Photoshop :: Any Way To Save / Open Files In Adobe Products Using General Windows Format
Mar 28, 2012
Is there any way to save/open files in Adobe products using the general Windows format, i.e. where you could copy & paste a folder location into your address bar. I work on multiple projects across a complex network and I have to manually navigate through all the folders each time, and I can't copy & paste a location like I could if I was browsing through Windows normally. Also you can't save favorite locations?
I have two PC's side-by-side, running the same version of CS6. On one PC, I can see my Libraries from the "save as" and "open" dialogue boxes and on the other I have can't have have to dig down to find the folders I want to save to. I don't have any plug-ins installed, and I have not edited the registry.
I have an computer that suddenly can only open an .PDF file in Acrobat, and not in Illustrator. We have art files that are in PDF format, and Purchase Orders that are in PDF format. We would just drag the icon over the software we wished to open the file. In this case Illustrator for the art file and Acrobat for the P.O. As of today, PDF's only open with Acrobat and that's it. I know it's probably a setting I'm forgetting.
After using for a few weeks, I have had a few crashes, but this morning, I could not save a photo "Due to program Error" (no codes etc). Closing out that file and losing the edits, but now I cannot open any new file? Again "due to program Error". Working on Christmas cards and gifts. Running Macbook Pro with ample disk space and hard drive availibitly.
1. Workflow is in lightroom version 4.1 Photoshop CS5.5 is used when necessary as secondary workflow 2. Import works fine. "preview thumbnails" appear normal. When I CLICK on the next image it will suddenly do this ^ to the file 3. I have tried taking that EXACT file and running it through Adobe DNG converter but it comes out looking exactly like this... so it seems that lightroom is actually corrupting the file 4. I have a copy of all my raw files on another drive so I can grab those files and they do not have this problem
I work in a print shop that prints biggish stuff. I will frequently have files that postscript to close to a GB or more. Working on simple vector art with a few images in CC is not too much of a problem, but I still notice CC is slower than CS 6. The big problem is when I get a few 200mb PDF's, or files with layers of transparent PSD files in them etc, big busy files, then AI CC really bogs down, or frequently crashes altogether. CS 6 is MUCH better. I don't have the font issues, AI CC works fine with simple files. Saving & opening these big files is such a problem, I just save them back to CS 6, but that causes problems too, I do not want to, nor should I have to have 2 versions open at the same time.
I always try to optimize the files as best possible, but it is tough sometimes as they R supplied by the customer, and the time it takes. We save to a Windows Server 2008 R2 box over gigabit network, which I know is not best practice, but no choice with the sheer volume of files. Would B insane to try to keep track & copy them back & forth, and it was never a big issue with CS 6. I am the first victim in our office, but the other 3 Mac Pro's will B switching over to CC this week, and I know the operators will B crying.
I had Photoshop CS6 installed and working on my Mac using Adobe Creative Cloud. However now a dialog appears that says "Help Improve Adobe's Product". Regardless if I approve this dialog or not Adobe Photoshop starts up with every menu option grayed and I can do nothing. I have to force quit the application. At this point it is 100% unusable.
I've googled it and seen others with a similar issue but no solutions found. I have OSX 10.8.3.
Others with similar issues. URL....No real solution other than don't use Mac Keeper (which I do not) URL....
A) Yes, I have read through numerous posts and tried numerous solutions except the one that works.
1) Erased the registry keys for internet explorer blah blah blah
2) Closed all programs during installation including antivirus, disconnected from net.
3) Ran CS4 clean up AND windows install cleaner AND Revo Uninstaller
4) Rebooted several times/ ran the installer several times.
B) PC Specs: 2.0Ghz Duo Core Intel, 4 G Ram, Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit, Avast Antivirus home addition, Dell m1530 XPS...
C) Installed Adobe Dreamworks CS4 trial without a hitch...
D) Tried to install Fireworks trial and got a ERROR 1603 message at about 95% of the install..Gave up on that one.
E) Trying to install the Adobe downloaded Photoshop CS4 Trial and also gives me a ERROR 1603 at about 95%... I would like to use this software but according to other doesnt matter if its the trial or paid for version..people are getting the ERROR 1603..
F) Its hard to believe that with all the people with the same issues, it has not been widely posted on how to troubleshoot this issue.
I work in PS CS4(3) or Lightroom in Vista I ge this yellowish tone over my images, it also appears to be in regular Explorer when i view pictures there, and i know its not the monitors problem because when I view pictures in Infanview, it shows true colors, which I can also see if I upload my images to the web or view them in explorer but on my another XP machine. Is it Vista related or what?
