Photoshop :: ADOBE Products Have Yellowish Tone...?
Jul 18, 2009
I work in PS CS4(3) or Lightroom in Vista I ge this yellowish tone over my images, it also appears to be in regular Explorer when i view pictures there, and i know its not the monitors problem because when I view pictures in Infanview, it shows true colors, which I can also see if I upload my images to the web or view them in explorer but on my another XP machine. Is it Vista related or what?
I had Photoshop CS6 installed and working on my Mac using Adobe Creative Cloud. However now a dialog appears that says "Help Improve Adobe's Product". Regardless if I approve this dialog or not Adobe Photoshop starts up with every menu option grayed and I can do nothing. I have to force quit the application. At this point it is 100% unusable.
I've googled it and seen others with a similar issue but no solutions found. I have OSX 10.8.3.
Others with similar issues. URL....No real solution other than don't use Mac Keeper (which I do not) URL....
A) Yes, I have read through numerous posts and tried numerous solutions except the one that works.
1) Erased the registry keys for internet explorer blah blah blah
2) Closed all programs during installation including antivirus, disconnected from net.
3) Ran CS4 clean up AND windows install cleaner AND Revo Uninstaller
4) Rebooted several times/ ran the installer several times.
B) PC Specs: 2.0Ghz Duo Core Intel, 4 G Ram, Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit, Avast Antivirus home addition, Dell m1530 XPS...
C) Installed Adobe Dreamworks CS4 trial without a hitch...
D) Tried to install Fireworks trial and got a ERROR 1603 message at about 95% of the install..Gave up on that one.
E) Trying to install the Adobe downloaded Photoshop CS4 Trial and also gives me a ERROR 1603 at about 95%... I would like to use this software but according to other doesnt matter if its the trial or paid for version..people are getting the ERROR 1603..
F) Its hard to believe that with all the people with the same issues, it has not been widely posted on how to troubleshoot this issue.
I am looking at getting a laptop and I found a nice one with a 15 inch screen. Will I be able to see and work well with programs such as Photoshop and After Effects.
Just wondering so I know if I should buy this to do Photoshop work on.
Adobe asked me to change the password. After doing this, I have been unable to activate the Photoshop and perhaps also the other Adobe products. The activation process ask for the serial number and when I'm giving it, the system says that it is too short. If I'm trying to make a phone call to Adobe, the support is only in English and I cannot understand the spoken English of the support.
Is there any way to save/open files in Adobe products using the general Windows format, i.e. where you could copy & paste a folder location into your address bar. I work on multiple projects across a complex network and I have to manually navigate through all the folders each time, and I can't copy & paste a location like I could if I was browsing through Windows normally. Also you can't save favorite locations?
1. Workflow is in lightroom version 4.1 Photoshop CS5.5 is used when necessary as secondary workflow 2. Import works fine. "preview thumbnails" appear normal. When I CLICK on the next image it will suddenly do this ^ to the file 3. I have tried taking that EXACT file and running it through Adobe DNG converter but it comes out looking exactly like this... so it seems that lightroom is actually corrupting the file 4. I have a copy of all my raw files on another drive so I can grab those files and they do not have this problem
I have an computer that suddenly can only open an .PDF file in Acrobat, and not in Illustrator. We have art files that are in PDF format, and Purchase Orders that are in PDF format. We would just drag the icon over the software we wished to open the file. In this case Illustrator for the art file and Acrobat for the P.O. As of today, PDF's only open with Acrobat and that's it. I know it's probably a setting I'm forgetting.
I'm using photoshop 7 which is enough for me. about my problem, I can temporarely fix it by going to View -> Proof Setup -> Monitor RGB but I feel something needs to be replaced to make a permanent fix, maybe photoshop has stored previous monitor's colors values and is loading it when I load photoshop
I have a custom PC running Windoes 7, 4gigs of memory and an AOC 22inch LED monitor. The color white in Photoshop Elements looks off and almot a light yellow. What gives? I tried a reinstall of PE 10 to no avail.
I was normal used Corel DRAW X6. Than one day when I run Corel DRAW X6 it become yellowish. After few days of exploring a problem I come to next conclusions.
When I use Corel DRAW X6 in Enhance or Pixel view, color of background and color palette is yellowish. In other views, color of background is white but color palette is still yellowish. Also if I run Corel with Default workspace, everything is OK, but if I run Corel with my workspace, I have a yellowish problem.
Apparently, in my Imported workspace, Corel DRAW X6 use System Default Color Profile - LG W2486, even if I set in Corel to use sRGB profile.
Probably problem is in my workspace. find where is the problem because I have a lot of changes on Workspace so it would be pain to build workspace again.
Can I install and run CS4 products in Windows 8 Pro x64? Windows Upgrade Manager said there was an issue (when reviewing my apps) and sent me to the Adobe site where it seemed to want to point me to a $375 upgrade to CS6.
I woke up this morning and attempted to launch Adobe Photoshop CS3. I received the following error:
"You cannot use this product at this time. You must repair the problem by uninstalling..."
At the same time I tried opening Photoshop, my Antivirus application (ESET NOD 32 Antivirus) indicated that it found a "threat" named AdobeLM_libFNP.dll.
I then tried opening DreamWeaver CS3. Same issue. Also got another threat notification from ESET NOD 32.
