After Effects :: Time Indicator Goes Back To Beginning Once It Reaches End

Apr 15, 2014

When I preview my comp the time indicator goes back to the beginning once it reaches the end,  Is there a way so that it stops at the end of the work area or timeline?  Its not on loop, its on play once but I don't want it to go back.

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After Effects :: Current Time Indicator Won't Move To End Of Comp In CS6

May 31, 2013

The current time indicator won't move to end of comp in AE CS6. I setup a new comp at 10 seconds. When I drag the current time indicator OR hit the End key to bring the current time indicator to the end of the comp it stops at a value of 9:23. Is this a bug?

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After Effects :: Can't Preview The Frames By Moving The Current-time Indicator

Sep 28, 2013

I'm following some tutorials on digital tutors and I see that an easy way to preview the frames is just by simply moving the time indicator, and the frames will play in real time by just moving the current-time indicator back and forth.
However, it doesn't work for me for some reason, when I move my current time idncator, the only thing  see is the frame what it was on, and won't update until I let go of time time indicator.

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After Effects :: Current Timeline Indicator Skips Frames When Previewing

May 31, 2013

when I preview my video, the current timeline indicator skips to the next 10 frames and I would like to know if there is a way to decrease  the amount of fames being skipped to.

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Photoshop Elements :: Moon Effects - View Both Layers And Effects Panel At Same Time?

Apr 9, 2013

I have PSE11 and purchased Paint the Moon effects.  How can I view both the Layers panel and the Effects panel at the same time?  Was this an option in older versions of PSE that are used in the Paint the Moon tutorials?

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After Effects :: Some 3rd Party Effects Crash After Period Of Time?

Feb 16, 2014

Specifically the Boris Continuum plugins. I get this error: 
Seems to happen for really no reason, even if I apply the effect and let the comp sit idle, it hapens after a minute or so.
Win 7x64, AE CS6 11.04, 16 gb of RAM GPU: GeForce GTX560ti

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VideoStudio :: DVD Stops Before It Reaches The End

Oct 17, 2012

I'm currently using Corel VideoStudio Ultimate Pro X4. Sometimes when I burn a project to DVD it does not play the whole thing. The program says "burn successful" but when I go play it on the tv it stops maybe 10 to 15 mins before it ends.

I thought it might have been the batch of Verbatim DVD-R discs that i use but now I dont think so because i'm using a new batch.

For awhile I started turning my project into an AVI file and then burn it. That actually started to work,....until now.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Resorts Back To Default Settings Each Time It Is Opened?

Apr 9, 2013

CS5 resorts back to default settings each time it is opened.  None of my preferances save.  Why not?

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AutoCad 3D :: Disappearing Clipping Boundaries When 3D Model Reaches Certain Size

Aug 5, 2011

The problem I run into with 3DClip is that once my 3D model reaches a certain size I loose the visualization of my clipping boundaries. I can watch my viewport change as move the clipping plane but don't see a handy dandy line to show where exactly it is clipping.

Now if I could just get my front clipping plane to show up white, blue, yellow, or any color other than black given my black background!

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After Effects :: Skips Frames Playing Back

Mar 4, 2013

Why is it that AE skips  some frames  after playing back my comp? 

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After Effects :: RAM Preview Not Playing Back Realtime FPS In CC

Jan 16, 2014

I'm having trouble with AE CC playing a RAM preview at a realtime framerate - it's lagging behind at random speeds. This is a short image sequence (of many more to come) My iMac just seems to struggle with this, I can't figure out why. Is this a Graphics card issue?? We have an older mac here which has an older card with more ram (1024 MB)  on the  card, which takes longer to render the preview (is that due to less system RAM?) But, plays back with a solid 30fps framerate no worries..Is this a problem with the particular Graphics Card on this iMac? There seems to be little info about this card that I can find with After Effects.
Project task:
- I am  only previewing a short (15 sec) 1920 X 1080 image sequence (either TIFF or EXR) at 30 FPS. Ram preview going at around 20-28 fps: 'fps: 20.271 / 30.00 NOT realtime' 
- RAM Preview set to Full Res, 30 fps Frame Rate, Composition settings 30fps, footage 30fps
- tried lower quality settings, tried cropping video - same jerky framerate
- Even when video is rendered to a .Mov Lossless file the video is still juddery and appears to be dropping frames when played in Quick Time - VLC is better slightly.
System / Memory Preferences:
Ram shared by other apps: 4GB Ram reserved for AE: 28GB..After Effects Multiprocessing: ON Installed CPUs: 4 CPUs reserved for other apps: 2 RAM allocated per bg CPU: 6GB actual CPUs used: 2
Extra notes:
- Have tried with using less memory on the system, no diffeence - not a problem with the RAM in the iMac (which is above the recommended standard, I know, but works fine with everything)
- Running After Effects CC - no other programs running
- Works fine with other Mac we have - which is OSX Lion & After Effects 5.0 with ATI Radeon 5750 HD 1024MB Graphics Card.
- Had the same issues with After Effects 5.5
- Tried with After Effects 5.5 with Apple RAM 12GB no difference on this machine
- Monitored System CPU & GPU - no problem running at  CPU 25% & GPU 40-50%

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After Effects :: Revert Back To Old Color Picking Window?

