I'm having alot of issues with thumbnail previews in Finder ever since I updated to Mavericks. Basically, any TIF-files that include layer masks won't show a preview at all in Finder.
I just get the static TIF-file graphics, but no actual preview. I have enabled to maximise compatability in Photoshop CC, and all the files are either 16 or 18 bit files.
When searching for files I've worked on using File>Open in CS6, the List view of the folder no longer shows a thumbnail of the file. This is ridiculous, as every other version of Photoshop has had it, and everyone is complaining.
Why isn't Adobe responding to this? With the frequency with which we have to update to be able to update rather than buying the entire version, we shouldn't be losing functionality in the program. How about it Adobe?????
When in Photoshop CC I then go to file / open, my machine won't display preview thumbnails for each of my image files (.jpg, .gif, .png, .psd etc) and all I see is the blue Photoshop icon for each of these files, I have also tried changing the view options on the folder and change to medium, large and extra large thumbnails but again they all just display the Photoshop CC blue icon.
When I run Photoshop CS5 on this exact same machine it shows them! Is there a setting I need to change in Photoshop CC to get this to work, or is Adobe trying to get us to use bridge or?
I have just noticed a problem that I have not encountered until I upgraded to 3.3. After I export my images as jpegs, the thumbnail previews are not complete for a few of the files. I get about two corrupt thumbnails in Windows Explorer out of 100 exported images. Here is a screenshot showing what they look like.
The images are fine when I open the files, but the previews are not complete. I would like to fix it so my clients don't get "broken" thumbnail views.
I have a sheetset setup for a group of over 100 drawings. I was approached yesterday asking why in the regular select file to open in AutoCAD some of the thumbnail previews won't show up. We checked in options and it is checked to show a preview. Only half a dozen or so of them aren't showing up.
Why can't Windows Explorer show thumbnail previews of DNG's on my Windows 8.1 64bit Pc. I assume is has something to do with not having the DNG codec. However, on Adobe's website it says their DNG codec only works on Windows 7.
I am not able to save the changes that I make to the starting position of my scenes thumbnails when I use a Thumbnail Menu to create my DVD. I am using Video Studio X4 with Service Packs 1 and 2 installed running on Windows XP Home, SP 2 with all updates installed and DirectX 9.0. The scene changes work fine when I Preview them but they are not saved when I close the Create Disk sub-menu. When I return to the “Menu and Preview” section of the Create Disk sub-menu, the Main Menu scene change is present as is the Chapter 1 scene change but the other chapter scene changes are gone. What can I do to correct this?
Mac OS 10.7.5. Photoshop CC.Everything is set accordingly: Yet I get only generic file icons. Can you find the only Photoshop CC file in this folder, all others are Photoshop CS6 files?
I've just worked on a large 16 bit image file in PS CC and saved it as a 4Gb .psb file and now I no longer see a preview in the OS or Bridge, just a PS icon. This is a major issue for me as I work with large files all the time and therefore have to save layered psb files on a daily basis. The lack of previews now with PS CC is more than an inconvenience.
With CS6 I have psb previews ok.
I tested two systems running Snow Leopard and latest Mountain Lion to no avail. I also already tried removing all caches, ran utilities to clean and repair permissions etc.
We just upgraded to CS and when ever we search folders for .eps images they only show up as eps CS icons no matter how we save them (even in the thumbnail folder view). We are running Windows XP Professional.
I am using Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended, I already updated to Ver. 11.0.1My problem is that when I open the filters, like "Unsharp Mask" the window that shows the filter previewdoesn't show anything, it remains blank. This is happening with all the filters that have previews. My OSis Windows XP SP3.
I'm manipulating hi res aerial imagery (100s of 300MB files) that is only an 'interim step' in a larger process. I'm using Bridge to view the results of this work. My question is, since Bridge creates its own thumbnail views and the next step doesn't use any previews, how can I turn off the "generating full res composite" part of the file/save step that seems to take an awful lot of time to do and I don't think its needed for this process. What do you think?
designing an image at 300 PPI and need to scale it down some how, so it can be viewed by the client.