Non CS3 products (Photoshop CS2, Illustrator 10) do not appear to be affected. Code:
I'm having severe mouse issues with all CS5 and CS6 products. The mouse will only do single click, and when pressing down on any of the mouse button, nothing functions. So, I'm only able to make a dot with any of the tools! I haven't had this much issues since I installed microsoft products.Also, there's no preference clear in this program, and I've tried the silly option + ctr+shift+ but it didnt work
I am a beginner with Photoshop Elements 11 but not with working with photo editing. At the moment I am at the beginning of an Adobe tutorial on Elements Organizer. There are four views: Media, People, Places and Events. I purchased Photoshop Elements 11 for the primary purpose of displaying my wood art products that I make. As I get further into the tutorial it is likely my question and concern will be addressed. But for now, I don't see where my wood art photos fit in the four views? Also I will want to organize my photos by category of products, such as men's wooden ties, wooden vases, space shuttle, and many more.
I'm trying to create an action to place graphics on tshirts to mock up some products, how can i customize my action so that it asks what graphic (image file) i want to place each time the action is run?
I have worked ok with autocad 2014 for about 6 months then started crashing a lot, decided to uninstall and install it back, but this time the allied products did not load, and is not accepting my product key, which is working fine with revit, then changed my user name trying to ake it work.
I really want to create 360 degree views for my products. I can take the images no problem but need to stitch them together. Is this even possible with any Xara products? This is the kind of thing i'd like to do. [URL]
I recently purchased Lightroom 3 and CS5 and succesfully installed them onto my laptop. However, my laptop is coming to the end of its life. When I get my new laptop, is it OK to re-install the programs? I have the disks. Is there anything I need to be aware of?
I have several documents with what I call "reference layers" in them that I turn off when making a PDF. When I view the PDF on a Windows based machine, it is fine in both FireFox and IE. When viewing the PDF on a Mac product (iPad, iPhone, Mac desktop), the layers I have turned off are showing up in the PDF.
I just downloaded my trial of inventor suite and before going through learning tutorials I want to find out the general work flow I need in order to see where to focus my attention during these 30 days.I need to be able to do mechanical part and assembly designs built around 3 scan files (mainly provided as .STL files).
1) take the file and orient it to the project axis/plane
2) scale it if needed
3) design components around 3 scan characteristics
4) design modifications to 3D SCAN to accommodate designed components (such as bolean out pockets to house components within 3d scan features
5) modify surface of 3 scan to allow surfaces to flow into changes made in step 4
-take 3d STL scan of a solid screwdriver handle -orient it to the inventor work planes and axis -design a metal screwdriver bit based on the shape of the handles 3d scan -design and boolean out a cavity to accommodate the metal bit -place bit design within cavity
modify screwdriver handle surfaces to seamlessly flow onto the metal bit... what software would do what part of the process and if there is specific terminology what that is so that I can better search the knowledge base and Autodesk University?
Now that details of the R2013 version of AutoCAD Civil 3D are public, I wanted to update you on the status of Google Earth import and export workflows. The following statement summarizes where we are:
Due to limitations on the use of the Google Earth API, AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2013 does not include API access to allow customers to import Google Earth imagery and/or surfaces directly into Civil 3D. We are aware of the importance of including preliminary surface and aerial imagery in your design workflows and are actively looking for an alternative. However, we cannot share any specific information about potential future product enhancements. When appropriate, we will communicate technology plans via various channels including Autodesk Labs, Facebook, Blogs and the Civil 3D Discussion Group.
As noted above, we'll update you as soon as we can share information on technology plans that target the workflow of incorporating readily available image and surface information into your design workflows.
We are seeming ot have problems with a few of our engineers having the Microsoft Office product go to "Not Responding" and then closing while working in Hydraflow & Hydrographs. This has been with Outlook, Word and Excel. All workstations are 64 bit systems with 16 gig of Ram Windows 7 and Civil 3D 2012 SP2.1.
Basically the situation is that I have large number of originally RAW images (now jpegs) that look fine (to my eye) on my home computer but all take on a slight green tint when I view them through ios devices (e.g., my new macbook pro, ipad air, iphone). Wondering what's causing the difference in tints.
Background: Shooting for 6 years, all with a Canon Rebel and shot in RAW, processed in Lightroom.When I export to harddrive or photo sharing site, I set Lightroom export color space to sRGB and then export as jpegs.My home PC monitor color space also set to sRGB.When I view those exported pics via something beside my home monitor (e.g. a plasma TV), the color balance seems fine.
1. Does the color space setting in the DSLR matter? My understanding was that color settings in camera only influence jpegs from camera - - raw files carry no pre-set color space.
2. Could my monitor be out of whack or do Apple screens somehow use a different color space?
Product: CS4 64 bit: Adobe Output Module-Adobe updater downloads 2 updates 75.9mb (Camera Raw 5.3). After download and permission to continue under user account control, I receive popup menu advising me that Installation Incomplete, close Adobe Bridge - 3 choices, which always fail. My Adobe CS4 and Bridge are not open. I tried this several times with the same result.I downloaded the zip file, saved, unzip, and still get the same notice - close Bridge.
I've received two orders of CDs for a client, and in the printed artwork there are some flaws that have me wondering what to do to avoid this.
Files were submitted in PDF format with text converted to curves. I believe the artwork is then imported into AI at the other end before going to print.
Along the edge of an object with a drop shadow, there is a fine white line showing. On the two products with identical artwork, the line shows on different edges, but appears to be where the drop shadow ends.
In other spots, there is what I would call "scratches", where, within an image there is a fine white line. This is not an edge or overlap, so I'm at a loss for this.
In another place, one character in a word essentially did not print. So I'm wondering what my "best practice" would be to avoid this. Should I "flatten" everything when I'm done, essentially converting the entire page to a single 300DPI bitmap?
Should I include text in the flattened bitmap, or is it best to leave as curves? My gut says leaving as curves preserves maximum resolution, but does it matter if it is not being scaled?
I've never before had issues with getting artwork printed from PDFs. In most cases, I imagine the print is created directly from my submitted PDF.