Photoshop :: Adding Copyright Status To A Metadata...

Jan 22, 2009

I am using Photoshop CS3 for Windows. I have created a metadata template in Bridge with my contact information and my copyright information, etc. When I created the template the field called Copyright Status was not available but if I open an image and go into File Info by doing Shift-Ctrl-Alt-I the Copyright Status field is available and I can change it from Unknown to Copyrighted. I like this field because it shows the image is Copyrighted (Unknown looks bad and unprofessional) and also when you open the image in PS the © symbol shows at the top of the screen in front of the file name.

Is there a way to create a metadata template where I can have Copyrighted in the Copyright Status field?

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Photoshop :: Adding A Copyright Metadata Template?

Mar 4, 2013

I have a copyright template made (using PS CS5) & when I download new images to my iMac it automatically adds this copyright data to each image downloaded.

I have a web page with many images on it I made prior to this. I wish to add my copyright metadata to those images. I have a folder on my desktop which contains all the image copies of what I uploaded to my website. Is there a way I can select all the images in the folder by opening in Bridge and adding the template to all selected at once?

If I could do that, then I would re-upload all the images to my website overwriting the old ones to up date with copyrighted images.

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Lightroom :: Change Copyright Status On Group Of Images?

Jan 4, 2014

Is there a way to change the Copyright Status from "Unknown" to "Copyright" on a group of images without having to change them individually in LR 5?

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Lightroom :: 4.3 - Metadata Status Has Been Changed

Jan 29, 2013

I'm using LR 4.3 on a Win 7 64 bit PC.  I notice that many of my photo's show "Metadata Status has been changed" but when I try to synchronize the folder(s) the message does not change.  However, when I click the icon next to the message it will update that one photo.  How can I update ALL photo's so they have the current and correct metadata without  going one photo at a time.

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Lightroom :: Metadata Status Does Not Change

Feb 18, 2014

With my dng files, when saving metadata to file (ctrl + S), after a moment the status of the file is become again as if I had not save the metadata. I used an old trick for this bug : saving metadata, then importing metadata from file, then it is durably ok.

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Lightroom :: Metadata Status Didn't Change?

Aug 22, 2012

LR 4.1 in Windows 7 64.

I have setup smart collection  to show all images that need to be saved to disk - "Metadata status has been changed". I did the update in smart collection and also in Library  folder. On the disk xmp-file seems to be changed but in LR Metadata status is still "Has been changed". The files are CR2-files.After command status was one second  "Up to date" but changed very soon "Has been changed". Metada Date was changed OK. Same happend with tif-files but not with jpg-files. All changes are in the sidecar file.

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Lightroom :: Copyright Metadata And Printing?

Jul 1, 2013

If I apply copyright metadata to a client's purchased images will this in any way affect their ability to get the files printed (pro-lab or with public-lab) or print them themselves?

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Lightroom :: How To Incorporate Metadata In Copyright Template

Aug 13, 2012

I create web galleries using LR 4 and often I am including images from several photographers. I should like to be able to create a copyright watermark which incorporates the photographer's name by setting it to something like Copyright <creator> 
Is there a way to achieve this other than setting the copyright on import for each photographer's set?

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Lightroom :: How To Use Copyright Metadata Within Custom Watermarks

Mar 25, 2013

Exporting a new round of images to my rebuilt photo website this week, and very glad that LR can generate year-specific copyright tags, which are infinitely less cumbersome than my previous tactic of trying to pull copyright metadata from images at the site level.
So far, I'm preferring the watermark layout size consistency of Lightroom's default watermark system over results from the otherwise excellent and flexible LRMogrify2 plugin.
I'd like to either leverage a token to use copyright metadata within custom watermarks or find out how to reposition/restyle the default Simple Copyright Watermark, eg have the Simple Copyright Watermark show up in a font other than Myriad in a different position on my images...
Hope this isn't too obscure or poorly-articulated a first question in these forums.

(Running Lightroom 4.3 on Mac OS 10.75).
l has a tool allowing address of the default fonts for watermarks and other presentation variables in a sideways way through translation settings. It's a strong start, but other fonts are looking even more shoddily rendered by this method. Back to fidding with size and ratio options in LRMogrify2.

