Photoshop :: Why Can't Get CS4 To Run A Single Batch

May 15, 2009

I'm trying to run a simple batch command that works fine in an old CS2 I happen to have but in CS4 every action I create and every stock one from the list returns the message "could not complete the batch command because the disk is not available". Not even actions that  don't require saving to a disk work.

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Photoshop :: Batch Save Layers From Within A Single PSD File Using CS5?

Dec 31, 2012

I'm saving animation frames to individual PNG files. I have each image on a single layer in one group. Is there any way I can batch save all of them as individual PNGs? Right now I'm saving them one by one and it's tedious with over 100 frames.

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Photoshop :: Batch Process Single Or Multiple Files Using Variable Effects

Jul 28, 2012

Is it possible to take 3-4 effects, all mixed together, like brush stroke, solarise, warp sharp, neon... mix them all together, and process a number of pictures while changing the mix level of each effect, and also varying some of the effect settings, such as brush size, brightness, etc...

are there any scripts that can do that? any macro plugins that can control other plugins? is there a crafty programming trick that could be fashioned to vary and mix effects across a task of batch processing?

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VideoStudio :: Batch For Rendering Single Videos From Several VSP Projects

Sep 10, 2013

From several .vsp-projects to output/convert/encode/render single video files (Videodatei erstellen) in Batch with one film template (Filmvorlage)

DVD authoring was yesterday - today is streamed from the NAS to the TV. So I now render video projects (.vsp) in VideoStudio as individual files (Videodatei erstellen). With Full HD 50p projects which lasts a few minutes and I can not cut in this time. With several hundred clips from vacation it sucks.

Hence my request for a new batch function for the encoder of VideoStudio: Several .vsp-files to be issued in Batch with a self-defined film original/template (Filmvorlage).

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: DWG To PDF Batch Print To Single Sheet File

Sep 30, 2013

We just started in 2014 last week.  When we batch plot to PDF using the DWG to PDF driver we get multi-page files no matter which is selected in the Publish Options. Any way to allow single sheet PDF creation?

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Paint.NET :: Batch Single Folder Path Location Save / Save As

Dec 4, 2013

AND/OR a open tab recovery cache or way to extract the images that get lost during a crash of PDN.
Number two on my list behind your fantastic new layer functionality that I had been dreaming about for three years. I NEVER close PDN. The ONLY time it closes is once every week or two when the 20, 30, 50 tabs that I have open, finally overwhelm my system. I bounce back and forth so much that there is no way to continuously save them as I make changes cause it would jack up my workflow by taking up too much time.
No way around it, this is just how I work. It would be lovely if PDN was able to, similar to After Effects, popup an error box saying it was about to crash and did 'you" want to save the session. Especially, now, with 4, as while it is a super duper version upgrade, the crashes were daily, with me, and I couldn't keep losing that much data. Sophie's choice, for me. The old layer window or daily crashes.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Get Batch Plot To Plot PDFs To Single File

Sep 30, 2013

I have just switched over to 2014 and i cannot for the life of me get my batch plot to plot PDF's to a single file! Instead, it's printing all 37 layouts separate. I tried switching between multi-file & single file in the publish options, but nothing!

i know that it took me a while to perfect my settings the last time i set up a new version, but i am struggling to work it out now. 

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Photoshop :: Change The Colour Of A Single Layered, Single Coloured Gradient (foreground To Transparent) Image

Jun 21, 2008

I would like to know how to change the colour of a single layered, single coloured gradient (foreground to transparent) image. There is nothing more to it than that other than I don't want to use the hue/saturation adjustment as it's hard to get a specific colour.

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Photoshop :: Batch Color Correction And Batch Levels Oddities

Apr 12, 2012

So I have an action that I've been using for the past couple years (?) now that involves opening an image, applying an auto color and auto levels, saving and closing. This has been working for me since probably a couple years ago when I made the action. Yesterday, I was working on a scanning project where I have groups of images in separate folders. I ran the action on the first 2 folders which went fine.

When I got to the 3rd folder all the way up to the last one, PS just loads all the images, does the levels and color then fails to save/close them when done. On one of my folders, it gets through a few of them when it drops the ball and just opens all of them. I'm not sure what's going on as there's no real explanation as to why this is happening.. especially when I've been using this action (and I even made a new action with still no luck). Last week I had about 300 images I had to work with and PS decided to pull this move on me after doing the first 30 of them fine...which is when I first noticed this happening.
To further add, I set my action to show everything step by step and it seems to happen with select images (in some cases, these select images are entirely what is in the folder). With the select images, it is not doing the actions entirely in order. Typically it does it in this manner:

What I'm now experiencing is this:


(Skips 3 and 4 since it is starting at 2 and working upward).

