When I go into Full Editor I have The Learning Center on the left and to the right of that I have the Tools Toolbar.
My problem is that these overlay the photo I am trying to work on. I do not think this happened before. I am sure I did something to cause this but I do not have a clue what that would have been.
It seems to me that the workspace for the photo was to the right of whatever was on the right.
When you click on the EBooks link in the Discovery center : Photo window (Help | Video Tutorials), you get either a cryptic error message or an unformatted page in Internet Explorer.
Moreover, whatever your default browser might be, PSP X6 calls Internet Explorer. If you copy and paste the above mentioned link in another browser, the behavior is different : the Corel server tells you that the page doesn't exist.
I have two photos, shooted probably the same day, by the same photograph in the same place !But the pose is a bit different.
first one is in high resolution and in black & white nuance. second one is a small resolution and in full colors. I wish re-color the black&white photo using exactly the same nuance from the colored one.
can i "copy" all the colors from the color-one to the b&w one ?
I'm doing a presentation of various photos and I'd like to include a different text overlay in each one. However, LR only seems to allow me to apply one caption to all the photos. How can I have a different caption on each photo?
I am looking for an inexpensive website that offers USGS maps with aerial photo and CAD linework overlays. I used to be able to purchase these files from Topo Depot but they closed their site down at the end of 2012.
How (and if it is easy) to scan in a base/master map map (for college projects) and then use PAINT.NET to manipulate another outline (secondary) map as a transparency over the base/master map:
1. Creating the background of the outline (secondary) map as transparent, leaving lines or points
2. Stretching the transparent outline (secondary) map over the base/master map so it fits as close as possible
3. Then after creating a number of transparent outline (secondary) maps create a slide-show of the seconday maps over the master map
4. If PAINT.NET cannot do this with ease any pointers what will?
I was in the process of making a banner for my own webcast, but I'm getting frustrated for clearing the background so that a floating banner near the bottom of the screen during the webcast/recorded show.
I've been saving/deleting/experimenting with tolerances so that the background is clear so it appears to float on screen (no effects, just a banner). I've done everything I can to get a clear background, but have been failing miserably, and i couldn't seem to find anyting in relation to this.
The screen size I'm going to be working with is 640x480. The banner I'm creating is 640x100 for the banner. I've also been keeping the Save Configurations to 8-bit so it doesn't effect (I could be very wrong about this too, though) video quality (atleast that I know of).
Here's an example of what I would like to do. . .
Instead of keeping the MF logo restrained in the border, I've been wanting to let it overlap over, but doing that I would get either black or white background, depending on the tolerances that I delete off, and as a PNG file.
I am working on a photo of a city skyline that I took. I am looking to superimpose blue sky and clouds which normally isn't a problem if there were only buildings. The white spaces in between tree leaves such as palm trees are especially challenging to fill. They can be hundreds of distracting white spots in the scene to fill .
Have used Corel photo album 6 for many years and loved it, was very easy to use. When I got my new laptop, I was told that my program was outdated and was recommended that I purchase Corel paintshop Prox4, so I did. I would like to burn my pictures to a CD or DVD for backup and to share with my family, only. My old program had an easy one step button to click on to make a CD/DVD. I find this product to be difficult to use for an average person just wanting to have a little fun with their pictures and doing some minor corrections.
I vaguely remember a process (like the photo merge tool) that let you paint in red what you wanted to get rid of and paint in green what you wanted to keep. It didn't have to "merge" files. I tried it a couple of times with pretty mixed results (back in X3 I think.) Is there a similar tool in X4 or can you use photo merge for this? (I tried opening photo merge with one image, painting it in red and green,clicking process, but nothing happens on the image.) I will resort to the object remover or clone brush if my mind is playing tricks on me about this tool, but I wouldn't mind trying it in this tricky situation.
I have used PSP since version 2, so have been at it for awhile. Just upgraded to 6, as I was using version 4.
The problem I have is when I am in the edit area, and have a photo on the screen I use my mouse wheel to enlarge or shrink depending on my needs. The old version the windows box around image would also resize with image. I have attached a few images. I normal could fix this in the settings, but for some reason the window will not follow the image size as I enlarge or shrink? It does when I actually resize image, but I need this to do that when I am just using mouse wheel to make bigger or smaller on my screen.
Upon selecting the Adjust workspace and moving the cursor over the image in the preview area the cursor changes to a dropper and a small box opens which contains 2 columns of data. The column headings are…
Current: Original:
Below them are the values of the R,G,B channels at the cursor position. Moving the cursor around the image in the preview area changes these values. Left or right clicking places a target on the image and changes the colour balance of the image. I presume it is selecting a new value for the White Balance. However, the data values remain identical in the Current: and Original: columns.
The dropper and box are only displayed when the Smart Photo Fix option is selected in the Adjust Palette.
So, how does one get the data values for Current: and Original: to display different values? What is the difference between left click and right click? What is the overall function of this feature?
how do you take a photograph and make it into artwork you can use on a t-shirt design? I guess I'm saying so that it looks like a drawing rather than a photo. currently I'm using PSPX2.
I saw a tutorial on youtube and it is something I will like to do on my own. But with the tutorial, I have tried over and over again without getting the same result. How do I do this using PSP X4.
I have several thousand photos and I need to edit the names with some system that uses my time efficiently. In the past I used windows explorer, which allowed me to modify groups of titles but now I just updated to windows 7 and it does not seem to allow that. Is there some way with Paint Shop Pro to modify the names of groups of photos - extract certain characters or words, add other characters or words, etc?
Or perhaps there is a photo organizing program that provides that kind of tool?
