Paint.NET :: Overlays For Videos In PNG Format
Feb 2, 2011
I was in the process of making a banner for my own webcast, but I'm getting frustrated for clearing the background so that a floating banner near the bottom of the screen during the webcast/recorded show.
I've been saving/deleting/experimenting with tolerances so that the background is clear so it appears to float on screen (no effects, just a banner). I've done everything I can to get a clear background, but have been failing miserably, and i couldn't seem to find anyting in relation to this.
The screen size I'm going to be working with is 640x480. The banner I'm creating is 640x100 for the banner. I've also been keeping the Save Configurations to 8-bit so it doesn't effect (I could be very wrong about this too, though) video quality (atleast that I know of).
Here's an example of what I would like to do. . .
Instead of keeping the MF logo restrained in the border, I've been wanting to let it overlap over, but doing that I would get either black or white background, depending on the tolerances that I delete off, and as a PNG file.
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Jan 30, 2012
I am a total newbee to PAINT.NET (Windows 7)
How (and if it is easy) to scan in a base/master map map (for college projects) and then use PAINT.NET to manipulate another outline (secondary) map as a transparency over the base/master map:
1. Creating the background of the outline (secondary) map as transparent, leaving lines or points
2. Stretching the transparent outline (secondary) map over the base/master map so it fits as close as possible
3. Then after creating a number of transparent outline (secondary) maps create a slide-show of the seconday maps over the master map
4. If PAINT.NET cannot do this with ease any pointers what will?
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Oct 25, 2011
When I go into Full Editor I have The Learning Center on the left and to the right of that I have the Tools Toolbar.
My problem is that these overlay the photo I am trying to work on. I do not think this happened before. I am sure I did something to cause this but I do not have a clue what that would have been.
It seems to me that the workspace for the photo was to the right of whatever was on the right.
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Mar 23, 2011
I have a canon 100HF VIXIA that produces AVCHD files. I have been having problems streaming edited videos (VSX3) to my Western Digital Live Plus media player and Samsung BD player...I get very choppy video and sometimes complete stops. My playstation 3 can handle these streams but not the other media players. What would be the best file format to render these videos (in HD)? Should I be outputing these as Blue Ray mpeg2 INSTEAD OF acvhd?
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Mar 31, 2014
I make *.MTS videos in the format of 1280x720. When I output the video (PR Pro CS6) using Encore CS6 to produce a DVD it outputs in the format 720x576. Is there a way I could maintain the 1280x720 format?
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Jun 15, 2011
what is the best format to use for my finished video project. The video format is currently MP4. I have imported the video to add and edit the audio and video portions of these videos. I would now like to export the finished project so that I can both embed the videos with controller on my website as well as put them in a zip file for potential clients so that the can download the set of videos then play them back with controller included with video. I would also like the format that I use to prevent user edits or tampering. If so what format is the best to use for the requirements presented?
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Jul 23, 2013
What is the best format in which to save completed videos? Often when I go back to an old video, I get the "some files did not link properly" message. How can I prevent this?
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Nov 15, 2010
I am trying to import some video from a friends Cannon video camera and it records its movies in a .mod format. After I import a clip, if I try to play it to sample which file it is, it causes a problem with corel and it has to shut down. If I pull the video into the timeline it plays just fine. I checked my update and everything is up to date with video studio and it says it handles .mod files, but I do not understand why it is freezing then shutting down the program.
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Jul 30, 2008
I took two images, one abstract render and one jpeg of COD4. I used the abstract render as my background layer and added text to make the next layer. Now what I want to do is take the jpeg and place it over the current two layers. Here is my question:
1. Everytime I try to open the image, the two current layers are gone and the image is the new background layer, how do I bring in the image without having it become the background?
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Jul 7, 2011
My primary graphics tool is Paint.Net, but I have found an inadequacy for what I am doing.
Paint.NET copies data to the clipboard in the following formats
found by examining data.GetFormats() in C#. I cannot use PaintDotNet.MaskedSurface in my application and the others don't provide full transparency information for PNGs. Is there a way to have Paint.NET copy data to the clipboard using "PNG" format?
