VideoStudio :: Exporting Finished Videos In Correct Format
Jun 15, 2011
what is the best format to use for my finished video project. The video format is currently MP4. I have imported the video to add and edit the audio and video portions of these videos. I would now like to export the finished project so that I can both embed the videos with controller on my website as well as put them in a zip file for potential clients so that the can download the set of videos then play them back with controller included with video. I would also like the format that I use to prevent user edits or tampering. If so what format is the best to use for the requirements presented?
I´m trying to edit some gopro videos in X4 (i already got the fix so i can import them ). The problem is to save the final video. The original videos are 1280x720 and i would like to keep the same quality and frame size but i cannot seem to find any option that would do and if i choose "same setings as first video clip" it just crashes.
I have a canon 100HF VIXIA that produces AVCHD files. I have been having problems streaming edited videos (VSX3) to my Western Digital Live Plus media player and Samsung BD player...I get very choppy video and sometimes complete stops. My playstation 3 can handle these streams but not the other media players. What would be the best file format to render these videos (in HD)? Should I be outputing these as Blue Ray mpeg2 INSTEAD OF acvhd?
What is the best format in which to save completed videos? Often when I go back to an old video, I get the "some files did not link properly" message. How can I prevent this?
I am trying to import some video from a friends Cannon video camera and it records its movies in a .mod format. After I import a clip, if I try to play it to sample which file it is, it causes a problem with corel and it has to shut down. If I pull the video into the timeline it plays just fine. I checked my update and everything is up to date with video studio and it says it handles .mod files, but I do not understand why it is freezing then shutting down the program.
I have footage in the following format which I'd like to upload to Vimeo (it was shot on a basic home camcorder some years ago). What would be the best format? I have VideoStudio Pro X5 trial version.
PAL (25 fps) Microsoft AVI files 24 bits, 720 x 576, 4:3, 25 fps Lower Field First Matrox DV/DVCAM -- type 2 PCM, 48.000 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo
The Share - Upload to Web - Vimeo MPEG-4 4:3 option gives you: MPEG-4 Files 24 bits, 640 x 480, 25 fps Frame-based H.264 Baseline Profile Video: 2500 Kbps 44100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo MPEG AAC Audio: 128 Kbps
Is this OK? Vimeo said they pillarbox all SD videos (ie. smaller than 1280x720) in order to fit them into their standard player so should I do the Vimeo HD 16:9 option for instance?
It gives you: MPEG-4 Files 24 bits, 1280 x 720, 25 fps Frame-based H.264 Main Profile Video: 5000 Kbps 44100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo MPEG AAC Audio: 128 Kbps
What is the best export/import format for sending 3D files. I need some neutral format files, possibly Solidworks but I am not sure. Also any export settings to make sure I get decent quality files.
Nothing like getting a surface model when you want solid model.
IV2014 sp1.2 PDSU / Sim Mech 2014 / Win7-64 EVGA X79 - Classified, iCore7 3930k 32Gb Quad-Channel 950Gb (2 x 500Gb Sata III SSD RAID0 Adaptec 6805E Controller) Nvidia GTX-690 Classified - 331.82 SpacePilot Pro 3.17.1, 6.17.7, 4.11
I have just put together a 20min video and have several times created an mpeg file on the hard drive as I edit different parts, so that I can see how it comes along on a main TV thats networked to my PC. The footage is from two Panasonic HD cameras and is filmed in AVCHD.
The last two copies I have rendered have 4 scenes with noticeable jumps/stutter. They are all taken from and are part of a clip 146, the music track dosent jump, just certain parts of the scene in the video. This jumping is intermittent in about 30 seconds and the rest of the 20min film is fine. No filters or adjustments have been made to these scenes and they were fine up until yesterday. I tried a second render but its the same.
I would like to know what causes it so I can either avoid this happening again or avoid VS altogether as I have put in a lot of time and work into this 20min video and I don't want to have to do it again, I really want something I can rely on. I have had VS from the very earliest version and I have found that these bugs keep cropping up.