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Photoshop :: Single App Subscription Of CS6 Changing

Jun 17, 2013

I have a single app subscription to Photoshop CS6 and I wanted to know if that will change to the new Photoshop CC version?

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Photoshop :: Panning A Single Photo In CS5

Jan 8, 2013

When I have multitple photos open in PS, and I try to pan just the one which is active (leaving the others alone) for some reason I end up panning all the open photos.  How can I stop this and just pan the one photo that's active?

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Photoshop :: Locking A Single Parameter

Aug 21, 2012

I have a very placement sensitive project . though i am going forward with the project i find myself having to lock and unlock many layers in a 44 layer project.
I am have been making mostly color and effects changes to create the style. So i was wondering if there was a way to lock the position and still edit the effects mentioned?

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Photoshop :: Single Object Crop?

Jun 15, 2012

How can I crop an object and only thst object in photoshop?

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Photoshop :: Why Is The Single Channel View So Much...

Jul 18, 2008

I've got an RGB image, but each pixel actually has identical R, G, and B values-- the image is just varying degrees of grey. (It's not actually a greyscale image, long story. :P)

If I click on the single channel view, it's much brighter than the RGB combined view. Each channel appears identical to each other channel, but they're all considerably brigher than the combined RGB image.

Do you know what adjustment is being performed?

(That's the short question; elaboration follows.)

Photoshop is aware of this adjustment, and will replicate it if you copy the RGB image and paste it into a single channel of a new image. For example, I can copy the entire image, create a new image, and then paste into just the red channel of the image. Visually, the combined RGB view of the source image and the single channel view of the dest image will look identical.

How was this achieved? Photoshop darkened all of the values: a pixel that was 24, 24, 24 in the source image is now 7 in the new red channel.

I haven't been able to replicate the conversion. Visually, it looks a lot like a gamma adjustment, and values in the middle range roughly approximate an adjustment using a gamma of 1.266 (which seems odd, so is likely not what's occurring). Values in the lower range, however, are darkened further-- a gamma adjustment of 1.266 will leave them too bright.

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Photoshop :: Remove Single Pixles?

Feb 19, 2004

I have a large image that has been scanned in as just pure black and white. Unfortunately there seems to be a lot of noise in the form of single black pixels all over the image.

Apart from manually erasing all of the pixels (the image is huge!), how else could I do this. Is there a way to automatically select any single pixels within an image so that I could just delete all of them at once, or perhaps if I blurred the image sufficiently so that they disappeared and then sharpen the image?

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Photoshop :: How Do I Flip A Single Layer?

Dec 4, 2004

It was the "Creating Classy Glass Buttons" one. One of the steps says to flip the layer vertically. I can't quite figure out how to do that. It always wants to flip the whole thing.

I'm using PS7.

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Photoshop :: Single Colour Images

Jan 6, 2009

How do I make an image single colour and white. Like Black and White but where the Black and Grey shades are replaced with blue and different shades of blue or red and different shades of red. So like blue and white OR red and white images...?

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Photoshop :: Can't Blend Two Raw Files Into Single...

May 12, 2009

I have created two Raw files with one focuses on highlight while the other on shadow.  Within Photoshop with these two files open my intention is to use the Move tool and drag-and-drop one image over the other as a layer.  At the present I am having trouble to get these two images to register as two layers.

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Photoshop :: Hue/saturation On A Single Layer

Apr 15, 2007

In building a composite, I dragged one image into another image. Of couse, this created a separate layer in the receiving image. Since I then discovered that the color saturation needed to be lowered ONLY ON THE "DRAGGED IN IMAGE," I then clicked on Hue/Sat and began the desturation process. But even though I had selected the "Dragged In" layer, all of the lower layers were also desaturated. So my question is: Is there a way to use Hue/Sat on a single, selected layer? How can I keep the other layers from being affected by the hue/sat operation. Of course, I could have done the desaturation before I dragged it into the other image, but it was only after dragging it in that i could really match the colors properly.

