Photoshop :: Batch Editing And Adding Text To Image
Jun 22, 2012
I have an excel list of about 2000 names. I need to add each name text to a image I created and then have it saved as a separate file. Is there any kind of automation/shortcut to do something like this, rather then manaully typing each name?
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Mar 9, 2005
I've got about 1000 ten-to-twelve word "sayings" that basically need to go on index cards. I have all these sayings neatly organized in Excel.
all 1000 need to end up as a 4"x6" image.
Do I have to manually create a text layer, and cut and paste all 1000 sayings into it, one by one, saving the file each time?
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Mar 10, 2009
adding text to an image. I have followed the instructions in both books and videos on how to add text (using the text tool) and when I get to the point of typing text in, it doesn't go 'in'. The box that I assume it should show up in just stares at me - blank.
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May 3, 2009
how I can take an image, and have it only showing in a text.
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Jul 10, 2006
I have a photo that I'd like to add text to. The text is very simple, and I would like it in the upper left corner of the image. If someone could be so kind as to maybe work the image if they were so inclined, and then maybe explain how it was done.
I've tried simply using the text tool, but for starters, the text isn't displayed properly. For example, when I typed an "F," the displayed text was a, "?." Sounds like a font issue, I tried all the fonts, they all display a "?."
Second, I know I need to make a new layer for the text to be added to the image, but I'm not sure how to go about doing this. I'm not sure what kind of layer to open for it, and I'm not sure how to blend the layers once I do. I also want the beginning letter to be one font, and the following three to be another. For example, the beginning letter to be a cursive lowercase, large font "f," while the other letters are arial font lowercase, smaller font, "ine." With the period included in the text. This isn't what I want the text to read, but it should help you guys that choose to help come up with something.
On a side note, I'd love to take those trees out of the pic. Would you guys recommend matching the color of the sky and brushing over, or is there another way that might be better. I'd like this pic to be as clean as possible.
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Jul 14, 2009
I am trying to add a simple text layer to some relatively small JPEG files - each file is only about 3 or 4 MB in size before any editing or additions are made to the files. I am using P-shop CS2 on a PC with Windows XP SP2.When I add a few lines of simple text (with no special effects) to any of these files and attempt to save the edited file as a .TIFF or .PSD file with the text as its own layer in the file - the resulting .TIFF or .PSD file is a 30 or 35 MB file which is hard to work with because of its size. These files have only two layers in them - the text layer and the base image. It just does not seem logical that a simple text layer would make a file increase in size by 10 times.
I would like to try to save the edited image files as .TIFF or .PSD so that I can go back and make future edits to the text layer.I have tried to save the edited file with the text layer as a .zip file but these files are also still very large - 20 MB or so.Maybe I have some basic file settings wrong that are making the files so large? Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can add a simple text layer to a relatively small image file, save it as a .TIFF or .PSD file and keep the resulting file size manageable?
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Mar 31, 2013
I have an image I am trying to edit in Photoshop Elements. It's a PDF file in which there is text, and images placed on top of the text. I need to lift up the images to see the text thats underneath.
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Nov 5, 2012
I am using Elements 6.0. I want to fade my image to white on the right side of the image. That way I can add text there in the plain white space. I've seen several ways to do this, but none seem to work on 6.0. using 6.0 . I tried a few ways explained on higher versions but I can get it to work.
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Dec 18, 2012
Ever since the latest update to PS CS6, when I add a simple effect to a text layer, like emboss, the working image disappears when I zoom in and out. Also, the layer effect does nothing to the type. It's almost like a dispay issue. When I turn the layer effect off, my image is visible again.
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Jun 5, 2013
I have been given the source pdf image file for a product label by a designer, so I can edit things myself.
I am able to remove the text, move things around on the pdf image using Corel Draw, but I want to edit the actual customised text to name it differently, in the exact same style as previously used by the designer.
E.g. it currently says "Green Tea", but I want it to say "Coffee".
Is there a way to do this at all using any of the tools?
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May 5, 2013
I know how to create text with a background picture inside the text. I want to put this text onto another image. So the text with the background inside the letters, will be superimposed on new image.
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Nov 4, 2013
I am trying to make a montage/collage for my sister's birthday and have the background image and the other images all sorted.
What I would like to do now is add text saying 'Happy Birthday' into the main image, so that it looks as though it is part of the background.
I'd like it to sink into the background or be embossed and take on the colors of said background too, if possible.
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Jul 19, 2012
When I use the batch command in Photoshop CS5 the results are the same as if I did the touch up manually. This is not true in CS6. What can I do to rectify this problem.
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Mar 23, 2012
I have a 30 second .avi file, frame size 1440 x 1080 15 frames/sec Video compression Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder, 24 bits, total 450 frames Audio compression PCM 32.000 kHz, 16 bit Mono 960,000 samples.
I can play the video OK in vlc and when I insert the video into the timeline of VS X3 and play the inserted .avi.
