VideoStudio :: Import Videos (MOD Format) Corel Shut Down On Playback

Nov 15, 2010

I am trying to import some video from a friends Cannon video camera and it records its movies in a .mod format. After I import a clip, if I try to play it to sample which file it is, it causes a problem with corel and it has to shut down. If I pull the video into the timeline it plays just fine. I checked my update and everything is up to date with video studio and it says it handles .mod files, but I do not understand why it is freezing then shutting down the program.

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VideoStudio :: What Is Best Format For Streaming AVCHD Videos

Mar 23, 2011

I have a canon 100HF VIXIA that produces AVCHD files. I have been having problems streaming edited videos (VSX3) to my Western Digital Live Plus media player and Samsung BD player...I get very choppy video and sometimes complete stops. My playstation 3 can handle these streams but not the other media players. What would be the best file format to render these videos (in HD)? Should I be outputing these as Blue Ray mpeg2 INSTEAD OF acvhd?

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VideoStudio :: Exporting Finished Videos In Correct Format

Jun 15, 2011

what is the best format to use for my finished video project. The video format is currently MP4. I have imported the video to add and edit the audio and video portions of these videos. I would now like to export the finished project so that I can both embed the videos with controller on my website as well as put them in a zip file for potential clients so that the can download the set of videos then play them back with controller included with video. I would also like the format that I use to prevent user edits or tampering. If so what format is the best to use for the requirements presented?

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VideoStudio :: Best Format To Save Videos For Long Term Backup

Jul 23, 2013

What is the best format in which to save completed videos? Often when I go back to an old video, I get the "some files did not link properly" message. How can I prevent this?

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VideoStudio :: Can't Import MP4 Videos

Mar 20, 2013

I have been trying to add an MP4 video to edit in VSP. Every time I select the file, it would tell me that "The file had no video data" when it does.

I tried to install the Service Patch which is said to include imports of MP4 files, but it won't install. It tells me " The installed version of the application could not be determined"

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VideoStudio :: Cannot Import Some VOB / MPEG Videos - X3 Hangs

Feb 27, 2011

I have yet to edit a video. I have over 25 years of videos that were made on VCR tapes. I used a Panasonic VCR to DVD recorder to transfer those tapes to DVDs. I changed the extension from VOB to MPEG. Most of them import into X3 just fine. However, some of the videos I want the most will make X3 not respond (hang).

Here is what happens: I use the "Insert Media File to Library" process. Normally, when I click on the video its name appears in the File Name box right away. When it is a video that is going to hang the program it takes a very long time to fill the File name box. Sometimes it hangs there. Once, I was able to get the video into X3 and it started but I couldn't move the scrubber and then it would hang the program.

The odd thing is that the video will play in Windows Media Player and work just fine. I don't think there is anything wrong with X3, I think it is the videos. Would I benefit from an upgrade to X4?

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X6 :: Photozoom Pro2 Not In File Format Plugins Import?

May 19, 2012

Photozoom Pro2 not in File Format Plugins,  import

however it is available as File format Plugins, export 

Is that the intended behavior

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VideoStudio :: Import Sequence Of Animation Images - Choppy Playback

Nov 29, 2013

Though I am a long time CorelDraw user I've recently download VideoStudio Pro trial. The problem I am having is importing a sequence of animation images (360 total at 30frames/sec) The images where render and exported from Lightwave3D (jpg)

The only way I found to import the images was through the capture button and that worked fine. Once that was done imported VS editor and exported to several formats...

the problem is the sequence is choppy and not smooth it is a wee bit choppy the 30 frames/sec imports fine but the final play back is not smooth as it should be. If I export directly to video from Lightwave the playback is smooth. I'd render direct from LW but LW is is a wee bit wonky at time when writing direct to video format. LW prefers direct to image then you would composite in a 3rd party program

I tried VS video at 60 frames, 15 frames that made no difference at all the same unsmooth playback

How do I import a sequence of images at 30/sec so then export so that the playback is smooth.

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VideoStudio :: MP4 Clips Import Into Library - Videos Being Shortened

Dec 10, 2010

I am using Videostudio 12 and have run into a problem when i try to import *.mp4 clips into the library, and for some reason these clips are being cut to 1 or 2 seconds long.

How i imported them was: Clicked "load video" right above the library box selected the videos i wanted to put in, and then imported them. Does it make a difference that i imported multiple files at once?

Properties of the videos:
Video type: H.264 Main Profile video
total frames:317
Attributes:24 bits, 1280x720, 16:9
frame rate: 59.94 fps
Data rate:16000 kbps

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VideoStudio :: Import Mixture Of Images / Videos Taken In Date Sequence By Camera?

Jun 30, 2011

I wish to import a mixture of Images and videos taken in date sequence by my camera. img and avi.

They import into the library but sort automatically by name or by type (effectivly the same) But when I select sort by date (to get them into the sequence in which they were taken) nothing happens.How to do this? Or does the function not work?

The video I will produce needs to be in date/time order. Is it just that the "time" is not used in the sort and everything taken in one day will not be sorted in chronological order?

