I know there is a terrific new feature in PS CC (I have used it before!) but I just can't find any explanation on how to to do it!
The question is how do you remove, from an image, a power line, or a telephone line by simply clicking on both ends of those lines in order to remove them?
I want to copy a black and white photo which was printed (old original 'wet' method) on matte paper. When I scan it the scanned image has thin white vertical stripes through all the dark areas of the photo. I have located a method of removing them using Photoshop (using layers etc) but cannot duplicate those 'instructions' using PSP X2.
how I can remove these thin stripes (they make the photo look like everyone one is wearing pin striped clothing).
I watched a video created by Adobe Product Manager Brian O. Hughes titled Adobe Max: Hidden Gems in Photoshop an excellent video (see link below). I have been trying his easy method of removing power lines from an image using the pen tool and stroke path method defined as follows:
Using the pen tool create a path of the line to be removed. Making sure the brush tool is small and set at 100% opacity; click on the Spot Healing Brush making sure it is set to "content aware". Then in the path panel click "stroke path" and it removes the line.
Well I have followed these instructions several times, very simple, but it doesn't remove the line for me. I can manually shift click the start and ending point and it removes it but using the stroke command within the path panel doesn't work. I am making sure the path is active.
Here is the link to the video, his technique is listed near the end, @ minute 56:
I would like to get some variety of photos looking like they were taken during the civil war era. This would include white specks, black splotches, blurred edges, irregular black edges, etc. I have looked for ways in which to accomplish this and have not been successful at this.
Currently, I am using the following to varying degrees: Sepia Toning/Black and White, Blur, Salt and Pepper noise, and Vignette.
Within the last 18 months, I've run across an Adobe TV tutorial describing how to eliminate power lines in an image but I'm unable to find the show. method besides just using the cloning tool? Or, know of the tutorial?
I am working with a digitized land use image that classifies land use by color. Land use is also divided by black lines that are about 10 pixels in width. I would like to remove these black lines so that land type changes are represented only by color change. What is the best way to remove the black lines?
I'm using revit for my college projects.. When I edit an in placed mass I see these dimension texts, i could use guidance on how to hide these... this started happening today
how to remove the guide lines or lines? Those are annoying when you are in Realistic View. As far as i remember there are commands to remove those lines. It is Display Silhowettes "dispsilh", but when i'm using this command it's still there. I currently using CAD Ver. 2007.
My digital camera takes pictures with lines across the picture is there any good way to remove them???
These were originally straight lines but I applied a transformation on the picture to make the picture frame I took a picture of a perfect rectangle...
My boss came to me with a max question and its been a while since ive used max. he has a single diagonal line on the face of every solid in his model. I tried every fix i know and nothing worked.
then we found a site and the fix worked after reboot, for all of 5 minutes and the it went back. He is using XP based pc with MAX7.
how to remove any background from photos..specially grained and low contrast ones....like this: I know that using channels is useful in this case..but I need more experience with this way..plus I tried it and I can't keep the smoothness of the image...is there any other ways ?
Removing the watermark from these photos?? if this is NOT something i should be posting, i will quickly exeunt. if it is something worth looking at, i would love to see the finished product/hang the images in my room. i just LOVE these pictures and i can't justify spending $60-$70 for a small print when its freely available online, just with a simple and annoying watermark.
note: you'll have to click the 'magnifying glass' in the bottom right of the window to view the bigger image.
Attachment 9896 Attachment 9895
also, How to increase the size to fit an 8" x 10" frame?
I'm trying to work with a brag ad that will run in a high school football program. She's got 3 great photos of her son. I think that they would look better if 1-3 of them had the background taken out...
I don't need the photo(s) back until tomorrow. I'm thinking that I'm going to use them on either a Blue, Black or White background and the 'message' is going to be VERY simple!! Until I can spring for Photoshop - and commit to learning it - I'm just using Apple's Pages application to design these ads.
Is there a way to remove the extra sash lines which, in plan, are meant to represent the sash below the cut plane? I want to keep the sash "nub" at adjacent to the frame, but remove the lines which run parallel to the glass.
See attached pdf for detail of what I'm referring to.
I'm trying to plot a 3D object but can't remove the hidden lines. On typing "hide" they are removed and appear removed in the plot preview but they still appear in the hard copy.
I cant seem to get the clean command to do anything, it asks whether i want
[Imprint/seParate solids/Shell/cLean/Check/Undo/eXit] so i type "L" it says select object i click the solid it says [Imprint/seParate solids/Shell/cLean/Check/Undo/eXit] again...