Photoshop :: CS5 - Batch Editing

Jul 19, 2012

When I use the batch command in Photoshop CS5 the results are the same as if I did the touch up manually.  This is not true in CS6.  What can I do to rectify this problem.

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Photoshop :: Complex Batch Editing

Jun 26, 2013

Photoshop cs6 64  windows 7 64. I'd like to do a highly repetitive action to a single open file. In this case:

file save as currentname_print.psd
then commit action save as currentname.png
then commit another action and save as currentname_small.png
at the moment batch seems to be great for running the same action for many files, but if I want to run a repetitive action such as this I can't seem to figure it out. but I cant seem to get it working, and searches only seem to turn up questions about doing the same action to multiple files.

ps: it seems strange that within the action menu I cant create sets that have variables aka current file name+afix, if the actions feature had this I'd be golden.

ps+ also seems that this could be handled by bridge quite efficiently.

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Photoshop :: Editing A Batch Of Photos???

Feb 18, 2009

just wondering if there is a way to do some simple edits such as auto colour adjusments etc on a large batch of photos rather than having to do them one by one?? can then add the more specific edits ontop.

can anyone point me to a tutorial that would give me a step by step run through - or give me a few nudges in the right direction!

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Photoshop Elements :: Using Actions In Batch Editing?

Oct 6, 2013

Is there any way to use Actions in Batch Editing in Photoshop Elements 10 or any Elements?

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Photoshop :: Windows 7/ 64bit With 8 Gigs Of RAM - Batch Editing In CS6?

Jul 19, 2012

I am using window 7, 64bit with 8 gigs of ram.  What is not understood in same results using the batch command, and manually re touching in CS5,  but not the same when done in CS6.  The results are different in CS6.

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Photoshop :: Batch Editing And Adding Text To Image

Jun 22, 2012

I have an excel list of about 2000 names. I need to add each name text to a image I created and then have it saved as a separate file. Is there any kind of automation/shortcut to do something like this, rather then manaully typing each name?

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Photoshop Elements :: IPTC Keywords - Batch Editing

Oct 16, 2011

The IPTC keywords contain tags in many of my photos that have long since been deleted or changed.  Is there any way to batch edit this field?

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Photoshop :: Auto Editing And Processing Of Images [Script/Action/Batch]

Jun 10, 2008

I have 30 dirs, each of them with 4 thumbs in it. I want to make one big thumb of every 4 smaller ones, by resizing and fitting them together into square. Like

Thumb1 right next to Thumb2
Thumb3 right next to Thumb4

and then save that image.

Would you give me any direction how to do that? I'm with CS3. I did explore the auto and script options in the File menu, but still unable to get idea how to do that, if possible at all

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Batch Editing Pipe Materials

Sep 27, 2012

I have a drawing with at least 100 pipes in it.  Unfortunately there was an error in the spelling of the pipe material in the network parts list and all of these existing pipes have to be edited.  The only way that I can find to access the material property is to open the property dialog for each pipe and fix it one at a time.

Any other solution that would allow us to batch edit a series of pipe material properties?

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Corel Photo Editing :: How To Export Batch Images Form CDR And Saving In Serial

Jan 23, 2010

I have a around 500 cdr(corel draw ) files, and each pages have around 20 images in it.

so what i do. select every single image on the pages then using convert bitmap option to save them on my computer. That consume my whole time in saving them to my computer.

Is there any fast option available to select all images at once and convert to bitmap 20 images and save in a number say 1,2 ...20

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Photoshop :: Batch Color Correction And Batch Levels Oddities

Apr 12, 2012

So I have an action that I've been using for the past couple years (?) now that involves opening an image, applying an auto color and auto levels, saving and closing. This has been working for me since probably a couple years ago when I made the action. Yesterday, I was working on a scanning project where I have groups of images in separate folders. I ran the action on the first 2 folders which went fine.