In my app, I can copy an image into the clipboard using the following code, and all transparency information is retained.
using (MemoryStream stream = newMemoryStream())
_Bitmap.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Png);
var data = newDataObject("PNG", stream);
Clipboard.SetDataObject(data, true);
and I can read the same from the clipboard using the following
IDataObject data = Clipboard.GetDataObject();
if (data.GetFormats().Contains("PNG")){
MemoryStream ms = (System.IO.MemoryStream)data.GetData("PNG");
_Bitmap = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromStream(ms, true);
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Oct 11, 2013
I've been working with needs to be able to use RLE formatted BMPs... unfortunately, simply changing things to 256-color BMPs doesn't work (it shuffles the colors for some reason), and I can't just use the vastly superior PNG due to how the software works.
Any plugins that allow me to work with RLE formatted BMP?
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Aug 5, 2013
Search bar is returning zero results, and google did me no better..I am having trouble with images saved in 8-bit bmp format from not rendering properly with software that requires a 'windows format bmp' file.
how to save 'windows format bmp' with
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Oct 1, 2012
I have a png file that is already in rgb565 format. On Paint.Net, i changed this image by completely deleting the background.
What format would this image now be considered to be in?
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Sep 17, 2011
How do you add effects on an overlay? I have a overlay which I want to come in using a Barn Door effect but how should I apply that? If I have understood well you can't do that, in that case how do you determine time of the "fade in motion effect" in the attribute tab?
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Jun 24, 2010
I'm new to
Until recently, I was using the paint app of Windows 7. However, the office changed my laptop to a PC running Windows XP SP3.
I do a lot of documentation work and part of my job requires me to save screenshots for posterior use in product manuals.
My situation is this:
I have to save in .bmp format (office policy) and, by default, saves in .png format.
Is there any way to set the Save default format to .bmp or any other format?
Secondly, when I save a file that contains a period in its name (for example "ch2.p16" - chapter 2, page 16), it will save the file but not in the format selected. Instead, assumes that anything after the period is the file extension. Thus, the file is saved as "ch2.p16" with a file type of "p16".
Is there any way to bypass this glitch other than having to avoid using periods in the file name? (I've attached an image)
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May 6, 2013
.pdn is format for working project. Sometimes to some elements in workspace need to add extra metadata(ex.: font style and size, another example - in case of color with alpha - thectly color definition, in some cases - describe object relation.)All this stuff exist in adobe reader. All what need - copy functionality to Paint.NET.
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May 12, 2004
Is there a way to rotate a pattern after it has been assigned through the blending properties box? I want the block pattern to be assigned to a wall that is angled - the pattern overlay texture is a straight on view.
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Jun 3, 2011
When I am doing shop drawings I hate doing the key plans because I am just re-drawing what the architect has already drawn and then adding elevation marks. A friend told me to just do a "tiff or pdf overlay". He said bring in the floor plan as a pdf or tiff and add what I want in acad. Of course he only knew how to tell me about it, not actually do it. Is this possible in ACAD 2006?
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Apr 10, 2014
Iv'e looked every where for this button called "overlays" can't find it anywere?
How do i enable "monitor overlays"? in PP 7.1
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Apr 2, 2013
How do you save an image to PDF format?
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Nov 30, 2011
I'm still using PSP X3. What format more knowledgeable people for me use for editing images.
In the past, I'd take the jpeg produced by my camera, convert it to PSP format, and then when finally finished, save it as jpeg again.
I understand that the PSP format is no longer used, so should I just work in jpeg format? My understanding is that any intermediate saving would compromise image quality; if not jpeg, then what?
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Dec 19, 2011
I made some changes to a photo and when I went to save the changed photo(save as) in JPG format I get an error writing file to drive, no explanation and it wiped out my original photo on the drive.
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May 25, 2012
Have been running the trial version of Lightroom 3.6 for the past three weeks. I see that it cannot handle or display PNG format, of which I have over 11,000 images. PNG is my primary WORKING format for single layer images due to its lossless compression, support for EXIF data, and transparency later. Lightroom creates tens of thousands of tiny folders and catalog files that are difficult to defragment and greatly complicate my routine backups. I must comment that Adobe filters, especially Noise Reduction are really great but the lack of PNG support is a show stopper.
