Removing the watermark from these photos?? if this is NOT something i should be posting, i will quickly exeunt. if it is something worth looking at, i would love to see the finished product/hang the images in my room. i just LOVE these pictures and i can't justify spending $60-$70 for a small print when its freely available online, just with a simple and annoying watermark.
note: you'll have to click the 'magnifying glass' in the bottom right of the window to view the bigger image.
Attachment 9896 Attachment 9895
also, How to increase the size to fit an 8" x 10" frame?
I need to remove watermark from a pdf already created. I have Adobe Professional 7.0. The instruction said to go to watermark and click remove but I don't have the option.
I'm trying to remove a watermark in an old movie made of my son in high school (about 8 yrs old), by a friend of his. It's right in the middle of the screen in bright red. They didn't care about it back then as it allowed them to format their movie online. Before I put this very short clip in my memorial video I want to clear that out. Don't know what original software was used. My son's friend can't remember either. Does Videostudio have a way to fix this?
I jsut got gimp, and I am using it to make wallpapers for myself and my family. I have a few pictures of my favorite baseball player and I would like to make myself a wall with them, but they all have a watermark on them. I would generally try and find pics without the watermark, but I can't find anything because he is not a big name. How to remove the watermark from the images.
I want to finish my flash, but only need a banner. I download a flash banner maker...I like its templetes very much , but there is a watermark “easy flash banner maker” at the back of my flash banner. is there any method to remove such watermark?
I am a new Lightroom user. i can't seem to undo the permanent watermark that appears on my exported image. Tried as I may editing the watermark setting, I was not able to shut off the watermark appearance.
I recently did a concert and I would like to know how to add my watermark to several photos at once rather that creating the watermark for every sigle photo every time.
I have tried several times to do a clean uninstall to remove the educational version of Civil 3D 2012 so I can install the commercial version I purchased. I have tried several times (4) to no avail. How to remove the educational watermark?
I accidentally deleted a collection I was working on from lightroom 4 and the files were NOT backed up. All of the photos were edited and had my watermark on them. I exported all pictures into an album on my computer. I thought I could import them back in and lightroom would recognize the history and I would be able to remove my watermark. I need to create a disc for a customer and I NEED to get the watermark off. Is there a way to some-how retrieve the deleted collection from lightroom, or remove the watermark from the re-imported pictures?
So, Im trying to create a brush to watermark my photographs, but the 'define brush preset' isnt clickable, but it is clickable with any other photo i try it with.
I watched video's, read tutorials etc. I can even watermark a photo and set it up to supposedly mark all the photo's in the files i choose, but the only one that has the watermark in the new file is the one i put the watermark on.
I am trying to add a watermark to a group of photos. I have Photoshop Elements 10. I have read the tutorial and it instructs me to open "file" and select "multiple", however, that is not an option when I open "file". Where am I going wrong? How do I accomplish this task? In addition, is there a way when I create a watermark to save it so I can use it as needed to future photos?
I am exporting thousands of shots for my website and I am making a customized watermark/copyright title for each collection. It is working fine except now I have quite a few customized watermarks which I probably will never use again. How do I remove these from the pull down menu?
I'm trying to create an action to put a watermark and gold frame on photos (Photoshop CS6). I will need to add it to many photos at a time (100+) so plan to add it to a folder using automate, batch. I've created the action and when I use it on another image to test it the frame doesn't fit, it's really blown up and warped. The two images are the same size, neither have been cropped at all, I used the same camera, same lens, everything is the same, so why doesn't it fit?
I'm guessing it's something to do with the size of the gold frame image as the actual watermark is fine, but I'm a bit confused, it's as if the two images are different sizes or one has been cropped, but this isn't the case.
P.S The photos are just to test the action, I'm not actually giving a gold frame to the wedding photos!
How do I get the watermark to work in lightroom? worked fine in the trial but does not show up on photos now. I am starting to get very frustrated with it.
I have a standard watermark for all the photos I import. Recently I importred wedding photos, that I want to give a copy to the couple without the watermark. How do I eliminate the watermark short of doing it indivdually? Is there a way to retract the watermark on a folder of photos?
I am a photographer shooting photo sets of cars and need to keep them in order of shooting upon uploading. I am trying to attach a graphic logo watermark to the first shot of each set while keeping them all in the same export order. But...I understand in order to attach the logo, I must be in export mode. Upon completion of the first photo watermark attachment.....I need to complete the export before going on to the next first shot of the series in the same library grid.
Maybe I am missing something here but need to figure this out other than in the export mode. If I take the pic to edit in photoshop to apply and flatten I back into Lightroom it puts the watermarked photo at the end of the library grid of photos.Do I need to apply to original instead of a copy to keep in right order?
I make it a habit to always place a simple watermark on all my photos during Export. When i was using LR3 this always worked, but when I recently updated to LR5.2 the Copyright watermark does not show in my photos. I tried several repetitions exporting to .JPEG files, making sure that the Watermarking box is checked. Still, the photos do not show the Copyright symbol and my name.
how to remove any background from photos..specially grained and low contrast this: I know that using channels is useful in this case..but I need more experience with this I tried it and I can't keep the smoothness of the there any other ways ?