When I got to the 3rd folder all the way up to the last one, PS just loads all the images, does the levels and color then fails to save/close them when done. On one of my folders, it gets through a few of them when it drops the ball and just opens all of them. I'm not sure what's going on as there's no real explanation as to why this is happening.. especially when I've been using this action (and I even made a new action with still no luck). Last week I had about 300 images I had to work with and PS decided to pull this move on me after doing the first 30 of them fine...which is when I first noticed this happening.
To further add, I set my action to show everything step by step and it seems to happen with select images (in some cases, these select images are entirely what is in the folder). With the select images, it is not doing the actions entirely in order. Typically it does it in this manner:

What I'm now experiencing is this:


(Skips 3 and 4 since it is starting at 2 and working upward).

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Photoshop :: Batch PDF To PNG

Jun 24, 2013

I want to batch around 2000 files to png.

This is what my batch looks like:
I prefer to use export to web but i have problems with both. This is one of the many options i tried:

Even if i do Destination: save and close it doesn't close the files.
Here are the pdf's (might be still uploading):[URL]....

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Photoshop :: Using Batch

Jul 17, 2006

I need to water mark aboutn 300pictures, from a wedding...Does anyone have a guide on how to do this? I know you go to batch, open the files, and then record what you do, and then it repeats..But Im a bit confused, so does anyone have a guide, or mind making me one on camtasia?

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Photoshop :: Batch Changes

Mar 2, 2005

I'm a professional photographer and starting to get a handle on photoshop but I don't learn well from books.

I want to put my copyright on the bottom of my proofs and doing it one at a time is taking to long. I know there is a batch thing but I dont know how to use it.

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Photoshop :: Batch

Aug 31, 2006

I have fallen off the learning curve and can't get up! I just bought a new Nikon D70s and have moved the .jpg's to a directory. I want to convert all of them to .tif files to work on, while keeping the original .jpg files intact for archiving. I do not want to make any other modifications to the files at this time. I know how to do them one at a time but I know there is an easier way.

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing HDR

Nov 5, 2012

We are possibly going to start shooting volume HDR images.  Time will be a factor when shooting 4 locations a day and still having to process.  Is there a way to stack the images at the end of the job like an action, then when I get back to the studio, I can tweak the images?

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Photoshop :: Batch Convert From EPS To JPG

Mar 8, 2012

I have about 2300 .eps files that I need to convert to .jpg so they can be used in an online store.

All of the eps files  need to be resized to a maximum of 700px wide, coverted to an rgb colorspace, and 72dpi and then saved as a .jpg file

I have been trying to use the actions pallet to record the actions and then run a batch action but to no avail. I have adobe PS CS4.
Below are screenshots of what i have tried to setup. (After this I have about the same amount of .TIFF files that also need converted.)

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Photoshop :: Batch Convert PSD To JP2

Jul 23, 2012

I am having trouble converting .psd files to .jp2s. When I make the action, in the "save as" box I have to first pick the JPEG 2000 format, then manually change the extension from .jpf to .jp2. The problem is that when I set everything up, the files save with the extension .jpf, because that is the default extension for JPEG 2000, and my manual change is ignored in the replaying of the action.

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Photoshop :: Batch For 2 Images In A Set

Aug 27, 2013

I created a nice action to work on 2 (currently loaded) images in combination.

Now I would need support on how to apply this existing and successful action in a AUTOMATE/BATCH process on a folder full of files. So instead of just loading 1 (one) picture at a time and applying the action within a standard batch to a single picture -  I would need that photoshop loads 2 (TWO) images from my source folder at the same time - applies the action-batch - and then continues to load the next 2 pictures, then the next 2 etc....  

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Photoshop :: Why Can't Get CS4 To Run A Single Batch

May 15, 2009

I'm trying to run a simple batch command that works fine in an old CS2 I happen to have but in CS4 every action I create and every stock one from the list returns the message "could not complete the batch command because the disk is not available". Not even actions that  don't require saving to a disk work.