UPDATE:I have done further tests and it is ok if I "Create Video file" Same as Project Settings" BUT if I "Create Video file" DVD Video" it stutters/jumps. I have attached the properties of the scene now.
Most of the footage is Panasonic AVCHD and I use Two Pass Encode. Am I using the correct settings for this type of film. I want to film in the highest quality so that I can copy to blue ray and standard DVD.
My project settings are:
Two Pass Encode PAL (25 fps) MPEG files 24 bits, 720 x 576, 25 fps Upper Field First (DVD-PAL), 16:9 Video data rate: Variable (Max. 8264 kbps) LPCM Audio, 48000 Hz, Stereo
The DVD settings are:
MPEG files 24 bits, 720 x 576, 25 fps Upper Field First (DVD-PAL), 16:9 Video data rate: Variable (Max. 8000 kbps) Audio data rate: 384 kbps Dolby Digital Audio, 48 KHz, 3/2(L,C,R,SL,SR)
I was in the process of making a banner for my own webcast, but I'm getting frustrated for clearing the background so that a floating banner near the bottom of the screen during the webcast/recorded show.
I've been saving/deleting/experimenting with tolerances so that the background is clear so it appears to float on screen (no effects, just a banner). I've done everything I can to get a clear background, but have been failing miserably, and i couldn't seem to find anyting in relation to this.
The screen size I'm going to be working with is 640x480. The banner I'm creating is 640x100 for the banner. I've also been keeping the Save Configurations to 8-bit so it doesn't effect (I could be very wrong about this too, though) video quality (atleast that I know of).
Here's an example of what I would like to do. . .
Instead of keeping the MF logo restrained in the border, I've been wanting to let it overlap over, but doing that I would get either black or white background, depending on the tolerances that I delete off, and as a PNG file.
I have a problem with After Effects being unable to process image files in the correct order when making time-lapse videos.AE seems unable to identify the correct chronological order from the camera generated file names and the files need to be re-numbered with a number prefix.
However sometimes even after re-numbering AE still cannot order the files correctly and will generate a video with either individual or blocks of frames out of order.
I have another app (Video Velocity) that can also suffer exactly the same problem and which will often process a video with the exact same individual or blocks of frames out of order as AE.
However VV has options to order the files in various ways including ‘sort by file create date’ in which case the time-lapse video will be processed correctly. AE doesn’t seem to have this option? Or does it?
I have converted my finished movie project into .flv format to be exported to a directory on my hard drive. I am not having any success with getting it done. How to move this movie file to my computer hard drive?
I make *.MTS videos in the format of 1280x720. When I output the video (PR Pro CS6) using Encore CS6 to produce a DVD it outputs in the format 720x576. Is there a way I could maintain the 1280x720 format?
I'm having trouble with my print/cutable files not exporting properly into ColorRip 2.2. When I open the EPS file I see the art but the cut lines aren't the "marching ants" that normally show up. The lines appear to be part of the art. It was working when I saved in PDF but now thats not working either. This has worked for years, since iv'e used both. This appears to be a new problem. (I rebooted my computer. But to no avail.)I wonder if I have to re-enstall CD X5?
Problem zoom, when visionage and exporting my videos, they are zoomed while I put the original video settings. However when I put break in the previsualisage video, it returns to its normal size. How do I get it retains its original size and delete this zoom effect ?
I would like to export some GUI elements as PNGs for an iPhone application and encountered the following problem:
What I did:
1. The developer gave me an hex code with that I should produce the GUI elements
2. I set the color in illustrator and exported the GUI elements as PNGs
3. The developer imported them and we noted a difference in color between my GUI PNGs and the color of a background element set in the ios app via the same hex code.
I work on:
- MacBook Retina - Illustrator document color mode is and was always RGB - I experimented with color profile settings in Illustrator and Mac System Preferences but don't really know what the settings mean and dont have good feeling playing arround with them
I created a 6.25 in wide doc in ID, exported it to PDF. PDF printed doc at 5.5 in wide. I sent PDF file to coworker, who printed it to several other printers in office: same wrong-sized results. Packaged and emailed original ID doc to our local printer, who opened my original ID file and--without making any changes to it--exported to PDF and got a perfect 6.25 size! She had no idea why it didn't convert properly on my software, since it worked perfectly for her.