Also ran Lightroom Synchronize to add recent photos to the Canon folder and for some reason it changed the date stamp on over 3 GB of photos to the present day. When I went about a routine backup of the photos, the backup software wanted to completely overwright all the files with TODAYS date on the MyBook drive!! What? no way. So now I must RESTORE all these files BACK to the original date stamps. This is way over the top. Plus Lightroom is very slow to complete the Sync task, and might even take two passes.
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Feb 2, 2013
I have lots of picture tubes from an old version of PSP. I now have PSP X5. What is the correct format for the pictures? I have both psp and tub.
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Apr 8, 2009
I saw a long thread on this, but it was back in 2007, so I just wanted to ping the group and see if there might be any new technology to bring into this topic, or if the older thread and the limitations it discussed are all still valid in 2009.
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Apr 1, 2011
I would like to type some text in a curved format.
I would like to draw a line,, curved.. and then type text on the page.. then cut and paste the text, letter by letter on the curved line that I drew.. then when done,, remove the line,, leaving just the text in the shape of the line that I drew.
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Mar 19, 2013
I am currently using photoshop CS5,
I have a layer that is a vector mask over a solid color. The fill of the layer is black, so when i set it to screen it's transparent. I then have a gradient overlay effect applied to the layer that fades from a solid color to a transparency. There is no blending mode applied to the gradient overlay, so it shows up as normal. It looks exactly how i want it to look!
The problem is when i try to flatten this layer, or export this layer as a PNG. The black from the fill shows up where it's supposed to be transparent, even though it's not otherwise visible. If i try to delete the fill all together, and use use a transparent block to overlay my gradient, it won't work, as there is nothing for the gradient to overlay on. If i try to make the gradient using the gradient tool and then using the vector shape layer, it is imprecise, and i know of no way to control how the gradient is applied, other than guessing with the mouse.
I have a bunch of these shapes that need to stack and use the exact same gradient alignment, and i need to be able to export them as png's. If i make them in illustrator and port them over to photoshop, there is still an issue with pixels smearing along the edges of my shapes.
Here's an example, the appropriate fading is on the top, but when i flatten or export i get the bottom:
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Oct 1, 2010
I'm using Videostudio 12 pro, and am using all 6 overlay tracks for chroma keyed effects. What I'm trying to do is order the tracks so I can control which tracks lays on top of the other. This can be done in Paint Shop Pro or any other publishing software, like Publisher, but I can't find anything that allows me to do this in Video Studio.
I've found that most of the overlay tracks lay on top of the previous track and it's causing difficulty in ordering the people in my clip. Is there a way to control this? Example, I'd like overlay track 5 to go on top of overlay 4 but it won't work.
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Dec 20, 2012
X5 Pro Ultimate
Default colour duration 6
Default transition effect 4
Jpeg images in overlay tracks (3 or 4)
As part of a slideshow I have applied transitions inbetween the colour clips but they are only working in the video track colours and not the images in the overlay tracks that are on top of the colours tracks.Is there any way of getting the overlays to transition too?
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Sep 9, 2011
Let's say I have a picture with an ugly translucent overlay, like this:
If I have a copy of the overlay that isn't transparent (or is transparent, but doesn't have anything behind it), is there a way I could use that to remove it from the original image? One application of this would be removing UIs from video game screenshots.
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Nov 24, 2012
I am currently attempting to create a wood grain background.
I saw that using an overlay gradient really makes it look a lot more realistic but this is to be printed so I am not sure if this is basically treated as a transparent gradient and may not print. Another step in the tutorial I was looking at was also to add another overlay with a colour burn tool so it creates a lighting effect. Again, does this add transparency (my gut is telling me yes).
Here is the tutorial so the effects are better explained (step 8 and 9) - the other steps I have not used as I drew the grain by hand: [URL] ......
I had an earlier issue where I had created gradients with a part of them transparent and they did not print and so I have been avoiding transparency at all costs. The funny thing was when I had a group of objects at 80% transparency they seemed to print fine.
What is print safe and what is not when it comes to such effects.
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