Lightroom :: Captured Photo From Video Stacks - Cannot Select For Editing
Jan 11, 2012
So I have to say I love LR4, the only prob is if I capture a frame from one of my videos I cant access it. When I go to grid mode just like Julieanne does my captured photo is stacked on top of my video & I cant select it to edit it.
I'm starting with the corrected JPEG and then highlighting the original video so they are both selected, but the JPEG settings are not applied to the video when I Sync Settings -- things like color, sharpening, and noise reduction.
I use two cameras to capture video. I have been using my Sony DCR-SR47 Almost since the day I bought VSX3. I am still using both. However I am now having stuttering in the audio. I do not have to render the video. I can import the video and play a clip fine, once I trim it then do a playback without rendering it I get the stutter. It occurs at regular intervals.
Here is an example [URL]..........
The audio is also giving me a "reverb" effect. Like a barrel effect. This is the input format of the footage. This is the output footage
Here is another example, here I converted to AVI, yet same effect. [URL].......
Output: Using Windows XPSP3 with all current updates. And have all codex installed. I did switch from using CCCP codex package to K-Lite recently.
The capture went just fine when digitizing my tape and the .mov file has both audio and video during playback in both quick time and Adobe Premeir Pro, but when I drag it into the time line only audio will show up. Even weirder it's 4 layers of audio instead of just one audio and one video. This only began with videos that I catured today. When using footage I captured on a previous day it works just fine. What went wrong? Where's my video!?
Ive been attempting to import AVCHD video footage captured on a Panasonic into Premier Pro CS6 on my MacPro. I've tried this from the camera and after copying the entire folder to my desktop. The footage is there, but has no audio!
After editing in perfect photo I cannot unstack the edited photo in LR4. The thumbnail shows the number of photos in the stack, but right click/expand stack has no effect. The edited photo is not showing.
Can not get stacks to unstack. All solution leads to the removal of the stacked photos. True for both stills from videos and imports from Photomatix. I do not like usinig stacks anyway - is there a way to allow me and not Lightroom to decide when theya re to be used?
Want to change the UI presentation of the stacks . Can stacks br ordered items like file name, attribute, etc. Looked at the LR3 PDF and it appears mute on the subject of stacking presentation order. Is this possible in LR3? Is it something new in LR4?
I want to get started correctly with keywords, catalogs, stacks, and other indexing tools. I have about 400,000 images on 3 external USB3.0 drives that I want to index.
I have my OS folders organized by date taken, then into OS subfolders by file type: RAW, jpeg, Tiff and PSD. Under jpeg I have subfolders for various size images: web size, thumbnails, email size and print size. This means that I can have up to six versions of the same image. It seems like an ideal situation to use Stacks but I tried that and found that a Stack cannot contain images located in different OS folders. I don't want six different versions of the same image to appear in Grid view or in the Filmstrip but I do want to index them just like a stack would do.
I'm editing .mov 1080p video clips from my DSLR in Lightroom 4.4. I,m using the slider bar to set a new "inpoint" and "outpoint," shortening the video. When I export, I am using the original format and new file name. Lightroom tells me the video is shorter in length, but when I play it back in Windows, the new file is the original length. What am I failing to do/see here? I'm using Win 7
Somewhere between LR 3.4 and LR 4.3, the behavior of applying a keyword to a collapsed stack changed. It used to be that the keyword was applied only to the top photo; now it is applied to all the photos.
This behavior occurs only for adding keywords; if you delete keywords or change flag, label, date, caption, etc. it only applies to the top photo in the stack.
Did I miss a feature announcement in the release notes? [URL] .........
I am using LR 5.3 for real estate photography using bracketing of sets of 3. Then creating stacks by capture time in LR. I would like to know if I can apply a preset to ALL of a specific number of a stack (such as all #1's, all # 2's or all #3's - when expanded of course) at one time rather than manually selecting all number 1's and then adding a preset; etc?
I'm a bit confused about the round trip process. If LR is non-destructive, what happens when a virtual copy photo is sent to Photoshop? I notice that Photoshop seems to be working on the original photo.
How then is photo routed back to LR for further editing? Does LR track editis made in PS?
I just purchased Lightroom 4 after using a trial version of Lightroom 3. I can see all of my photos in the library mode, but cannot select a photo to develop. Why not?
I cannot get my photo to show up in Lightroom after editing in Elements 11. I did choose Elements Editor in prefs. In fact, I already got support from Adobe about this issue a month ago. It did work then
When I send an LR photo for editing in PS CC, some of the filters are greyed out: artistic, brush strokes, distort, pixelate, sketch, and texture. but when I open the photo directly in PS, they are there.
After editing a photo in an external application, only the original raw file can be seen. The edited photo is hidden, even when searched for by name.
I have been reduced to the following workaround, which has the drawback of deleting all the original raw (.cr2) edits: Edit the photo; edit in external application; save and close. Back in lightroom, delete the raw file (from lightroom only); then close lightroom, reopen it and then at last I can see my edited file. Then I have to re-import the raw file and of course the edits have disappeared. But at least the final result can be seen.
The photos are supposed to be in a stack, but there appears to be a bug in this function because you can only ever see the raw file.
I have just edited some photos for a friend who was short on time, and now she would like a list of the steps I took in editing. Is there any way of listing those steps in a text file I could send her?
Lightroom changes colour in my RAW files captured with NIKON D300. Some of the images are completely ruined. I am sure Adobe must be aware of this problem.
I am Trying out Light room and so far notfinding it not very friendly. when I open a Folder of pictures. even though Ichoose certain one to create a Photo Album to put on a Website it wants to put everything in not just what I select.
Currently looking at buying either Lightroom 4 or Elements 11 at home - can I change image resolution and merge/join photos along with the standard photo editing - would be using this app for my travel pics, family photos and photobooks?
I have one hard disk filling up with photos, so I have purchased a secondary hard disk to expand my storage. I would like to move my shoots from 2010 to that new hard disk, but I don't want to loose all of the edits saved on them in LR3. I have experimented with moving non-important images that have edits on them, then re-importing them. Unfortunately, LR3 does not preserve that history.
I'm looking for a photo editing software program to combine my burst photos from my GoPro Hero 2 camera into a single photo. Will Photoshop Lightroom allow me to accomplish this.