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VideoStudio :: Import Corel Presentations X5 To X4?

Mar 3, 2012

Is there a way to import a Corel Presentations project into VideoStudio and then generate a video?

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Lightroom :: 5 Can No Longer Preview Or Playback Videos In Library

Jun 10, 2013

The videos were from Fuji X100, Nikon D7000, Sony NEX-7.  No matter how many different phrases I google, I could not find any info on this issue.  This is a bug that needs to be fixed ASAP unless Adobe is giving up on video in LR.

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VideoStudio :: File Format Mismatch Error On JPG Import

Mar 17, 2013

I am getting a File Format Mismatch error when I try to import .jpg , .png or .bmp files into Video Studio 5x. and 6x (trial version).If I try using the file menu (Insert media file to time linephoto), I get an error dialog that tells me I can't insert the file because of a few different reasons.

If I try using the Import Media Files folder icon, I get a File Format Mismatch Error. I can open these files with MS Paint as well as Paint Shop Pro so there is no issue with the files themselves. Also, if I just drag and drop the files from File Explore to the StoryBoard frame, I don't get any errors and I can render my video. Since I have two copies, I installed one on my vista machine and I don't get that error. I can import .avi movie and .mpg files with no error.

I also installed Service Pack 1 for Video Studio 5x. I am running Win7 64 bit home premium SP1.

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VideoStudio :: Sudden Shut Down Making ISO File

Sep 10, 2013

I have used X5 to build a slideshow, but this is the first time I tried using video. The source are mpg's created with the Sony Motion Picture Browser (taken with a DCR SR42 Handy Cam). I added title screens between my video segments. I then used the create disc link in section 3 to create a menu (linked to the titles I added previously). I then told it to make an ISO file. It reached ~ 85% of the title conversion (24% total) and the PC shut down. Not a crash, no errors, just shut down. I turn the PC back on and it boots up like normal, No unexpected shutdown screens, no safe mode, just normal boot up. I have downloaded and installed service packs 1 & 2. I was making a 16x9 video with standard ( not Dolby) audio.

This is a wedding video for a couple I know. I was able to burn a DVD from Sony software, but it is unedited video.

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Paint.NET :: Overlays For Videos In PNG Format

Feb 2, 2011

I was in the process of making a banner for my own webcast, but I'm getting frustrated for clearing the background so that a floating banner near the bottom of the screen during the webcast/recorded show.

I've been saving/deleting/experimenting with tolerances so that the background is clear so it appears to float on screen (no effects, just a banner). I've done everything I can to get a clear background, but have been failing miserably, and i couldn't seem to find anyting in relation to this.

The screen size I'm going to be working with is 640x480. The banner I'm creating is 640x100 for the banner. I've also been keeping the Save Configurations to 8-bit so it doesn't effect (I could be very wrong about this too, though) video quality (atleast that I know of).

Here's an example of what I would like to do. . .

Instead of keeping the MF logo restrained in the border, I've been wanting to let it overlap over, but doing that I would get either black or white background, depending on the tolerances that I delete off, and as a PNG file.

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Premiere Pro :: Make MTS Videos In Format Of 1280x720?

Mar 31, 2014

I make *.MTS videos in the format of 1280x720. When I output the video (PR Pro CS6) using Encore CS6 to produce a DVD it outputs in the format 720x576. Is there a way I could maintain the 1280x720 format?

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Corel DRAWings :: Saving In PEC Format

Nov 16, 2011

I am user of Corel DRAWing program. I'm trying to save in . pec format big text after converting into curves.

There are many striches: near 34000. And saving don't work? the program unresponsable.

Little text: near 15000 striches may be saved. What i must do to save big text in .pec format

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Photoshop :: Import Videos Into Lightroom 3?

Nov 17, 2013

The videos I take with my Leica D-LUX 5 do not import into Photoshop Lightroom 3. The still photos import fine. What can I do to fix this?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Extended Won't Import Videos?

Aug 10, 2012

My friend got Photoshop CS6 extended so he could do a few things with his photos, he also wanted to try out some of the stuff with the video editing, and since it's the extended version, it should (at least in theory) import video, right? Wrong, no matter what format he converts to he gets an error telling him he's using the right kind of document. I have seen the photoshop video editor, my friend has seen the video editor, but we can't get it on his copy of photoshop because he can't get a video to import no matter what format he converts to. Is there a way to fix this or has the promise of video editing in the extended version of photoshop just been a lie? 
.mpg (mpeg1 and mpeg2)
webM format
NONE OF THESE FORMATS WORK FOR VIDEO EDITING IN PHOTOSHOP CS6 EXTENDED. He can use it for photo but he really wants to try the video editor since he doesn't like movie maker and he can't afford any other video editing software right now.

