Photoshop :: Blacked Out Navigation Menu With Dark Grey Text On Top
Sep 16, 2013
All of my navigation menus are completely blacked out with dark grey text on top. Certain menus are completely blacked out and show absolutely nothing. When I mouseover the text becomes a readable grey but it makes actions much more difficult as I have to mouse over every single option.
Are there any solutions to this bug?I have uninstalled/reinstalled, updated ATI drivers, contacted support, etc and have found no solution.I am using purchased Photoshop CS3 & I am running Win 7 x64 w /i5-3570k w/ ATI Sapphire 7950 Here are some screenshots of what happens:
Windows, PS CS4. I'm trying to erase part of an image such that there is nothing there. However, when I erase the part of the background layer (I have no layers below it, and none above occupying the same space), I do not see the chequered transparency pattern, but dark grey. This grey also remains part of the image as if it were a colour rather than being transparent. To be specific, it is the white between the borders of a comic I am trying to erase..
I was working in Arch 2011, it crashed. When I opened it back up and clicked on the Big A to try and open the file back up, nothing happens! It looks like the program is active, if I don't try to navigate to a file everything seems to work.
Also, I can navigate to the file using Windows and 'Open With' which also works and the program opens the file and seems fine. I really need the navigation menu back though.
I'm new to AutoCAD 2013 and I am unable to create new viewports from the "layout" or "paperspace" tabs. The "Model Viewports" are on the navigation bar (the one at the top) but are grayed out and thus unusable and the typical "Viewports" menu from my AutoCAD 2011 (last version I had/used) is not there. I can open the viewports menu from toolbars but am unable to dock it into the navigation bar.
I have a simple design in coreldraw X5 and a rectangle with a postscript fill (example: color bubles), now whenever i print out this artwork the rectangle prints in a dark grey color and the rest is OK.
Before i used X4 and the same artwork with the same printer were working perfectly, but now this is happening since i use X5
I am trying to make business cards in Adobe Illustrator using the Pantone Color System. In my logo, the middle circle is a dark grey: C20 Y20 M20 K80. I can't find a suitable Pantone grey that is this dark. Pantone 425U is too light. Also, which Pantone Black is the darkest?
user of Corel Videostudio pro x5 and gradually getting to grips with the functionality, however I have come to a dead end on one issue. I have edited a video ready for sharing and have gone to create a disc with a menu. I did not want any of the existing menu template so managed to create my own using a photograph as background and adding text I have managed to edit the text to change font etc but when it comes to the navigation buttons I cannot seem to be able to edit the properties. When using customise I can choose the different styles of button but cannot change the colour of the buttons to suit my template colour scheme. For some reason whenever I run a preview the play button always turns out to be pale blue colour. Currently on the create disc function I am selecting DVD for testing purposes instead of burning expensive Blue Ray discs however when finished I will want to burn blue ray discs.
I am trying to edit some pictures that a customer of mine has taken. They are of silver utensils wrapped with beads and the way she has taken them, there is a huge shine reflection on them. There are 25 current pictures all using the same dark background.
I have fiddled with the adjustment brightness and highlights, but they come out looking gray and fake, so I removed those adjustments.
I tried using burn the bright spots and then dodge the coloured stones to bring back some luster. No matter what i am doing, it no longer is a silver utensil, it is a picture that has been poorly edited, and that simply isn't okay.
Here are some examples of the raw picture I am working with [URL] ...........
I need to reduce the glare/reflection and the stones need to be vibrant.
While editing some, but not all files in PSE2, I find the layers menu and palette grey and unusable. This mostly occurs when I import a file from the web. I have tried saving the file in tiff or pdf format, but still cannot get the layers to work.
I'm trying to record an Action in AI that, when editing text,
(1) goes to the end of the current line ([End]), (2) goes to the beginning of the current line while selecting the text ([Shift]+[Home]), (3) applies a swatch, (4) moves down three lines ([Down], [Down], [Down]), etc.
