Photoshop :: CS5 Resorts Back To Default Settings Each Time It Is Opened?
Apr 9, 2013CS5 resorts back to default settings each time it is opened. None of my preferances save. Why not?
View 3 RepliesCS5 resorts back to default settings each time it is opened. None of my preferances save. Why not?
View 3 Replieshow I can to reset all the settings back to default settings...
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I get back to default settings of photoshop elements 9 for edit.  I tried to edit one picture and now all of my pictures are discolored.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been using autocad for many years but have never experienced this situation before. I have received a simple Electrical layout file from a consultant, after opening this file my settings in AutoCAD changed, for examples the snap angle to the cursor changed to 337.18 degree, the selection box (pick box) went to maximum and a few other settings also changed. I had to manually go back to the options and change some of the settings back to what I normally have which is very much similar to default settings. But I could not change everything back to normal. I had AutoCAD 2010 and later installed 2012 to see if it would fix the problems. What surprised me is that when install fresh AutoCAD 2012, the default settings is now changed to the settings that has changed in my previous AutoCAD.I would like to change the settings back to normal.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to get back to default settings in layer manager. all drawings i am opening now, lost all layers, they are in layer states manager how can i get them back to show in normal layer manager.
View 0 Replies View Relatedi recently updated to 5.3 and everything was great, just like normal.. then after an import of raw files, i selected one to develop and went to look for my "exposure" slider on the right side of the screen. it has disappeared??? i also am missing my simple saturation slider too. now i have an extremely indepth saturation sliders for every color. i have tried to reset tool settings, i have searched around, i even reinstalled lightroom hoping i would get it back to what i am used to...
is there a preference file that i can delete to get me back to 100% default settings?
For the last few weeks I have been having problems with my photoshop. One day I opened it and all the layer styles (6 gigs worth) were just gone. No one knew how to restore them here so I did them all over again and saved 3 sets at 2gigs each. Now every single time I open Photoshop I don't have any layer styles and have to load them. I updated just now from CS5 to CS6 and the same thing.. I have opened and closed CS6 4x now and each time all my layer styles vanish upon opening.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI recently upgraded from CS6 to CC. When I open a psd file, it opens at 100%, but the window is small with scroll bars. I have plenty of screen real estate, so that's not the problem. I have looked everywhere and can't find how to make the default 100% showing the entire image.
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhen I drag a photo file to Photoshop, it opens in a size significantly smaller than the workspace. (This is especially true with vertical [portrait] photos.) Therefore, every time I open a photo (and I do this typically hundreds of times a day...), I have to drag the lower right corner way out to enlarge the frame, and then I have to scroll the mouse wheel to make the picture expand to (approximately) fill the frame. Only then can I see it well enough to make the required ajustments to the file. Isn't there a way to tell Photoshop how large I want the photos to appear in the workspace, so it opens every new photo file to the same size? I am using Photoshop CS (not CS2 or CS3).
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow can I control the number of opened files in AutoCad-2010 ? How to do that . I have to work in 2 files Simultaneously.
View 5 Replies View Relatedgetting Civil 3D to crash every time the Map Task Pane is opened from the Ribbon? Â if you type in MAPWSPACE, then it seems to "initiaite" it to work ok, but if you go right to the Ribbon: View tab > Palettes panel, and click it on there, it crashes every time.
View 1 Replies View RelatedContext : AutoCAD Map 3D 2013Visual Studio 2010.NET 4.0, C#, WPFFDOOracle DataStore
Requirement : When I start AutoCAD Map 2013, a default document called "Drawing1.dwg" is opened. I use the command NETLOAD to load my assemblies. Final Users don't NETLOAD, an entry in the registry does the job automatically. During Initialization, my application downloads from the database a Template DWT file to initiate automatically the connection to the DataSource, and shows the different layers and styles configured by the customer. A new drawing based on this DWT is then generated.
However, the first default document remains opened. It can be sometimes annoying for the user to have both documents opened. I've never found a nice solution to close this first default document.
My technical implementation, not working :
In the Initialize method coming from IExtensionApplication, I start my application (loading business classes, user interfaces, etc...). Once started, I download the DWT, and add a new Document to the DocumentCollection (Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager). To this new Document, I handle many events such as CommandWillStart, CommandEnded, CommandFailed, etc... At this time, my Application asks to the user to log in. And finally, I browse the whole DocumentCollection to try to close all documents that are not the new one based on the DWT.
DocumentCollection doc_coll = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager; _kleverageDocument = doc_coll.Add(dwtFilePath);
if (_kleverageDocument != null) {
_kleverageDocument.ImpliedSelectionChanged += new EventHandler(doc_ImpliedSelectionChanged); _kleverageDocument.CommandWillStart += new CommandEventHandler(doc_CommandWillStart);
[Code] ....