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Lightroom :: Remove Copyright Metadata From Imported Pics

Jan 7, 2013

customer service said repeatedly that it cannot be done.  I accidentally set it up when I first installed it and it is showing up in all my exported pics.  I only want to put in on select exported pics.  and, what if I want to change my copyright?

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Lightroom :: 4 - Metadata Status Is Conflict Detected - Collection Has Virtual Copies

Mar 7, 2012

I set up a smart collection with the setting of Metadata Status Is Conflict Detected and for some reason the collection has virtual copies in it which I created for darkening skies and such. Why virtual copies would be considered in conflict with files on the HD.

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Photoshop :: Adding Info About Status As Text Layer?

Sep 21, 2012

n my Image i have several layers, and two adjustment-layers for manipulating hue/saturation of  parts of certain layers. Think something like having a picture of a person, and having the adjustment-layers to change the persons pants and shirt independently. So you can easily make color-variations of what the person wears, and save them, e.g. as jpg.
What I want is to add a little textarea which ends up on each jpg (not meta-data, I mean readable in a corner on the actual image), that gives me the color-values from the adjustment layers that were used to create that very image. So at a later time when I have one of my jpgs and it hits me that this exact color-combination is perfekt I can recreate it easily. Of course I could do it by hand, but is there a way to automate it, using text-variables linked to the hue/saturation-layers?

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Photoshop :: Adding Copyright Symbol To EXIF In CS

May 11, 2008

When adding the © copyright symbol to EXIF in PS it displays ok, however, all other Exif viewers that I've tried render the photo Exif data input by PS as ©, I've searched and can't find anything. I've tried two computers and always get the‚ preceeding the © in the photos Exif.

Any ideas how I can fix this?

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Photoshop :: CS5 - Adding Fields To Metadata

Jul 31, 2013

I need to add into the metadata, a drop down option where classification/privacy markings can be selected. This needs to be visible for search options as well as being available for batch process........

Currently using CS5 PS.

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Paint.NET :: Adding Metadata In Image

Jun 25, 2012

There are a number of SEO benefits to having metadata in an image. How I can add metadata into an image using Paint.Net?

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Lightroom :: Adding / Editing XMP Metadata?

Aug 15, 2012

How to add and edit xmp-metadata?

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Lightroom :: Adding Metadata To Images

Oct 27, 2013

I am working on adding metadata to my images. Many are works of my own or public domain art pieces. I need to be able to add an artist's name as Lastname, First, but that would result in two metadata bits. Is there a way to add in a comma as part of the tag?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Adding Custom Metadata To Documents

Apr 7, 2013

I wonder whether it is possible to add custom attirbutes to AutoCAD Documents. Like, when adding new key-value pairs to the OS registry. I see this as a function that can add a pair "attribute" => "value" to the Document's database (or another saveable component) and later pull the "value" back by passing the "attribute" to another function.

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Lightroom :: Adding To Or Editing Metadata Fields In 5?

Oct 28, 2013

I have a number of photos in LR that came from a older non-digital camera or scanner and I would like to be able to add some information to the metadata like camera make and model but some of the fileds are not visible unless the data was brought into LR at import.  Other fields in the metal data cannot be over written or corrected. I would like to be able to do global editing to my metadata but I can't even modify one.  I read some postings going back to 2007 on a forum here but I don't think anything has changed.

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Premiere Pro :: Saving / Adding Data To XMP File Metadata

Dec 12, 2013

In the past I've been successful adding and storing metadata to the 'Description' column in the project window in the past with the 'Link' symbol activated in the Metadata panel under 'ile'>Dublin Core>>Description. This would allow me to retain the description metadata when the media is imported into a different project.
However I am using this same procedure this week, but the data does not seem to be saving/adding to the XMP 'File' metadata.  See screen shot below.  I've experienced this problem within different proejcts and with the three main media types in our production house: XDCAM EX, P2 MXF and Ikegami MXF.
Why this would work previously, but not now? Is it related to the latest version updates?
This is a PC, Windows 7 system.