I just want to be able to add text to a photo. I follow the steps, choosing 12pt, but when I try to type on the photo, I can tell something is trying to show up on the photo, but it is so tiny, it is not visible.
As a new user of PSPX4 Ultimate Edition I would like to know if any of you could direct me to a photogallery where the use ofPSPX4 is the the unique software used for the development of the photos.
Joined the recent webinar on X4 and very impressed with the product. I currently use Photoimpact X3 but looking to change to the new product.
How do I import photos of all different sizes and output to a 800 x 600 photo suitable for import to a digital photoframe? In Photoimpact, I set up a new image that is 800 x 600, make changes to the photo (crop, hue, etc), resize so that the minimum ht or wdth is 600 or 800, right click, copy, move to new image, paste, then move the image about until I am happy with the finished photo and save to a file that will subsequently be copied to a USB pen drive.
New to this forum and PSP (X4 Ultimate). Working on a raw file (dng) in the Edit tab, I make changes then save to a jpg in another folder. The next day I want to undo some of the changes so I edit the dng raw file again but all my previous changes are no longer available. Am I doing something wrong? Or are my previous changes just no longer available in the raw file? Doesn't PSP keep track of changes made to raw files so you can continue to evolve the image? As I said, I am new at PSP so I hope I'm just doing something wrong. I have used Lightroom for a while now but I really like what PSP can do and the speed to make changes , especially to portraits.
I just installed PSP X2 Ultimate and after first memory card use, I unchecked Photo Down loader so it won't run when I start the computer. Now when I "manually" move files from my memory card (SD) to my hard drive, I am Not able to delete those file on the memory card. Nor can I simply Move the files to my hard drive.
I had no problems before installing PSP. Now to remove the files I have to reformat the card(s) each time.
Seems like Photo Down loader put some hooks in the OS to operate and didn't remove them when I disabled it.
I have done this before but I need to crop an image to 2X3 for a yearbook photo. When I go to the crop tool it doesn't stay at 2X3 but when I start cropping the picture large numbers appear in the crop box for width and height.
I'm having a problem printing out a black and white photo. This is the first time I'm tring to print from PSP 3. When the photo is printed out, instead of looking like what I did in PSP 3, it looks like it was imbossed and black pencil. I have done a search and played around with PSP 3 with no luck..Even reinstalled PSP 3. If I go to the photo file, both the saved and the original, and print it directly, they comes out near perfect, except for a purple tint in both. You do not see the purple tint in the photo when in PSP 3 or the saved file untill it is priinted out.
JPG 102 KB 773x1000 pixels original size 72 dpi 8 bit depth Resolution 2 EXIF 0220 Off the internet Canon PM 620 printer Kodak paper No error codes PSP 13.00
Every time I insert a USB stick or CD or DVD which contains image files I get a popup window asking me if I want to download those files.
I know that I can disable this annoying window by running MSCONFIG and then selecting STARTUP and then unselecting CorelIOMonitor and Corel Photo Downloader but is there another way of disabling it (as I really prefer not to change STARTUP.
Today I took a flash drive with a smart fix adjusted photo on it to walmart. They use a Kodak Kiosk for reading flash drives and uploading pictures to their photo machine. The problem I had was when I took my flashdrive and plugged it into the kiosk....it did not pick up the file that had been adjusted using the smartfix feature in Paintshop Pro X4.....what if anything does this mean...
if you have ten or twenty sets of HDR pictures in some particular folder, that the dialog could remember what folder you've been in all day, instead of moving you back to My Pictures each and every time? I spend half my workflow effort on repeating the same folder navigation steps over and over.
And why do I have to browse from there at all, instead of being able to select pictures in the organizer, or drag-and-dropping them?
Even when I load one picture that doesn't fit with the others, and try to exclude it... the only thing that works is to re-browse. Otherwise the Align button remains unavailable. Likewise if you adjust the sliders a bit wrong and hit okay... to try other settings, it's back to the folder navigation again.
I do a lot of CD designs, and often I have my text centered on the front covers. When I put the text centered, however, PSP is added an extra space to the end of text, so when I center it on the canvas the text is actually off-center to the left. When I go into edit the text, there is no space on the right of the words to delete.
With the text selected this is how it looks: The right edge of the frame should be flush with the right edge of the last 'T'.
I want to lift image from photo and then do transparent background.
Is there any knack of selecting the item from the image cleanly. In my case its a dog. I use the lasso to go around the object but that leaves a 2mm space where the background shows through.
(Is there a way to use the lasso to make a partial selection then remove your finger from the mouse and then continue your selection from where you left off ?)
After I have Deleted the inverted selection I use the Background remover to remove the remaining 2mm of background around the dog.Again is there a knack to using this tool ? I Googled and it said to keep the removal circule half in and half out of the actual image. Also is ther a correct setting in the menu bar for the BG/removal tool..Im just experimenting.
my settings at this moment are.
size 18 Hardness 100 Step 10 Density 100 Thickness 100 Rotation 0 Opacity 100 Tolarance 75 Sharpness 100 Sampling: Continuous Limits: Contiguous Boxes not ticked. Auto tollerance and Use all Layers. Box ticked: Ignore Lightness.
I recently downloaded a Trial Version of PSP X5, and one of Adobe PSE11. For my purposes, I find PSP easier to use and therefore preferable. However, in PSE11, a scan of several photos contained in a single file can be "auto" split or divided into individual files, and as such can be edited individually. Try as I have, I have found nothing similar in PSP X5. This could be a deal breaker, as I have numerous old photos to scan and edit, and I find that doing 3 to 5 at a time is a big time saver. Does PSP 5 has this feature?