Lightroom :: Stacks Created And Some Will Not Unstack

Feb 22, 2012

In the photo menu, there isn't a stack menu item to select so that I can then unstack the images?

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Lightroom :: Stacks Won't Unstack?

Dec 25, 2012

Can not get stacks to unstack. All solution leads to the removal of the stacked photos.  True for both stills from videos and imports from Photomatix.  I do not like usinig stacks anyway - is there a way to allow me and not Lightroom to decide when theya re to be used?

Am using Lightroom 4.3 on Sno Leopard.

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Lightroom :: 3/4 - Reorder Stacks In Library UI

Jan 12, 2012

Have 100K photos in about 800stacks.
Want to change the UI presentation of the stacks .  Can stacks br ordered items like file name, attribute, etc.  Looked at the LR3 PDF and it appears mute on the subject of stacking presentation order.  Is this possible in LR3?  Is it something new in LR4?

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Lightroom :: Something Similar To Stacks But Across Different OS Folders?

Dec 18, 2012

I want to get started correctly with keywords, catalogs, stacks, and other indexing tools.  I have about 400,000 images on 3 external USB3.0 drives that I want to index.
I have my OS folders organized by date taken, then into OS subfolders by file type:  RAW, jpeg, Tiff and PSD.  Under jpeg I have subfolders for various size images: web size, thumbnails, email size and print size.  This means that I can have up to six versions of the same image.  It seems like an ideal situation to use Stacks but I tried that and found that a Stack cannot contain images located in different OS folders.  I don't want six different versions of the same image to appear in Grid view or in the Filmstrip but I do want to index them just like a stack would do.
I'm using Lightroom 4.3 on Windows 7 SP1.

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Lightroom :: Applying Keywords To Collapsed Stacks Has Changed

Dec 27, 2012

Somewhere between LR 3.4 and LR 4.3, the behavior of applying a keyword to a collapsed stack changed.  It used to be that the keyword was applied only to the top photo; now it is applied to all the photos.  
This behavior occurs only for adding keywords; if you delete keywords or change flag, label, date, caption, etc. it only applies to the top photo in the stack.
Did I miss a feature announcement in the release notes? [URL] .........

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Lightroom :: Batch Adding Presets To Various Numbers In Stacks?

Jan 23, 2014

I am using LR 5.3 for real estate photography using bracketing of sets of 3. Then creating stacks by capture time in LR. I would like to know if I can apply a preset to ALL of a specific number of a stack (such as all #1's, all # 2's or all #3's - when expanded of course) at one time rather than manually selecting all number 1's and then adding a preset; etc?

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Lightroom :: Captured Photo From Video Stacks - Cannot Select For Editing

Jan 11, 2012

So I have to say I love LR4, the only prob is if I capture a frame from one of my videos I cant access it. When I go to grid mode just like Julieanne does my captured photo is stacked on top of my video & I cant select it to edit it.

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Lightroom :: After Editing In Perfect Photo Cannot Unstack Edited Photo In 4?

Apr 21, 2013

After editing in perfect photo I cannot unstack the edited photo in LR4. The thumbnail shows the number of photos in the stack, but right click/expand stack has no effect. The edited photo is not showing.

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Photoshop Elements :: Unstack Groups Of Images?

Jul 17, 2013

How can I unstack an entire group of images all at once. It's a real pain to do it one at a time especially if you have hundreds. I have some stacked and some unstacked images in a group. If I 'select all' I can't unstack the stacked ones. If I select more than one stacked image I can't unstack both at the same time.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Unstack Fractions In A Label Show Up

Nov 6, 2013

when i type a fraction in a label the fraction is alwas stacked i have to unstack the fraction but when i unstake the fraction the fraction show up like this 1 1#2. any thoughts about how to fix this? this only happens on one computer when a different user use that same drawing the fraction always show up unstaked 1 1/2.

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Photoshop :: Blur Similar To OS X Stacks (Grid)

Jun 29, 2011

Any way in Photoshop to mimic the blur that OS X Stacks (specifically the grid view) does when you open it. If you check it out, you will see that it blurs anything below it. How to do this in Photoshop or on the web?

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Photoshop Elements :: Editing Stacks In Organizer 11

Mar 14, 2013

I have duplicate some stack names while setting up my stacks.Is there any way to merge stacks or transfer pictures from one stack to another.

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Photoshop Elements :: Combine Separate People Stacks Into One?

Nov 21, 2012

New user of Photoshop Elements Organizer 11.  I have been labelling hundreds of people using the facial recognition feature in the organizer.  On reviewing them I find occasionally 2 stacks with the same person, likely caused by spelling errors.  Even if I change the name to match the correctly spelled people stack, the 2 stacks remain separate.  How do I combine them into a single people stack?

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Photoshop Elements :: Organizer 11 Categories / Groups And Stacks - Assigning Tags

Nov 28, 2012

Organizer 11 imported my v.9 category and subcategory tags and converted the people-centric ones into stacks within groups. Sub-category tags still appear present appended to images within the stacks in People mode but are not listed and do not seem accessible in Media mode. Is there a way I can assign these "ghost" tags to an image in the same easy drag & drop way as those listed as keywords in  media mode (or make them accessible in media mode)?