When I call the CloseAndDiscard method for each of the other Documents, I always get an Exception telling me that the document is currently drawing. Actually, the command "NETLOAD" is stil running. How can I do ? I tried another way, by using handled events on DocumentManager
Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.DocumentActivationChanged += DocumentManager_DocumentActivationChanged; Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.DocumentBecameCurrent += DocumentManager_DocumentBecameCurrent;
I just installed CS6. When I open my photos from Bridge in Camera Raw, the old window from CS5 opens (the one with Fill Light and Recovery), not the new one with Highlights/Shadows.
I can get it to change to the new version by clicking on a fly out menu that says Reset Camera Raw Defaults but I have to do that for each photo. How can I get the new version to open all the time?
I'm perfectly happy with the TrueType font (BankGothic Md BT), but all the style settings change to the T1 equivalent every time I close, and when I open the file again the T1 text does not show up. I can go through and reset all the styles, then re-apply them, but it wastes a lot of time.
View 1 Replies View RelatedEver since I downloaded the latest 13.0.1 update to CS6 two days ago, my custom settings keep resetting to every time I close down and reopen the program. Even my custom brushes keep disappearing and require reloading. This is getting maddening! Why is it happening and what can I do to fix it?
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View 9 Replies View RelatedI just made the jump from CS2 to CS5 where I found Photoshop no longer offers settings for line screen and screen angles for spot color printing. This is a critical feature for me and most others in my industry. Photoshop is the go to program for color separations for garment manufacturers and this is a crippling omission for us. Are there any plans to patch CS5 or to bring this critical feature back in future versions? I have been told by customer & tech support that my only option, while already owning CS2 & CS5, is that I will have to buy CS4 from a third party and go backward. While this may work temporarily, it imposes additional cost, and does not address the long term issue of the removal of these controls. Garment manufacturing is a relatively small, but constant industry among your customer base and Photoshop & Illustrator are our right and left hands.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThere is something wrong with my tool bar and I don't know how to get it back to the default setting. Here is the link:[URL]...
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow can I change my Editor default back to Elements 8?  When I downloaded a trial version of Elements 11, my default changed to version 11. I use Adobe Lightroom, and when I switch over to Elements using "Edit In", it automatically open Elements 11 now.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I preview my comp the time indicator goes back to the beginning once it reaches the end, Is there a way so that it stops at the end of the work area or timeline? Its not on loop, its on play once but I don't want it to go back.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSomething has changed in my settings!! My Edit>Preferences>File Handling is checked to require Ask Before Saving Layered TIFF Files.
Today I hit Ctrl-S with a layered DNG and it saved it as an Edit.tif. What do I need to change so that the default on Ctrl-S from a Layered DNG is a Layered PSD?
I'm working on a project where I will have to do a lot of various scaling using Bilinear resampling. Is there a way to make this the default scaling method in PS CS6 (Mac OS).
I keep on forgetting to switch the scaling method, and thus often have to scale the image twice.
im doing this for class and the book tells me to hold trl Al and shift as soon as i open photoshop. this isnt working and because im doing this for school im on a bit of a time crunch.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy 3D camera view is acting kooky when I go into 3D mode. It's like I'm underneath the text looking up at it, and no matter what settings I mess with I can not get the view that I want. Yes I have went to all the little drop down window and clicked on default view and I still get this same underneath view. Is their a way to reset ALL default settings in PS Cs6.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI was disappointed to see that the CS6 More Options panel still has 8 bit dither. Why isn't it 10 bit by default ? Shouldn't Photoshop be sending 10 bit to monitors with 10 bit LUT for real wide gamut? Some printers are going beyond 8 bit now, also.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI need to compress about 1,000 jpg images and I'm using the "save for web" feature in Photoshop 7 but I'm running into problems because my file names are very long and its cutting them off. I found the workaround by editing the output settings and unchecking the "Mac OS" box under "Filename Compatibility".
However, the problem is that the default settings do not stay like this once I hit OK and I end up having to uncheck the Mac OS box for each and every file. Is there a way to permanently change the default settings so I can do batch processing for all my images?
when I start my Photoshop, everything resets to the default settings, from workspace to general preferences. Why does it do this and is there a way to stop it from doing it?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI was wondering how can we change the default setting of PS.
If you go to "Blending Options" in PS and click on "Outer Glow/Inner Glow/Drop Shadow/....etc" You will see that these options have already some colors as default, means Drop shadow has black color as default and inner glow and outer glow has yellow as default.
I wanted to change these default colors to something else. Like I want to change the YELLOW color of outer and inner glow to WHITE color. Is it possible?
I am using a classroom in a book tutorial for cs6 and stuck on one directive that gets me nowhere: "Start Photoshop, and then immediately hold down Command+Option+Shift (MacOS) to restore default preferences." When I do this, nothing happens -- no prompt as promised. What am I doing wrong and where can I go to get the default settings in preferences restored?
View 7 Replies View RelatedThe only settings I get in "Save for Web / Devices" are "Unnamed" and "-----".
Where would these preferences have disappeared to? I don't recall ever seeing the standard options ever since installing the CS3 Master Collection. ImageReady and Photoshop CS3 usually have a few JPG, GIF and PNG options.
Could I download the original settings file somewhere, without reinstalling anything?