Nov 5, 2013

I have somehow pressed a wrong button, and have switched my color-picking pallatte to a new one that I don't particulaly care for (see images); is there a way to revert back to the old color picking pallatte?  
Old Color Picker (that I want to use): 
New Color picker (that I do not want to use):

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After Effects :: Time Shift Of Footage?

Feb 14, 2014

I have two compositions, second is a copy of the first. On the second's layers i use other footages with other start points, while the keyframes of the layers should stay there (related to the layer). I have replaced the the second's footages by alt-drag&drop. But i can not set other start points. So how can i shift the footage behind the layer?

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After Effects :: Insert Time / Frames Shortcut?

Feb 1, 2013

Is it possible to insert time from where the 'Current Time Indicator' is  across all layers?
So it would extends all the layers and move all the keyframe accordingly..
In the adobe flash days pressing F5 would achieve the same effect. 
So using this image as an example, pressing F5 would extends the layers/move all the keyframes after the indicator by one frame...

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After Effects :: Masking A Time-lapse Animation?

Apr 2, 2013

I'm working on a time-lapse project where I have taken 240 shots of a highway heading into my city, and have erased the cars from the shot, creating the look of an "empty city". This will be one of many sequences like this.

I got the highway background plate perfect, no cars, and I threw that into my AE comp (CS6), along with the 240 images as a JPEG sequence. I've layered the background plate on top of the image sequence and used a mask to "hide" the cars from the highway. The problem is, some of the cars are taller than the roadway (trucks, busses, etc), so they push into the upper part of the frame where the motion is supposed to happen. If I extend the mask upward, you can see a literal bisection between the still plate and the animated JPEGs. If I just move the mask path to hide cars as they go by, the moving mask becomes VERY obvious in the exported QuickTime.

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After Effects :: Imported A Clip From Imovies And Cannot Play Back The Sound In Preview

Aug 25, 2013

I have imported a clip from imovies and cannot play back the sound in preview. What have I done wrong?

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After Effects :: Is This Possible To Render An Audio React In Real Time

Oct 30, 2013

I am looking for a way to render a 3d model that reacts to an audio in real time. I know processing does the audio reacting in real time but I was wondering if this is possible to render a 3d object that react to the audio via after effect as well?

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After Effects :: Random Look Change After Opening Project At Later Time?

Jun 21, 2013

Created a project for a client, saved it, and rendered out a preview.  Today I open the same project which has not been touched since the render and it's a completely different image result.Left is in the project as of today.  Right is same frame from render yesterday.  As I said, no project changes have occurred since render.
I've messed around with the blending modes and opacity settings which are still as I left them originally, keyframes and all, yet I cannot get back to the exact same image on the right. Having funky oddities in AE CC?

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After Effects :: Time Warp Effect Causes Color Change (CS4)

Mar 23, 2013

I have a 1-minute clip that I've been working on. The first 30s I want to playback at normal speed. Between 30 and 36s I want the playback speed to gradually increase to about double the normal playback speed. At 36s I want it to stay at double speed for a few seconds and then gradually return to realtime playback. I don't want it to suddenly go from normal speed to double speed. From what I've read this is possible with the TimeWarp effect or enabling time re-mapping. Since I don't know how to do either I decided to look up some tuts on TimeWarp. I didn't find much and when I add the TimeWarp effect to my footage layer, all the color correction I did on it disappears.
I guess I'm wondering two things:

-How do I accomplish the speeding up and slowing down that I described above?
-If I'm supposed to use Timewarp, why does it create issues with my color and how do I fix it?

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After Effects :: How To Extend Time A Frame Stays In Place

Apr 21, 2013

I have this video clip and you can see that at second 3 the frame moves to the left and it's too little time for people to read the whole sentece (take ownership of your career).I think it has something to do with camera1.

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After Effects :: Time Ruler - Changing Frames To Seconds

Feb 9, 2014

For some reason the time ruler is displaying frames and not seconds. I have tried cycling through the various time modes by ctrl clicking it as well as modifyign it in file->project settings, yet seconds will not show up on the time ruler. Please view the image below. I have also tried resetting the work space to standard default with no result.

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After Effects :: Time Remapping And Video Stabilization Simultaneously

Jun 28, 2013

How to speed up and stabilize a video clip, however, the embarrasing discovery is that a Macintosh proprietary software that comes standard with each Apple computer purchase (Imovie), has a stabilizater and time remapper that works seamlessly. 