As soon as I insert:
1. a .jpg at the start of the timeline with text and/or,
2. text (as a watermark) on bottom left hand side for the 30 second duration
whenever I play back (in VS X3 preview) this clip, the movie plays (but with a frozen first frame from the .avi) with only the audio with the text.
I have been using VS X2 successfully on my Windows 7 64-bit PC.I had purchased X3 sometime ago and decided to install my X3 version.
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Sep 27, 2011
I'm building a site with WordPress and installed a plugin that will create a slider of images on the front page. For each image, there is specific text that goes with the image (just a simple quote). If it's possible to use Gimp to add text to the side of an image and not actually on the image?
Here's a link to the front page of the site that I'm attempting to add the text to. Currently, the photos are there and you will see the blank space next to the images. This blank space is where I would like to add the text. I've contacted the creator of the plugin and there is no way of doing this from within the plugin, itself.
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Jun 26, 2013
Photoshop cs6 64 windows 7 64. I'd like to do a highly repetitive action to a single open file. In this case:
file save as currentname_print.psd
then commit action save as currentname.png
then commit another action and save as currentname_small.png
at the moment batch seems to be great for running the same action for many files, but if I want to run a repetitive action such as this I can't seem to figure it out. but I cant seem to get it working, and searches only seem to turn up questions about doing the same action to multiple files.
ps: it seems strange that within the action menu I cant create sets that have variables aka current file name+afix, if the actions feature had this I'd be golden.
ps+ also seems that this could be handled by bridge quite efficiently.
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Feb 18, 2009
just wondering if there is a way to do some simple edits such as auto colour adjusments etc on a large batch of photos rather than having to do them one by one?? can then add the more specific edits ontop.
can anyone point me to a tutorial that would give me a step by step run through - or give me a few nudges in the right direction!
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Oct 6, 2013
Is there any way to use Actions in Batch Editing in Photoshop Elements 10 or any Elements?
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Jul 19, 2012
I am using window 7, 64bit with 8 gigs of ram. What is not understood in same results using the batch command, and manually re touching in CS5, but not the same when done in CS6. The results are different in CS6.
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Oct 16, 2011
The IPTC keywords contain tags in many of my photos that have long since been deleted or changed. Is there any way to batch edit this field?
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May 2, 2013
I'm trying add a watermark to approx. 8,000 images by batching the process. However, it only does about 400. The 2 errors that are logged are:
Could not complete your request because of a program error. (-1)
Could not complete the command because the selected area is empty. (-25570)
Here's a screenshot of the action that I'm using:[URL]...
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Jun 10, 2008
I have 30 dirs, each of them with 4 thumbs in it. I want to make one big thumb of every 4 smaller ones, by resizing and fitting them together into square. Like
Thumb1 right next to Thumb2
Thumb3 right next to Thumb4
and then save that image.
Would you give me any direction how to do that? I'm with CS3. I did explore the auto and script options in the File menu, but still unable to get idea how to do that, if possible at all
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Oct 18, 2012
I am trying to edit my pictures and I'm doing it one by one adding the hue/saturation that I want so that they all match. I was just wondering if there was a way to do all of them at the same time?
I recently found the BATCH feature but I don't know if there's a way to create a batch that edits the pictures only in the way I want them edited.
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Oct 4, 2012
I have adobe photoshop CS5 version 12.1. Is there any way to add on the video editing component without having to purchase the whole Premiere package?
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Sep 27, 2012
I have a drawing with at least 100 pipes in it. Unfortunately there was an error in the spelling of the pipe material in the network parts list and all of these existing pipes have to be edited. The only way that I can find to access the material property is to open the property dialog for each pipe and fix it one at a time.
Any other solution that would allow us to batch edit a series of pipe material properties?
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Jan 23, 2014
I am using LR 5.3 for real estate photography using bracketing of sets of 3. Then creating stacks by capture time in LR. I would like to know if I can apply a preset to ALL of a specific number of a stack (such as all #1's, all # 2's or all #3's - when expanded of course) at one time rather than manually selecting all number 1's and then adding a preset; etc?
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Jun 1, 2012
When I'm batch plotting several drawings, I'm trying to add a block from a page setup to each print.
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Jul 5, 2012
which software to go for to add text narration to my video. I've looked at so many but have no idea what would be best, and since I will be downloading it through work and need IT approval it will have to be something that's network safe and works well.
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Aug 15, 2012
How to add and edit xmp-metadata?
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Oct 28, 2013
I have a number of photos in LR that came from a older non-digital camera or scanner and I would like to be able to add some information to the metadata like camera make and model but some of the fileds are not visible unless the data was brought into LR at import. Other fields in the metal data cannot be over written or corrected. I would like to be able to do global editing to my metadata but I can't even modify one. I read some postings going back to 2007 on a forum here but I don't think anything has changed.
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Jan 23, 2010
I have a around 500 cdr(corel draw ) files, and each pages have around 20 images in it.
so what i do. select every single image on the pages then using convert bitmap option to save them on my computer. That consume my whole time in saving them to my computer.
Is there any fast option available to select all images at once and convert to bitmap 20 images and save in a number say 1,2 ...20
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