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Photoshop Elements :: Selecting Only Best Matches In Result Of A Search With Stacks / Version Sets

Sep 28, 2012

One thing I don't like when you do a search and some results are included in stacks of version sets, it that you are shown the best matches with the non matches indicated by a special icon. Then you can't have the option to 'select only best matches'.

An example : Suppose you usually shoot raw and keep only the best edited jpeg in a version set together with the original raw.  You want to delete the original raws when there is an edited jpeg in the version set. You can perfectly use the search by details for files in a version set and filename with the raw suffix.
How can you select only the 'best matches' in the result of the search ? Unless there is a way to do that easily, I would like to introduce a feature request to add 'show only best matches in stacks/version sets' in the option menu of the result of the search.
You could :
- select all the results and expand all stacks and version sets
- assign a temporary keyword like 'IsInVersionSet' to all
- do a new search by detail for 'IsInVersionSet' and filename ends with raw suffix
- Select all and delete
- remove the temporary keyword.

That would work for version sets with only one original and one edited jpeg, not for multiple files in a stack or version sets, the info about stacks or sets would be lost.The only method I have found to do the selection and deletion with keeping stacks and version sets is:

- create a catalog copy (copy of the whole catalog folder)
- in the new catalog, use the above procedure to delete the raws
- in the old catalog, find missing files and delete them from catalog.

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Lightroom :: 5 - Created Sub Folder Isn't Visible

Jul 4, 2013

Mac Mini OS X 10.7.5 64 bit
LR 5 (up-to-date)

While importing images from camera, created a sub-folder by clicking on parent folder in the import destination panel and selecting create folder from menu.  Create the new sub-folder in the pop-up dialog and chose it.  The new sub-folder is not shown in the destination panel. The sub-folder is visible in finder and the permissions/ownerships of the folder are the same as the other sub-folders.
If I click on the parent folder and select create folder, the sub folder is displayed in the dialog.  If I select it instead of creating another sub-folder, it is still not shown in the destination panel and another sub-folder is selected.

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Lightroom :: Import Into New Created Folder?

Nov 27, 2012

when i do import pictures into LR 4.2 (Win8 Pro x64, i7 2600K, 16GB), i'm having the following problem:
In import dialog window i can create a new target folder without any problems, i can import the pictures to that folder without any error.
After import process is complete, in the left pane (Folders) the pictures are in the folder i created a step before, but the folder is listed topmost in the "root" directory, not at the right place matching the directory structure - the pictures are physically stored in the correct folder. (So i can't just drag'n drop the folder to it's right place, says it's already there...)
Before this behaviour came up (worked well before), i did two changes to my system:
1. Upgrading W7>W8
2. Splitting System and Data: OS and programs are on SSD, data is on a RAID 1 MatrixRAID
My users-folder is a hard linked directory junction from SSD to MatrixRAID (mklink)
C:UsersUsername -> E:UsersUsername
(mklink /h /j C:UsersUsername E:UsersUsername)
So maybe LR can't deal with that? What can I do so that the imported folder shows up at the right place after import?

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Lightroom :: Import Given Folder Are Not Created

Feb 4, 2013

if i import some pictures, i wanna created a subfolder to import all the picture there. Until now it has functioned very well. Since a few days, the pictures are imported only on the parent folder and the subfolder didn't get created.
I use the latestet LR 4.3 Version on my MAC 10.8.2.

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Lightroom :: 4 - Adding More Photos To Already Created Slideshow

Jan 19, 2013

How do you add more photos to an already created slide show in LR 4

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Lightroom :: Created JPEGs But Now TIFFs Required?

Sep 26, 2013

I shot loads of images as jpegs as requested. Now the customers says actually I'll need them in TIFF!! As the shoot went on I exported the images to 34 folders with 56 subfolders containing 751 jpeg images. I now need to supply exactly the same but with TIFFs. Now I still have the raw files in my C: and it would be lovely to simply re-import them and export them as TIFFs but without looking at every single raw file and finding where ever the corrosponing jpeg is I have no way of exporting the new TIFFs to sit alongside their jpeg counterparts, if you see what I mean? Is there anyway I can utilise/batch process the raw files and export them to right folders as TIFFs?

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Lightroom :: Editing DNG Files Created From Scanning

Aug 1, 2013

I recently scanned several old slides and saved them as dng files.  But some of the editing functions don't work on these files - specifically gradient filter, adjustment brush and HSL adjustments.  I don't really want to have to save them as jpgs before editing them - that defeats the purpose of having saved them as dngs.

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Lightroom :: Created Web Gallery And Closed Program Still On Web Tab

Oct 6, 2013

Still using Lightroom 2, created a web gallery and closed the program still on the web tab.  Now Lightroom won't load.  The icon on the bottom (Mac) shows it's working (like it does for export) and shows it completely filled up, but the screen won't even open if I ever change to another program while waiting for it to load.  If I leave it up it just stays there.