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Lightroom :: How To Import Videos For Tagging

Jan 8, 2013

I would like to get a brand new 4TB drive to place all of my home videos and photos. I'm trying to decide if I should keep the photos and videos on separate smaller drives or on this single 4TB drive. Also I'm rying to decide if I should import the videos into Lightroom for tagging.
1. Would you recomend using a single drive for all of your photos and videos (I will be using a second drive to backup everything)? Does this slow down LR or cause any other potential issues?
2. Are there any issues with importing tons of videos files ranging anywhere from a few MB to hundreds of GB into LR for tagging?

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Lightroom :: How To Import Only Photos Not Videos

Aug 13, 2012

I want to import only photos, not videos.  How do I set up Lightroom 4 to ignore (not show) videos in the import screen?

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Lightroom :: How To Import DSLR Videos In LR4

Jan 19, 2012

how to use video in LR 4, but never says how to import.All my vids (nikon) are greyed out.

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Lightroom :: Import A Number Of Videos Into LR5?

Jun 16, 2013

I've been trying to import a number of videos into LR5 (all .mov) and am running into a bunch of iissues. First of all, the import takes an extremely long time - imorting around 150 videos took over 4 hours, for example. Secondly, once I've imported the videos no thumbnails are created -- they're all grey squares -- and Lightroom then has problems finding the original file for playback, even though the location (on my local drive) hasn't changed.

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Lightroom :: 4 - How To Properly Import MP4 Videos

Sep 10, 2013

I have originals .mp4s that were made either with my GoPro (1st gen) or with a video camera and these seem to import just fine But the .mp4s I really want to import are the edited versions that were edited in Corel Photostudio in the 1080p or 720p .mp4 also windows says they are .mp4 the file extensions says its .mp4 also but when I go to properties the edited videos look as if they are audio files but they play just fine in windows media player (and I can see the video content) as for the originals unedited; same thing I can see/play them just fine.
I don't understand why LR4 can't import it? I have tried doing a conversion; but the conversion won't keep it in the same resolution, it tends to want to upscale making the video bigger and more grainy converted/upscaled versions ARE importable too.
Is there a specific .mp4 format/codec LR4 will only accept? If so what is it?

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Lightroom :: 4.1 - MTS Import And Playback / Error Working With Video

Aug 5, 2012

After I've upgraded to OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion, I begin to see the following issue while trying to import .mts files from my Panasonic GH2 SD cards:
1. LR no longer sees individual files on the SD card. I know that this is because ML has decided to treat all AVCHD-related directories as packages and LR can no longer see the indivisual .mts files from the file system.  However, Premier Pro CS6 CAN. 
2. Even after copying the .mts files to an unrelated directory, LR is no longer able to import the files.  I get the "There is a problem with the video file"
3. The .mts files I previously imported into LR 4.1 with Lion no longer plays inside LR.  I see the thumbnail but if I attempt playback I get the "there was an error working with the video" error.
There obviously major compatibility issue with LR 4 and ML in relation to video files. I relies on LR for all my video file cataloging needs - now I am unable to do so.  All of this was working just fine with Lion. 

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VideoStudio :: No Audio Playback

Nov 2, 2010

I downloaded free trial of Video StudioPro When i am capturing video from external device and the video captures OKAY, but there is no Audio when i play back the video????

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VideoStudio :: Audio Playback On X3

May 24, 2011

I've uploaded MPEGs from Panasonic DMC-TZ7 on HD quality. Audio works fine when playing clips and when played on Quicktime. When playing back on Project, I get a chopped pulsing noise on some parts (although they play OK as clips). I used simple fade to black transitions and trimmed clips. When I finish project, the sound was OK on the first clip but I get no sound or the odd pulse of sound on subsequent clips.

I have re-installed VS pro X3 and downloaded the latest patches but it makes no difference.

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VideoStudio :: Sound On Playback

Apr 29, 2012

I'm using pro x4, had no problems til today

I'm using win7, and just from today, x4 has stopped giving any sound output. Playing mpg files I can see the sound levels in the mixer, but there's no output audio. I can hear mpg audio in other players, just not in Corel.

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VideoStudio :: No Audio On DVD / TV Playback

Nov 17, 2011

I recently transferred collection of Super8 movies from a VHS tape and burned to a DVD. Upon playback on the computer, as well as preview prior to burning, the audio on the clips worked fine. However when the disc was played on the DVD player ( tried my blu-ray player as well), there was only audio in sections where I had added an audio track. Did I miss something ?

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X6 :: Can Save Image In PNG Format

Feb 19, 2013

 The Photo Paint program can save an image in several formats. However, I do not see an option to save an image file in the .png (portable network graphics) format.

Is it possible to save an image in the .png format using Photo Paint?

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Corel Ventura :: Format Numbers In Table Cells?

May 2, 2011

I was almost sure it was an easy task but I cannot find a way to format numbers in a table cell. All I want to do is to use the DECIMAL alignement in table cells containing prices.

But it works only when the number are specified in the format ####,00. If you need a number like #.###,00 you have to insert a dot in the numbe and Boooom Ventura (correctly) treats it as text .

So, my question is: is there a way to type 1000,00 and get 1.000,00 correctly decimally aligned? Here is what I'm trying to get (fixed width font):


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