When I record this in an action, only the Apply Swatch command appears in the Action. Is this just how-it-is or is there a way to record text navigation in an action?
Have a document that has several artboards in it. (kinda like a multipage document). Each page is similar, but some of the text boxes has variations from page to page. So if I am zoomed in on page 1 to one text box and I select some text, using the type tool, and then hit SHIFT-page down (or page up) to go to the next page, it won't. Switch to a different tool, and it works.
WHY? Why can't I use a keyboard short cut to jump to another page while in the type tool mode? I don't want to take my hand off the keyboard or move the mouse.
I am facing the following problems while working on the navigation bars.
a) I am not able to create a new on of my own, I have to again and again drag and drift a navigation bar from the Designers Gallery, and right click and more buttons to it . What If I want to create a button of my own design ???
b) Even after selecting the navigation bar, I am not able to change the colour of the background as well as the text, am not able to change the font size of the text, the font type am also not able to change, even If I go the the menu style tab of the navigation properties tab. How do I change these specifications ?
I have a picture that was sent to me when the picture is actually opened the original person blacked out parts of it and they do not show but whenever it is sitting in my folder the whole picture shows up as a thumbnail. Is there anyway to remove the black layers or anything to get the whole picture to show since it is all showing as a thumbnail?
can I alter the BACKGROUND COLOUR from the Grey to a lighter grey as in P/Shop Album 2.00 which is just what I want..I hate the darker colour as background..I have just purchased the Elements 11.
I just installed PS6 and it looks awesome! Everything works fine, no issues processing photos so far. Only problem is that my drop down menus for the menu bar are blacked out with grey text. Some options don't even have the text. When I hover with my mouse, it does show the item with a blue hover background, but aside from that, nothing.
For some context: i7-3770 3.4GHz 16gb Ram 1gb GPU - AMD Radeon 7570 Windows 7 64bit
My friend has taken some engagement photographs and unfortunately the couple have dark hair and the background is also dark - I think you can see her problem with the photos. Somehow the background needs to be lightened and neither of us know how (we both have Photoshop 7)
I've upgraded to LR4 and, on loading my old LR3 catalogue, find that all my photos have turned black. Photos imported since the upgrade display properly.
I am currently running Map 3D 2012 with CadWorx and I am having an issue with one of my multi tab drawings. Any object set to plot grey (any grey), that is in paper space, is plotting black only in one of my layouts. similar objects in model space and in both spaces on other layouts are all plotting accordingly.
I have AutoCAD map 3D 2011.My layout background is white, and sometimes the viewport(s) appear blacked out. I can plot fine, no problems there. It makes it hard to see what I have in my view port. I have removed the viewport and created a new one that will fix the problem approx. 50% of the time.What causes this?
I am using autocad architecture 2012; the problem i am having is that when i pdf any sheet that contains a block, the plot prints the block/symbol completely filled with color (black).
when i pdf, the client (commercial) demands that we use the "DWG to PDF" setting, however this causes text throughout the sheets to convert into unreadable dashed lines, therefore our office has started to use "Adobe PDF" for all our pdfing needs. but now the blocks (mainly the title block tags, and keynote symbols) do not plot properly. I always preview the sheet before pdfing and it always looks normal... it seems like the problem occurs somewhere between the file and adobe acrobat x... is it possible for the verison of adobe to be the culprit?
We recently upgraded to X5 and are having trouble with the Previews for JPEG. When I try to preview a jpeg under the standard cmyk setting it comes up as a black box. If I change it to RGB then I can see it. It didn't happen at first but once I downloaded the update it started.
we just upgraded to acad 13 at the office and now when i pick single line text to edit it the transperancy of the shading is so dark i cannot see the text line to place my cursor where i need it to be to change say.. one letter or whatever.
I have encountered a problem when creating a PDF. On the sheet there are 14 viewports, and when I plot the sheet to a PDF, one of the viewports plots completely blacked out. I have redone the viewport and Xref, but it still turns out black.