i dont know the source for this problem, but i think after the last Vista Update Photoshop needs such a lot of time to work and also to open files.
I have reinstall the new update of Photoshop from adobe.com.......but nothing...
When I select my R1800 printer in CS3 (it is not my default printer) all the dialogue forms throughout the printing process take about 2 minutes each. It practically freezes the computer. It happens immediately when I select the R1800 and disappears completely as soon as the last dialogue form is done (and the printer starts reacting).
I have Vista and CS3 working fine at home with an R2200 Epson. It works fine with the other printer on my network (a Ricoh Multi-function system).
I try to open a file from inside Photoshop CS2 on my new Windows Vista laptop, if I try to change directories by clicking on the directory list on the left side of the open window, I get an error: "Adobe Version Cue - The operation could not be completed. There was a problem with the selected file or folder. It might have been moved, renamed, or deleted. - Error Code -6640" I does this while saving too, which means I have to save files, then go back into Explorer and move them manually.
Since CS4 came out I'm using Vista64 a lot more. One thing I noticed recently has me a bit curious if it's a unique bug in my install or whether it's "normal"..
When I right-click on install files, I don't see a 'Version' tab like I used to see with XP. For example, under XP, when I right-click the recent ACR update (Camera Raw.8bi) I see under the Version tab that it's "Written by: Thomas Knoll of Adobe Systems Inc, the version number, its 'internal name, language, etc.."
In Vista Right-Click-> Properties tab offers 'General', 'Digital Signatures', 'Security' and 'Details'. The 'Details' tab does not offer any of this info. It's a bit of bother to not be able to verify the version of a file before installing it.
Am I missing something or are there Vista specific file info tags that Adobe is not providing?
When I save from InDesign (and only InDesign), I open the folder I need to save my file in. I begin to type the name of the company folder that this file needs to be saved in (there are hundreds). I am only able to type the first letter of the company before it begins typing over my file name. This has turned out to be a major annoyance for me and my coworkers because we may have 40 or 50 folders that start with "s" so we can only type in "s" and then have to stop and scroll through and read each folder instead of typing in the name of the folder we need and hitting enter.
I have CS6 installed on a Mac Pro desktop, 3.3 Ghz machine, 6 Gb RAM, running OS X Mountain Lion. Everything is running fine, updated and it's a great machine. But I've noticed that opening Photoshop files that are somewhat large and layered take WAY too long to open or "save." I mean...3 minutes is much too long to wait.
I have a spare physical drive configured (in preferences) for extra RAM, with plenty of empty drive space. The startup drive has well over 250 Gb of space remaining.
The only applications running are Photoshop and Bridge. There is 6 Gb of RAM to run these applications and open files. OpenGL is checked in Preferences and I'm running an nVidia graphics card, as well.
I'm working with a friend who's got perhaps unusual Photoshop needs. He's working on a 10000x20000 pixel 16 bit image with maybe 6 image layers and 12 total layers. Loading the file takes about 20 minutes.
The system is a 2.6 GHz quad-core i7 with 12 GB RAM and a 32GB SSD primary scratch, 200 GB of secondary scratch, with a 1 GB Radeon HD 4870, running CS4 64bit on Vista 64.
What seems odd to me is that memory usage climbs steeply for the first perhaps 4 GB, looking like the load might complete in a minute or two, then the CPU kicks in for the long, long remainder of the load. The file on disk is roughly 5 GB.
We've got issues aside from this, but I'll detail them in another thread.
how to make my photshop application fast few days ago it was working good but now its performance is slow and my computers speed is also slow. How to fix it?
My file has over 100 layers and 20,000 containers that are in 3D. It worked fine when I drew them. After I closed the file, it always takes 5 to 10 min to open. I can't delete a layer (layer2) or rotate angle of view or any normal command such as purge and audit.., it always crashes.
I was wondering that if I did anything wrong casued this, and that whether my approach of drawing these is correct, performace wise.. and what would be the better way of doing this..because my drawing is now uesless I can't even rotate it in vp ro do anything...
After i moved a drawing in this file to another place, autocad 2004 suddenly got slower and even not responding any time i tried any command .With other files, it's still ok.I t seems layer 4 has some problem.URL...
My file has over 100 layers and 20,000 containers that are in 3D. It worked fine when I drew them. After I closed the file, it always takes 5 to 10 min to open. I can't delete a layer (layer2) or rotate angle of view or any normal command such as purge and audit.., it always crashes.
I was wondering that if I did anything wrong casued this, and that whether my approach of drawing these is correct, performace wise.. and what would be the better way of doing this..because my drawing is now uesless I can't even rotate it in vp or do anything..
I m importing 400 jpg file(4k resolution) and it is quite slow when comes to bin. and when i tried to open that folder in bin and trying to select all of them and taking on timeline, it takes hell of time and sometime gets crash.
I m usining Mac pro latest machine with 32 gb RAM and usining quadro 4000 graphic card. While same thing we are doing on other mac machine which is 3 years old with FCP 7, does not have any issue at all
in the file browser (import) , the .psd file will have a 'multi' indicator, which i can double click to expand/collapse the layer. The problem the process is quite slow, and when i expand it , sometime double clicking is not working because i got slow response.
We are working on a civil 3d project that was created by first bringing the data into Caice then exporting to microstation and then creating a .dwg. This file has been extremely slow and crashes all the time. Is there any way to fix the file? If we proecess our survey data in caice, what is the best way to bring the data over to civil 3d?
I've been having a problem with Draw X5 freezing for a few seconds every minute or so. Quite often when I try to drag an object around the page everything stops (program freezes) and I have to wait a few seconds till it starts again. Also happens sometimes when I drag an object to a new layer. Actually it can happen on any action.
