Photoshop :: Bring Back Line Screen And Angle Settings
Jan 5, 2012
I just made the jump from CS2 to CS5 where I found Photoshop no longer offers settings for line screen and screen angles for spot color printing. This is a critical feature for me and most others in my industry. Photoshop is the go to program for color separations for garment manufacturers and this is a crippling omission for us. Are there any plans to patch CS5 or to bring this critical feature back in future versions? I have been told by customer & tech support that my only option, while already owning CS2 & CS5, is that I will have to buy CS4 from a third party and go backward. While this may work temporarily, it imposes additional cost, and does not address the long term issue of the removal of these controls. Garment manufacturing is a relatively small, but constant industry among your customer base and Photoshop & Illustrator are our right and left hands.
As you will see from my attached image all of my open images are now sitting outside of the screen. To get them to appear on the screen again I have to hold down the PS logo at the bottom of my screen, which then brings them up as per the image, then click to select an image. This then brings it onto the main screen. But I have to do this with each image individually. How to bring them all up at once? Or how to turn off this feature completely?
I didn't have a problem bringing the photo back with Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 back to Aperture. I am having a problem with Adobe photoshop Elements 12 bring the photo back to Aperture. In Aperture preferences I am pointed to the Adobe Photoshop elements 12 app in the Support file.
While initially looking at mini bridge after installing CS6,I closed it. how to open it again. I've looked at all the tools on the top panel. It's nowhere to be found. Timeline is (and what is that???) but not mini bridge. And while we are at it, what IS timeline.
A lot of times I'll be working on multiple .psd files and as I'm moving between files I'll notice that all the layers & layer comps will disappear from their palette
I can bring them back by doing something like clicking on the text tool and then clicking on a text item on the stage. It's annoying because it takes a couple of clicks for the palette(s) to redisplay.
Is this a bug or is there a setting in preferences that can control this?
Let's say I am inserting a square block into a dwg and want to get it parallel to an existing angled line. Do I have to read the angle of the line and insert the block to that angle or is there a quicker way?
I have a drawing with several dynamic blocks (over 1000 block references) with visibility states. I recently noticed that all of the blocks no longer have the option to change the visibility state (i.e. the upside down blue triangle no longer appears when clicking on the block).
If I insert a new block it comes in with the option to change the visibility state. However, the previously placed blocks still do not have the option of changing the visibilty state. Even if I update the definition of all block references in my drawing nothing changes with the previously placed blocks.
Is there an option/command to bring back the option of changing visibility states on my previously placed blocks?
I'm taking over the development of some Autodesk addins that are used to parse a drawing to bring back text from the drawing, namely title block and bill of materials information. I have another process that runs and reads the meta data for the drawing itself that gets run from Vault before checking in the drawing. I need to know if I can combine these two processes such that I can parse the drawing outside of AutoCad. Is this possible?
I have been practicing using a older book(copyright 1990) and it has some decent exercises in it. I was able to do this one but it seems I can"t find the proper way to do this..First drawing a line a certain distance..ortho on,click the first point anywhere,move curser to the left and click again. that gives me a line at 180 degrees at what ever length..Line command again starting at the second point of the first line..after clicking that point,I type in @2.38<150 that gives me a line2.38 long at 150 how do i make a third line relative to the second line so that the angle is 75 degrees and a certain length..the picture shows what I am trying to draw..using the polar cordinates you get an angle based off the UCS( which is set at world) when you try to draw the third line ..that makes the angle between line 2 an 3 not the angle that I want..To make the drawing,I rotated the ucs -30 degrees..But there has to be a better way than that..
I have to draw a rather weird drawing with a lot of angled lines. Currently I'm using UCS to draw them but it's really tiresome.
I would draw 1 line, then type in UCS, select the X and Y axis, draw that line, escape, then hit in UCS again, rinse and repeat.
Is there a simpler way? I tried polar tracking "relative to last segment" but it still uses the x axis as the base, which is not what I want. I want the line to be the X axis.
I just installed CS6. When I open my photos from Bridge in Camera Raw, the old window from CS5 opens (the one with Fill Light and Recovery), not the new one with Highlights/Shadows.
I can get it to change to the new version by clicking on a fly out menu that says Reset Camera Raw Defaults but I have to do that for each photo. How can I get the new version to open all the time?
Ever since I downloaded the latest 13.0.1 update to CS6 two days ago, my custom settings keep resetting to every time I close down and reopen the program. Even my custom brushes keep disappearing and require reloading. This is getting maddening! Why is it happening and what can I do to fix it?
I was working with a document in PS and I must have inadvertantly done something to turn my background sceen to black. How do I return it to the standard white?
I managed to move the home screen on my Mac to the left but now it will not return to centre, so that I can access the controls. A two fingered drag does not seem to work.