So, it's my software, and it's a recurring problem: I've created other PDF docs in the last few months that printed incorrectly. That's professionally embarrassing, especially since I make quite a few PDF docs for work.
I've created a dvd slideshow and also added two music tracks to it. I then used the original file and put two different music tracks on it. I hoped it would then play the slideshow twice and I would hear 4 music tracks (i also want it to repeat continuously).
When I used Share- Create Disc the disc played as I wanted it to on my computer, but when I play it in the dvd player at work it just plays the first video with the first two songs on and keeps repeating this.
Is there a tick box I've missed somewhere for it to play both the videos on a loop not just the first one?
I have been trying to add an MP4 video to edit in VSP. Every time I select the file, it would tell me that "The file had no video data" when it does.
I tried to install the Service Patch which is said to include imports of MP4 files, but it won't install. It tells me " The installed version of the application could not be determined"
I am trying to publish several videos to one DVD. I used the menu template and everything works fine after burning the DVD. The DVD auto plays and shows the main menu.
The previews are fine. When I click a video to start, it looks good.However, I cannot find a way to easily return to the main menu so I can start the next video. I tried adding navigation buttons but when I previewed the DVD, they did not work.
I am making some videos.. And i really liked the flashback transition. but there's only one transition. i saw some tech videos online where they used somewhat same transitions.. where can we get more transitions?
Have Sony HDR-TD20V 3D camera and transferred 3D videos to PC. Starting X6 program files are recognized as 3D (little box bottom left) putting videos in timeline. Went to "Create Video File" and selected 3D per manual.
Now here is what I need to know my options as presented. I want to use a Bluray disc to burn with burner (BD) and play in my Sony S570 3D player to 3D Tv. Do I use the Bluray setting and what format (1920x1080)?
I know there is AVCHD, MVC and so on as choices. In other words (in case others have similar camcorder and X6 software) what are the steps I need to follow. I was wondering if I had to leave file as is or have it side by side, etc.
My 3D Tv is able to play any formats (side, Up/DN, etc) I used the Sony Play Memories and burned a bluray successfully but played only in 2D. I've read about players needed to be AVCHD 2.0 to play Play Memories 3D made disc.
I want to be able to use X6 to create discs, burn them and play in BD 3D player.
I have a Sony HXR-MC50U HD camera. I have been recording videos and then transferring them to my computer using the USB cord. They are in the AVCHD format. I use VS X4 to edit my movies. The video plays great when on the camcorder, however when I transfer it to the computer something happens. In scenes where I "Pan" I sometimes get what can be described as a "squiggle" that runs in the middle of the screen. Sometimes there is more than one of them. The squiggle looks sort of like when cinemax late night is squiggled out.. It is a blurry line that runs across the middle of the screen. This "squiggle" will then transfer to any output file that I select. Whether I choose HD AVI or HD WMV, it still does it..
I had a topic disapproved yesterday, "Can't create 3D videos", as I had not filled in some details on my profile.I've now updated my profile - hopefully to the required standard.Is it possible you can approve the topic now, or do I need to create it from scratch?
How do you export from coreldraw to illustrator without it cutting up compound paths?
Currently if you have text that has been converted to curves, all of the letters with counters (or holes in them like O, P, B etc) get cut in half. Surely there's a way to stop this?
I have dual role video which i am trying to merge as one. But when i placed one video in the video track and other in the over lay track, i am able to see both clippings in preview. But when i tried to make both videos equally to be shared in the screen, the clips shrinks and the picture quality becomes thin rather i want to reduce or cut the half portion of each clip so that when both half porting of the clip will fit the screen size to show as a single clip to have the dual role scenes perfectly.
I using the Trial version of VisualStudio X5. I am wondering if there's a "best" way of synchronizing two different videos of the same event. Example: Say I have one camera that is of someone shooting a rifle. The other camera is of the target impact. Now say I want the video to show this person shooting the rifle, with the target impact shown in a smaller window superimposed on the main video. What is the best way to make sure the two videos are in sync with each other?