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Lightroom :: How To Keep Date Created And Modified When Converting NEF To DNG

Apr 2, 2013

I noticed that when we convert NEF files to DNG in it properties the Date Created and Date Modified are changed to the present date and not the original dates of the files in question. Is there any way to make such a conversion without changing these properties? Yes, I know 'Date taken' does not change--but this info does not show up when you hover a file only the info in its properties. Also am I correct in assuming that this conversion is 100% loss-less, nothing but nothing is lost in the quality and info of the file (besides the file size)?

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Lightroom :: How To Delete Created Presets And Watermarks

Oct 29, 2012

When I was first using LR I was playing around with a watermark for my pictures, as well as a watermark.  After I created the user preset and watermark, and also became more comfortable with the program and understanding what all settings meant, I wanted to edit them saving them under the same name, hoping to replace previous settings.  However all I got was a notice that "The name is already in use."  This then caused me to save the settings as a new preset and watermark.  I was just wondering if there was a way to delete those original presets that I am not happy with?

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Lightroom :: 3.6 - Use Catalogue Created Under Another Username On Same Machine

May 8, 2012

Trialing Lightroom 3.6 on my iMac. My wife and I have different user profiles and logons on the machine. I want to access the same catalogue crated under her logon and user profile. How do I get Lightroom to use the catalogue created under another username on the same machine?

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Lightroom :: 4.3 Duplicate Folders Being Created On Import?

Mar 10, 2013

duplicate folders being created with Lightroom 4.3 on import?
When I import photos, they go to a folder with a name "XXX" for example.
The folder is in a hierarchy of "2013, March, XXX".
Lightroom creates a folder  here and above 2013! It is making a mess of my library.
Also, when I import using Photo Mechanic (great software that just works!) and then do a "synchronize folder" in Lightroom, only 1 photo is transferred.

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Lightroom :: Created A New Catalogue - All Files / Folders Are Gone?

Jan 18, 2012

Admittedly, I am fairly new with Lightroom but I am totally at a loss to explain what has happened.  I wanted to create a new catalog to move some files into.  I went File>New Catalog and then in the "Create folder with new catalog" dialogue box, I typed in my new name and hit "save".  Boom.  Lightroom closed right down.  When I opened it back up, all of my folders and catologs were gone.  Nothing appears in the navigation section on the left side other than the headings, "Catalogs", "Folders", "Collections", etc and they are empty.  In "My Computer" all of the folders are still there with the DNG files in place, but LR will not show them to me. why I can no longer access my catalogs? 

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Lightroom :: Can't Import JPG Files Created In Photoshop?

Jan 1, 2013

As part of my workflow I import through Lightroom, then edit into Photoshop.  This creates file 1 & 2 of 2 in my Lightroom.  After editing all of the selected pictures into PSD files I routinely provide clients with smaller JPG's.  I do this by opening the PSD flattening, shrinking, sharpening and "save as" into JPG's.
This does not create a third file in Lightroom and when I go to import the new JPG's Lightroom does not see them.  I can open a Finder window ( I use a MAC) and see the files, but cannot get Lightroom to see them to import, then export to other media.

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Lightroom :: DNG Files Created With LR4 Do Not Show Thumbnails

Jun 2, 2012

When using LR3 to create DNG files from my RAW files, those files would show me thumbnails of my image in Windows Explorer.  I am running Windows/7 (64) and have installed a CODEC from "Fast Picture Viewer" that allows thumbnails from RAW & DNG files to be shown.   It seems, however, that the thumbnails do not show for DNG's created with LR4.
To Remedy this I uninstalled the CODEC.  Downloaded the most recent version and installed it but this did not fix the problem.
I then went to the user forum for the CODEC product and searched for my problem.  I found a thread who's solution is to turn off "Embed Fast Load Data" when exporting to DNG and it fixes the problem.  I tried this and indeed it did fix it.  The responder went on to say ".....When this option is enabled the files created are no longer DNGs (just an undocumented private format of Adobe that no one else can read to this date)".   This statement surprised me as it is counter to what I understand Adobe created DNG to be.  Can I get some input on this comment as if true it is very troubling.
My second question is that I see where to turn off the "Embed Fast Load Data" in the LR Export module, but where do I do the same thing in the Import module when I'm selecting import mode "Copy to DNG"?
If indeed the DNG files created by LR4 are proper DNG files and this CODEC is just flawed in some way, any better way to allow image thumbnails to be shown in Windows Explorer?

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Lightroom :: 3.6 - Date Created In IPTC Not In Slideshow

Mar 22, 2013

Currently I am processing analoge pictures in Lightroom 3.6.

When adding IPTC data to a slide show, I am able to add almost every item, except "Date created". That does not apear in the ABC list.

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Lightroom :: TIFF Still Created Even If Cancel Using A Plug-in?

Jun 17, 2013

When I use either Nik or onOne to edit a RAW file, if I chose to cancel using that plug-in, LR still creates a TIFF.  Is there a way to prevent this (other than not using the plug-in)?

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