Paint Shop Pro :: RAW (DNG) Photo - Edits Are Gone After Saving
Apr 28, 2012
New to this forum and PSP (X4 Ultimate). Working on a raw file (dng) in the Edit tab, I make changes then save to a jpg in another folder. The next day I want to undo some of the changes so I edit the dng raw file again but all my previous changes are no longer available. Am I doing something wrong? Or are my previous changes just no longer available in the raw file? Doesn't PSP keep track of changes made to raw files so you can continue to evolve the image? As I said, I am new at PSP so I hope I'm just doing something wrong. I have used Lightroom for a while now but I really like what PSP can do and the speed to make changes , especially to portraits.
When I got X3 I checked out the photo Organiser hoping it would be an all in one image solution for me. It would not recognise tags I had added in Win Photo Gallery and because I had heaps of pics I decided to stick with Photo Gallery. That leaves me with another problem with ratings though. If I have a star rating on a file in Photo Gallery and open the file in PSPPX3 the rating disappears once I save the file again - even if I have made no alterations. Frustrating - I have to remember to re-rate any files I process. The rating is preserved in the PSP Organiser but has gone from Photo Gallery.
It is also interesting that whereas tags added in PSPPX3 are recognised in Photo Gallery, the converse is not the case.
I don't mind not using PSP Organiser, I bought the program for the editor, but I wish PSP would not interfere with the things other organisers are using. I presume it is part of the EXIF data.
I have two photos, shooted probably the same day, by the same photograph in the same place !But the pose is a bit different.
first one is in high resolution and in black & white nuance. second one is a small resolution and in full colors. I wish re-color the black&white photo using exactly the same nuance from the colored one.
can i "copy" all the colors from the color-one to the b&w one ?
I'm having a problem saving pen presets. I set the line style and stroke width, the foreground and background colors then save these as a preset. When I click on it to use it again later, everything comes back except the colors. Is this normal or am I missing something when I save the preset?
I've recently been looking for a cost effective image editor to use alongside Lightroom and have been considering PantShop Pro X4. I downloaded the trial version and it looks like it will provide most the functionality I have been looking for ie. layers support in 16 bit/channel. It also integrates quite nicely with Lightroom allowing the transfer of a image using .psd format retaining the 16 bit/channel during transfer and subsequent editing. Unfortunately when attempting to save back in .psd format it presents the message;
"Because of the requirements of the specified file format, the saved file will have a bit depth of 24 (16.7 million colors). Would you like to continue?"
As far as I am aware .psd doesn't inherently have this limitation so is this a licensing limitation, a coding limitation in PaintShop Pro X4, a bug or a lack of knowledge on my part and there is a way to do this? I like that the edited image could of course be exported as a PSPIMAGE file to retain the option of re-editing or as a tif file to allow importing back into Lightroom but if it exported the full bit depth to .psd it would nicely allow the full cycle out of and back into lightroom fairly seamlessly keeping the least amount of extra files.
I purchased PaintShop Pro X4 yesterday. So far, I am impressed with the speed boost gained but I have a BIG PROBLEM: I need to work with TIFF files but this version creates a two-pages TIFF file whenever you save one (they appear as a two-page tiff with some sort of thumbnail attached).
I have been tinkering with setup options but I have been unable to find anything relevant to this issue.
Not a big deal, but, when I'm saving a file in X3, there's no progress bar. Is there anything in Preferences that I can click to show the bar? I haven't been able to find anything. It would be nice, especially when saving large files.
I have psp X3.I often need to cut images (and paste into another) using the background eraser tool and the eraser tool.How do I save the "worked on" image so I can use it again say, another day, for pasting without having to go over the same operation each time?
I made some changes to a photo and when I went to save the changed photo(save as) in JPG format I get an error writing file to drive, no explanation and it wiped out my original photo on the drive.
Problem: When I save jpeg files some of them become corrupt and will not open.
I have been using PSP for a number of years and decided to upgrade to X4, now a number of the files that I save in PSP are becoming corrupted and they seem to all be photos which are shot using a pure white background, not all photos are affected, I never had this problem in my previous versions of PSP
I use adobe lightroom which I transfer my raw file into jpeg, this is where i then open the jpeg in X4 and do my main editing, it is when I save the image it saves corrupted and can not be opened or deleted (shows that X4 is still using the file) . it will also not allow me to re transfer the image from my catalog.
There are some good features and I am considering uninstalling and reverting back to my older program (X2).
This may be an issue with the metadata of the image, I exported 2 sets of 50 identical images 50 with and 50 without the Metadata and ran a script which then automatically save the image, about 20 of the images with the metadata ended up corrupted, all the images without the metadata saved fine.
Is is possible to save in multiple formats concurrently (CS4 & CS6)? Our images editors are having to "save as" .png and then again as .psd in order to complete their work. Clearly the overhead stacks up over time.
It seems I can either save work at a lower quality jpeg, or export to get higher quality and lose the EXIF. I never want to use the lower quality, never, but I cannot seem to find anything in the Preferences to avoid having to manually set the quality. Is there a way to save at a higher quality than currently provided by PSP X4 by default?