All the .cdr files are located on a network server, but today I've come to the conclusion that Draw is somehow referencing the file every few minutes (usually something like just one minute between pauses). And because it's a bit of a slow connection speed between the network and my pc, the program hangs (like its slower to save and load from the network, than my local drive). I've got the Save Backup set to 30 mins so would have thought I'd only get an odd pause every 30mins (and turning off auto backup).
I thought I'd see what a file was like which was located on a local drive and so far no pauses. While I can obviously save to my local drive to work on, then save back to the network, it's a hassle and not ideal as it's harder to track the up-to-date file versions. This doesn't happen with any other program I use, and they're all saved to a network server.
how I can stop Draw X5 looking at the file location until I save or auto save? My system is Win7 64bit 12GB i7 core, Nvidia GTX 460. The program has all the service packs etc. I've turned off the live text to no avail. There is no added junk (colour spaces etc) in the files. It happens no matter what the file size. And it's not my antivirus, as I turned it off and the odd pauses continue.
Suddenly Maya's import/export/open file dialogue box has become extremely slow, taking forever to browse thru folders, freezing in the process.
This is independently of file/scene size. Specs are Ok. CPU i7-4930k, 16gb RAm, Geforce GTX 780, running windows 8.1 with a Kingston SSD and a second 3tb Caviar Green HD.
Is my illustrator running slow? I have an i7 3770K, 16gb ram, gtx 660i 2g, h100i, ax1200i and maximus formula v. I'm running dual 24" 1920x1080 monitors. File size is 800x600 pixals with 5 layers and 100+ paths in each layer. Is the program running slow because the file is too big or is there a problem with illustrator?
So since we installed CorelDraw x6 the one file we have been working on is a long text file and it slowes every thing down drasticly.We did think updating would work so we did that and it still lags.
I am using Autocad2014. I have had issues with two windows7 64bit machines where using the file open dialogue (network file) has an 8 second delay to open the file. If I open using recent documents(in cad) or windows file explorer to open them, there is no delay. Moving the file to the local machine stops the delay, but removing XREF's did not.
A drawing is almost (20 MB). It is big I don't know why? It works normal in MODEL space. But when I switch to PAPER space, or to save, print, close and open the file, it shows very slow reaction.I made reset to the scale, checking LTScale, deleted all unnecessary objects, purge several times, UCS dynamic off, AUDIT, checking Xref's, texts are type (shx), No layers filters.The drawing has only one layout in few viewports. (isavepercent) to 0.BWhat can I do more to reduce the file size en make it faster?
I am having an issue when opening and saving files is very slow when I have a project active in the Project Navigator.
If I have an active project, and I open a file via Project Navigator or Windows Explorer, the process hangs for 15-20+ seconds at the 'Opening C:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.ac$' point, where it is creating the temporary file.
If I 'Close the current project' in the project browser and open the same file via Windows Explorer, the process takes less than a second.
I am running Vista x64 Ultimate on a QX6850 system with 8GB of RAM. I also have 2x XFX8800GT graphics cards running in SLi with the latest Nvidia drivers (181.20). Dxdiag testing provides no errors.
The GPU support features in CS4 x64 (and x32) is greyed out with the text wording of no support in Photoshop standard. Based on some of the threads posted here, I tried enabling or disabling some settings in the Nvidia control panel, but the only one that seem to enable the GPU support is to deactivate SLi completely (which sort of defeats the purpose in 3D graphics).
Does CS4 support an SLi setup? If not, will there be any difference in performance with SLi disabled and using the CS4 GPU support vs the other way around?
Service Pack 1 for Vista is available. I just installed it. Other than it reset the native resolution on my main monitor, it went without a hitch.
Recently, it seems, that Vista has been lamb-basted (what does that actually mean) as a nasty OS. It is not, I have been using Vista Ultimate 32/64 without incident. SP1 is no larger than SP1 for XP (in ratio to installation size).
Any one who says that you should choose XP over Vista for a new computer installation is nuts.
Vista is a fine OS, having used it for the last 10 months I can confirm that is rock stable. I now use the 64 bit version exclusively, it has matured very quickly and is a great way to run a system.
Under Vista Ultimate I cannot get Photoshop CS3 Extended to run, it will open up and then just sit......Adobe Bridge CS3 2.0.0975 opens and works just fine. So does Lightroom 1.41.
I even tried opening PS from these programs, but just the same.
I then installed Corel Paint Shop Pro X2 and that works perfect too.
I have tried removing and reinstalling, repaired and updated but it makes no difference. It will install and also do the repair just fine. Changing the compatible mode and appearance to Windows Classic (from Aero) makes no difference. I am the only user and administrator.
Has anyone with basically this type of system been able to get Photoshop CS3 Extended (after having these problems) up and running?
PC information: AMD Phenom 9950 Quad-Core Processor 1.61 GHz 8.00 GB Memory 64-bit Operating System Western Digital VelociRaptor WD3000GLFS 300GB 10000 RPM 16MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive Vista Ultimate Version 6.0 (Build 6001:ServicePack 1)
I've installed Vista 64 Business on a AMD AM2+ platform with a Athlon Dual Core CPU (BE 5000). When installing CS3 Photoshop everything seems to be fine, no error messages during the install.
I try to start Photoshop...it won't open. The Photoshop gray screen comes up with the menu at top, but then it just sits there. Once I got the window with the serial number input, but after entering the number it stopped as well. The only way to close Photoshop is with the Task Manager.
I've tried different installations: Photoshop on a new Vista installation without having any other programs installed (no FW or AV), on a installation with different other applications running and so on. Everytime I get the same result: gray screen and stop!