I have a picture that was sent to me when the picture is actually opened the original person blacked out parts of it and they do not show but whenever it is sitting in my folder the whole picture shows up as a thumbnail. Is there anyway to remove the black layers or anything to get the whole picture to show since it is all showing as a thumbnail?
I just installed PS6 and it looks awesome! Everything works fine, no issues processing photos so far. Only problem is that my drop down menus for the menu bar are blacked out with grey text. Some options don't even have the text. When I hover with my mouse, it does show the item with a blue hover background, but aside from that, nothing.
For some context: i7-3770 3.4GHz 16gb Ram 1gb GPU - AMD Radeon 7570 Windows 7 64bit
All of my navigation menus are completely blacked out with dark grey text on top. Certain menus are completely blacked out and show absolutely nothing. When I mouseover the text becomes a readable grey but it makes actions much more difficult as I have to mouse over every single option.
Are there any solutions to this bug?I have uninstalled/reinstalled, updated ATI drivers, contacted support, etc and have found no solution.I am using purchased Photoshop CS3 & I am running Win 7 x64 w /i5-3570k w/ ATI Sapphire 7950 Here are some screenshots of what happens:
I am not able to save the changes that I make to the starting position of my scenes thumbnails when I use a Thumbnail Menu to create my DVD. I am using Video Studio X4 with Service Packs 1 and 2 installed running on Windows XP Home, SP 2 with all updates installed and DirectX 9.0. The scene changes work fine when I Preview them but they are not saved when I close the Create Disk sub-menu. When I return to the “Menu and Preview” section of the Create Disk sub-menu, the Main Menu scene change is present as is the Chapter 1 scene change but the other chapter scene changes are gone. What can I do to correct this?
I've upgraded to LR4 and, on loading my old LR3 catalogue, find that all my photos have turned black. Photos imported since the upgrade display properly.
I have AutoCAD map 3D 2011.My layout background is white, and sometimes the viewport(s) appear blacked out. I can plot fine, no problems there. It makes it hard to see what I have in my view port. I have removed the viewport and created a new one that will fix the problem approx. 50% of the time.What causes this?
I am using autocad architecture 2012; the problem i am having is that when i pdf any sheet that contains a block, the plot prints the block/symbol completely filled with color (black).
when i pdf, the client (commercial) demands that we use the "DWG to PDF" setting, however this causes text throughout the sheets to convert into unreadable dashed lines, therefore our office has started to use "Adobe PDF" for all our pdfing needs. but now the blocks (mainly the title block tags, and keynote symbols) do not plot properly. I always preview the sheet before pdfing and it always looks normal... it seems like the problem occurs somewhere between the file and adobe acrobat x... is it possible for the verison of adobe to be the culprit?
We recently upgraded to X5 and are having trouble with the Previews for JPEG. When I try to preview a jpeg under the standard cmyk setting it comes up as a black box. If I change it to RGB then I can see it. It didn't happen at first but once I downloaded the update it started.
I have encountered a problem when creating a PDF. On the sheet there are 14 viewports, and when I plot the sheet to a PDF, one of the viewports plots completely blacked out. I have redone the viewport and Xref, but it still turns out black.
Some images in threads are now showing up with the lower portion of the picture blacked out. Its like there is a limit on how large the image can be. Many times what the posting memeber is trying to show is blacked out.
what the square on the thumbnail is? When I double click on the thumbnail it takes me to the color picker and allows me to change the color of the layer.
I recently upgraded from CS5 to the latest version and I'm having trouble adjusting. One of the smallest but most usable features of previous versions of photoshop has been that when I go to File > open and browse to one of my thousands of image folders Photoshop will display a small thumbnail of whichever image I have selected.
This is essential so that I can tell which images I need rather than by file name which is useless.I'm probably just being thick and just need to find where to switch on the thumbnail preview.
I'm having alot of issues with thumbnail previews in Finder ever since I updated to Mavericks. Basically, any TIF-files that include layer masks won't show a preview at all in Finder.