I use Paintshop Pro Photo XI. When opening my unedited picture in Irfanview I can read a long list of information under "EXIF", but as soon when I open the photo in Paintshop and save it a great part of the original EXIF information is "gone" and replaced by a very brief survey, including Paintshop information.
What can I do to preserve the original EXIF information?
I'm testing the new People tagging feature... organizing and searching seems to be no problem at all... My question though is whether this "tag" information is saved back to the actual files themselves, or whether it is kept separate in a corel database file??? i.e If I reformat my harddrive and then reimport my pictures, will the photos still have their tags!?!?! (photos area stored on a different networked drive)
The "date modified" data of the file has not changed after tagging... I only want to use this feature if the tags can be permanently written to the files.
I am trying to save a red and white and black logo to an eps file to use with a vinyl cutter but when it saves it changes it to a greyscale picture and the red color is removed. I tried resetting to factory settings and that didn't work.
I think I've found a major issue with saving .PNG files that have partial transparency in PSPx4
Essentially any opacity isn't saved correctly, and is made far too transparent. So anything with partial transparency is saved incorrectly.
I first noticed this when I saved a file to PNG that had a drop shadow - and the shadow seemed to have not been saved. In fact it had but the transparency was now so much higher it was almost invisible. Looking closer, all partially transparent pixels are not saved correctly.
This issue isn't present on x2 and PSP 9 (two old versions I've got).
I've done a simple test. Create a new image, transparent background. Fill with a colour at 30% opacity. Save as PNG, save as PSPImage. Resulting PNG looks completely different to the PSP image.
See the below screenshot, and also the but saved as PNG in PSP 9 (to show this is fine).
I'm always saving to PNG and this makes PSPx4 useless to me I'm afraid. I've checked the save settings and it's the same as PSP9.
I am working on a photo of a city skyline that I took. I am looking to superimpose blue sky and clouds which normally isn't a problem if there were only buildings. The white spaces in between tree leaves such as palm trees are especially challenging to fill. They can be hundreds of distracting white spots in the scene to fill .
Have used Corel photo album 6 for many years and loved it, was very easy to use. When I got my new laptop, I was told that my program was outdated and was recommended that I purchase Corel paintshop Prox4, so I did. I would like to burn my pictures to a CD or DVD for backup and to share with my family, only. My old program had an easy one step button to click on to make a CD/DVD. I find this product to be difficult to use for an average person just wanting to have a little fun with their pictures and doing some minor corrections.
I vaguely remember a process (like the photo merge tool) that let you paint in red what you wanted to get rid of and paint in green what you wanted to keep. It didn't have to "merge" files. I tried it a couple of times with pretty mixed results (back in X3 I think.) Is there a similar tool in X4 or can you use photo merge for this? (I tried opening photo merge with one image, painting it in red and green,clicking process, but nothing happens on the image.) I will resort to the object remover or clone brush if my mind is playing tricks on me about this tool, but I wouldn't mind trying it in this tricky situation.
I use Lightroom 4 and when I went in to look at some images I had recently edited, (all my images are large jpegs, and I "add" my photos to LR) they all started to change to some weird high contrast edit right before my eyes, one by one without me touching or changing anything. They also had a little exclamation point on them. When I clicked on the exclamation it says "the metadata was changed by Lightroom and another application" and I could "import settings from the disk or overwrite the disk settings." When I clicked import settings it reverted back to my original edit. But this didn't last.. after a few minutes they kept changing back to this other random edit.
I read online that I should save the metadata so it can't be changed, so I highlighted every image I have in Lightroom and saved the metadata. (this took about an hour for Lightroom to do) But now when I go back into Lightroom to look at my photos they do something different.. now they start to revert back to the original UNEDITED files all my themselves, one by one! I have already exported all the edited photos into folders so I have them. But what do I do!? If I ever want to go back to an edited photo and export it at a different size or retouch it or something, none of the edits are saved, I have to start from scratch! I'm a wedding photographer and I'm scared to load more images and work on them just for LR to change them back
Is there a way to save default setting. I like to have the ruler to show and the page to be in pixel, I work on webpage. Also is it possible to set default export to pixel.
CorelDraw X5 v. Hot Fix 4 - Windows 7-64
I have used PSP since version 2, so have been at it for awhile. Just upgraded to 6, as I was using version 4.
The problem I have is when I am in the edit area, and have a photo on the screen I use my mouse wheel to enlarge or shrink depending on my needs. The old version the windows box around image would also resize with image. I have attached a few images. I normal could fix this in the settings, but for some reason the window will not follow the image size as I enlarge or shrink? It does when I actually resize image, but I need this to do that when I am just using mouse wheel to make bigger or smaller on my screen.
Upon selecting the Adjust workspace and moving the cursor over the image in the preview area the cursor changes to a dropper and a small box opens which contains 2 columns of data. The column headings are…
Current: Original:
Below them are the values of the R,G,B channels at the cursor position. Moving the cursor around the image in the preview area changes these values. Left or right clicking places a target on the image and changes the colour balance of the image. I presume it is selecting a new value for the White Balance. However, the data values remain identical in the Current: and Original: columns.
The dropper and box are only displayed when the Smart Photo Fix option is selected in the Adjust Palette.
So, how does one get the data values for Current: and Original: to display different values? What is the difference between left click and right click? What is the overall function of this feature?