Lightroom :: Batch Adding Presets To Various Numbers In Stacks?
Jan 23, 2014
I am using LR 5.3 for real estate photography using bracketing of sets of 3. Then creating stacks by capture time in LR. I would like to know if I can apply a preset to ALL of a specific number of a stack (such as all #1's, all # 2's or all #3's - when expanded of course) at one time rather than manually selecting all number 1's and then adding a preset; etc?
I have designed and printed a BLURB book in LR4 beta successfully. Although the color was somewhat streaked and blotchy, it wasn't a bad effort, but it does need refinements. How I might add page numbers? Without page numbering, making a book greater than a few pages is not really acceptable.
I hereby have a school note report from my little brother. He told me he had some bad notes in his last period and I would like to make a fake copy of it.
Basically, I scanned his 3th period notes and I would like to change some and add some
How you can remove numbers and add new ones over it and add numbers with the same digital code used on the old ones to put those in empty notes
Can not get stacks to unstack. All solution leads to the removal of the stacked photos. True for both stills from videos and imports from Photomatix. I do not like usinig stacks anyway - is there a way to allow me and not Lightroom to decide when theya re to be used?
Want to change the UI presentation of the stacks . Can stacks br ordered items like file name, attribute, etc. Looked at the LR3 PDF and it appears mute on the subject of stacking presentation order. Is this possible in LR3? Is it something new in LR4?
I want to get started correctly with keywords, catalogs, stacks, and other indexing tools. I have about 400,000 images on 3 external USB3.0 drives that I want to index.
I have my OS folders organized by date taken, then into OS subfolders by file type: RAW, jpeg, Tiff and PSD. Under jpeg I have subfolders for various size images: web size, thumbnails, email size and print size. This means that I can have up to six versions of the same image. It seems like an ideal situation to use Stacks but I tried that and found that a Stack cannot contain images located in different OS folders. I don't want six different versions of the same image to appear in Grid view or in the Filmstrip but I do want to index them just like a stack would do.
I am having trouble getting my presets to show up under presets on the left hand side of the screen. They are still in develop presets but there not showing up and Ive tried deleting them and adding them again then closing out of lightroom 4 and going back in but I can not seem to get them to show up again. I must have hit something but there not showing up again
I have recenty had to reinstall all my software, and manged to find most of my old Lightroom settings in the Lightroom Presets folder (inside the Appdata folder on a PC) but I seem to have lost my custom tone curves.
Do you know which folder they should be in (indise the Lightroom Presets folder)
I STILL don't understand why there are TWO comminty forums for Lightroom;
Somewhere between LR 3.4 and LR 4.3, the behavior of applying a keyword to a collapsed stack changed. It used to be that the keyword was applied only to the top photo; now it is applied to all the photos.
This behavior occurs only for adding keywords; if you delete keywords or change flag, label, date, caption, etc. it only applies to the top photo in the stack.
Did I miss a feature announcement in the release notes? [URL] .........
So I have to say I love LR4, the only prob is if I capture a frame from one of my videos I cant access it. When I go to grid mode just like Julieanne does my captured photo is stacked on top of my video & I cant select it to edit it.
I am on a project of making 12,500 tickets and so far, I'm at 500 out of 12,500 .. I was just wondering if Photoshop or other Adobe programs can Add Sequential Numbers on a particular area ON a picture,
Example: (this is what i 'm doing, i'm doing it manually, saving it one by one.. and it is taking some time, it's been 2 days already)
and repeat the process again ..
there.. i've tried using recording Action. How to use script, (if i have to use script, can you instruct me on a step-by-step procedure or atleast pinpoint me to a thread that explains it, because the ticket's deadline is on May 4th, and again i have 12,500 tickets to make)
also the way that i print this is first as you can see saving it one by one as .jpeg and selecting 9 of the .jpeg files, right click, then print as wallet size, for it to fit in a 8.5 / 11 paper.. there..
I've been given the task of numbering our blueprint files (.tif format). I need to add around 800 ballooned numbers to each drawing at specific locations. These are just numbers with a circle around it.
Currently, I'm manually adding the number as text and then drawing a circle around it, then the next number, another circle etc.
I am trying to add page numbers to an existing document. I have tried to add them in Prepress, but all I see is the "Print File Information" and even that is not in a location I want. I have the "Position Within Page" checked.
I am creating an image of 150mm x 100mm at 300dpi but photoshop keeps adding decimal points like 150.02 when i change the image from the original size, is it something I am doing wrong or a known bug? You would expect that when you change an image to 150 x 100mm it would stay at that size and not be added to.
I have draws with a a lot of layouts.In each layout, there is a block (CARTOUCHE) with a an attribute (PAGENUMBER)
I am looking for a way to select the block in my first layout, indicates a number for my attribute (PAGENUMBER). The lisp will automatically increase the attributes of the next others layout. How can I start this lisp.
I need to export with artboard. Illustrator automatically adds a number to my original file name. It won't even let me replace the old file. It is extremely annoying and makes flow with other programs really hard because they can't auto update, since the file name changes. When you have multiple files, you can't be manually renaming all the time.
I have an opportunity to make a good impression at a new job, but ive never had the initiative to learn how to write a lisp routine. at my work we make walk-in coolers and freezers. these coolers are modular with a standard wall piece measuring a certain length. these wall sections have to be numbered sequentially. is there any way to automate this? sometimes we get change order from the client and it means going back and manually changing multiple texts (sometimes in the hundreds), but i thought if there was a way these wall sections could be scheduled somehow that when a new wall panel is inserted in the beginning of the sequence it would update everything after it automatically.
I have an excel list of about 2000 names. I need to add each name text to a image I created and then have it saved as a separate file. Is there any kind of automation/shortcut to do something like this, rather then manaully typing each name?
I have subroutine that retrieves a list of detail numbers in a drawing. Sometimes there are missing numbers. I am looking to find a list of any missing numbers.
Example -
(setq List_DN (list 1 2 3 5 6 7 10 11 12 17))
Missing numbers are - 4,8,9,13,14,15,16
I would like a subroutine to take the List_DN are return the following missing numbers as text
I am trying to link my parts list to a drawing however all balloons have different numbers.
I open the assembly and check everything out from vault I open my bom and change item numbers. When I get back to my drawing and apply for auto balloon I get completely different item numbers in my balloons. We just updated our software to a new 2012 version so it's maybe something with set up.
Is there a way to sync callout numbers to correspond with note numbers. When I add or delete notes in my drawings it takes to much time to update the callout number in the drawings. I need to figure out a way for the note and corresponding callout to change at the same time.
When trying to print in Elements 11, after clicking "Print/Page Setup/Presets/Show Presets", the box freezes. Clicking Cancel or OK does not work. I then have to Force Quit Elements to clear it. Apple say that it is a problem with Elements. Using the same procedure in other applications, clicking Cancel or OK does work.
Any way in Photoshop to mimic the blur that OS X Stacks (specifically the grid view) does when you open it. If you check it out, you will see that it blurs anything below it. How to do this in Photoshop or on the web?