Lightroom :: 3/4 - Reorder Stacks In Library UI

Jan 12, 2012

Have 100K photos in about 800stacks.
Want to change the UI presentation of the stacks .  Can stacks br ordered items like file name, attribute, etc.  Looked at the LR3 PDF and it appears mute on the subject of stacking presentation order.  Is this possible in LR3?  Is it something new in LR4?

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Lightroom :: Stacks Won't Unstack?

Dec 25, 2012

Can not get stacks to unstack. All solution leads to the removal of the stacked photos.  True for both stills from videos and imports from Photomatix.  I do not like usinig stacks anyway - is there a way to allow me and not Lightroom to decide when theya re to be used?

Am using Lightroom 4.3 on Sno Leopard.

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Lightroom :: Something Similar To Stacks But Across Different OS Folders?

Dec 18, 2012

I want to get started correctly with keywords, catalogs, stacks, and other indexing tools.  I have about 400,000 images on 3 external USB3.0 drives that I want to index.
I have my OS folders organized by date taken, then into OS subfolders by file type:  RAW, jpeg, Tiff and PSD.  Under jpeg I have subfolders for various size images: web size, thumbnails, email size and print size.  This means that I can have up to six versions of the same image.  It seems like an ideal situation to use Stacks but I tried that and found that a Stack cannot contain images located in different OS folders.  I don't want six different versions of the same image to appear in Grid view or in the Filmstrip but I do want to index them just like a stack would do.
I'm using Lightroom 4.3 on Windows 7 SP1.

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Lightroom :: Stacks Created And Some Will Not Unstack

Feb 22, 2012

In the photo menu, there isn't a stack menu item to select so that I can then unstack the images?

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Lightroom :: Error Message Cannot Reorder Photos

Sep 8, 2012

Normally I do not have a problem reordering photos in LR4. However with my last import from a folder in Pictures on my Imac's hard drive I am being shown the following error message,
'Cannot reorder photos. The currently selected scource does not support custom order.'
My Imac works on OS X version 10. 6.8, with a 500GB hard drive of which 186GB is free.

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Lightroom :: Applying Keywords To Collapsed Stacks Has Changed

Dec 27, 2012

Somewhere between LR 3.4 and LR 4.3, the behavior of applying a keyword to a collapsed stack changed.  It used to be that the keyword was applied only to the top photo; now it is applied to all the photos.  
This behavior occurs only for adding keywords; if you delete keywords or change flag, label, date, caption, etc. it only applies to the top photo in the stack.
Did I miss a feature announcement in the release notes? [URL] .........

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Lightroom :: Batch Adding Presets To Various Numbers In Stacks?

Jan 23, 2014

I am using LR 5.3 for real estate photography using bracketing of sets of 3. Then creating stacks by capture time in LR. I would like to know if I can apply a preset to ALL of a specific number of a stack (such as all #1's, all # 2's or all #3's - when expanded of course) at one time rather than manually selecting all number 1's and then adding a preset; etc?

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Lightroom :: How To Reorder Photos In Folders Based On Capture Date

Apr 4, 2014

I have scanned a bunch of photographs and imported them into lightroom. I then went and changed all the capture dates to represent when the photos were actually taken. Now I would like to put the photo's in a folder structure based on the capture date (as all my other photo's are). How is it best to do this?

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Lightroom :: Captured Photo From Video Stacks - Cannot Select For Editing

Jan 11, 2012

So I have to say I love LR4, the only prob is if I capture a frame from one of my videos I cant access it. When I go to grid mode just like Julieanne does my captured photo is stacked on top of my video & I cant select it to edit it.

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Xara :: Reorder Filter Choices

Jul 23, 2012

With so many choices, it would be nice to have an option for alphabetically sorting by the extension.

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3ds Max Modeling :: How To Reorder Vertex Numbers

Nov 20, 2013

 ok so i have a face, that is looking eyes, left, and i need to make a morph for it with its eyes right,  i cant just rotate the eyes becuase the geometry is all attached,...   
in my thinking i came up with a solution that i swore would work, i just put a symmetry modifier on my mesh,  and then  detached the oppoite side, so that now i have two meshes.. one with eyes left, and the one derived from the symetry modifer eyes right,.. i collapsed them both so that they would be edit polies, and then applied eyes right as a morph target....
it does not work,...  the symetrey modifire seems to reorder the vertex numbers or something like that.. becuase when i try to putt the morph to 100 the face implodes and reverses... so my question is.. is there a way to just make the mesh turn from eyes left to eyes right without having to use the symmetry modifier????