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Photoshop :: How To Do Batch Rename

Jul 25, 2013

I'm working with a designer, how to do an urgent batch rename. I'm the project manager rather than a designer so, I don't have the design tools to experiment myself and it's rather urgent. This is the issue:
We have 300+ images. There's a one-digit difference between the low res file names and the high res, color-managed files the designer needs to relink on Monday. In every case, there's a 0 missing before an underscore - so Day Two_0012 has become Day Two_012. This is an easy fix in the file-renaming software I use but I'm in a different city and it's much simpler if the designer, who uses Adobe Creative Suite, does it at her end.

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Photoshop :: Batch Import

Mar 3, 2011

I'd like to ask something. Suppose I've thousands of files of psd jpg and txt files which can be paired by names like x.psd x.jpg and x.txt. I'd like to import x.txt and x.jpg into x.psd as new layers. a default position for layers are enough for all files.

Can I do this for all files?

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Photoshop :: Batch Convert JPG To PNG?

Dec 8, 2012

I am trying to batch convert jpg to png and do some minor modification to the image before saving as png and i can do that but when it saves the png it renames the jpg to 0.png how can i change that.

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing In CS5?

Sep 7, 2012

I have many folders that contain my NEF and PSD files, all together.
I want to setup a batch process to open up JUST the PSD files and then save elsewhere as a JPEG.
How can I open just the PSD files in an action or using Image Processor Pro?
Similarly, I want to setup another batch process that will open RAW files and allow basic editing in CAmera RAW.

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Photoshop :: CS4 Batch Resizing?

Mar 13, 2013

After upgrading to Mountain Lion Photoshop CS4 won't allow batching several images to certain folders on our servers.
 Photoshop message reads;
The destination is not writable (read-only).

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Photoshop :: Batch And Actions

Apr 3, 2008

I've been looking for this one a long time, but I just don't get it to work properly. The problem is this, I need to save a whole lot of pictures into jpeg in my PS file. But the time it takes me for selecting every one of them and pushing ctrl shift s, then inputting the number and save as jpeg. Is driving me horribly insane.

So I looked up some things on google, but that didn't help, thus I landed here. I know you could do this with the automate - batch command but I simply don't get it to work. Using the action command doesn't help either, it saves the picture but always overwrites the former one (since it always saves with the same name)...

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Photoshop :: Batch Watermark In CS3

Feb 15, 2008

I need to place a semi-transparent logo onto about 300 images so people do not take my pictures right off the web and use it as their own. Instead of doing them one at a time, is there a batch method to crank these out? All the images are the same size and I have them in both PSD and Jpeg format.

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Photoshop :: Batch In CS2 While CS3 Is On Computer?

Nov 3, 2007

I need to batch in CS2 while I have CS3 on the computer. I'll tell you why in a second.

Even in BRidge 2, batching seems to launch CS3 PS, and all sorts of variations on this continue on and on, pure chaos.

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Photoshop :: Batch Renaming On MAC

Oct 18, 2005

I just did a batch rename in CS2 on my Mac from 001 to 300. Everything worked fine except for one thing. Right in the middle of the 300 images PS added the following - 140 (1) to 179 (1). Does anyone know why parentheses were added to that group of images?

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Photoshop :: Batch Blur?

Sep 23, 2006

I'm attempting to run a batch process, more or less i have to blur out a certain section of an image for about 360 images... I searched around for a bit and couldn't find the answer on these forums...

The images were all taken on a tripod, so the spot remains in the same spot.

I created a new action set, and i start recording the actions, it records me selecting the blur location, but does not record me actually performing the blur. I then save while still recording.

When i run this process on the image directory all the images (except the first one i edited and saved) remain without the blurred section.

Is there a way to do this, or do i have to blur each image individually?

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Photoshop :: Batch With Save For Web

Jun 13, 2006

I cannot figure out how to make a batch process do some work on files in a folder, then "Save for Web..." each file into a new folder, without having to hand click on save/etc dialog windows.

I want each out file to have the same name as the input file, but put into a different folder.

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