I just get the static TIF-file graphics, but no actual preview. I have enabled to maximise compatability in Photoshop CC, and all the files are either 16 or 18 bit files.
i've got PS CS, and in PS, or in Finder, jpegs are thumbnailed with the generic jpeg image, unless they've been saved in PS. is there any way of converting all my pics to have thumbnails as its a bit of stress when browsing only seeing thumbs of the pics i've edited..
I am resizing images for thumbnaills. They need to match existing thumbnails in a little gallery. I sized them exactly like the existing thumbnails, but the image content looks smaller. I looked at every setting I could think of and couldn't figure out how to enlarge the content of the thumbnail. I have attached both images so you can see my problem. I am not artistic so I don't know how to minipulate perspective.
I'm having to make a thumbnail in Photoshop CS6 that is 125x100 & 72 DPI. When i put the image together the words are blurry and pixelated. im not sure why this is happening or how to fix it..
this is the thumbnail at 125x100 and 72 DPI which is the directions given and its so pixelated!
Each time I batch process thumbnails in CS6 v13.1.2x64 I've noticed that the resulting thumbnails do not match the sequence of the original photos the thumbs are batched from.
Is this a fault with CS6 or a lack of communication between my Nikon, Mac and Adobe?
The original full sized photos are JPEG fresh out of the camera and havent been preprocessed. I will add that if I do apply batch filter to the full size photos, they too are pushed out of their original numerical sequence.
I recently upgraded from CS5 to CS6 and when I save a file, in any format, I get no image icon thumbnail for the saved file. If I save the same file in CS5, I get the thumbnail image icon, but with severe pixelation of the thumbnail image. It used to be I would have to periodically reboot the finder or fix permissions to resolve the latter issue, but now even that doesn't work. I'm running Mac OS 10.8.
I'm creating a portfolio page on my website, and a while back I've seen a beautiful effect on someone else's portfolio site.
What they did was create a fairly large thumbnail image about 300 or 400px wide. And they took the home page and a details page screen grabs from their portfolio and combined 2 images into one thumbnail. The images were positioned one to the right one to the left, but angled (I can't figure out how). And one was over the other a little, but you could see the majority of each image, and there was a cool shadow effect behind both. I really wish I could create something like that myself, but no matter what I try I can't get anything that looks like what I remember seeing. I tried perspective, distort, skew, etc. Just can't get it to look cool and keep the images legible.
A rather important piece of digital art from has gone missing, but as it's a couple years old it's unlikely to still be sitting somewhere in the hard drive's free memory. However, I did find an 'Adobe Photoshop file browser metadata cache file' and an 'Adobe Photoshop file browser thumbnail cache file' that have names similar to the original piece of art.
However, can't see a way of opening them. Photoshop tells me it's 'not the right kind of document', and I don't know what other application to use.
So, I ask of you all, do I have any hope of recovering the image?
When looking at the list of files in My Pictures, is there a way to get the MPG files to show a graphic or snapshot from the movie, similar to the way a thumbnail works with jpg files? They currently display an image of film with "MPEG" at the bottom.
I'm using Vista and when I switch to view as thumbnails, the psd file seems showing [ps] icons.
These gives problem when I want to search any older psd files I did last month or beyond. I must open all those files one by one just for looking a file. It wastin my time...
When saving the file; there's a 'thumbnail' check box, but what it means?
Is there any solution so I will have the thumbnails preview for psd files? I like the item pictures appear automatically without any procedure when saving any psd.
i have using photoshop CS but i cant see image prewiew in file browser as thumbnail.The image thumbnail previews that used to be displayed in the Windows XP Explorer window are now gone. All that's visible are ugly, green PSD icons.
instead of showing the thumbnail of an image in my layers panel, I got a grey box for any layer that is in there. Normally I would see a mini-version of the graphic that I am editing.
Is this something that I did or touched that made this happen, if so, how do I reverse this?
I am in the process of resizing Tiff images to JPEG thumbnails, 640x433 pixels. The problem is finding the best solution to do batch processing. I have archived my "Clouds," files on 10 DVDs so far and still have the original folders on my HD.
I want to now resized them to archive on CDRs, for distribution to stock houses etc., thus I need your assistance. The integrity, color, quality has to mirror the original images.
When I download images from my camera, the thumbnail captions sre the dates of image capture. How do I get them to be the filenames that the camera assigned?