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Photoshop :: Blur Similar To OS X Stacks (Grid)

Jun 29, 2011

Any way in Photoshop to mimic the blur that OS X Stacks (specifically the grid view) does when you open it. If you check it out, you will see that it blurs anything below it. How to do this in Photoshop or on the web?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Reorder Photos By Title

Apr 30, 2013

I have collected 185 photos for my son's high school graduation.  Many of them I scanned from old photos, the rest are digital.  I painstakingly put them in chronological order and named them,scan1, scan2, scan3...etc.  When I imported them into PS 9 they were all out of order.  I saved them to an album so that I could re-order them, but I don't see "reorder by title" as an option.  Is there a solution?  I was hoping to create a slide show and photo book, but they need to be in chronological order.  The ones I scanned are all dated the same even if some were infant pics and some teenager - so that doesn't work.

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Photoshop Elements :: Editing Stacks In Organizer 11

Mar 14, 2013

I have duplicate some stack names while setting up my stacks.Is there any way to merge stacks or transfer pictures from one stack to another.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cannot Reorder Regular Parts Browser

Dec 12, 2012

In Inventor 2012 I could grab any part (except patterns of course) and move it anywhere into folders, out of folder, up down, wherever, till my hearts content. But in 2013 sometimes it lets me, sometimes it does not. Sometimes I select a group of parts and when I try to put them into a new folder it will place most of them in it tell me the others are not allowed to be moved? I must stress that these are NOT patterned parts, but stuff I have moved around for at least the last 2 versions of the software. Why in 2013 can I not do this as easily or at all in some cases? Is there a new check box checked by default I can't find? I have tried switching the browser between modeling and assembly view and sometimes it works and sometimes it does not.

It does this with both content center and non content center parts.

Inventor 2013 sp1.1

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Reorder Label Style Components

Dec 1, 2013

I want to modify the default Profile Grade Break label style that comes with the product as I don't want the line component in the style. When I delete the line component I have to reconfigure the attachment points of the remaining components. I want the marker to attach to the feature, then the PVIS to the marker, then the PVIE to the PVIS. The problem is these components are in the wrong order in the style and thus I can't get the PVIE to be left aligned with the PVIS. There apparently is no way to re-order the components in the style. The only solution seems to be to delete and recreate them in the proper order. Is this the case? If so then there defintely needs to be an enhancement in the product to change the order.

Infrastructure Suite/C3D 2013, LDT 2004, Power Civil v8i SS1
WIN 7 64 PRO
HP Pavillion h8xt, i7 2600, 12 GB
RADEON 6450, 1 GB

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Photoshop Elements :: Combine Separate People Stacks Into One?

Nov 21, 2012

New user of Photoshop Elements Organizer 11.  I have been labelling hundreds of people using the facial recognition feature in the organizer.  On reviewing them I find occasionally 2 stacks with the same person, likely caused by spelling errors.  Even if I change the name to match the correctly spelled people stack, the 2 stacks remain separate.  How do I combine them into a single people stack?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IV11 Reorder Positional Representations In Browser?

Jun 22, 2006

Is there a way to reorder positional representations in the browser. I'd like to keep them in order of how the assembly will function. That way, it's easier to create the animation in Studio. See attached image.

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Maya :: Can't Reorder Nodes In The Outliner By Middle-mouse Click

Jul 19, 2012

Just installed Maya 2013 and can't seem to reorder objects in the outliner with the usual middle click drag.

Have to click several times on the name and try again until eventually it does it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2014 Assembly / Unable To Reorder Browser Items

Jun 28, 2013

place a component in the assembly.

create an assembly plane based on the assembly origin planes, (not the component origin planes).

in the browser, try to drag the plane above the component.

its not working on my machine?

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Photoshop Elements :: Organizer 11 Categories / Groups And Stacks - Assigning Tags

Nov 28, 2012

Organizer 11 imported my v.9 category and subcategory tags and converted the people-centric ones into stacks within groups. Sub-category tags still appear present appended to images within the stacks in People mode but are not listed and do not seem accessible in Media mode. Is there a way I can assign these "ghost" tags to an image in the same easy drag & drop way as those listed as keywords in  media mode (or make them accessible in media mode)?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Reorder Custom Properties - Not Organized In Optimal Order?