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Photoshop :: Copyright Or No Copyright

Oct 14, 2008

40+ years ago I bought a book from a dealer who sold antique Scottish books. It is A4 in size and has 400 B/W photographs of Scotland.

There is no date in the book but the pictures are late 19th century &amp; early 20th century. There is a reference in it regarding the opening of a new railway line. That line was opened in 1908 and I'm guessing the book is circa 1910.

A few years ago I scanned into my computer several of the views. Like a lot of early photographs the skies are almost non existent. I took out the castles, bridges, etc and made up my own skies in KPT 6.

The finished results are A3 in size.

My question is - is the copyright still valid on the book or am I free to do whatever I want with them?

By the way the company who photographed and published the book is still in existence. Also I'm from Scotland but I'm curious as to how the book would stand regarding copyright throughout the world.

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Lightroom :: Difference Between Copy Metadata And Synchronize Metadata

Mar 23, 2012

As far as I can tell, Copy Metadata and Synchonize Metadata do the same thing.  Is there a difference in what they do?

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Photoshop :: How To Show The Status Bar?

Jun 21, 2009

i pushed tab, or F, or both, or neither. Either way, the status bar is no longer there. i do not see any Window->Status Bar option. Where is the option to toggle the status bar visibility. CS4

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Photoshop :: Status Bar In Icon

Sep 18, 2008

Last night while watching the progress of the status bar I glanced down and saw there is also one in Photoshop icon on the Dock. I had never noticed it before.

Nothing earth shattering here but it's funny how you can walk down your street for years and then one day notice something. And you scratch your head and say "Has this always been here?

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Photoshop :: Copyright?

May 19, 2004

I understand most of the idea about not taking other peoples work without asking, but am I able to put my name and logo on a picture I take, just cause I can, or is there a process I need to go through...My photo digital teacher saying that me being so young I have a chance to grow and I was thinking this could be a lil confedence boost, plus I am trying to get some stuff I make all bundled together to where I can jus print them out as needed and it would seem more professional to have a copyright.

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Photoshop :: Watermark/Copyright

Mar 24, 2008

My first question is, does anyone know the legality's of taking an image with a watermark on it, changing it with photoshop and removing the watermark?

Granted, I know that the watermark is there to prevent a picture as being claimed by someone else. However if that picture is changed and no longer the original, is it then fair game to remove the watermark?

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Photoshop :: Copyright On The Same Place

Feb 16, 2006

I created a custom brush with my logo on it and then created an action that puts my copyright logo as watermark. The problem is copyright logo gets placed on different places on different size image. For example, I created the action to put logo on the lower right hand corner of a standard 800x640 pixel horizontal image. When I run this action on a vertical image, logo gets placed somewhere on the top. If the image is in higher resolution, logo gets placed somewhere in the middle.

How can I modify the action so the copyright logo gets placed in the same place? I guess I am thinking if there is a way I could calculate the image size and put the logo from certain percentage away from the lower end corner automatically?

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Photoshop :: How To Put Copyright On My Video

Feb 23, 2008

i would like to put some of my diving videos on my website and , but i don't know how to put copyright text at the bottom of the screen.

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Photoshop :: Copyright Sign ................

Apr 29, 2008

I have CS3 and the copyright sign stop displaying when I do Alt+0169.

I went to my CS2 shortcuts and couldn't fine where it is.

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Photoshop :: Obtaining Copyright

Jul 23, 2004

It's an e-commerce site for some sports related jewelry that he made, and he wants to protect the logos we worked on and the site design. What I've usually seen are people slapping a copyright date on their work and calling it good. However, I don't think that's really going to protect anything from being ripped off. I'm looking at websites and what it looks like is that I have to get an attorney and file some paperwork with the US Copyright Office.

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Photoshop :: Photoalbum Copyright

Aug 26, 2003

Ive made a lot of photoalbums but now I want on each photo a copyright logo

I know you can do this with a droplet but how?

I got a droplet something is missing or some action cannot be done.

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