I'm working on a project where I will have to do a lot of various scaling using Bilinear resampling. Is there a way to make this the default scaling method in PS CS6 (Mac OS).
I keep on forgetting to switch the scaling method, and thus often have to scale the image twice.
The current default 'stroke' setting on my PS is 3 pixels/Red...how do I change it?
The stroke setting to which I refer is when I double click a layer and want to surround it with a stroke line of color. I have searched everywhere and can't find where to change the default setting.
Is it possible to change the default settings of Xara Designer Pro for Units so that whenever a new file is started, it automatically uses the Default Units / Page - Pixels?
I know how to go in to my settings and change the default page settings on a new design, but I want my settings to ALWAYS come up with the settings I change them to. How do I set these so that every time I start Xara I don't have to go change the settings AGAIN?
im doing this for class and the book tells me to hold trl Al and shift as soon as i open photoshop. this isnt working and because im doing this for school im on a bit of a time crunch.
My 3D camera view is acting kooky when I go into 3D mode. It's like I'm underneath the text looking up at it, and no matter what settings I mess with I can not get the view that I want. Yes I have went to all the little drop down window and clicked on default view and I still get this same underneath view. Is their a way to reset ALL default settings in PS Cs6.
I was disappointed to see that the CS6 More Options panel still has 8 bit dither. Why isn't it 10 bit by default ? Shouldn't Photoshop be sending 10 bit to monitors with 10 bit LUT for real wide gamut? Some printers are going beyond 8 bit now, also.
I need to compress about 1,000 jpg images and I'm using the "save for web" feature in Photoshop 7 but I'm running into problems because my file names are very long and its cutting them off. I found the workaround by editing the output settings and unchecking the "Mac OS" box under "Filename Compatibility".
However, the problem is that the default settings do not stay like this once I hit OK and I end up having to uncheck the Mac OS box for each and every file. Is there a way to permanently change the default settings so I can do batch processing for all my images?
when I start my Photoshop, everything resets to the default settings, from workspace to general preferences. Why does it do this and is there a way to stop it from doing it?
I was wondering how can we change the default setting of PS.
If you go to "Blending Options" in PS and click on "Outer Glow/Inner Glow/Drop Shadow/....etc" You will see that these options have already some colors as default, means Drop shadow has black color as default and inner glow and outer glow has yellow as default.
I wanted to change these default colors to something else. Like I want to change the YELLOW color of outer and inner glow to WHITE color. Is it possible?
I am using a classroom in a book tutorial for cs6 and stuck on one directive that gets me nowhere: "Start Photoshop, and then immediately hold down Command+Option+Shift (MacOS) to restore default preferences." When I do this, nothing happens -- no prompt as promised. What am I doing wrong and where can I go to get the default settings in preferences restored?
The only settings I get in "Save for Web / Devices" are "Unnamed" and "-----".
Where would these preferences have disappeared to? I don't recall ever seeing the standard options ever since installing the CS3 Master Collection. ImageReady and Photoshop CS3 usually have a few JPG, GIF and PNG options.
Could I download the original settings file somewhere, without reinstalling anything?
I will change settings on a tool, use it for awhile, then change to a different tool. When I return to the first tool, the settings have reverted to the defaults. How do I keep them from changing while I am using a different tool?
Is there a way to setup Photoshop CS6 print settings so that "Scale To Fit Media" is the default. I tried to create an action and then through Bridge select a folder and Batch send the files to Open-Print-Close. Since images are never received 8.5"x11" it would be convenient to have this as a default. Since the print settings revert, or aren't defaulting to "settings last used", my batch attempt was unsuccessful. I know I could edit my action to adjust image size to page dimensions, but thought a way to edit the Print settings default must be out there somewhere. (Using MacBook Pro OSX 10.8.4)
I'm at work and i'm getting this terrible bug where modifying a value for one of the Character settings result in some random large value. So far it happened for Font Size, Line Height, Character Spacing and Base Line Shift.
It seems this issue has been around since CS6 was released, with dates ranging from Early 2012 to early 2013. This greatly impacts my work production.
Just want to see if other issues were relevant and its true that when you transform the text, the character scaling goes wonky. So is there a solution to this yet? This issue has been around since early last year.
I recently installed Photoshop 7 on my PC and when I open the program the default color settings appear all yellow and green toned and not true RGB. I have tried messing with the settings but I cannot seem to solve the problem. It would be easier if I could show the screen shot of what I am talking about.
I work for a large fortune 500 company and the software is installed through a server which allocates the licenses. I dont know if there may be a bug in the program but maybe that has something to do with it.
after clicking "OK", these go to 160,2 mm or less than 160 mm.
The same with the sizes and places of objects etc. I create a 20 x 20 mm circle. One click later it is 19,89 x 19,89. I set it's location to X: 80 mm, Y: 80 mm. One click later: 80,02mm
How can the default angle setting for global light be changed, in Photoshop CS4?
I do not like the 30' but prefer 120' to have the light from top left and shadows bottome right. However, saving as a style does not save the angle, just all the other settings.
I would be grateful for help as I have lots of images I need to prepare for a website that uses my preference in lighting, so would like it to match. At the moment,
way to simplify the "save as" procedure. I found annoying to have to select say, PNG, from a long list... Gimp remembers the last filter (... reuse sharpen?) but not the last file format and folder?