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After Effects :: Rendering Time Lapse Video With Timewarp

Feb 14, 2014

When i´m rendering out a video with still images (timelapse) i use Timewarp. I like to have Timewarp at 50%, but then i only get rendered half the images. If i have 500 images, only 250 gets rendered to the final QT-video. There must be a way to get all images in the video??

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After Effects :: Way To Trim Precomp To Current Layer Time?

Feb 3, 2009

I've got an animation pretty much done as far as timing goes and everything. Now I'm going back and editing some things that require adding a few layers to add some things to the current layer that already is trimmed appropriately to the correct time.

Any script or something that will create a composition from a layer using the length of the layer's in and out point instead of the whole comp time?

Right now I'm opening the precomp, hitting "i" "b" "o" "n", then right clicking on the comp range bar, choosing trim to comp time. Then I go back to the main comp, move the time back to where the layer previously started and hitting "["

So it all goes by pretty quick, but I consistently have to do that like 20 times. And no, it isn't completely necessary, but if I have to give the file to someone else it makes it Much easier to see what's going on if they can see the actual length of a layer. If you leave it at default it appears the layer is needed for the entire composition.

So, is there a way to script that or something? I usually just need to do something like add some text, simulate a graphic display, or create some fake animated depth of field or something like that. I don't like to add more than one layer per action in the main comp, so if more is needed then i usually precompose it as to not have more than a hundred layers or so for the bulk of the comp.

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After Effects :: How To Subtract Frames In Time Display Work

Feb 5, 2014

when I want to add time to the time display, to re-position the timeline cursor, i use +15 for example. But when i want to subtract time, -15 wouldn't work. How does subtracting frames in the time display work ?

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After Effects :: Black Magic And CS6 Ram Preview Not Real Time

Jan 24, 2014

I'm on a MAC PRO with the OS 10.6.8 and 8Go Ram, the problem is when i turn on my preview video on the Blackmagic the video monitor is not in real time and the after effect is so slow. When i put it off (computer monitor only) it's ok but i havn't my video monitor of course....and i need it. Is there some tricks for having my black magic (1080 i 50) ON and a RAM Preview in real time ? My drivers Black magic is the 9.5.3 it's the highest driver for MAC OS 10.6.8 + ADOBE CS6+ FCP7. ( i tried update adobe, change qt library, change aspect ratio, pixel, preview ram settings, change drivers black magic and other but nothing work )

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After Effects :: Render Time Taking 1 Hour For 4 Seconds

Feb 28, 2014

I am trying to render a 4 second clip of 3d text doing a 360° turn, I export in H.264 and have okay computer specs.
3.04 GHz Quad core
12 gigs of ram
want to start exporting more video for a project, but I can't do it with this render time.

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Photoshop :: Every Time Use Lighting Effects Filter - Software Crashes?

Jul 4, 2013

Every time I use the Lighting Effects Filter the software crashes.

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After Effects :: Possible To Have A Movie In Its Time In Footage Panel Independent Of Timeline

Feb 13, 2014

I have some very long movies and want to insert some short parts of it in the timeline.So i open the movie in the footage panel mark in and out point and press ovelay insert to insert this part in the timeline.Next time i open the same movie in the footage panel to mark the next part i want to insert in the timeleine, my timeline  playhead jumps to the time where my playhead of the footage panel is in this clip. is it possible to unlink the footage panel and the Timeline?

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After Effects :: Slow Render Time With AECS5 And Imported 3D PSD Files

Sep 20, 2013

I am working with something new in AE this week and I am curious if I am doing something wrong.  I need to insert a 3D thumb tack PSD file I imported into AE with a film I am working on.  As a test I just wanted to see what quailty the pin would render out for the final because the preview in AE looked horrible.  So I have a static shot of the Thumb tack and it is going for 10 seconds.  I started the Render and it has been going for 9 minutes so far and still shows 1hr 28 minutes left.  I've rendered 8 minutes music videos in 45 minutes on this same PC.
I am using a PSD for 3D because I do not have 3D software.

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After Effects :: Embedding Countdown Timer That Is Linked To Real Time Into A Video

Mar 24, 2014

What I am trying to accomplish is to make a 10-sec video that has a real time countdown clock to a certain part of the day (Ie: 5 hours and 10 secs left till 8 pm). Designing the clock is simple, what I cannot figure out is what program i should use and how to make it link to real time. Is this possible in after efects or do i need to use flash professional or something else. To give you a little bit more information, typically I design ads that just run on a loop, this ad has to be different because it needs to run in a loop and somehow go and get the countdown according to real time and not just the videos length.  (I've heard of somehow making a flash SWF file that either links to computer or RSS file, but how to do that in aftereffects.) This is what i can find, but NOT what i want: [URL].... I want it to use real time for countdown.
The media player running this 10-sec video ad is apparently compatible with Flash SWF.

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