Oct 31, 2005

After spending a lot of time creating a particular dynamic block, I realized that the order of custom properties of this block as shown in the Properties Palette is not organized in an optimal order.

For example I have "Cabinet Width" at the top of the custom properties list, and "Cabinet Height" way down near the bottom. This is going to make my Cad operators hunt around too much for the property they need to adjust.

The apparent order is by creation - first created custom property is listed first, last created is shown last. I really don't want to remake this dynamic block just to get the properties in a logical order.

I was wondering if it is possible to reorder the custom properties as shown in the properties palette?

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Photoshop Elements :: Selecting Only Best Matches In Result Of A Search With Stacks / Version Sets

Sep 28, 2012

One thing I don't like when you do a search and some results are included in stacks of version sets, it that you are shown the best matches with the non matches indicated by a special icon. Then you can't have the option to 'select only best matches'.

An example : Suppose you usually shoot raw and keep only the best edited jpeg in a version set together with the original raw.  You want to delete the original raws when there is an edited jpeg in the version set. You can perfectly use the search by details for files in a version set and filename with the raw suffix.
How can you select only the 'best matches' in the result of the search ? Unless there is a way to do that easily, I would like to introduce a feature request to add 'show only best matches in stacks/version sets' in the option menu of the result of the search.
You could :
- select all the results and expand all stacks and version sets
- assign a temporary keyword like 'IsInVersionSet' to all
- do a new search by detail for 'IsInVersionSet' and filename ends with raw suffix
- Select all and delete
- remove the temporary keyword.

That would work for version sets with only one original and one edited jpeg, not for multiple files in a stack or version sets, the info about stacks or sets would be lost.The only method I have found to do the selection and deletion with keeping stacks and version sets is:

- create a catalog copy (copy of the whole catalog folder)
- in the new catalog, use the above procedure to delete the raws
- in the old catalog, find missing files and delete them from catalog.

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Lightroom :: Access Library From The Web?

Nov 29, 2012

I use a QNAP Network Attached Storage as the home for LR library so that a number of computers in the house can access the same files and various other DLNA clients can do slideshows on partcular directories if we want.
This is great when we are on our home network, but if I want to work on an image in LR while I am away from home I have to remember to make local copies (to my laptop HD) in advance.
I have a static IP and can access the required directories and files through a browser or VPN when I'm away from home.  I was wondering if it's possible to give LR the web address of the directory I want to use as my library so that my photos are available to me anywhere so long as I have a web connection?

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Lightroom :: How To Delete Library

Mar 19, 2012

Delete library. How ? Want to start completely anew.

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Lightroom :: Library Filter In LR5

Dec 3, 2013

I am using the library filter in Lightroom 5. I have flagged some photos and want to use the filter to find these photos.The filter is including both the flags and the star rating. I only want to search the flags and don't know how to stop the filter from using the star rating at the same time.

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Lightroom :: Does Not See IPhoto Library

Mar 10, 2014

Lightroom does not see my iPhoto Library

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Lightroom :: 5 Library Will Not Open?

Jul 19, 2013

Using LR5 and for some reason, the library module just won't open (image goes gray then error message "an error occured when attempting to chage modules") . Had been on beta with no issues and used the upgraded version for the past few days. Rebooted system (iMac 10.8.4) with no success.

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Lightroom :: Library On Mac And Windows

May 23, 2013

I am considering moving to Adobe lightroom. Currently we have all our photos in iPhoto.My wife prefers to use Windows, but I like Mac. I have setup my iMac as dual boot and I will by an external SSD HD to hold all our photos and can be accessed by both mac and windows. Is it possible to be able to use Windows to work in Lightroom, and the next day boot into Mac and see the same library? And when I make changes, add photos etc in Lightroom, they are visable in Windows?

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Lightroom :: Importing LR4 Library Into LR5?

Sep 12, 2013

I have LR4 and LR5.
1.How do I transfer the Library (collections, folder, etc.) from LR4 to LR5?

2.Once that is done, how do I import into LR5, the keywords and descriptions as well?

3.Can I also import my LR4 presets to LR5 as well?

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Lightroom :: TIFF To JPG In LR5 Library

Aug 25, 2013

After converting a photo in NIK it comes back into LR asa tif is there a way to convert to jpg besides exporting?

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