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Photoshop :: Converting To A Single Color

May 27, 2005

I need to convert a layer so that it is only one color(black). It can't have any other shades in it. I tried color overlay, but there are still little spots where there are shades of grey on the outsides of the graphic,

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Photoshop :: Exporting A Single Style

May 18, 2004

i've never been big on styles, so i've never really come across this before, but how do you export a single style instead of a style library? and if you can't do that, then how do i create a new library?

all i want in the world right now is to send a single style to the guy across the office to the other graphisist here, rather than go through the process of telling him each setting one by one...

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Photoshop :: Shrink A Single Layer

Oct 18, 2004

How do i shrink a single layer. I was copying a picture into my psd file and i needed to shrink it so it looks good with the other things in my picture.

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Photoshop :: Single Marquee Tool

Feb 9, 2007

i try to use this now it is giving me an error message saying:

"Warning: No pixels more than 50% were selected. The selection edges will not be visible."

can someone tell me how to fix this. half my projects require this and im tired of this error message.

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Photoshop :: Draw A Single Line

Apr 9, 2006

How do you draw a single line in Photoshop?

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Photoshop :: Distort- Single Box, Not Multiple

Jan 31, 2008

I'm on a Mac with Photoshop CS. I have this tapered swoosh, so to speak, with a layer mask attached to it. When I go to Edit/Free Transform/Distort, I only get a single box when, as far as I know, I should be getting multiple. This singular transform box only gives me as much movement as the regular transform, which isn't enough. Does anyone know what's wrong? It's necessary that I dip the middle of the swoosh and modify the swoosh in ways that only a whole bunch of directional options will handle. Should I be using Warp? I don't have Warp though...

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Photoshop :: Extract 3D Objects Out Of A Single Photo

Sep 10, 2013


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Photoshop :: Rotate Single Brush Stroke

Feb 8, 2013

I have created a brush that is meant to mimic stitching and i would like to be able to rotate one "stitch" or stroke at a time... ( i pasteurized the shape)
I have used Ctrl + Click on the Shapes Thumbnail to make a Selection and then went to Select > Modify > Contract and then I went to the Paths palette and from the drop down/fly out menu i chose Make Work Path and then. I Right Clicked on the Work Paths Thumbnail and chose: Stroke Path > Brush (chose my custom brush)
I manipulated the Path as much as possible to create the curves as needed but. I still need to modify the stitches . If i recall correctly i think i read somewhere that i can use a Marquee tool select individual brush strokes (that are a part of the same path) to rotate and/or relocate/move in general, however, i cannot seem to get it to work for me ... so, i am thinking i've forgotten a step or that i may be totally wrong.
Can i rotate a single brush stroke? is there a way to "ungroup" like in Illustrator or some other sort of Ps creature.

Above is an example of what i'm trying to explain ... all the dashes are on one path but i would like to be able to rotate just one at a time (like in the red circle). is this at all possible? i've tried to paint em all manually but it just doesn't end up looking nice at all.

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Photoshop :: Erase All Of Single Colour From Image?

Jun 26, 2012

I'm trying to erase all of a single colour from an image. I use the colour range select to choose the colour (orange) however when I erase, it seems to erase an underlay underneath colours (esp yellow) in unselected areas.
How can I stop this?

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Photoshop :: CC / Selecting Single Paths Without Isolating?

Jul 17, 2013

If I have two vector shapes on top of one another, when I drag over both to select a few nodes from the top one, it selects both (this is now a 'feature'). I don't want this.
I know if I want to select only the top one now that I have to isolate the shape first, but this is terribly inneficient for the way I've been editing vector shapes for years now.
Is there any way to turn off multiple layer path selection and having to isolate anything? While the new feature can be nice at times, it's mostly more of a hinderence than a way out.

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Photoshop :: Can Lower Resolution Of Single Layer?

Aug 26, 2013

can I lower the resolution of a single layer, without lowering the resolution of the other layers in one psd file?

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Photoshop :: Direct Select A Single Shape In CC?

Jun 18, 2013

In previous versions of Photoshop it was default behaviour to affect the shape in the currently selected layer when using the Direct Select tool. In Photoshop CC it's default behaviour to affect all shapes (in seperate layers) within the selected area. I often want to change some anchor points on a single rounded rectangle, for example, to make it fit perfectly.
Is there any way, without selecting "isolate layers", to restrict the selection to the currently selected shape layer?

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