I am looking at getting a laptop and I found a nice one with a 15 inch screen. Will I be able to see and work well with programs such as Photoshop and After Effects.
Just wondering so I know if I should buy this to do Photoshop work on.
Adobe asked me to change the password. After doing this, I have been unable to activate the Photoshop and perhaps also the other Adobe products. The activation process ask for the serial number and when I'm giving it, the system says that it is too short. If I'm trying to make a phone call to Adobe, the support is only in English and I cannot understand the spoken English of the support.
I have got a number of photoshop files which i cannot use because i dont have Photoshop. So i downloaded the trail version of Photoshop (MacOSX) to convert them to something that i can use with other programs. What file format can i export them to?
I need a format that keeps all the information about the layers and all the other stuff - So i guess this is called workable file. What format does exist in Photoshop so that i can export it for later use with any other (means NON-Adobe) programm? URL....
Can I install and run CS4 products in Windows 8 Pro x64? Windows Upgrade Manager said there was an issue (when reviewing my apps) and sent me to the Adobe site where it seemed to want to point me to a $375 upgrade to CS6.
When I open an image in Photoshop CS3, an open box appears and I have selected my image, but when I click the Open button, an error message comes out that says "could not continue with the open command because two or more files were selected for opening at once". So I clicked the OK button and then I could not click all buttons even Close button. I still have to press CTRL+ALT+DEL to close or I have to restart the whole PC.
Why my photoshop CS6 64 bit in windows 8 can't SAVE and SAVE AS any files?
it's ok for my Photoshop cs6 32bit,but there is not reaction when i use command file->save or file->save as ,also CTRL +S and SHIF +CTRL+S in Photoshop 64 bit
I have resized my stock files to 640x433, 72dpi, JPEG, for cataloging to Extensis Portfolio 7 and CDRs. These images are in numbers folders, according to subjects. The problem is when I initially open an image it asks for the color profile. I want it Adobe 1998 RGB, the same as my master TIFF files.
How can I just do this process by the folder for all images within it.?
Do I have to, for example, open all 2000 files, assign the profile and then save individually?
Why in Photoshop & Illustrator CS6 "Open" and "Save as" dialog box style is from Windows XP?
In AfterEffects, Audition and other is new dialog box style:
Can Adobe add in "Preferences" - option with checkbox for users Windows 7/8 who can use the new windows explorer with extended folder bar? That would be simplified and speeded up a lot of things.
Am seeing an issue with Photoshop7 , cannot save files to a network drive using .psd format..It says Disk space full, though there is more than 1TB of space available on the network drive..This happens when tryingto save file in .psd format using Save as option within photoshop.There is no issue in saving the same file locally and copying it fom local drive to network drive..OS is windows 7.
I want to have a workspace specifically for pixel art, and do not want to have to reset all of the general preferences when I want to create a pixel art file. Is there a way to save the general settings?
I have autocad civil 3d 2008 in my pc. From last 2 days I got a different problem i.e. when I am selecting open / save command from File menu graphical file select explorer is not opening just message in the command window . Previously I used to select files using graphical file explorer.
I can open one JPEG at a time, or multiple Raw images in ACR.
Have checked other sources including Barbara Brundage "The Missing Manual" but whilst it does not specifically say you cannot, likewise there is no indication that you can.
Why can't I open DWG files in Adobe Illustrator CS6? I recently upgraded to Mac OS X Mountain Lion & got a new Mac Pro. Then I signed up for the Creative Cloud. Now I cannot open any DWG files in Illustrator. Why?
I just upgraded from CS5 to CS6 64 bit using Windows 7 64bit.I use Windows Explorer to open my files, but when I click on a JPG file it now uses another program to open the JPG, not CS6. When I go to set CS6 as the default program, CS6 is not in the list. When I manually set it as the default program, it does not work (it will not open the JPG and doesn't change the default program to CS6).
I can set CS6 to open TIF, PSD and other image file types by default. It appears this only doesn't work with JPG files.
I also can go to CS6 and open a JPG directly, but I cannot open them through Windows Explorer (the old file manager)..I do have the current updates on both Windows 7 and CS6.I do not care to use Bridge as my file manager, I like Explorer.
i am using autocad 2013 student version at home and at college i am using autocad 2012. so when i create drawing in 2013,dosent open on 2012"it says incompatible version". i like to save all my dwg files automatically in 2011 format, i dont want to click save as and change it 2011 format.what i need is whenever i finsh working on drawing, if click save it should automatically save in 2011 format.