preparing vector graphics for an After Effects motion graphics project. I decided to use the new vector features in CS6 because I am more friendly with the PS interface than I am with Illustrator.
I've created several vector shape layers that now, after some work, now look like rasterized graphics. I'm not exactly sure what happened but I am sure I have not rasterized them myself.
Also, when I import the graphics into After Effects, it gives me no option to collapse transformations or continuously rasterize the layers.
Have I done something to rasterize the shape objects in Photoshop? New shape objects I create are vector. Do I need to start over?

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Photoshop :: Duplication Of Vector Shapes

Jan 12, 2006

I am tryign to duplicate a vector shaped star many times at the moment all i can do is duplicate the layer it is on.

this is fine but iam gogin to end up with about 100 layers. is there anway of copying/cloning a vector shape i can rasterise it if needed but this hasent helped.

in case its important i have two suplicated layers of test i want to remove star shapes from the top layer so the bottom layer comes through so you have text with stars in.

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Photoshop :: 6 - Manipulating Strokes Of Vector Shapes?

Mar 26, 2012

Is there any way in PS6 to NOT have the vector stroke automatically selected when selecting a vector element in layer panel? I am no longer able to see the 1-2 px strokes clearly as I am tweaking stroke-effect in real time as I am modifying them.

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Photoshop :: Unlink Shapes From Vector Mask In CS6

Nov 16, 2012

How I can unlink the shape from vector mask like in Photoshop cs 4?
This is especially interesting for if I want to move pattern overlay or something else.

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Photoshop :: Random Shapes Appear When Using Vector Mask

Feb 7, 2013

For several months I have had random shapes appear in my files when using vector masks. The scrambled imagery only appears at random and at certain zooms (over 25%) and will disappear upon restart of Photoshop. If I flatten the file, it will retain the scrambled imagery, but otherwise it seems to not actually corrupt the data, just the view on screen. I've been fighting this for months and have replaced drives, video cards, and it still persists.

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Photoshop :: Closing Default Vector Shapes

Dec 23, 2004

To my surprise I noticed that Photoshop's default shapes like rectangle, triangle, diamond, etc are not closed shapes. Strange, because who wants to pull a corner and then discover that it's actually two points on top of each other?

Is there a quick way to close them without removing the last anchor point and then connecting the 2nd last point with the first one?

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Photoshop :: Converting Text Into Vector Shapes???

Nov 13, 2008

Any one know how to convert text into vector shapes in Pshop. I'd like to do this without interfacing with Illustrator, as that is what I do now. I'd like to take Illustrator out of the equation.

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Photoshop Elements :: Using / Converting Illustrator Shapes Into Custom Shapes

Sep 23, 2012

I would like to use a vector object made in AI as a custom shape to be used as a cookie cutter in elements..  I imported the AI file in photoshop but  the "define custom shape" entry under  "edit" was grayed out.

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Photoshop :: Why Stroke Effects On Vector Shapes In 5.5 Not Showing

Feb 28, 2013

Layer effects are enabled for the affected layers and the layers show the stroke effect active on the shapes, in a colour and size that would be very visible.
Is there some other overall setting I may have accidentally triggered?

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Photoshop :: Vector Shapes, Text Viewing On Screen

Sep 8, 2005

We know that vector shapes, paths, text etc are independant of resolution and can be printed while maintaining the vector lines. So why when we zoom in do we see jagged pixels? Is it just a screen viewing thing??

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3ds Max Modeling :: Shapes Not Created Properly For Mesh Editing In 3D

Dec 7, 2011

When I go to edit mesh on a brand new hedra and take two points and scale them, the sides are uneven, one side isn't scaling properly. It looks to be the one with the square edge. Here's a video.


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Photoshop :: Reopen Doc All Gradients Use On Vector Shapes Change Colors

May 16, 2013

when i reopen a doc with vector shapes on cs6 the shapes that have a gradient change the colors to a gradient made of the foreground and background colors that i had set in that moment:( like all the gradients turn grayscale, usually or any other 2 color combination i had. i dont want to rasterize or convert to smart objects the vector shapes.

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Photoshop Elements :: Vector Tool To Create Unique Shapes?

Dec 13, 2013

I've used Photoshop 5 for 14+ years now and was forced to switch to Photoshop Elements 11 when we installed new computers at work recently. It seems to be missing an important tool (for me) that I can't seem to find. I don't know the official name but I called it a "vector" tool. You could draw custom curved and straight lines between set points to create a unique shape. Does it exist or is there a newer way to do the same task?

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Photoshop :: Selecting Vector Shapes Points With Direct Selection Tool?

Jun 24, 2013

When I try to select points in my vector shape (this one is selected), and I have other vector shape behind that one, I start dragging with Direct Selection Tool in order to select those two points, I got selected three points, two from first vector shape, and one more form shape that was behind and in the area where I was dragging selection. Also, now both vector shape become selected. Why is this happening if only one vector shape was selected?
I'm using Photoshop CC.

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Xara :: Distressed Or Cracked Effect On Vector Shapes

Sep 2, 2009

How to make a vector shape appear distressed or cracked in a natural-looking way? The best example I can think of is the Chickenfoot logo. It is a simple 2-color logo and looks nicely aged. I've been thinking about this for a while, but can't decide on an effective approach to achieve it.


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After Effects :: Creating Shapes From Vector Layers (AI Files)

Mar 18, 2013

I am trying to make extrusions to an image.  I am new to Illustrator and have read that .ai files are the only ones that you can extrude in AE.  However when I bring in an .ai file and select create shape from vector layer, a grey square covers the shape.  I am assuming that it is a transparancy issue and it is just filling in the size of the .ai project.  I could be wrong though. 

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CorelDRAW X6 :: New Free Macro - Feathered Edges On Vector Shapes

Jun 22, 2012


Attached is a free macro which allows the user to draw a vector shape and give it a feathered edge. The macro allows the user to adjust feathering and opacity and it came about as a result of the discussion in this thread:

A Suggestion for a "WOW" effect for the New Corel Draw X7
click on the small grey button at the right of the macro. how to use the macro. The macro currently only works on shapes with Uniform CMYK fills. I intend to bring out a revised version of the macro which can handle various fill types/colour models if I can pull it off.

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Illustrator :: Getting Vector Halftone From Grey Vector Elements

Jul 18, 2012

I'll omit the long background --- suffice it to say I did this once and need to do it again, but can't recall the toolchain / workflow I used.
I _think_ it was Macromedia FreeHand 8, and that I used a plug-in w/in that program, but I can't recall. Any way other than rendering the drawing as a half-toned bitmap and then tracing it? Or re-drawing the image on top of such a bitmap?

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Illustrator :: Layered Vector AI File With Raster (Photoshop) Layers Included As Vector Layers?

Apr 20, 2013

I've been using Illustrator since the late 80's but this request just now came up for the first time, twice in one day: the clients each want me to send them layered files (OK-no problem) wherein all the layers, even the raster layers, register as vector layers. Or at least all the layers, regardless of file-type (vector or raster) are contained within an unflattened Illustrator file. One of the clients specifically asked that the Type layer (No problem-all the type is on one layer) be  "vector mapped", whatever that means, while all the other layers can be Photoshop layers, if necessary.  So how do I hand them an open, unflattened Illustrator file containing both vector art and raster art? Can it be done in Acrobat, as a PDF? I'm working in AI and PS CS5, but I can and will upgrade if I have to.

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