Images designed at 300 PPI are often too large to fit on screen and therefore, the client can not view the overall design.
I usually change the image's resolution to 100 or 72 PPI and save the .psd file as a .jpg and then email them a copy. But with this current method, the artwork seems to come out a little fuzzy and distorted; so I then have to explain to the client, that the actual design does not appear as it is displayed in the preview.
My jpg thumbnails and previews look washed out in the folders of Windows explorer, but are correct and vivid when I open them in Photoshop. This only happens with files I edit, and has started since updating to the Creative Cloud CS6. How can I get the thumbnails to match - I am concerned about client impressions when seeing them on their systems. I have checked all of the export and color settings I can think of, but can't seem to get them accurate.
I have no previews for just PSD docs in the mac finder for a week or so now. I can see other types of doc previews. I run snow leopard on a mac book pro that is about 2 years old.
Oddly enough the trouble BEGan for me after running a normal maintenance script in ONYX (I clean the cache about once a week or so). Could be coincidence. I just installed the little "patch' from adobe but that does not work. I can see the previews in the com/4 view but in com/3, where I usually hang out, there is no preview and pressing the space bar for quick look is the same, with no preview.
I often make HDR images by exporting a bracket from lightroom into photoshop via right click>merge to HDR in photoshop. When the dialog comes up it is always a very low resolution preview. When I go to zoom in (cmd +) the resolution remains the same and I am zooming in on a pixelated image and the zoom is very limited.
I am working from D3s files so there is plenty of resolution but it just doesn't show up in the preview. Is this simply the way it works or is there a way I can get a higher resolution preview. I'm not worried about rendering times either as I'm on a 8 core with 16gb or ram.
Having no previews when opening a file from Windows Explorer? I realise Adobe wants us to use Bridge but I'm sure I am not alone in finding this unstable and slow.
Another forum recommends intalling Sagethumbs which is great for showing thumbails in Windows folders, and also shows really tiny thumbnails when opening a file in Detail view. But I really miss having the preview pane to see full size images when selecting a file to open in Detail view.
Vista won't show me a preview and Bridge only opens with one window. It's important for me to clean out my backup by making sure that I have the most recent graphic file stored (I have multiple copies of files backed up at different times). I can't do this easily because I can't see .psd previews in Vista, and I can only open Bridge once. Therefore, I can't compare files that are in different locations & on different hard drives next to each other. Does anyone have a solution for this? (btw, I don't think Bridge is that hot of a program -- it's not very flexible and all it does is crash.)
I am working in Photoshop CS6. I am putting a light effect over a layer and the lighting effect using the alpha channel.Everything is fine in the preview stage, however when I go back to the main part of my document the effect appears for a little while then disappears. I save it before it disappears as a JPEG and as a psd to input into indesign but when saved the lighting effect does not show up on either file.
I am currently using a trial version of Elements 11 which has camera raw ver.7.3.071. I can not see any previews of raw files in the organizer or editor for the Canon G15. I can however import the raw file and then open it to view or edit it. Without the preview option, browsing for your photos is impossible.
I'm using Bridge x64 via Photoshop CS6. I'm processing some low-light nighttime photos that require me to boost the "shadows" slider most of the way to the right to get the look I need. I've noticed that the previews in Bridge look pixelated and purple in all of the shadow areas.
what the square on the thumbnail is? When I double click on the thumbnail it takes me to the color picker and allows me to change the color of the layer.
I recently upgraded from CS5 to the latest version and I'm having trouble adjusting. One of the smallest but most usable features of previous versions of photoshop has been that when I go to File > open and browse to one of my thousands of image folders Photoshop will display a small thumbnail of whichever image I have selected.
This is essential so that I can tell which images I need rather than by file name which is useless.I'm probably just being thick and just need to find where to switch on the thumbnail preview.
I have a picture that was sent to me when the picture is actually opened the original person blacked out parts of it and they do not show but whenever it is sitting in my folder the whole picture shows up as a thumbnail. Is there anyway to remove the black layers or anything to get the whole picture to show since it is all showing as a thumbnail?